Achieve Wholeness through Advanced Nutritional Diets, Daily Water Fasting and Supplements

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In Search of Wholeness

Ionized Water: Fasting and Blissful Cleansing

-- Foundation for Wholeness --

Breatharian, Jasmuheen, Prahlad Jani, Ionized Water, Water Fasting, Spiritual Diet, Fasting Diet

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The Power of Ionized Water, Jasmuheen and Breatharianism


Discover Ionized Water, How it can Cleanse You and Help You Absorb more Prana

Being the most abundant substance on the surface of our world and in our bodies, water's importance to our health and well-being is overwhelmingly obvious. I find it essential to drink plenty of water between meals and especially during a short fast or when I am too busy to eat (which is quite often!) One can harm oneself if one eats concentrated carbohydrate or high protein food to the exclusion of fruit, vegetables, raw juices and water. One can get quite dehydrated and put a great strain on one's kidneys and delicate acid/alkaline balance without sensing it, especially when older. Negatively ionized water works best to quench thirst and rehydrate the cells with the added benefits of having powerful antioxidant activity and a strong alkaline effect. By drinking large quantities of ionized water (an abundance of alkaline mineral water is beneficial to health and well-being anyway) and by incorporating it into to one's daily diet by blending it with vegetables & fruit or making nut milks with it, the "charge" of the water and pH (power of hydrogen) levels could have a good influence on one's health and quality of life. Whenever it is used as part of a recipe, the food is wonderfully enhanced. Ionization of your water is of vital importance.

I actually bought two of the Mavello ionizers featured through this website at Being a major health breakthrough for me personally, I was so impressed by the benefits, I wondered what would happen if I ran water through one and then through a second ionizer. It turns out to be even more concentrated and even more powerful! There would not be enough water pressure for three ionizers but it is possible to run tap water through two.

I have recently discovered that the awesome benefits of manufacturing my own "micro-water" can be further enhanced yet again by adding Royal Body Care's "Microhydrin" (negatively charged hydrogen) to negatively ionized water, thereby creating an incredibly super-powerful "miracle" water. Being the world's most concentrated and powerful antioxidant you can get in a capsule, Microhydrin must be mixed with and consumed with at least 8 onces of water to be effective. The combination of Microhydrin and negatively ionized alkaline water (a perfect marriage!) seem to result in even greater benefits of awesome energy, inner clarity and well-being. The most remarkable thing of all is that it gives me greater freedom from the need to snack and unnecessary food cravings. I still must eat from time to time, but not as often. Alkalized, negatively charged water (not just alkaline) reduces the need for food yet increases one's energy. This combination could be a good fasting/purification method toward spiritual enlightenment and a possible step toward breatharianism. I must caution one never to get too enthusiastic and run away with this idea before making sure that when the body does feel hungry, it is fed a complete, living, fully supplemented and nutritionally complete, fully balanced superfood diet.

The highest concentrations of ionized water yield a cloudy, oxygen rich substance of the very beneficial and desirable negatively charged hydroxyl ions with the alkaline minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and manganese depending on how much was present in the tap water to begin with (can vary from location to location). These negatively charged molecules and minerals are needed by the body to help maintain its healthy, natural alkaline state without sacrificing bone density and dental health which can often happen after consuming acid forming (calcium leaching) food such as meat, bread, and carbonated beverages which contain carbonic acid and often lactic and phosphoric acid as well. Most diseases love acidic food while hating an overall alkaline input into the body as would happen from drinking regularly abundant amounts of alkalized water. Therefore it becomes much easier to remain healthy and free of stress. I have found it a major help in reducing anxiety disorder caused by cerebral lactic acid sensitivity. What could be a better buffer for lactic acid than alkalized water? If you need to improve your athletic ability, ionized water should really help too! Another benefit I noticed after several weeks of nearly living on both Microhydrin and concentrated ionized water, is perfect digestion and perfect microflora. To see the best countertop water ionizers for your money that I know of, you might be very interested in purchasing an Aqua Deluxe Water Ionizer or you can construct your own for very little cost!

"Living on Light" Requires Multiple Advanced Stages of Careful Preparation and Years of Mind/Body/Spirit Purification.

One might first go to the following website for fasting for spiritual awareness: Fasting on Your Spiritual Path to God - Fasting Rules for Beginners which can be a great help in understanding when fasting is right for you. The overwhelming majority of "beginning" breatharians are simply those who are fasting for a long period of time. Most still eat when they have to, but of course they are not always inclined to admit that! My approach would be to first refine and develop one's self spiritually, always with the attainment of wholeness being the first priority. Fasting should only happen naturally as a consequence of having successfully achieved many years of deep states of yoga and suspension of metabolism.

