How I Cope With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Medication, Herbs Or Meditation?     What Is Anxiety Disorder?     Chronic Fatigue Syndrome     How I Cope With Social Anxiety     What Is It Like to Be Depressed?     What Is It Like to Be Agoraphobic?     Have Financial Anxiety?     Have Kundalini Problems?

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a controversial condition with no precise definition or single known cause. Various things can cause it and the only way known to diagnose it is through a diagnosis of exclusion of all other pathologies known to cause chronic fatigue such diabetes, depression, anemia, leukemia, malnutrition, etc.

However there are some specific terms or conditions associated with CFS such as encephalomyelitis, post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS), Epstein-Barr virus, adrenal fatigue, etc. The condition must also be present for more than 6 months for it to match most diagnostic criteria.

More women than men are said to have this disorder and it has been more commonly diagnosed in young children and especially teenagers. Many other symptoms ranging from mild to life-threatening such as cardiac problems, asthma, muscle fatigue, pain, spacey feelings, digestive problems, depression, immune weakness, and oversensitivity have been reported by those suffering from CFS but are not officially a part of this ailment. Some get better over a period of time and some cases do respond to various treatments.

The main symptom of CFS is an unrelenting tiredness not relieved by rest and greatly exaggerated through even the smallest amounts of exertion. One often feels like one is walking through molasses with weights tied to every part of one’s body. Some days are so bad that one may need to stay in bed and sleep all day. Also not only physical body is affected, the mind and emotions are equally thwarted. CFS is an extremely serious and very frustrating condition to deal with as all aspects of one’s life are seriously compromised if not ruined. It may take four times as much effort to accomplish one tenth of what the average person can achieve.

I (male) suffered periods of what seemed to be CFS throughout most of my life starting at very early age. I was considered “lazy” and inattentive at school and used to “daydream” during class. I was actually going into deep states of reverie and contemplation even though no one, not even myself, realized it at the time. After a long day at high school I would often feel so exhausted that I would immediately go to sleep the moment I entered my room at 3:00 in the afternoon (school usually started at 8:00 AM and finished around 2:35 PM). I had a tough time finding enough mental energy to get any homework done and needed 14 hours of sleep!

My symptoms were quite worrisome and this problem continued in various degrees of severity throughout my life and had very little sympathy, only accusations of being “lazy” which really upset me.

If you or someone you care about appears to be suffering from CFS, you are going to have to get a thorough diagnosis to rule out all kinds of possible causes. I was checked and double-checked and it turned out my anxiety-disorder was part and parcel of the CFS. I found out that my CFS would tend to get much worse after very stressful days. Depression also greatly effected it.

Therefore even though I had definite symptoms of fatigue, they may not have been the official, bona fide form of CFS. Instead, my chronic fatigue was most likely a “spinoff” of other problems I was presently suffering from such as my anxiety disorder and depression while developing agoraphobia. But none of this knowledge satisfied my main concern as to how to really get rid of this devastating problem, which alone was making my life miserable.

I proved to myself it was a part of my depression by noticing that when my moods would swing back toward anxiety, I would seem to have more energy. After all, even though high anxiety is not at all a positive energy, at least it was some form of energy nevertheless forcing me to get things done to distract me from the sheer terror of the highly undesirable thoughts and feelings I would often suffer from. I recently learned that chronic fatigue syndrome can also be a symptom of one or several endocrine gland disorders involving mainly the adrenal glands, sometimes the thyroid and even the pituitary and hypothalamus. Recent saliva and blood tests revealed that indeed I have adrenal and thyroid insufficiency which is a result of massive emotional stress starting from very early in life. However the treatment of this “adrenal fatigue” may have helped a little, but it still did not completely remove all the symptoms.

Like I said in so many other articles I have written on health, except for the supplements and super foods, drinking loads of alkalized water between whole, complete meals instead of snacking seemed to help far more than any other thing that I ever tried. I am not surprised because alkalized (negatively ionized) water acts as a buffer to neutralize acidic toxins of metabolism.

Knowing that I suffered severe food sensitivities all my life, my next big breakthrough came when I stopped repeating my meals, supplements, etc. everyday. In other words, I was making the mistake of eating the same “favorite” health foods and same supplements, herbs, etc. over and over again every day without fail, thinking this could not be harmful because it is only natural and healthy food, right? Wrong! In my situation, any food substance, no matter how “healthy” is not healthy if eaten more often than once every two to four days, can cause all the symptoms I was fighting all my life, including the chronic fatigue syndrome!

