Celibacy Benefits, Nutrition and Transmutation – Part 2
The benefits of celibacy (sexual abstinence) are obviously not widely understood nor fully appreciated. With all the erotic opportunities, sensual photos, sex oriented e-mails, and other media of the sort flashing over the internet, there seems to be a universal obsession with trying to use up as much sexual energy as soon as possible and as often as possible.

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By “celibacy” I never mean exclusion of affectionate relationships with the opposite sex nor the permanent elimination of one’s natural sensuality. This is rather a change in the direction of sex and sensuality, not its repression. I strongly encourage a strong emphasis on love, ecstasy (expanded or transmuted sensuality), and lasting commitment which actually becomes quite natural and rewarding when all nerve-draining conventional orgasms are avoided and replaced with uplifting, blissful methods of transmutation into deep, all fulfilling and everlasting excitement and love. Isn’t it far better to always be “coming” than going anyway? Even the majority of spiritual books I have read most recently don’t seem to touch on the virtues, values and benefits of celibacy, completely ignoring it almost as if everyone is somehow miraculously capable of achieving great heights of spiritual awareness, perfect love, perfect relationships, bliss, inner joy and concentration, etc. without any sort of reduction in the loss of vital sexual fluids nor any help from advanced nutrition. How can anyone expect to make real and lasting spiritual progress under these conditions? In a similar sense, how in the world can one expect to get more and more power from a constantly drained battery?
In spite of the massive lack of popularity and understanding regarding celibacy, there is an obvious benefit to abstaining from sex for long periods of time that very few seem to understand or appreciate. Stored sexual energy properly transmuted gives one a definite psychological boost such as a greater sense of purpose, better memory, concentration, and more interest in doing what is needed or required while giving one a feeling of reward in accomplishment. One tends to look forward to getting things done in a creative way while enjoying much greater motivation, bliss, joy, resilience, determination, and love for one’s duty.
As long as one prevents one’s creative energy from getting diffused or drained into the endless quagmire of lust, it remains easier for the accomplishment of one’s goals, and the expression of higher values such as unconditional love and affection, morality, purity, and spiritual marriage, to remain the main focus of one’s life. Obviously, if it weren’t so easy (unfortunate) to keep falling into this quagmire, there would be far wider acceptance and knowledge of the obvious ecological, economic, social, physical and mental health benefits of celibacy. Much of one’s basic vitality and nerve force is stored as sexual energy. One’s vital emotional health energy and sexual energy are interdependent. Therefore, whenever one’s sexual energy is used up, a large part of one’s mental energy and healing physical vitality get lost, and fascinatingly enough, one cannot successfully or correctly increase one’s sexual energy without the side effect of improving one’s health! Even dreams tend to be more frequent, blissful, colorful and more spiritual, and the possibility of achieving astral projection, deep samadhi and cosmic consciousness in meditation is also greatly improved.
Whenever sexual (vital) fluids are lost (especially if too often) one’s spiritual inspiration and enthusiasm for living, if any, tends to mysteriously fade into the background. One can’t meditate as deeply or feel as excited about the benefits of higher consciousness, or even feel the same joy or enthusiasm for life, yoga, and meditation as one did before the loss of sexual energy during one’s previous period of abstinence.
Sex is a natural addiction that one easily gets stuck in over and over again. This effect is part of nature’s plan or intent at fooling all of us into giving away a lifetime of subtle, spiritual joy, progress and accomplishment for a few moments of concentrated pleasure. When that excitement is over and completely used up, reality sets in, enthusiasm drains out, and one is left basically with nothing but a sense of regret. A mild laziness, lackluster, or tiredness takes over, while everything else in life immediately becomes boring or even depressing compared to the intense excitement once had. One may even start to feel a lot older than one did just five minutes ago!
The diminishing effects of sex may not always be noticed, but the overall effect is still quite real to one extent or another and according to the degree of one’s spiritual development and sensitivity. In other words, sex (especially if too much) can short circuit one’s enthusiasm to stride life’s challenges! This unfortunate fact of life seems to get even worse as one gets older especially if one forgets to take proper care of one’s health. As time marches on, time also seems to wear one down. However, while abstaining, as time marches on, one feels like time is building one up! Even though sex is a perfectly natural and essential part of life, it has another, much more sinister purpose besides the creation of emotional addiction to the most beautiful or handsome members of the opposite sex and the creation of new physical lives: it also has the deliberate effect of keeping one rather fickle and spiritually grounded often with an overwhelming tendency to want to leave the relationship in search of other partners! This is the game that nature plays to spread one’s genes around to as many different mates as possible while intensifying the process of competition and natural selection (evolution) through increased greed and anger. After all, how many mates does the average person have in a lifetime? Conventional sex causes serious changes in one’s brain chemistry often leaving one more irritable, angry, spiritually dead, separated from wholeness, closed minded, attached, addicted, and competitive all for the purpose of increasing one’s tendency to fight others or compete with others for food, mates, shelters, etc. as part of the means of speeding up the evolutionary process. As previously mentioned, one function of regular sex is to keep the soul grounded, anchored or stuck in place so that it cannot escape or leave body-consciousness at will as the more advanced adepts at yoga can do. However, once one is fully established on the path of celibacy, transmutation and regular deep meditation, one eventually achieves complete, permanent freedom from all the suffering and limitations of the physical body and after death, freedom from the need to reincarnate into yet another physical body. In very advanced stages, a complete mastery over