If enough of humanity does not search deep within the Soul for complete fulfillment through using the principles of wholeness, then the whole natural world could be destroyed by the tyranny of greed dictated by external cravings.
“If we all worked on the assumption that what is accepted as true is really true, there would be little hope of advance.” –Orville Wright
There is nothing more important than the complete fulfillment of your emotional state of being.

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The only hope of advancing forward is through the breaking down of old barriers and belief systems. These barriers and systems tend to close one’s mind to whole new paradigms of thought. New paradigms can profoundly liberate one from very restricted ways of life so one can advance toward complete fulfillment.
This website dispenses free, complete, and uncensored information. Discover how to achieve fulfilling vitality through transmutation. Experience awesome new heights of spiritual joy and awareness. This knowledge can help save the planet and humanity from destruction. It also can save one massive amounts of money on groceries, medical, and dental costs. You are deeply appreciated here! I am overjoyed that you are going to all the trouble to read this vital information. Here are the most essential pages you will ever read in your life:
By all means please study carefully my eBook Seven Steps to Wholeness.
As a result, you’ll find my latest and most advanced and valuable key (the “Holy Grail”) to enjoy complete fulfillment through a much more spiritual energy, bliss, wholeness, and enlightenment. Furthermore, carefully study the M. A. Diet to more fully understand what causes most illnesses. As a result, one could save massive amounts in medical costs.
Carefully study the dental alternative to free yourself from all dental health problems and therefore save money on dental costs. Carefully study Healing Anxiety to free yourself from anxiety, depression, and possibly all other mental health problems.
Also learn about transmutation here, which is equally essential if you are really serious about finding wholeness. Other essential subjects include the law of attraction and knowing there is a perfectly natural afterlife. All beings will live on in realms of complete fulfillment on all levels of being.
The complete fulfillment of your emotional state of being requires a lengthy study of this site.
Many people simply flip through one or two pages of my site for curiosity’s sake. Usually they want some small, isolated bit of information. Then they “bounce” out of my site forever, without ever realizing something incredible. Basically, there is an inner universe of ecstasy that the information on this website can unlock! In order to gain anything of lasting value from my site, it requires a serious commitment. Success in any endeavor requires lengthy study and life-long practice. Trees never grow up and bear fruit in one and a half minutes! The soil needs to be kept fertile and irrigated. The sapling must be nurtured for several years before it even becomes large enough to grow the fruit.
Countless saints and independent thinkers throughout history underwent huge sacrifices!
They died terrible deaths just so we can now enjoy the freedom of availability of this type of information! You are fortunate to have access to this knowledge of complete fulfillment. In most countries now, we need not fear the religious persecution so prevalent during the Dark and Middle Ages.
Please allow others to know that most of my profound and exciting spiritual discoveries and related insights into the Greater Life of Spirit can be found here. Investigate and support all my sponsors for providing this unique, priceless information. By all means please go here to help reduce the costs of running this site. Otherwise, I must continue to struggle to keep this free, absolutely vital, and life-saving information available. It need not cost you anything to simply investigate my sponsors whenever you have a chance.
The most powerful physical, mental, and emotional healing can be found here.
Science of Wholeness contains powerful physical, mental, and emotional healing information. In effect, it helps to bring to you the most complete fulfillment you will ever find. Furthermore, I use the most advanced scientific knowledge and the latest research. The true nature of reality, spirituality, alternative health, the paranormal, the afterlife, and alternative cosmology are covered here. All knowledge arrives from the latest objective, verifiable scientific evidence and observation. This information blends with the vast database of ageless wisdom and knowledge channeled from Spirit.
It combines various diverse sources of information such as spiritual, metaphysical, and scientific. It contains a complete and composite picture of our universe. This website compiles 40 years of vital research covering the most essential subjects.
My site may seem contrary to mainstream scientific opinion.
