Dark Energy As a Source of Power

Dark Energy and Matter     Is a Big Bang Needed?     Creation from Singularity?     “Big Bang” or “Big Boo Boo”?     The Quantum Field     The Cosmic Microwave Background     Too Many Coincidences     What Exactly is Dark Energy?     Dark Energy and the Paranormal     Dark Energy Power     Cosmic Black Holes     Future of the Universe

Can dark energy (quantum energy) be used to create electric power? If dark energy can be used as a source of power, we are talking about a whole new kind of non-polluting energy – of free energy.

There are certain companies on the internet developing an actual battery that runs on free energy. The “quantum battery” featured on one of these websites is just one example of how this energy (ZPE or zero point energy) can have actual industrial uses. Imagine having all your energy needs provided by dark energy! ZPE (zero point energy is also called “Source Energy” by some mystics) is a potentially profound and absolutely limitless source of power.

Scientists and inventors are trying to create energy systems that tap into zero point energy so that hopefully soon there will be no more dependency on oil, nuclear and/or other technologies that have too many negative consequences. The only thing stopping or slowing them down is its sheer subatomic minuteness, extremely subtle, elusive, random, and ubiquitous nature of this form of energy. Anything mechanical or electrical may be far too crude to pick up such a fine source of energy as quantum energy. However, chemical reactions between certain forms of hydrogen and alkali metal salts seem to “pick up” on this energy.

Quantum energy never runs out, energy in its truest sense is like “gigabyte” information that can be stored, duplicated and retrieved at any time. Why is this so? Because the actual nature of energy is simply a four-dimensional shape, in other words, if any event could be viewed from outside the space-time continuum, it would appear as a static, four-dimensional object. All time directed energy, or “thermodynamic” energy that is subject to the laws of entropy, is simply four-dimensional geometry! Quantum energy on the other hand has no entropy because it exists in five dimensions beyond time and space.

At Least Five Dimensions Are Essential, Otherwise Nothing would Exist!

The geometry of space is far more complicated than the simple three dimensions of volume the average person is so familiar with. The fourth dimension of time is nothing more than an additional “angle” or extra direction of space which allows all motions, events, etc., to exist. However, there is in addition to the first four dimensions an extra “direction” of the linear time-line itself that is permanently embedded in the continuum of time as “probability” or “possibility” which I call the fifth “direction” or dimension or the “width of time” (absolutely essential) which theoretically can extend into an infinite number of other “histories” or parallel universes, but mathematically only has a very, very short or limited extent (tightly curled to a space much less than the width of an atom).

The existence of the five-dimensional “width” of the four-dimensional space-time continuum is absolutely essential, otherwise nothing would exist inside it! In other words, if there were only four dimensions of time and space, but no five dimensions, there would only be a vast, open void with absolutely nothing in it! Not even electromagnetic radiation, which are waves of five-dimensional geometry, would exist.

Any five-dimensional object that tries to extend beyond this “width of time” would gravitationally collapse into an event horizon or black hole. Therefore the entire subatomic universe is similar to the way it is at an event horizon, where time no longer behaves the same as it does at normal levels of experience. It did, all the atoms in the universe would have decayed many, many eons ago and energy as we know it would no longer exist.

Four dimensions are required for gravity to exist, and five-dimensional geometry is required for magnetism and electricity to exist. The higher dimensions, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc., are also essential, but each are successively more and more tightly curled yet are the ultimate source of any object’s mass, and of the most concentrated (strong) forces such as the nuclear force, laws of physics, all the higher governing principles of reality, and essence of reality itself.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Incredible Geometry of Quantum Energy

As it states in the Uncertainty Principle the speed (energy) of an electron or other sub-atomic particle can only be determined by sacrificing the information regarding its location and vice versa. In other words, its exact velocity can only be determined as being a moving field of energy. As soon as one tries to pin-point its location or “focus” the wave down to a particle (or “speck” of frozen time), the particle’s location would jump around unpredictably within the moving field, but always within a certain statistical bell curve “wave” or “probability” zone that matches exactly the present shape and position of the field.

“Probability” implies variation through five-dimensional space. Collapsing the wave is, in a sense, looking inside a five-dimensional bubble where there is no time or causation any more, only quantum movement or probability, as if a dice was constantly being thrown, and only that which by chance within a “bell curve” of statistical average governs its location.

Within this minute section of five-dimensional space, time no longer matters, there is no more thermodynamic “arrow of time” or entropy and its level of energy remains forever in perfect balance as long as no outside force takes it away. If this were not so, all atoms would have decayed eons ago. In other words, the geometry of space itself is the ultimate carrier of all energy and the means by which all things have mass, feel and appear solid. Without this amazing, incredible geometry of quantum energy, this universe and all universes ever created would have collapsed into nothing long ago! Without energy, even time would no longer exist!

The Profound Significance of Vacuum Energy

The actual power, profound significance, and influence of dark (also known as “vacuum”) energy is vastly underestimated and overlooked by conventional scientists. Its actual density in just one cubic meter is more than enough to light up a whole city. Without it, the electrons of all atoms would quickly collapse into their nuclei, splattering neutrons in all directions in the form of deadly radiation. All atoms would annihilate themselves in a massive explosion. All the energy inside all the matter in the universe would instantly run down into black holes which in turn would mash together.