life, breath, and death is possible, and that one can enjoy not only blissful freedom from a physical body, but also fantastic physical health, indefinite cellular regeneration, and absolute memory recall of every moment in this lifetime and all past lifetimes. Innocent children are naturally happy and this is because their life force energy has not yet been disrupted by the sheer blast of hormones that bring about all those strong sexual attachments and feelings suffered and enjoyed by young adults. They are naturally celibate, and therefore tend to be much more carefree, energetic, and much more resilient to stress than adults tend to be. The popular practice of what some may call “tantra” could be for most people the best way toward holistic celibacy and enlightenment. It is in itself a very precarious balance between celibacy and non-celibacy requiring absolute self-control, however, since most people are in relationships tantra yoga is really the best way to conserve sexual fluid without having to give up sexual relations. It requires constant and careful management of very strong kundalini forces. How able are you at conserving sexual fluids and transforming basic sexual desires into pranic and kundalini energy? The key is one’s level of purity or inner freedom from toxins, excellent circulation, water fasting, experience at transmutation and amount of prana taken in from natural sources such as gardens, parks, forests, and other open spaces, etc. The degree to which one conserves sexual energy, expands one’s pranic sheaf, experiences, gives and receives pure (selfless) love, devotion and affection is the degree to which one becomes quite spiritual. Complete or total enlightenment (everlasting joy) requires a long period of retainment of sexual fluid along with hours of daily meditation in a natural environment filled with pranic (orgone) energy. One’s precious attainment of enlightenment (if any) will remain only as such for as long as one retains one’s sexual fluids. This is the way nature intended it according to universal natural law (or God’s law or plan if you want to call it that). It is cause and effect: the effect of enlightenment requires the cause: retention, cultivation and transmutation of sexual energy. Along with many other requirements, celibacy (perfectly transmuted) is the main requirement for true enlightenment and true wholeness. There must be an enormous amount of transmuted sexual energy (refined desire) built up in one’s self to create the effect of enlightenment. Similar to what I’ve said before: one cannot get light from a drained battery. Hope I make myself clear, because this entire principle is the philosopher’s stone, Holy Grail or the way back to the Garden of Eden or whatever you like to call it. Continue on to Celibacy Benefits, Nutrition and Transmutation – Part 2 |
“Celibacy and Transmutation of Sexual Energy for Deeper Meditation” – Brand New 2023 5th Edition! Learn How to Conserve and Transmute Sexual Energy! Enjoy Absolutely Thrilling Pleasure and Ecstasy! Enjoy Unlimited Sexual Bliss and Transcend into Higher Consciousness! The following information is a new approach to sexual conservation and transmutation never before fully understood. Learn all about a unique water-fasting diet combined with a direct method of vital sexual energy conservation for ecstatic transmutation and increased utilization of pranic nourishment that can dramatically deepen your meditations and spiritual awareness many times over! LEARN HOW TO CONSERVE AND TRANSMUTE VITAL SEXUAL ENERGY INTO ECSTATIC BLISS! I perfected a life-changing, utterly unique, way of thriving that gives me tremendous bliss and tremendous satisfaction in every aspect of my life. The words of this empowering book will guide you toward ecstatic levels of sexual transmutation, health and well-being far beyond conventional diet and yogic wisdom that not even a single physician, dietitian, or spiritual guru even knows about–or at least not yet! The ecstatic transmutation of conserved vital sexual energy can be by far the most exciting experience one can ever enjoy. Learn and master the greatest secrets ever told of how to enjoy utterly fantastic bliss and unlimited sexual energy. There is a specific method of conserving sexual energy which is absolutely essential, and in my book, this technique will be revealed in great detail. Just as humankind has learned to master and control many natural forces in the world, a yogi (or yogini) is a very special (and unfortunately rare) individual who’s inclination is to control and master the inner forces of nature, such as thoughts, emotions, cravings, and desires, especially the biological force of sexual energy. The yogi or yogini manages to successfully master his or her emotions and sexual energy not by force, but through physical self-control, purification of brain and body cells and then by absorption of vital prana. The transmutation of sex into excitement, inner peace, bliss, joy and unconditional love is the wonderful end result. One of the greatest mysteries of life is sex, sexual desire, and sexual energy. However, after the sexual fluid is lost or expelled in the process of the usual or normal way of reproductive activity, the spiritual side often suffers. Instead, sexual vitality can and should be conserved to create a subtle biological energy substance called “ojas” which can be used by yogis to enhance their meditations and spiritual experiences. The deepest and most fulfilling meditations ever seem to occur only after being celibate and living on a natural whole-foods diet, while fasting between every meal as long as comfortably possible, and while flooding every cell in the body with the transmuting essence of prana. As soon as all these and some other conditions are combined into one complete lifestyle, one starts to live in some of the most wonderful states of lasting joy and happiness ever! One can stop losing their vital sexual fluids and transmute it using at least seven controversial tools of transmutation to help master your relationship with vital, subtle energy. Learn how to absorb and accumulate that pranic, blissful energy into your body cells through correct eating, plenty of mineral water-fasting and herbs to blissfully transmute the sexual energy into wholeness, which will uplift you into an even higher state of fulfillment and well-being than you ever thought possible and far more valuable than anything you ever experienced before. Subjects covered include the following chapters:
Chapter 1 – Establish The Lifestyle of Blissful Sexual Expansion — My 5th Edition of “Celibacy and Transmutation of Sexual Energy for Deeper Meditation” is Now Available on Kindle GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Celibacy and Transmutation of Sexual Energy for Deeper Meditation THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY E-BOOK! You can e-mail me at HERE |