One should avoid overeating anyway - I believe in moderation of all things, especially food! Problems such as gas, bloating, and tiredness can occur if you allow yourself to get too full. Even the smallest amount of undigested superfluous food is an immediate source for "allergic" sensitivity reactions, bacteriological and/or fungal toxins that can cause a variety of mostly unpleasant symptoms. "Systematic under-eating" as it is called, can bring you the best of health, energy, clarity of mind, calmness, and spirituality. Some advanced spiritual beings can almost entirely go without food as other, much subtler energy systems beyond what we term as physical take over, feeding body cells from various pranic energy sources.

Increase your ability to live on prana with "living" water! - Ionized (alkalized) water can, through its ability to flush out and or neutralize acidic toxins, be an excellent source of energy and "pranic nourishment." Systematic under-eating and eventual progression toward a "living on light" diet would be very difficult without first following through an overlapping series of logical steps in combination with advanced spiritual development, meditation and breath control: 1) health food "vegetarian," 2) raw food & antioxidants, 3) high antioxidant raw food liquidarian, 4) negatively ionized water and air, 5) ojas, prana from nature, sunlight and astral substances, 6) mental and causal energies, and 7) celestial being (light).

However I must warn that for nearly everyone, the above listed evolutionary changes as becoming a "Light" eater never occur overnight nor is it for everyone, but only for a select few who have advanced yogic/spiritual tendencies. Even Jasmuheen still has to eat very lightly or drink something from time to time. Her constitution, way of thinking, her highly evolved state of loving spiritual awareness and divinization of her body cells due to her lifetime connection with spirit has allowed her to enjoy and even thrive on long periods of fasting and/or extremely light eating. Jasmuheen is a beautiful example of spirit transforming matter into a finer expression of divine love and of living mainly off pranic forces.


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IONIZED ALKALINE WATER could be a major and essential help for increasing metabolic efficiency and energy, because of the vitality, hydration, and healing effect it provides by quenching free radicals and increasing the ability of mitochondria in cells to function effectively. The supplementation of CQ 10 could even further enhance this process. Those individuals living a pure lifestyle, along with regular (daily) water fasting on alkaline negatively ionized water tend to become more appreciative of energy from prana, bioplasma or orgone energy. It becomes surprisingly easy to get by on only one meal a day when regularly consuming large amounts of negatively ionized (alkalized) water. Go here for more info.

Even If Breatharianism Has Been Attained By Only A Few People One Should Still Learn All One Can From It And Not Be Closed Minded

Only a few but rapidly growing number of persons so far in recent history actually became breatharians. Such an extraordinary accomplishment as being able to live on prana instead of food is available mainly to those who have gone through all the required stages of this process, fully mastered yoga or at least developed some sort of a spiritual connection and often live in a remote, pristine environment loaded with vital atmospheric or bioplasmic energy.

According to Jericho Sunfire, a genuine breatharian and founder of the Inediate Society, one needs to take at at least fifteen years to make the proper transition. He states one first must eat only vegetarian and vegan for the first five years, then five years 100% raw food, then the last five years fruitarian and liquidarian. The process must be G-R-A-D-U-A-L and that is the key. Far too many get the wrong information and try to be breatharian overnight, or in too short of a time period, making themselves sick, way too skinny and even getting themselves hospitalized or worse, dead. The human body can do almost anything if given enough time to adapt to whatever change forced apon it. It is only when not allowing enough time for the transition to occur naturally that one gets into a mess.

Breatharians have and do exist; they are an important part of our spiritual history, and such abilities of living solely or mainly on prana is often confined to saints and yoga masters who meditate in remotely isolated mountain caves, shelters, etc. Unfortunately most of them are lost to legend and folklore, no longer available for scientific observation and proof.

The Indian spiritual master, Prahlad Jani, for example was proven several times over and beyond a shadow of doubt regarding his ability to live only on prana. Amazingly, and most fortunately there seems to be a recent surge (as of 2010) in the number of breatharians living today from all parts of the globe and all walks of life in both urban and non-urban areas.

I still believe however, that living in a vast area of deep forest bioplasmic (orgone) energies, botanical aromas and pollens is essential for lasting success or at least some deep connection with the Source or God energy. That is how delicate the process of living without food seems to be. It is essential for one's health and well-being anyway to be surrounded by wild, living plants, because the pollens and scents from trees, wild-flowers, herbs, etc. can be essential for preventing depression and even cancer. That is why I am so concerned about the continuing existence of rain forests and other natural places. Nature is infinitely delicate and infinitely subtle!