Imagine how much energy must be stored in every cubic meter throughout all the universe as it is today! Also it is never used up, because it is based on a different principle (the Uncertainty Principle) outside the law of supply and demand, beyond the physical limitations of cause and effect, and beyond linear time. The long-term implications of being able to harness dark energy are huge and quite positive. This means that humankind would have unlimited potential and unlimited survival as he would be able to create endless amounts of heat and light long after the life-spans of all the suns in the universe have come to an end. Yet, nature itself may never run down, at least as long as the timeless equilibrium between the four-dimensional thermodynamic “arrow” of time and the five-dimensional influences of quantum physics exists, which could be forever.

Related information and movies can be found here: Quantum Cosmology


Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness

I guarantee you will see the universe in a way you’ve never seen it before! This unusual perspective in alternative cosmology came from a compilation of writings based on thirty-seven years of deep contemplation on the nature of reality starting in 1975 yet updated to match today’s most advanced astronomical observations and latest cosmological research. The enclosed chapters contain my deepest insights on creation including a compendium of compatible alternative cosmological concepts regarding the formation of the universe and the creation of reality. Most scientific thinking today still revolves around the idea that reality is structured independent of our awareness and that all thoughts, feelings and consciousness are strictly artifacts of the human brain from withing the five physical senses of the physical body. However, as long as one assumes that all “external” reality is a completely and utterly separate reality from one’s innermost consciousness, one could never hope to even begin to solve a vast assortment of life’s deepest and most profound mysteries.

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“Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness”

You Will Understand the Universe In a Way You’ve Never Seen It Before!

This amazing book contains revolutionary and beautifully simple concepts in alternative cosmology that came from a period of over thirty-seven years of deep thinking and research.


This amazing book contains revolutionary and beautifully simple concepts in alternative cosmology that came from a period of over thirty-seven years of deep contemplation and meditation on the nature of reality combined with the latest scientific observations. This book includes my deepest insights on creation featuring a compendium of interrelated alternative cosmological concepts describing the formation of the universe and the creation of reality without ever having to fall back on the really awkward, worn-out, far-fetched inflation or similar “Big Bang” theories.

I will not bog you down or bore you to death with any complex, esoteric or hard to understand mathematical formulas! The Universe need not have originated from such an impossibly unlikely event as the “Big Bang” at all, but rather from an accumulation of particles out of endless amounts of quantum energy, time and space. Would not such a scenario seem far more likely, far more simple, and far more logical? Through the interaction of space, time and higher dimensions of probability and laws of physics came dark energy, which in turn formed dark matter and all the visible galaxies of the Universe along with a force to keep these galaxies expanding apart (rather than collapsing) and forever creating new galaxies in everlasting waves of creation, with the last wave being around 14 billion years ago.

I view the Universe as an extension of space-time, and being created from and supported by vast amounts of quantum energy that make up the very fabric of all space and time. Space itself is a repository of infinite energy, if this were not so, light would be absorbed by space rather than be transmitted through it. All galaxies are part and parcel of the very pattern or fabric of space-time itself and have always existed throughout eternity in waves of creation rather than being the unlikely and temporary product of a ridiculously immense “Big Bang” explosion. All galaxies had to originate from the endless streams of particles, plasmas, and gasses naturally present throughout all space and time arising from dark energy that pervades all creation, causing it to expand and renew continuously.

Most scientific thinking today still revolves around the idea that reality is structured independent of our consciousness and that all thoughts, feelings and consciousness are strictly artifacts of the physical brain. This idea implies to me what would in fact be an impossible separation of observer and all that which is being observed, when in fact the two are opposite sides of the same coin. A vast assortment of life’s deepest mysteries could never ever be fully solved by assuming that consciousness has nothing to do with the “external” reality we have always lived in! I believe that nothing can exist without consciousness, and that consciousness is an essential part or dimension of our reality in the same way that the fourth dimension of time is essential for energy (and therefore matter) to exist.

If three-dimensional space (volume) somehow existed without the time (hyperspace) to support it, it would always be empty or completely void. Every dimension has to be supported by yet a higher dimension for there to be any reality or substance at all. For example, if our three-dimensional universe suddenly had no duration, it would vanish instantly without a trace. Even the passage of time needs yet a higher dimension of probability and quantum mechanics to support it, which in turn needs a sixth (the laws of physics), and a seventh (the governing principle of Consciousness) and so on. I believe consciousness is always the highest dimension, and without consciousness, the prime Substance or Oneness of all creation, nothing else could exist at all. A great way to begin to solve life’s deepest enigmas and mysteries would be to realize we are all part of and share this same holographic consciousness.

Subjects to be covered in this ebook will include:

Chapter 0 – How the Universe Was Created

Chapter 1 – Cosmology and Consciousness

Chapter 2 – Why is There Anything at All?

Chapter 3 – Exploring the Universal Oneness

Chapter 4 – An Alternative to the Highly Improbable

Chapter 5 – An Entire Universe From a Single Point?

Chapter 6 – “Big Bang” or “Big Boo Boo”?

Chapter 7 – A More “Common Sense” History of the Universe

Chapter 8 – Is a “Big Bang” Really Needed to Explain Creation?

Chapter 9 – A “Big Bang” Requires Too Many Coincidences

Chapter 10 – Cosmic Black Holes and Higher Dimensions

Chapter 11 – What Exactly is Dark Energy?

Chapter 12 – Dark Energy As a Source of Power

Chapter 13 – Dark Energy and the Paranormal

Chapter 14 – Twelve Incorrect Notions Regarding Cosmology

Epilog – 68.5% Dark Energy, 26.6% Dark Matter, 4.9% Ordinary Matter

“Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness
” is Available on Kindle

GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness

Start reading now this most amazing ebook regarding a cosmological perspective from the realm of consciousness.


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One Response to Dark Energy As a Source of Power

  1. Makito86Yt38 says:

    Very, very nice page! 🙂

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