Ionized Water and Blissful Cleansing The Breatharian Experience
Food and the need for it can be one’s worst enemy. Not only is dependence on food a potential financial burden, it can also become a medical burden. Most diseases and other problems associate with overconsumption of food especially when too many carbohydrates are consumed! Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, infections, cancer, deficiencies, etc. often closely correspond with diet. Intermittent fasting with water can help one overcome addiction to food and reduce one’s need and appetite for it!
The key is intermittent fasting on purified, alkaline, mineralized or negatively ionized water between whole, complete meals.
Instead of snacking, gradually increase the length of time between whole, complete meals from hours to one or two days. Real yogis do Intermittent fasting all the time. They can train their bodies to achieve extraordinary things. They can increase their ability to hold their breath from seconds to several minutes. This would be impossible on a full stomach. They can accomplish miracles after years of deep meditation in nirbikalpa samdahi (a high suspended breath state). They slow down metabolism and heart rate enough to appear to not breathe for several days, or even months sometimes!
Adequately trained human body cells can do all manner of amazing things, not just intermittent fasting.
The octogenarian yogi Prahlad Jani born in Chunriwala Mataji on August 13, 1929 in Charada, Mehsana district, for example apparently never ate or drank anything since the age of 11. He is in perfect health and spends most of his time in deep meditation. His inner experience includes an indescribable light within his mind’s eye and immense bliss. He claims to live on this light and drops of a “soma” pituitary gland secretion that come through a hole in the palate at the top of the inside of his mouth. His life proves that in at least some cases, and in the light of all the terrible diseases associated with food, one might be far better off not eating anything much at all!
How could this be possible? Skeptics without any knowledge of quantum physics on cells say that breatharianism cannot be possible. They say it simply is not occurring and therefore all claiming to live without food are frauds. Of course, the energy of life and metabolism has to come from somewhere. Because of this fact, one cannot blame one for being skeptical. It may be that our very ancient and intelligent human cells are extremely resourceful. Is it possible they could also top into the same energy that sustains every atom in the universe? Yogis work with a kind of universal cosmic quantum energy, “shakti” or “prana”. Prana creates a blissful, energizing and ecstatic feeling throughout every cell in the body. The conservation of sexual energy deeply enhances absorption of prana. Intermittent fasting while drinking loads of water can start one in this direction.
The practice of breatharianism might not help the average person, but we can at least benefit from intermittent fasting.
Purified water, like filtered ionized water for example can greatly enhance fasting benefits. Overindulgence in sex, eating too often blocks the expression and realization of this vital prana in the physical body. One can therefore try all sorts of alternatives to reduce the negative effects of eating.
Some methods include avoiding red meat such as pork, beef, and lamb. This means going mainly vegetarian, vegan and raw food. One can try to eat more lightly, but more often. Additionally, the best and most practical strategy I found so far is intermittent fasting. One would consume a whole, complete meal and then fast for a while with drinking water. One could use ionized water or any kind of purified or distilled drinking water. Instead of snacking, keep drinking until the next whole, complete meal. This way, one can enjoy the benefits of fasting nearly all the time. I would then gradually increase the length of time between meals, until I am eating much less often.
I consume solid food once every two days with a tremendous improvement in health, bliss and spiritual energy levels.
I’ve been benefiting from an intermittent water-fasting lifestyle for several decades. This when following one’s bliss is extremely important! If I did not benefit me so profoundly from doing this practice, I simply would not do this! Never fast too long if it just makes you uncomfortable. The body cells might gradually adapt to almost anything, as long as the change is gradual! This is why to never, ever suddenly stop eating forever. The results could be catastrophic! Much preparation is needed before attempting to fast even for a short time. And never begin a fast without first eating a huge, complete meal! Never fast without first getting all the vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. that one presently needs!
Study the nutrition sections of my website carefully to make sure one’s meals are absolutely nutritionally complete! Do this before starting intermittent water-fasting or any kind of fasting. Fasting could quickly become a very unpleasant experience with potentially damaging results you never want to repeat. My first attempts at long-term fasting (to overcome severe food sensitivities) back in the late 1970’s were disastrous! It caused me much embarrassment, terrible loss of weight and weakness throughout my body. I simply had no clue as to how to go about intermittent fasting the correct way.
What does a lady pearl diver do before diving for oysters?
Fasting can be somewhat compared to holding one’s breath. What does a lady pearl diver do before diving many feet under water, say for oysters? The diver prepares in several ways: First of all she fasts for a while ahead of the dive. In the second step, she breathes very deeply until the whole body is completely saturated with oxygen. One needs enough oxygen in the blood to comfortably reach the bottom. She then must gather a few oysters and return to the surface without too much discomfort. She must not endanger her lungs and heart.
So it is with correct fasting: the more complete the meal, the longer and more comfortable the fast! The more one fasts, the more one’s body cells can adapt. One can eventually go further into living more and more on Spirit (quantum energy) instead of food. Along with celibacy and other factors, fasting works so much better to bring one closer to wholeness.
Intermittent fasting is the best way to get started.
