Ionized Water and Blissful Cleansing A Fasting Lifestyle Is Essential for Wholeness
It may be possible to increase one’s ability to live on prana by consuming more “living” water.
Ionized (alkalized) water can, through its ability to flush out and or neutralize acidic toxins, be an excellent source of cleansing vitality and improve the physical body’s ability to benefit from “pranic nourishment.”

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However I must warn that for nearly everyone, the above listed evolutionary changes as becoming a “Light” eater never occur overnight nor is it for everyone, but only for a select few who have advanced yogic/spiritual tendencies. Even the famous but controversial Australian metaphysical author of “Living on Light” Jasmuheen still has to eat very lightly or drink something from time to time. Her constitution, way of thinking, her highly evolved state of loving spiritual awareness and divinization of her body cells due to her lifetime connection with spirit has allowed her to enjoy and even thrive on long periods of fasting and/or extremely light eating. Jasmuheen is a beautiful example of spirit transforming matter into a finer expression of divine love and of living mainly off pranic forces.
Even If Breatharianism Has Been Attained By Only A Few People One Should Still Learn All One Can From It And Not Be Closed Minded
Only a few but rapidly growing number of persons so far in recent history actually became breatharians. Such an extraordinary accomplishment as being able to live on prana instead of food is available mainly to those who have gone through all the required stages of this process, fully mastered yoga or at least developed some sort of a spiritual connection and often live in a remote, pristine environment loaded with vital atmospheric or bioplasmic energy.
According to Jericho Sunfire, a self-described breatharian and founder of the Inediate Society, one needs to take at least fifteen years to make the proper transition. He states one first must eat only vegetarian and vegan for the first five years, then five years 100% raw food, then the last five years fruitarian and liquidarian.
The process must be G-R-A-D-U-A-L and that is the key. Far too many get the wrong information and try to be breatharian overnight, or in too short of a time period, making themselves sick, way too skinny and even getting themselves hospitalized or worse, dead. The human body can do almost anything if given enough time to adapt to whatever change forced apon it. It is only when not allowing enough time for the transition to occur naturally that one gets into a mess.
Breatharians have and do exist; they are an important part of our spiritual history, and such abilities of living solely or mainly on prana is often confined to saints and yoga masters who meditate in remotely isolated mountain caves, shelters, etc. Unfortunately most of them are lost to legend and folklore, no longer available for scientific observation and proof.
Prahlad Jani was proven several times over and beyond a shadow of doubt regarding his ability to live only on prana. Amazingly, and most fortunately there seems to be a recent surge (as of 2010) in the number of breatharians living today from all parts of the globe and all walks of life in both urban and non-urban areas.
I still believe however, that living in a vast area of deep forest bioplasmic (orgone) energies, botanical aromas and pollens is essential for lasting success. That is how delicate the process of living without food is! It is essential for one’s health and well-being anyway to be surrounded by wild, living plants, because the pollens and scents from trees, wild-flowers, herbs, etc. can be essential for preventing depression and even cancer. That is why I am so concerned about the continuing existence of rain forests and other natural places. Nature is infinitely delicate and infinitely subtle!
In Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi, he writes about the non-eating saint, Theresa Neumann who lived in a small village surrounded by plants in greenhouse like conditions, the breatharian yogi, Giri Bala who lived in a remote Indian forest, and the etherial Mahavatar Babaji of the Himalayan mountains who not only was above eating, but also physical existence! Because most of humanity has become so isolated from nature’s profound subtleties, mainstream science and religion has, very sadly, grown extremely closed minded against and quite cynical regarding any such possiblities today. They will, however be forced someday (hopefully in the near future) to realize how wrong they have been! Please Don’t Die Trying too Hard to be Breatharian! Many are the stories of those who have died or become very ill trying to be a breatharian too quickly. Whenever one chooses to be a breatharian without first mastering a breathless state, or at least some other form of spiritual connection to Source Energy, becoming properly prepared in certain ways such as a gradual transition lasting at least fifteen years, living a pure lifestyle, getting intimately involved with the love and nourishing energy of God(dess), and without becoming fully connected with a guru, spirit guides, etc., starvation and/or death are usually the end result! Even after achieving all of the above, one may still need to eat occasionally! The tragedy is when an average person (often living in a polluted urban environment) reads one or two paperback books and/or listens to a few lectures on breatharianism then thinks he or she can simply stop eating without the consequences of starvation and death. Another danger is the one who is convinced nutrition is no longer important, and so becomes careless with one’s nutritional needs either by omitting certain essential foods or even worse, replacing healthy food with junk food! This is NOT to say that fasting is always wrong or incorrect, as fasting can be the perfect thing to do (for deepest meditations and spiritual/psychic development) between times of eating complete, fully balanced natural meals while hopefully living in a natural environment where the air is perfectly pure, full of life-tronic energy (orgone or bioplasmic), and filled with a wide variety of highly beneficial botanical pollens and plant aromas. 