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Stone Age Diet for Teeth How to Save Your Teeth Can Diet Heal Serious Caries?
Are you terrified of the dentist? A lifelong 100% natural, mainly raw food diet is vital for dental health the average modern American diet (MAD), which has many nutritional deficiencies, is not only causing dental caries, but also many other problems as well.
A lifelong alkaline-forming diet and daily fasting on ionized water filled with alkaline minerals may be vital for dental health. This article presents alternative dental research. Much of what we have been taught about tooth decay in schools and colleges is either wrong or incomplete. Interesting research by Ramiel Nagel and Dr. Weston Price explains why incorrect nutrition is the real cause of tooth decay.
Back in 7th grade, I had a friend who was really religious.
He was brought up a Christian Scientist and I was just getting very interested in it too.
So one day I asked him, “Can Christian Scientists heal cavities as well?”
Smiling with a mouth filled ear to ear with amalgam fillings and braces to help straighten things out, he laughingly replied:
“Well, that’s my little secret!”
When God cannot heal your dental caries and only the dentist with a drill and a potentially lethal mix of mercury, silver, tin, copper, and zinc can, there is something seriously wrong somewhere. Some people don’t seem to be bothered that much having to rely so heavily on the conventional dentist’s “torture” treatment while having the potential possibility of mercury poisoning for life.
Even worse is the fact that most dental work eventually must be replaced with even larger fillings and often even root canals and finally dentures. And such drastically unnatural treatments are rarely without side effects or other health consequences and complications. This expensive “torture” never ends, because, even those who regularly visit a dentist, brush, and floss after every meal, and avoid sweets often continue to lose just as many teeth as one who never had any dental treatment.
I never forgot the first few times I had to get cavities drilled and filled! Gagging over and over again on dental X-ray films stuffed deep inside my mouth while being exposed to dangerous X-rays; that awful dreading and anticipation of the next “drill and fill” appointment; that freaky “smoking” smell of the tooth enamel as the drill gets hotter and hotter while trying not to gag on it! That unforgettable horrible sensation of the nerves being invaded by that hellish drill! Eeeeeeeech!!!!
This form of torture is indeed no solution, just another problem of constantly dreading the next time I have to get my teeth filled. If only they could simply fill them, it was the drilling sensation that I found absolutely ghastly. It was enough to give me the screaming willies! I think I’d much rather allow my teeth to rot out than ever go through that horror again! I was 13 when I had my last filling and decided then and there I was never going to get another, no matter what!
Is there no alternative to “drill, fill, and bill”? Surely nature cannot be so stupid as to simply allow teeth to rot and eventually fall out costing millions of hapless individuals billions of dollars in dental bills! Obviously, it can only be something that humans are doing wrong and not nature.
Yes, there is definitely something wrong with what humans are doing with nature! And it is, no doubt, the modern American diet (MAD) that is so appalling, so opposite to what the body truly needs for a healthy existence. Along with vulnerabilities in all the other parts of the body, the teeth and gums also ultimately lose the battle.
Even though nature has provided many answers to this problem such as tooth remineralization, unfortunately, humankind has somehow managed to obliterate every one of them with modern-day convenience food, overpopulation, and shortcuts in food production resulting in the elimination or loss of some of the most important factors that used to prevent tooth decay throughout prehistory.