In Paramhansa Yogananda's Autobiography of a Yogi, he writes about the non-eating saint, Theresa Neumann who lived in a small village surrounded by plants in greenhouse like conditions, the breatharian yogi, Giri Bala who lived in a remote Indian forest, and the etherial Mahavatar Babaji of the Himalayan mountains who not only was above eating, but also physical existence! Because most of humanity has become so isolated from nature's profound subtleties, mainstream science and religion has, very sadly, grown extremely closed minded against and quite cynical regarding any such possiblities today. They will, however be forced someday (hopefully in the near future) to realize how wrong they have been!

Please Don't Die Trying too Hard to be Breatharian!

Many are the stories of those who have died or become very ill trying to be a breatharian too quickly. Whenever one chooses to be a breatharian without first mastering a breathless state, or at least some other form of spiritual connection to Source Energy, becoming properly prepared in certain ways such as a gradual transition lasting at least fifteen years, living a pure lifestyle, getting intimately involved with the love and nourishing energy of God(dess), and without becoming fully connected with a guru, spirit guides, etc., starvation and/or death are usually the end result! Even after achieving all of the above, one may still need to eat occasionally!

The tragedy is when an average person (often living in a polluted urban environment) reads one or two paperback books and/or listens to a few lectures on breatharianism then thinks he or she can simply stop eating without the consequences of starvation and death. Another danger is the one who is convinced nutrition is no longer important, and so becomes careless with one's nutritional needs either by omitting certain essential foods or even worse, replacing healthy food with junk food! This is NOT to say that fasting is always wrong or incorrect, as fasting can be the perfect thing to do (for deepest meditations and spiritual/psychic development) between times of eating complete, fully balanced natural meals while hopefully living in a natural environment where the air is perfectly pure, full of life-tronic energy (orgone or bioplasmic), and filled with a wide variety of highly beneficial botanical pollens and plant aromas.

100% breatharianism, even though it might be possible under the right conditions, would be extremely unlikely for the average person to attain overnight especially if in any way cut off from nature. How would breatharian still be possible? If living in a city, town or any such urban area one would definitely need to first move as far away from civilization as possible and into a pristine mountain or rain forest environment (a dry desert with none or sparse vegetation, even though remote, might not adequately provide the ideal conditions either) and change one's job or lifestyle to something more of a farmer, botanist, writer, psychic, and/or yoga teacher. It would be helpful to also spend many years perfecting and mastering the suspension of breath through highly evolved diets, celibacy, meditation and advanced yoga. Attaining a certain stage of samadhi, may also increase the possiblity of living without food. Having a strong connection with Spirit such as some way of communicating with spiritual guides and/or gurus from the spiritual realms would also be quite helpful, providing the advanced guidance, provision and help often essential for such an extreme endeavor as breatharianism.

Can Quantum Physics and the Bible Help One Understand Where the Energy Comes From To Sustain Anyone Who Practices Inedia?

Those raised on materialistic mainstream education would tend to think that anyone who either believes in breatharianism and especially those who would try to achieve breatharianism to be a real nut case, or worse! This unfortunate fact is because they don't realize that there is a universal force, power or principle (the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) that maintains the underlying foundation of all energy in the universe. Biology has evolved at least in part to have the ability to take advantage of this energy. The spiritual or most subtle and/or energetic aspects of one's self can convert some of this energy into physical energy especially if living a yogic lifestyle in pristine natural surroundings and especially if given the years required to train one's cells to become even more tuned to this internal zero-point energy. Even then, the extent one can actually fast may dramatically vary from individual to individual depending on one's genes, background, spiritual evolution and level of yogic development.

Whenever a sensitive person sits out in the wilderness in a very quiet space filled with pranic vitality (universal energy reduced to more biologically assimilative forms of prana via plants and trees) one may begin to hear a very soft humming sound deep inside the inner ear and feel immensely blissful, peaceful and energized. The phenomenon of this inner "music" is called the "Om" sound by most yogis. This sound is the interaction of prana and the chakras. It is the resonate "ringing" of the chakras in vibrational harmony with this universal Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit.

St. Matthew 4:4 claims: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Here, I interpret this scripture as referring to the primary vibrations of creation (again, the universal Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit) where nourishing, healing energy "bubbles up" from the finer, more conscious levels of reality as sources of energy for the creation and maintenance of causal, astral and physical spheres and all the beings that reside within them. The "Word" of God is a source of inner, healing nourishment, bliss and higher consciousness for all. Jesus found great comfort and nourishment in the way of higher chakras from this subtle Divine Sound current during his long fast in the desert.