100% breatharianism, even though it might be possible under the right conditions, would be extremely unlikely for the average person to attain overnight especially if in any way cut off from nature. How would breatharian still be possible? If living in a city, town or any such urban area one would definitely need to first move as far away from civilization as possible and into a pristine mountain or rain forest environment (a dry desert with none or sparse vegetation, even though remote, might not adequately provide the ideal conditions either) and change one’s job or lifestyle to something more of a farmer, botanist, writer, psychic, and/or yoga teacher. It would be helpful to also spend many years perfecting and mastering the suspension of breath through highly evolved diets, celibacy, meditation and advanced yoga. Attaining a certain stage of samadhi, may also increase the possiblity of living without food. Having a strong connection with Spirit such as some way of communicating with spiritual guides and/or gurus from the spiritual realms would also be quite helpful, providing the advanced guidance, provision and help often essential for such an extreme endeavor as breatharianism. Can Quantum Physics and the Bible Help One Understand Where the Energy Comes From To Sustain Anyone Who Practices Inedia? Those raised on materialistic mainstream education would tend to think that anyone who either believes in breatharianism and especially those who would try to achieve breatharianism to be a real nut case, or worse! This unfortunate fact is because they don’t realize that there is a universal force, power or principle (the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) that maintains the underlying foundation of all energy in the universe. Biology has evolved at least in part to have the ability to take advantage of this energy. The spiritual or most subtle and/or energetic aspects of one’s self can convert some of this energy into physical energy especially if living a yogic lifestyle in pristine natural surroundings and especially if given the years required to train one’s cells to become even more tuned to this internal zero-point energy. Even then, the extent one can actually fast may dramatically vary from individual to individual depending on one’s genes, background, spiritual evolution and level of yogic development. Whenever a sensitive person sits out in the wilderness in a very quiet space filled with pranic vitality (universal energy reduced to more biologically assimilative forms of prana via plants and trees) one may begin to hear a very soft humming sound deep inside the inner ear and feel immensely blissful, peaceful and energized. The phenomenon of this inner “music” is called the “Om” sound by most yogis. This sound is the interaction of prana and the chakras. It is the resonate “ringing” of the chakras in vibrational harmony with this universal Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit. St. Matthew 4:4 claims: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Here, I interpret this scripture as referring to the primary vibrations of creation (again, the universal Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit) where nourishing, healing energy “bubbles up” from the finer, more conscious levels of reality as sources of energy for the creation and maintenance of causal, astral and physical spheres and all the beings that reside within them. The “Word” of God is a source of inner, healing nourishment, bliss and higher consciousness for all. Jesus found great comfort and nourishment in the way of higher chakras from this subtle Divine Sound current during his long fast in the desert. In a wilderness area, vast amounts of subtle earth and atmospheric energy currents can flow unheeded by the disturbing forces, counter-currents, and disrupting thought patterns of buildings, worldly people and civilization. Christ was subtle enough to draw upon this pranic energy as a source of cellular electrical energy. But until we can fully benefit from this remarkable yet very natural way to obtain energy, an extremely efficient metabolism has to be established. Learn more about tuning metabolism for pranic nourishment (not starvation!) here. Appreciate And Value Teachers And Practitioners Of Breatharianism 100% satisfaction, divine love and comfort are the road signs to follow. For those who feel called to do so, and only a very few people are (must be highly spiritually evolved), the transition toward “living on light” or “pranic nourishment” is meant to be a lifetime spiritual attunement process that is 100% comfortable leading to greater love, healing, liberating inner strength, magical inspiration and excitement! Conservation of vital energies, yoga, meditation, and deep, breathless samadhi should also be a natural part of this life-long transition. Having and enjoying the ability to live on pranic bliss is extremely healthy, beautiful and wondrous, however FORCING ONESELF TO UNDERGO RESTRICTED DIETS, EXTREME HUNGER AND CRAVINGS IS NOT ONLY UNNECESSARY, IT COULD CAUSE SERIOUS METABOLIC DAMAGE OR EVEN DEATH. Common sense, balanced nutrition, and a healthy respect for one’s body and soul’s true needs should be everyone’s priority. Some of the warning signs one is going about breatharian the wrong way and/or too fast: rapid heartbeat, rapid shallow breathing (breath should be slow and steady with periods of breath suspension into the bliss of God(dess), loss of strength, wasting away, dehydration, unpleasant moods, depression, anxiety, dizziness, confusion and extreme tiredness. On the other hand, when properly developed and prepared, one can use alkalized water fasting, deep meditation on the inner sounds of God (Om), and the absorption of the Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit as vital tools in discovering the “wholeness” we all long for. If the truth seeker longs to experience breatharianism it is NEVER to be done overnight nor by simply eliminating vital foods, but through five years 100% vegetarian diet, five years 100% raw food diet, then five years fruitarian and liquidarian diets, deep meditation, pranic breathing and/or breath suspension, and connecting to the Holy Spirit or universal Source of pranic nourishment. I believe it is best to start breatharianism after one is long established in the eternal bliss of God realization and after being strongly guided to do so by Spirit in a very definite way. Go to: Ionized Water and the Breatharian Experience for the original website, YouTube videos, and images. |
“Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment” One Should Learn All One Can and Not Be Closed Minded Some advanced yogis might be able to tap into this largely unknown source through years of fasting and an acquired connection with quantum energy or what they would call Love, Light, Spirit, Prana or God. THERE IS A UNIVERSAL FORCE, POWER OR PRINCIPLE (THE HEISENBERG UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE) THAT MAINTAINS THE UNDERLYING FOUNDATION OF ALL ENERGY IN THE UNIVERSE The purpose of this book is to make others aware of the fact that inedia is possible, but not necessarily as a means to become a breatharian “living on light” yourself. The popular idea that breatharians simply “live on air” or even worse, “live on nothing” is misleading. Successful breatharianism which is really quite rare is the result of training the energies of the astral (or dark matter) body and cells of the physical (baryonic matter) body over many, many years (or lifetimes?) to obtain nourishment directly from quantum energy. Atoms are the perfect “breatharians” because they immediately receive their energy from the ubiquitous zero point field of quantum energy to maintain their electron orbits, otherwise the electron clouds or fields surrounding all atoms would have collapsed into the atomic nuclei eons and eons ago. Every electron must either remain inside or jump from a specific energy channel or “quanta” into another. Because their lowest possible quantum energy state can never be reduced any further, they forever remain in their “orbits” around the atomic nucleus. At the subatomic level, energy can never be used up, and if it is somehow lost, it is immediately replaced by more quantum energy. This idea can be proven by the superfluid properties of liquid helium and how it never really freezes into a solid mass no matter how close it gets to absolute zero (-459.67 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Kelvin) at normal pressures. In other words, the zero-point energy of its atoms seems to be too high to allow freezing. Just as single-celled organisms, algae and plant life can get all their nourishment from sunlight, water, nitrogen and minerals, it may be possible for certain cells in the human body to obtain nourishment from scientifically unknown sources such as astral, spiritual and quantum (or prana). Every living thing is already sustained to some extent by this energy and nearly anyone after a long period of a pure, God-tuned lifestyle, cellular detoxification and absorption of prana (quantum energy) can achieve a temporary and/or partial state of “breatharianism” through abstemious eating such as in the form of occasional liquids and soups. Body cells, if given a long enough time, can adapt to almost any condition, and as amazing as this may sound, some people, such as Jasmuheen, the world-famous Australian proponent of “pranic nourishment” and various other “new age” concepts seem to have succeeded in making partial breatharianism a permanent way of life for herself. Ask anyone who knows Jasmuheen personally, and you will find she definitely “walks her talk.” However for matter to evolve into even more complex life forms such as animals, an acquired dependency on food is required, because evolution would not even be possible without this dependency on and competition for external sources of food. However there might remain an innate ability for some cells to receive nourishment from quantum energy in a similar manner as atoms. Some advanced yogis might be able to tap into this largely unknown source through years of fasting and an acquired connection with quantum energy or what they would call Love, Light, Spirit, Prana or God. This energy is an intelligent and all-loving energy guided by the higher dimensions (governing principles) of universal consciousness. Cold fusion, if it exists at all and if it can occur in biological systems, might be another way some cells could obtain energy without having to rely on external sources. However, if all one needed all along was some quantum energy, sunlight or other free and independent source of energy and nourishment to survive, no further evolution would take place and the entity would remain as simple as a single-celled organism. This is why nearly every life form, except the most simple, requires that it hunt for food to survive, even though it may in some cases seem possible to train a yogi’s human cells to revert back to the way atoms get their energy. February 2016, 2nd edition – subjects covered will include: Chapter 1 – Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Breatharian? Chapter 2 – Most “Breatharians” Are Simply Eating Far Less Chapter 3 – Diet Methods to Bring More Prana Into One’s Body Chapter 4 – Discover How Ionized Water Can Help You Absorb Prana Chapter 5 – Breatharianism Is No Joke: Prahlad Jani Defies Science Chapter 6 – One Should Learn All One Can and Not Be Closed Minded Chapter 7 – Transition to a Breatharian Lifestyle Must Be Gradual Chapter 8 – Where the Energy Comes From For Pranic Nourishment Chapter 9 – Seek Wholeness First and as a Way to Breatharianism “Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment” is now Available on Amazon Kindle GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY E-BOOK! You can e-mail me HERE |