After rotating all my food, taking all manner of antioxidant superfood supplements, all minerals, vitamins, etc., ever day and fasting on ionized water and dolomite between whole, complete meals that are completely different every day, my health dramatically improved. My body seemed to rejuvenate, and not only became free of that horrible fatigue, but many of my other symptoms, including severe bloating and gas, body pains and stiffness, vertigo, anxiety, depression, and even my agoraphobia to a certain extent were alleviated significantly.

Another amazing thing, on this regimen, I only felt the need to eat no more often than once a day, saving me much time preparing meals, helping my teeth and gums, saving money and much digestive energy. This format has now become a fully established life-long habit which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that most people everywhere are eating far too much, and far too often for their own good.

For more information on anxiety, go to my website: Anxiety – Natural Remedies.


“How to Overcome Anxiety and Depression Without Drugs”

What I Had to Endure Was a Living Nightmare! Learn Everything I Did to Overcome it!

By reading this book, you will benefit from a lifetime of personal information and spiritual help regarding how to alleviate severe depression, terrifying anxiety and really frustrating chronic fatigue!


Don’t miss out on my latest (July 2023, 4th Edition) of this Amazon Kindle ebook! It will not only cover in detail my own hellish experiences with anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue, and severe depression, etc. but it will also detail the healthy, natural, nutritional healing therapies that seemed to work best, along with a careful, life-long dietary management system that seemed to be most effective in helping me to survive through this mess and in certain ways to eventually fully recover.

By reading this ebook, you will benefit from a lifetime of personal information and spiritual help regarding how to alleviate severe depression, terrifying anxiety and really frustrating chronic fatigue without having to rely on drugs, and more importantly, getting at the root cause of it. You will learn how I discovered ways to stop terrifying anxiety and utterly debilitating depression through decades of trial and error.

You can kiss your depression, anxiety, and toxic pharmaceutical drugs good-bye for good by learning and following certain specific “correct eating” habits while understanding the real cause for anxiety. This ebook will not only cover in detail my own horrific experiences with anxiety disorder, chronic fatigue, and severe depression, but many different aspects of anxiety, such as fear of others, agoraphobia, financial anxiety, lack of motivation and purpose, kundalini problems, existential anxiety, cosmic anxiety, and most significantly, how to understand and overcome the fear of death.

I will also pay special attention to the kind of alternative therapies that seemed to work best for my needs, and consequently came up with a careful, life-long advanced nutritional healing, probiotic, prebiotic and water-fasting anxiety management system that seemed to me to be most effective in helping one to cope with depression and anxiety and in certain ways to eventually fully recover.

By reading this ebook, you will benefit from a lifetime of personal information and spiritual help regarding how to alleviate severe depression, terrifying anxiety and really frustrating chronic fatigue. This book also links to the most recently updated diet regimen that seems to be the most effective and practical system yet to undermine the real cause of anxiety, depression and fatigue which is free-radical toxins, unfriendly colon bacteria, incorrect eating of too much carbs instead of essential fats, eating and/or snacking too much, too often while not drinking enough water between meals. Subjects to be covered in this ebook will include:


Chapter 1 – How My Life Was Ruined

Chapter 2 – What is It Like to Be Depressed?

Chapter 3 – What is It Like to Be Agoraphobic?

Chapter 4 – What Is it Like to Have Anxiety Disorder?

Chapter 5 – How I Managed With Life-Long Social Anxiety

Chapter 6 – How I Struggled With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chapter 7 – How I Coped With Death, Grief and Anxiety

Chapter 8 – How to Overcome Fear of Death

Chapter 9 – How to Overcome the Phobia of Dying

Chapter 10 – Vast Amounts of Evidence Conveys a Beautiful Afterlife

Chapter 11 – What Is It like to Experience Kundalini Problems?

Chapter 12 – Anxiety and Depression – Medication, Herbs or Meditation?

Chapter 13 – How to Cope with Financial Anxiety

Chapter 14 – How I Remedied Anxiety, Fatigue and Depression w/o Drugs

Chapter 15 – What You Eat Can Cause Great Suffering Or Great Health

Chapter 16 – Incorrect Eating is the Greatest Cause of Suffering Ever

Chapter 17 – A Healthy and Diverse Inner Ecosystem is Essential

Chapter 18 – Channel Your Sexual Energy for Greater Joy and Pleasure

Epilog – We Live in an Entire World of Worry and Stress!

My 4th Edition of “How to Overcome Anxiety and Depression Without Drugs” is Now Available on Kindle

GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: How to Overcome Anxiety and Depression Without Drugs

Please go here to start reading this most amazing ebook regarding how to overcome anxiety and depression through wholeness!


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for any questions before and after purchasing!

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