The latest advances in science, quantum physics, and technology don’t necessarily debunk the existence of a universal intelligence. Rather than disproving God, spiritual energy, and the afterlife, much scientific information can actually help prove this phenomenon. I go to a great deal of trouble every day to keep this website current. The latest evidence and discoveries on the frontiers of science are always kept in mind. I aim for unbiased research into the paranormal, and the most efficient ways toward a complete fulfillment in wholeness.
The information presented herein provides the most valuable, liberating, and revolutionary knowledge you will ever find. Unfortunately, many people still seem not quite ready for any information or ideas found here. It is because they could possibly tear down the foundation of their most cherished beliefs. Whether they be religious or atheistic and materialistic, they fear the unknown. One barely recognizes even brilliant diamonds of truth when the light of reason gets lost and distorted by huge biases. Belief systems originating from the Dark and Middle Ages still condemns all real spiritual and scientific progress.
Countless souls throughout history made terrible sacrifices to keep similar information available.
The earliest Christians (the finest human beings in history) suffered horribly under Roman oppression. Furthermore, they gave their lives for the purest and most unbiased teachings of Jesus. Countless souls throughout history made terrible sacrifices to keep similar information available for as long as possible against all odds. We need to honor those great people from the past who lost their lives against terrible oppressors! For example, they had to contest the demon-phobic Spanish Inquisition! We owe much to all unbiased, pure-hearted mystics throughout history! They sacrificed everything they had to preserve this most vital knowledge of self-enlightenment and pure spirituality free of all sin, gloom, shame, and dogma.
“A new commandment I give to you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)
Jesus meant we must love one another regardless of what religion, regardless of what race, regardless of what nation, what species, what planet, or whatever! In my article The Principles of War and Peace I discuss the importance of discrimination. It’s vital to know the difference between what is truly spiritual and what constitutes a waste of time. Wholeness must transcend all other priorities. Waste no more time with outdated religious dogmas, material wealth, and worldly ambitions. Gain permanent spiritual wealth in complete fulfillment which delivers billions of times more love, security, and happiness!
“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal…” (Matthew 6:19)
“Seven Steps to Wholeness” Enjoy Amazing Bliss and Joy! Learn Sexual Transmutation! Enjoy Unlimited Energy! Rejuvenate Your Cells! Nothing like this manual has ever been written before. Learn all about a unique spiritual diet. Achieve bliss through mineral water fasting for pranic nourishment and transmutation. Boost your spiritual awareness into realms of awesome bliss, joy, and love! Why not Live an Entire Lifestyle of Blissful Transmutation and Wholeness?I discovered a perfected, life-changing, utterly unique, Palaeolithic diet regimen and lifestyle that goes way beyond conventional practice. This wholesome lifestyle can help you enjoy unprecedented levels of health, healing, and well-being at every moment. I stumbled across a diet and way of life extremely effective at physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation. It gives me tremendous bliss, joy, and satisfaction in every aspect of my life. This book will guide you toward ecstatic levels of health far beyond conventional knowledge! Not even a single physician, dietitian, or spiritual guru knows about this info, or at least not yet. Correct Eating and Lifestyle is the Key!There is so much to learn, however. I will describe all the phases, stages, and difficulties to avoid while attempting to reach higher consciousness. You will learn correct eating for the lasting enjoyment of wholeness. You would never want to return to the conventional ways of eating again. One must first learn, understand, and overcome many of the hazardous food and drug addictions plaguing our society. Instead one gradually replaces all one’s deleterious habits and toxic food substances. We consume only wholesome complete proteins, organic fruits, fats, fibers, vegetables, and super-foods. We avoid mostly free of cell-damaging gluten, lectins and other miscreant substances. Organic, raw fruits, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, herbs, fungi, pollens, and vegetables are indeed the greatest healers of all time. Why not base a diet entirely on them? Avoid Unhealthy Food!It should be obvious that nature only intended humans to eat 100% whole, unprocessed food. But our usual Western way of life has gone in the opposite direction. Most commercially available food contains inflammatory, unhealthy, and toxic substances such as far too much sugar, carbs, GMOs, deadly vegetable oils, casein, and gluten, resulting in the eventual development of all manner of chronic degenerative diseases such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure, and cancer. Avoid multiple diseases of all kinds and years of incredible suffering! Stop consuming junk food, snacks, carbs, and sugars. Instead eat less often but of much more nutritionally complete, organic, high fat and high fiber meals. The Variety of Healthy Food is Huge!One may think that after eliminating all manner of unhealthy milk products and high carbohydrate foods such as most of the desserts, dairy, whole grain, and potato products out there, there would be none or far too few foods left to choose from. This assumption is far from true. One can choose from countless varieties of super-foods, herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Some contain complete protein and are fully nourishing for the body. Especially if you include organic, pasture-raised eggs, algae, and edible fungi along with the vast variety of organic fruits, herbs, and vegetables now being grown throughout the world. Learn which vegetables can directly replace all toxic high-gluten whole grains and enjoy the amazing health benefits of living on a fully satisfying, ketogenic, whole foods diet. It includes a wide variety of tantalizing and delicious superfoods. I recommend spirulina, chlorella, raw cacao (chocolate), bee pollen, pine pollen, avocado, sardines, salmon, pasture-raised eggs, and whole raw ground oat bran, nuts, and seed. Avoid Snacking on Carbs!Just as vital as making sure only the correct food goes into your mouth, you also need to stop snacking on carbs and instead get into the extremely healthy habit of drinking loads of often mineralized and/or alkalized or distilled water throughout the whole day between full, whole, nutritionally complete meals that are so utterly complete and fulfilling, you desire to eat far less often, resulting in much greater joy, health, healing, and connection with Spirit. Intermittent Water Fasting is Awesome!It is possible to go on as long as one, full, complete meal every other day for months at a time, saving you massive amounts of time in the kitchen while reducing your grocery and food supplement bills by half! A very select few yogis and mystics can ever seem to go full breatharian, yet one can at least go part of the way using the intermittent fasting lifestyle I am carefully describing in this book step-by-step. Transmute Your Sexual Energy Into Joy!Once you have mastered your intermittent fasting diet, you also need to understand why it’s so vital to master one’s sexual energy! Learn how to stop losing VITAL sexual fluids and transmute them using at least seven controversial tools of transmutation to help master your relationship with vital, subtle energy. Learn how to use that energy, correct eating, plenty of mineral water, and herbs to blissfully transmute the sexual energy into wholeness, which would uplift you into an even higher state of fulfillment and well-being far more valuable than anything you ever experienced before. Thrive More on the Prana of Nature and Go Beyond!You will learn how this diet and lifestyle of wholeness can lead you toward living more and more on the prana from nature rather than calories from solid foods. You will find that you will feel gradually less hungry and more blissfully energetic, opening up new avenues of inner joy and experience through ecstatic dreams and deep meditation into the realms of samadhi, astral travel, and the afterlife. Because the mind is also prone to worry and destructive thoughts, feelings, etc., this book will discuss why it is so vital that only the most constructive and helpful thoughts of prosperity and goodness enter your sacred heart, mind, and spirit. You will find out that there is a wonderful life after death and that God (unconditional love and everlasting joy) can be realized and discovered as your true nature within yourself through deep meditation and samadhi.
The vital “Seven Steps to Wholeness” include:Step 1 – Find the Right Foods and Eliminate All the Junk; My 10th Edition of “Seven Steps to Wholeness” is Now Available on Kindle GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Seven Steps to Wholeness THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY E-BOOK! You can e-mail me HERE |
I am not sure where you’re getting your information, but great topic. I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. Thanks for great information I was looking for this information for my mission.
Much of my information comes from a lifetime of suffering, trial and error, serious research, meditation, deep thinking and many spiritual experiences. Ultimately, the mission of all life is to enter into wholeness where it can experience and express the most profound states of pure love.
This is absolutely gold. I was not expecting that I’d get so much out of reading your write up! You’ve just earned yourself a returning visitor 🙂