Exploring the Universal Oneness

Why Is There Anything At All?

Why are we here? What is the true nature of reality? This article provides a bold answer to an ancient question: Why is there anything at all? Everything is relative. Reality is utterly self-defining and self-supporting.

All things come from one great Source: a single universal, undefinable Oneness that is absolutely whole and complete. Beyond the duality of existence and non-existence, there is a universal Oneness! Everything depends on the perspective of the observer. There is one substance that comprises all of nature: space.

Everything is made of some variation of this universal Oneness which is actually the very same thing as the space that exists everywhere. Light would not exist if this fact were not true. There has to be a “something” in space for light to emit through.

Most astronomers know that the whole universe is expanding in every direction and that the further away a celestial object is from where we are, the faster it will appear to be receding. This rate of recession can be measured through the Doppler effect. If it were possible for objects to move away from us at the speed of light they would have an infinite redshift and appear invisible. Its rate of time or movement of energy from our viewpoint would also be equally slowed down to a complete stand-still or practically non-existent.

The point where this would happen would be called an “event horizon” where all time and energy seems to completely stop. If an entire galaxy disappeared over this “event horizon” the inhabitants of that world would notice nothing except that our galaxy from their viewpoint would also seem to vanish into the nothingness of a similar event horizon. Depending entirely on the perspective (in this case the relative rate of motion) of the viewer it is possible for ENTIRE worlds to vanish and reappear without any actual changes taking place except through changes in perspective.

All rates of speed, motion and energy in creation is 100% relative to the observer. If the observer had a relatively low rate of energy, then the rest of creation would appear to have a higher rate of energy. If the observer had in relation to the rest of existence an extremely high rate of energy, then the rest of the universe would appear very dark and cold. All apparent motion through space is entirely dependent on reference to some other object or group of objects (such as the rest of objects in the universe) in space.

Inside a perfect, infinitely huge vacuum (the universe is almost like this) it would be impossible to determine the actual path of two objects flying past each other in deep space — whether or not one is actually stationary and the other moving past or is the other standing still with the “stationary” object moving past? Or are both moving? Motion is relative, energy is relative and therefore time is relative and entirely dependent on the perspective of the observer.

The energy level of the observer’s perspective seems to be the actual source of energy for all phenomena. The movement of the observer’s perspective is perhaps the ultimate source of all movement. One’s level of energy is inversely related to the rate of time going by for the rest of the observed universe. If one’s level of energy somehow became infinite (or reached the speed of light) all the rest of creation from that person’s perspective would seem to vanish into a state of “frozen time” where time comes to a complete halt! Everything in reality and all definitions are relative to each other; there are no absolutes.

The perspective of the observer or how the universal Oneness is observed seems to be the key to how the whole system of phenomena comes about. In reality there is only an everlasting, undivided, ever-present Oneness or universal “space” beyond all duality of existence verses nonexistence, light and dark, etc. Massive amounts of energy can be observed bursting out of that seemingly endless “nothingness” the moment one’s perspective (viewpoint) comes from within an infinitesimally small part of that vast Oneness, making one’s sensitivity infinite.

The true nature of that universal “nothingness” is actually a universal Oneness which from any limited viewpoint, appears no longer as a single, perfectly complete whole, but as a checkered landscape of polarized forces such as the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum.

Everything in the universe consists of multiple vibration rates of multidimensional oscillating fields all part of an infinitely complex design of perfectly balanced polarities. Only through the illusion of being small and separate does all phenomena seem to exist! The greater that illusion of smallness and separateness, the greater is the reality of the world of opposites. The more that illusion is dissolved, the less real the world of phenomena and opposite forces appear to be, until ultimately, all things seem to dissolve into a universally complete Oneness or Wholeness.

A great deal of inspiration has come from my meditations on “pure silence” and thought I should speak about this incredible “silence” that mystics concentrate on only to hear amazing things. My main form of meditation is to meditate on that inner “silence” which turns out to be anything but silent! A deafening roar in fact. This is the “Shabd” that lifts one up to higher planes of consciousness. There are so many aspects to the Shabd like so many colors in a spectrum, or sounds throughout the musical scale from a low, rhythmic vibration all the way up to the finest notes of creation. All this from silence? – Yes! If you see how things really work in creation, that is what actually seems to be happening: God creating everything out of silence or nothing. All these galaxies, stars, planets, etc. come directly from intense vibration or gravitationally trapped radiation or light in various frequencies.

Did all this radiation in turn actually come from silence, space, etc….? The direction from which all reality is observed by the universal observer or consciousness residing in each and every being in existence is what actually makes the eternal Oneness come to life with such awesome force that whole universes unfold from it. It is through relativity or the power of “maya” or illusion of perspective that the Oneness becomes the “many” in all its varied forms and expressions. What one would consider to be “nothing” or empty space really is not nothing at all, it is actually the Oneness of all. It is the Universal Wholeness from which all things originate. “Nothing” or seemingly empty space is the Oneness out of which all things precipitate and crystallize out of and ultimately dissolve back into.

Related Movies and Illustrations for this article can be found at: Universal Oneness.