Furthermore, one can greatly enhance the benefits of intermittent fasting with conservation of vital sexual fluids and regular meditation. To begin with one can start to save significant money on groceries, vitamin supplements, etc. and eventually even medical bills and dental bills. Nearly all health problems are associated with the cumulative oxidation damage of too much food and too little hydration over time. Overeaters typically also consume far too many empty calories too.
Eventually the cells adapt to the longer periods of inedia and one finds one can become more sensitive to and live more and more on a sort of prana or energy that comes from all of nature, such as trees, plants, the sky, the earth, the sun, and the very energy source of the universe which is dark energy. One’s chakras and kundalini start to awaken, and enjoy more and more vivid high astral dreams of bliss and ecstasy. One’s physical needs become less and less demanding, while one’s spiritual awareness and reverence for life increases dramatically. Intermittent fasting is the best way to get started, because it is sustainable by anyone.
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“Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment” One Should Learn All One Can and Not Be Closed Minded Some advanced yogis might be able to tap into this largely unknown source through years of fasting and an acquired connection with quantum energy or what they would call Love, Light, Spirit, Prana or God.
There is a universal force, power, or principle (the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) that maintains the underlying foundation of all energy in the universe.The purpose of this book is to make others aware that inedia is possible but only in rare individuals. However, most people can begin to experience the effect of “living on light” themselves through water fasting. The popular idea that breatharians simply “live on air” or even worse, “live on nothing” is misleading. Successful breatharianism is really quite rare. It is the result of training the energies of the astral (or dark matter) body and cells of the physical (baryonic matter) body over many, many years (or lifetimes?) to obtain nourishment directly from quantum energy. Atoms are the perfect “breatharians” because they immediately receive their energy from the ubiquitous zero point field of quantum energy.What power maintains their electron orbits? Otherwise the electron clouds or fields surrounding all atoms would have collapsed into the atomic nuclei eons and eons ago. Every electron must either remain inside or jump from a specific energy channel or “quanta” into another. Because their lowest possible quantum energy state can never be reduced any further, they forever remain in their “orbits” around the atomic nucleus. At the subatomic level, energy can never be used up.If it is somehow lost, it is immediately replaced by more quantum energy. This idea can be proven by the superfluid properties of liquid helium and how it never really freezes into a solid mass no matter how close it gets to absolute zero (-459.67 degrees Fahrenheit or zero degrees Kelvin) at normal pressures. In other words, the zero-point energy of its atoms seems to be too high to allow freezing. Single-celled organisms, algae and plant life can get all their nourishment from sunlight, water, nitrogen and minerals.It may be possible for certain cells in the human body to obtain nourishment from scientifically unknown sources. These sources include astral, spiritual and quantum (or prana). Every living thing is already sustained to some extent by this energy. After a long period of a pure, God-tuned lifestyle, cellular detoxification and absorption of prana (quantum energy) one might achieve a temporary and/or partial state of “breatharianism” through abstemious eating such as in the form of occasional liquids and soups. Body cells, if given a long enough time, can adapt to almost any condition.As amazing as this may sound, some people, such as Jasmuheen, the world-famous Australian proponent of “pranic nourishment” and various other “new age” concepts seem to have succeeded in making partial breatharianism a permanent way of life for herself. Ask anyone who knows Jasmuheen personally, and you will find she definitely “walks her talk.” However for matter to evolve into even more complex life forms such as animals, an acquired dependency on food is required.Evolution would not be possible without competition with other organisms for external sources of food. However there might remain an innate ability for some cells to receive nourishment from quantum energy. This might occur in a similar manner that nuclei and their electrons stay vibrating and spinning. Some advanced yogis might be able to tap into this largely unknown source through years of fasting. They can acquire a connection with quantum energy or what they would call Love, Light, Spirit, Prana or God. This energy is an intelligent and all-loving energy guided by the higher dimensions (governing principles) of universal consciousness. Cold fusion, if it can occur in biological systems, might be another way some cells could obtain energy.Cold fusion, if it can occur in biological systems, might be another way some cells could obtain energy. Without having to rely on external sources, cells might have evolved other methods to gather internal energy. However, if all one needed all along was some quantum energy, sunlight or other free and independent source of energy and nourishment to survive, no further evolution would take place. With no pressure to evolve, all life would remain as simple as a single-celled organisms. This is why nearly every life form, except the most simple, requires that it hunt for food to survive. Could it be in some cases possible to train a yogi’s human cells to revert back to the way atoms get their energy? February 2016, 2nd edition – subjects covered will include: Chapter 1 – Why Would Anyone Want to Be a Breatharian? Chapter 2 – Most “Breatharians” Are Simply Eating Far Less Chapter 3 – Diet Methods to Bring More Prana Into One’s Body Chapter 4 – Discover How Ionized Water Can Help You Absorb Prana Chapter 5 – Breatharianism Is No Joke: Prahlad Jani Defies Science Chapter 6 – One Should Learn All One Can and Not Be Closed Minded Chapter 7 – Transition to a Breatharian Lifestyle Must Be Gradual Chapter 8 – Where the Energy Comes From For Pranic Nourishment Chapter 9 – Seek Wholeness First and as a Way to Breatharianism “Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment” is now Available on Amazon Kindle GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST IN MY E-BOOK! You can e-mail me HERE |