In a wilderness area, vast amounts of subtle earth and atmospheric energy currents can flow unheeded by the disturbing forces, counter-currents, and disrupting thought patterns of buildings, worldly people and civilization. Christ was subtle enough to draw upon this pranic energy as a source of cellular electrical energy. But until we can fully benefit from this remarkable yet very natural way to obtain energy, an extremely efficient metabolism has to be established. Learn more about tuning metabolism for pranic nourishment (not starvation!) here.

Appreciate And Value Teachers And Practitioners Of Breatharianism
Yet Please Stay Away from Hunger!

100% satisfaction, divine love and comfort are the road signs to follow. For those who feel called to do so, and only a very few people are (must be highly spiritually evolved), the transition toward "living on light" or "pranic nourishment" is meant to be a lifetime spiritual attunement process that is 100% comfortable leading to greater love, healing, liberating inner strength, magical inspiration and excitement! Conservation of vital energies, yoga, meditation, and deep, breathless samadhi should also be a natural part of this life-long transition.

Having and enjoying the ability to live on pranic bliss is extremely healthy, beautiful and wondrous, however FORCING ONESELF TO UNDERGO RESTRICTED DIETS, EXTREME HUNGER AND CRAVINGS IS NOT ONLY UNNECESSARY, IT COULD CAUSE SERIOUS METABOLIC DAMAGE OR EVEN DEATH. Common sense and a healthy respect for one's body and soul's true needs should be everyone's priority. Some of the warning signs one is going about breatharian the wrong way and/or too fast: rapid heartbeat, rapid shallow breathing (breath should be slow and steady with periods of breath suspension into the bliss of God(dess), loss of strength, wasting away, dehydration, unpleasant moods, depression, anxiety, confusion and extreme tiredness.

On the other hand, when properly developed and prepared, one can use alkalized water fasting, deep meditation on the inner sounds of God (Om), and the absorption of the Zero Point Energy or Holy Spirit as vital tools in discovering the "wholeness" we all long for.

If the truth seeker longs to experience breatharianism it is NEVER to be done overnight nor by simply eliminating vital foods, but through five years 100% vegetarian diet, five years 100% raw food diet, then five years fruitarian and liquidarian diets, deep meditation, pranic breathing and/or breath suspension, and connecting to the Holy Spirit or universal Source of pranic nourishment. I believe it is best to start breatharianism after one is long established in the eternal bliss of God realization and after being strongly guided to do so by Spirit in a very definite way.


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Some Reviews of Fascinating Books on Ionized Water & Fasting
Click on this text to Show/Hide details and then click on any title to find more information on each book.
The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water - The Definitive Guide to the World's Healthiest Substance by Bob McCauley and CNC - Editorial Review - This book IS the definitive guide to the world's healthiest substance. Ionized water is one of the great health breakthroughs of all time and yet it has been almost entirely ignored in the West. Here, finally, is a book that says everything you will ever need to know about why you need to drink ionized water. --Ryan McDowell

Product Description - Water is our best defense against disease of every kind. Sixty percent or more of all chronic disease would be significantly reduced if people would simply keep themselves properly hydrated. To ionize means to gain or lose an electron. Essentially, the ionization process robs an electron from one molecule and donates, or transfers, it to another molecule. Both Alkaline and Acid Ionized Water have extraordinary properties and benefits, however, their respective uses could not be more different. We consume Alkaline Ionized Water and use the Acid Ionized Water on the outside of our bodies for acne, cuts, scrapes and rashes of all kinds. It kills bacteria on contact and encourages plant growth. The centerpiece of Alkaline Ionized Water are its antioxidant properties. It is miraculous that normal tap water can be instantly transformed into a strong antioxidant. Alkaline Ionized Water has two antioxidant qualities, its negative charge and the presence of hydroxyl ions which are free radical scavengers. The body is starved for electrons and Alkaline Ionized Water contains an abundance of them, which nullify free radicals in the body. One can thrive on half the normal intake of food as long as we consume high electron-rich nutrients. Alkaline Ionized Water is an extremely effective antioxidant because it is a liquid that has a small grouping of water molecule clusters and thus is more easily absorbed into the body where it can be of immediate use. Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water gives you energy through better hydration and alkalization of the body and by providing the body with oxygen. Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions in Alkaline Ionized Water, the water becomes alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. The pH level can be adjusted with a water ionizer between 7.5 and 9.9, which is the highest pH that it should be consumed. All disease thrives in an acid environment in the body and will not flourish and thrive in an alkaline environment. If we acidify

Your Body's Many Cries for Water by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj - