A “Big Bang” Requires Too Many Coincidences

Dark Energy and Matter     Is a Big Bang Needed?     Creation from Singularity?     “Big Bang” or “Big Boo Boo”?     The Quantum Field     The Cosmic Microwave Background     Too Many Coincidences     What Exactly is Dark Energy?     Dark Energy and the Paranormal     Dark Energy Power     Cosmic Black Holes     Future of the Universe

The “Big Bang” theory of creation requires a perfect balance between expansion and contraction.

This extremely precise balance would have to exist throughout the whole history of the universe! God must calibrate precisely many conditions, physical laws, quantities, etc. for the present universe to exist. I would therefore avoid the idea of a “big bang”. I prefer a universal “steady state” theory or similar alternative cosmology with a pre-existing stabilizing factor. A “big bang” creation requires “inflation”. The theory of inflation requires too many highly improbable coincidences without any inhearant stability. Even the famous Oxford physicist Roger Penrose claimed cosmic inflation is as unlikely as one in a googolplex.

Space itself is a “quantum soup” of extremely fine particles (like quarks) flashing in an out of existence. An alternative cosmology indicating that matter comes directly from all over space throughout time would be much preferred. Matter cannot be separate from either time or space because it is actually a condition of both.

Image of crystals reflecting rays of sunlight. Wholeness represents your most complete and natural state of being possible. There is nothing more important than your emotional state of being and your connection with Spirit.

Our finite observation of unlimited existence dramatically limits it.

The worst problem with any “what caused the universe” theory, is always the “what caused the thing that caused the universe” question and so on. A universe “steady state” theory would help solve this issue. We remove this confusion by viewing the present universe as being an expression of a universal, everlasting, timeless, changeless, “oneness” that has no actual beginning, end, or description, only variations in our observation of it. “Existence” has always existed and always will. This is another reason why I find it hard to accept that everything in the universe started at a certain point in time.

The anthropic principle is an inescapable bias all cosmologists must factor in. This bias means that the only portions of “Reality” we are likely to experience must be those epochs and locations in the multiverse conducive to life and consciousness. Most other parts of creation therefore may or may not be available for us to experience or observe. These infinite regions could be too far away, and/or too far into the past or future. Vast tracts of reality could easily reside outside this universe and therefore far beyond any hope of discovery. Because the universe seems so complicated and endless, I believe there will always be a need for an alternative cosmology.

We need an alternative cosmology to help explain it all.

Could we experience such areas and/or epochs of creation through remote viewing and astral projection? There could very well be some very strange or even deliberate coincidences that had to have taken place to get to a world such as ours that can support life. A “Big Bang” hypothesis seems too simple to explain creation as “intelligently guided” as the one we exist in now. We need an alternative cosmology to help explain it all.

What would have to be far more likely? That the universe ultimately originated from a higher dimensional reality rather than just nothing. Something had to have given the universe the characteristics it has today. The characteristics of the universe could not have simply come from nothing. The “steady state” theory of creation might better explain all the characteristics of the universe. God manifests the characteristics of the present universe similarly to how genes are passed on to children by their parents. As in so many cases throughout nature, everything reflects the image and likeness of the Creator. And who is this “Creator”?Most likely a timeless, universal governing principle or “cosmic consciousness”.  This “cosmic consciousness” exists in and works through higher dimensions extending beyond all time and space.

A “Big Bang” universe from a single point requires too many coincidences.

In the “Big Bang” concept of creation, one has the problem of having to maintain a very delicate balance between too much versus too little expansive force all at once where too little would mean premature collapse of the universe and too much would not allow any stars, galaxies, etc. to form at all before all the particles fly off in their separate ways, as if God would know just how much expansion is the right amount? Then He “sprinkles” in just the exact right amount of “dark energy” to keep it expanding? What a precarious balancing act! A tough act to follow, to say the least! We badly need an alternative cosmology or explanation.

In order to keep this “Big Bang” theory from deflating, scientists have to come up with fantastic coincidences that boil down to six numbers, if any of which are off by even one percent and in one case by several billionths of one percent, we cannot have evolved and existed here! Too many requirements are needed to have a reality such as ours from a “Big Bang” universe to support intelligent life! However, a continuous “steady state” particle emanation from all of space and time would not require so many coincidences.

Wouldn’t a continual “steady state” creation seem more likely than all those coincidences?

And then again, how could the entire gamut of time, space, energy, and matter possibly start from absolutely nothing? Do we really need the conveniently contrived and rather peculiar “inflation” theory to explain the overall smoothness of the universe? A whole universe instantly inflating out of nothing while somehow remaining 99.99% isotropic throughout the entire process has to be rather awkward. We need an alternative cosmology explaining that its smoothness emanates directly from the overall perfect geometric construction of three-dimensional space itself.

The universe could not have simply exploded out of nothing.

Knowing that the universe could not have come from nothing, its mystery would not be so difficult to resolve! The universe did not explode from a single point. It emanates directly from and as an extension of space itself. Matter is an energetic change in the axial direction of the space-time flow, not at all something apart from space. Far from being empty, space consists of multiple interacting, vibrating dimensions, strings or membranes.

The universe is a prismatic reflection of a universal wholeness or oneness. In my alternative cosmology theory, a “Great Oneness” always existed, and had no beginning nor end. I see a universe emanating from a very real, but utterly undefinable, single universal ubiquitous substance expressing itself in an endless fractal pattern. That concept would also be a part of my alternative cosmology theory of creation.

Imagine a holographic universe (“uni” meaning one) with an infinitely intelligent fractal design and beauty. I see this universal design spontaneously arising out of its eternal mathematical principles of perfect harmony. Consider the equation, “0/0 = Oneness”. The universe expresses that way through its universal correspondent, “Witness” or Observer. A five-dimensional geometry of creative (dark) energy is guided by Cosmic Consciousness. This Cosmic Consciousness sustains all things in existence throughout all space and time.

Even the “Steady State” theory may not be sufficient to explain everything.

The “Steady State” theory on its own might not be sufficient to fully explain some subtle changes seen in the overall evolution of the universe as one peers deeper and deeper back into the epochs of time. Furthermore, the universe cannot be static anyway, such a universe would eventually collapse into itself. If the universe is to remain as an ongoing, dynamic, creative phenomenon, it must consist mainly of a continuous force of self-renewing, expansive energy.

Yet the “steady state” theory alone might be insufficient to explain all the evolutionary changes throughout the universe. An alternative cosmology or rather something like a “multi-phase” universe might make more sense as waves of creation maintain an ever-expanding, evolving universe going through various stages of creation, development, and dissolution where endless possibilities (experiments) play out. But its stability and overall smoothness has to come from a steady stream of particles throughout all time and space.

A massive explosion that suddenly started from nothing seems nonsensical. I have a more “flowing” sense of reality as an everlasting ongoing expression of the timeless ocean of “Oneness”. Imagine observing galaxies further and further back through the billions of light years of space. Cosmologists observed there were more quasars, smaller and irregular-looking galaxies with young stars in those early epochs. Furthermore, it appears there could very well have been a time or epoch in the universe when everything was opaque.

While still shrouded in massive clouds of gas, massive stars formed. These stars were so inconceivably huge, that within millions of years, they became exploding black holes. Astronomers on Earth can detect beams of gamma rays emanating from these titanic explosions in deep space. Can one imagine the vast amounts of heavier elements some of these stars must have created?

Inconvenient observations threaten both the “Steady State” theory and the “Big Bang” theory.

Could the answer lie somewhere in between? The deep space background appears extremely black (with an absolute background radiation body temperature of 2.725 degrees Kelvin or -455 degrees Fahrenheit) for a couple of reasons. Massive gas clouds shrouding the early universe might be hiding countless stars created deep inside the dark nebula. Also, we lose sight of the rest of the universe to the cosmic event horizon. All of the most distant parts of the universe are receding beyond the speed of light, therefore being utterly invisible and completely out of reach from Earth.

Mystery shrouds the early universe! We expect the Light of Creation itself with the luminosity of trillions of suns to lie behind this shroud. Too many “inconvenient truths” make it hard for me to accept either the “Big Bang” or just a “steady state” theory.

I favor a “dark energy” alternative cosmology concept of universal phases or waves of creation.

The universal space will always be the source of all energy and its stabilizing factor or smoothness. I see no separation between time, space, energy, and matter. It’s all part of a “Great Oness” or the same, universal Substance. My alternative cosmology theory seems to resonate with the “New Age” Eastern philosophy, especially regarding the cyclic, creative, and sustaining powers of a universal “Prana” or “Shakti” bubbling up from the universal “Oneness” or primary substance of creation. Just the fact alone that space transmits light means that space has to be a universal substance.

The great inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), after having conversed with some of the greatest yogi masters of his time, describes in Sanskrit terms the origin of matter from a “luminiferous ether” in an article entitled Man’s Greatest Achievement, published posthumously by O’Neil in 1944:

“Long ago he [the yogi] recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or a tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or Creative Force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles, all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.”

In time we will all know for sure what really happened . . .

In time we will all know for sure what really happened at the very foundation of this universe which I believe is in fact a massive, ever-expanding, and “luminiferous” ocean of quantum (dark) energy or “ether,” which should not be that great of a mystery. Even your own living room is filled with very much the same thing. A “steady state” theory might not be entirely wrong. This article sums up my alternative cosmology theory.

Related information and movies can be found here: Quantum Cosmology

“Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness”

You Will Understand the Universe In a Way You’ve Never Seen It Before!

This amazing book contains revolutionary and beautifully simple concepts in alternative cosmology that came from a period of over thirty-seven years of deep thinking and research.

This Book Includes My Deepest Insights On Creation Featuring A Compendium Of Interrelated Alternative Cosmological Concepts

This amazing book contains revolutionary and beautifully simple concepts in alternative cosmology.

These revelations came from a period of over thirty-seven years of deep contemplation and meditation on the nature of reality combined with the latest scientific observations. This book includes my deepest insights on creation featuring a compendium of interrelated alternative cosmological concepts describing the formation of the universe and the creation of reality without ever having to fall back on the really awkward, worn-out, far-fetched inflation or similar “Big Bang” theories.

I won’t bore you to death with any complex, hard to understand mathematical formulas.

The Universe need not have originated from such an impossibly unlikely event as the “Big Bang” at all, but rather from an accumulation of particles out of endless amounts of quantum energy, time and space. A “steady state” theory better explains this concept. Would not such a scenario seem far more likely, far more simple, and far more logical?

I won’t trouble you with any complex, hard to understand mathematical formulas.

Through the interaction of space, time and higher dimensions of probability and laws of physics came dark energy, which in turn formed dark matter and all the visible galaxies of the Universe along with a force to keep these galaxies expanding apart (rather than collapsing) and forever creating new galaxies in everlasting waves of creation, with the last wave being around 14 billion years ago. The Universe is an expression of space-time supported by vast amounts of quantum energy. Quantum energy makes up the very fabric of all space and time. Space itself is a repository of infinite energy. If this were not so, light would be absorbed by space rather than transmitted through it.

All galaxies are part and parcel of the very pattern or fabric of space-time itself.

Galaxies may have existed throughout eternity in waves of creation rather than being the unlikely and temporary product of a ridiculously immense “Big Bang” explosion. All galaxies had to originate from the endless streams of particles, plasmas, and gasses naturally present throughout all space and time arising from dark energy that pervades all creation, causing it to expand and renew continuously. A variation of the “steady state” theory would best describe this effect.

Most scientific thinking today still revolves around one basic premise or paradigm.

Reality is structured independently of our consciousness. All thoughts, feelings, and consciousness are strictly artifacts of the physical brain. This standard materialist scientific concept separates the observer from all that is being observed! But the observed and observer are opposite sides of the same coin! Assuming that consciousness has nothing to do with the “external” reality we have always lived in would never solve a vast assortment of life’s deepest mysteries! I believe that nothing can exist without consciousness, and that consciousness is an essential part or dimension of our reality in the same way that the fourth dimension of time is essential for energy (and therefore matter) to exist.

If three-dimensional space (volume) somehow existed without . . .

the time (hyperspace) to support it, it would always be empty or completely void. Every dimension needs to be supported by yet a higher dimension for there to be any reality or substance at all. For example, if our three-dimensional universe suddenly had no duration, it would vanish instantly without a trace. Even the passage of time needs yet a higher dimension of probability and quantum mechanics to substantiate it, which in turn needs a sixth (the laws of physics), and a seventh (the governing principle of Consciousness) and so on.

Consciousness is always the highest dimension.

Without consciousness, the prime Substance or Oneness of all creation, nothing else could exist at all. A great way to begin to solve life’s deepest enigmas and mysteries would be to realize we are all part of and share this same holographic consciousness. It’s not only about resurrecting a “steady state” theory.

Subjects covered in this ebook will include:

Chapter 0 – How the Universe Was Created

Chapter 1 – Cosmology and Consciousness

Chapter 2 – Why is There Anything at All?

Chapter 3 – Exploring the Universal Oneness

Chapter 4 – An Alternative to the Highly Improbable

Chapter 5 – An Entire Universe From a Single Point?

Chapter 6 – “Big Bang” or “Big Boo Boo”?

Chapter 7 – A More “Common Sense” History of the Universe

Chapter 8 – Is a “Big Bang” Really Needed to Explain Creation?

Chapter 9 – A “Big Bang” Requires Too Many Coincidences

Chapter 10 – Cosmic Black Holes and Higher Dimensions

Chapter 11 – What Exactly is Dark Energy?

Chapter 12 – Dark Energy As a Source of Power

Chapter 13 – Dark Energy and the Paranormal

Chapter 14 – Twelve Incorrect Notions Regarding Cosmology

Epilog – 68.5% Dark Energy, 26.6% Dark Matter, 4.9% Ordinary Matter

“Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness
” is Available on Kindle

GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness

Start reading now this most amazing ebook regarding a cosmological perspective from the realm of consciousness.


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