“The Hidden Treasures Are Within”

Uncover the Hidden Treasures in Your Self Through Meditation

Imagine a love so complete, a state of consciousness so full of joy, a lasting pleasure so native to one’s soul; what grander thing is there than wholeness?


This amazing ebook is a compilation of fifteen inspirational chapters regarding how to find wholeness, how to meditate deeply, how to choose your spiritual path, and how to discover within your self the hidden treasures of wholeness for living a more full and complete life. Although this book includes some passages from the Bible and meditation-oriented information from the “Path of Sant Mat,” this book is purely a spiritual text not meant to promote any specific path or religion.

Most of this ebook will be about why wholeness is so essential and how to achieve it. I believe it is of utmost importance to make one’s search for wholeness one’s highest priority in what would otherwise be a temporary and fickle existence. To realize Spirit in one’s life is vital for adding meaning to what would otherwise be a meaningless and materialistic existence.

Why do so many people go to all the trouble to sit down and meditate? It is to get a sense of wholeness and inner peace and to increase one’s capacity for joy and hopefully gain access to higher realms of spiritual enchantment. A most ideal object of meditation would be the inner sounds and light of God or Spirit, and also one’s highest idea of what one would consider a very heavenly and most pleasant state of being. Real success in life boils down to achieving a genuinely pleasant state of being, as it is one’s state of being that matters the most while learning to avoid the common pitfall of getting too emotionally caught up in “circumstances that don’t matter.”

What is wholeness? Wholeness can mean different things to different people. Everyone’s path and ideal of fulfillment or wholeness is individual. There is no greater thing of beauty, love, excitement, value and joy than the experience of wholeness–the hidden treasure of bliss deep inside every one of us. Being in a state of wholeness means completely free of wound or injury with nothing missing and everything complete, perfect, unbroken, and uncut; perfectly healthy and free of any defect, deformity, mistake or impairment having all its proper parts and components. Another way to describe wholeness is being in a state of undivided oneness or total unity. When someone says one is extremely happy or fulfilled, one could also mean complete and whole or “I am enjoying a state of wholeness.”

Imagine a love so complete, a state of consciousness so full of joy, a lasting pleasure so native to one’s soul; what grander thing is there than wholeness? If God were not whole, God would not be God. Synonyms for wholeness are completion, entirety, fulfillment, haleness, healthiness, integrity, oneness, perfection, totality, and unity. Whole means all, content, intact, perfect, restored, satisfied, total, unabridged, unbroken, uncut, unhurt, and unmodified.

There is nothing more urgent and more important than for everyone in the world to find wholeness, because life should be far more than just a battle for survival. Lasting love and inner joy seem to be the only things that would justify all the tremendous hardships and pains that everyone seems to have to go through. One could say that all the pains, injustices, and other sufferings of the world are because of a lack of wholeness. In contrast is the yogi who sits quietly in breathless samadhi. Why can’t we all enjoy this profoundly enjoyable state of being whenever we desire it? What can be done to make profound inner satisfaction available to everyone?

The quest for wholeness is what drives and motivates everyone. People try to find wholeness either through drugs, in their partners, religion, work, or through some kind of recreational activity. It is a never-ending ongoing process. Life never seems to find it, yet it is clearly the end all and be all of existence. Some of the ways people try to find it are really terrible, while others are not very effective or just temporary. My goal is to create an effective way to a permanent state of fulfillment, wisdom, spiritual freedom and happiness, which, of course is wholeness.

Wholeness is utterly essential yet few directly strive to achieve it. I believe it is of utmost importance to make one’s search for wholeness one’s highest priority in what would otherwise be a temporary and fickle existence. To realize Spirit in one’s life is vital for adding meaning to what would otherwise be a meaningless and and rather pathetic materialistic existence.

Recently updated, May 2017 2nd edition – subjects covered include:

Chapter 1 – Uncover the Hidden Treasures in Your Self Through Meditation

Chapter 2 – Abandon All Desires and Fill Your Mind With Joy

Chapter 3 – Find Inner Joy – Stepping Stones to Wholeness

Chapter 4 – “The Science of the Soul” – Cynical Or Realistic?

Chapter 5 – Spiritual Paths – How Does One Know Which Are the Best?

Chapter 6 – How to Meditate Deeply in Perfect Stillness

Chapter 7 – Faith in Scientific Observation Verses Faith in Out-Dated Dogma

Chapter 8 – How Do We Transcend the Everyday Limitations of Time?

Chapter 9 – How to Transcend the Tyranny of Respiration and Rejuvenate Cells

Chapter 10 – Birth, Suffering and Death – Is This What You Want?

Chapter 11 – What is Enlightenment and How Do You Achieve It?

Chapter 12 – Finding Unity in Conflicts of Religion, Wealth, Sex and Spirituality

Chapter 13 – The Law of Love and The Universal Principles of Love

Chapter 14 – Live by Nature’s Wisdom and Higher Consciousness

Chapter 15 – Very Few Venture Far Enough Into the Forest of Bliss

“The Hidden Treasures Are Within” is now Available on Amazon Kindle

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Start gaining wisdom and inner fulfillment through the power of Spirit now with this most enlightening ebook, The Hidden Treasures Are Within.


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