For more information, please go to Tooth Remineralization. |
“How to Heal Dental Caries With the Palaeolithic Diet” Reverse Tooth Decay with Advanced Nutritional Healing, Intermittent Water-Fasting, and Tooth-Building Toothpastes! Enjoy Much More Energy and Rejuvenate Your Cells! Boost your dental, emotional, mental, and physical health to new levels never before experienced. Learn methods that can help save your teeth and gums from decay, gingivitis, and periodontal disease and prevent further damage. DID YOU KNOW THAT ONE’S ENTIRE LIFESTYLE COULD BE CAUSING TOOTH DECAY AND GUM ROT? I discovered a perfected, life-changing, utterly unique, Palaeolithic diet regimen and lifestyle that goes way beyond conventional practice. If it is carefully understood and followed, this wholesome lifestyle can help you enjoy unprecedented levels of dental and even general health, healing, and well-being at every moment. There is so much to learn, however. I will describe all the stages and pitfalls to avoid while improving dental health so that the whole terrain is changed toward one that supports healthy teeth and gums rather than one that destroys them. We eliminate all the conditions that work against your dental and gum health and instead replace these adverse or harmful conditions with healthy conditions supportive of your overall oral health. Unfortunately, many common foods do promote negative conditions, while at the same time, many common eating habits can also be very damaging. Once you’ve realized just how damaging these foods along with an unhealthy lifestyle can be for not only your oral health but also your health in general, you would never, ever want to return to the conventional “standard diet” ways of eating and living again. This material presents alternative dental research. Much of what we have been taught about tooth decay in schools and colleges is either wrong or incomplete. This book is based on my own experiences and how I used the fascinating research presented by Ramiel Nagel and Dr. Weston A. Price to heal my own cavities without ever having to interact with a dentist. Incorrect nutrition is the real cause of tooth decay! You can heal your dental caries with correct nutrition, the avoidance of snacking, the elimination of excessive carbohydrates and sugars, and regular brushing after every meal with a special tooth remineralization paste. One must permanently eliminate all junk food and commit to a life-long diet similar to a Palaeolithic or pre-agricultural regimen loaded with natural whole foods in their most original state possible, alkaline minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, vitamins, saturated fats, essential fish, cod liver, and butter oils, etc., all of which are not only vital for one’s dental health, but also for one’s overall happiness and well-being in general. Natural dental health, tooth remineralization, and the successful healing of and prevention of dental caries require a life-long commitment. Results may vary and never expect overnight miracles. Depending on how far they have deteriorated, teeth and gums require months under nearly perfect conditions to start showing signs of regeneration and these conditions do require a total, life-long commitment to maintain using the vital information I am presenting here. This information is in NO way whatsoever a substitute for emergency dental and/or medical treatment. It is sincerely hoped that the reader is intelligent enough to assume all responsibility for his or her decisions especially when trying a new approach. One must also fully understand and commit to this program in its entirety without ever skipping any of it. However, I’ve been able to avoid what would have been thousands of dollars of serious dental work such as the removal of wisdom teeth and the usually painful and/or at least highly uncomfortable extraction of many cavities which of course would be followed by many toxic fillings. It should be obvious that nature only intended humans to eat 100% whole, unprocessed food. But our usual Western way of life has gone in the opposite direction. Most commercially available food contains inflammatory, unhealthy, and toxic substances such as far too much sugar, carbs, GMOs, deadly vegetable oils, casein, and gluten, resulting in the eventual development of all manner of chronic degenerative diseases such as tooth decay, gum rot, digestive issues, depression, anxiety, fatigue, aches, pains, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure, and cancer. Multiple diseases of all kinds and years of incredible suffering can be avoided by avoiding junk food, snacks, carbs, and sugars while consuming fewer, but much more nutritionally complete, organic, high fat and high fiber meals. This book, “How to Heal Dental Caries With the Palaeolithic Diet” includes the following chapters: An Introduction to Healing Dental Caries My 2nd (Nov. 28, 2022) Edition of “How to Heal Dental Caries With the Palaeolithic Diet” is Now Available on Kindle and in Paperback! GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: How to Heal Dental Cares With the Palaeolithic Diet THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY E-BOOK! You can e-mail me HERE |
I just need to tell you that your website is very interesting and resourceful, I will bookmark it for sure. A little backstory: my teeth were a mess when they came in. I came from the era of serial extractions, meaning that if you pull basically every tooth in a kid’s mouth, the permanent ones will come in straight. They now know this is a bunch of absolute BS, but that’s what happened to me. Also, I was nothing but a pain as far as my worthless mother was concerned, so she took me to the most cut-rate dentist she could find. Needless to say I didn’t get good care.
Sorry to hear that you had all your “baby teeth” pulled! It really is far better to let nature take its own course and to simply provide what nature already has available to keep teeth healthy, strong and straight. Of course from my articles, you now know that generous amounts of phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium, plus ALL the other minerals and trace elements, thousands of units of Vit. D, fasting on ionized water between whole complete meals, not snacking, etc. all amount to far better dental health and less time undergoing painful dental treatments.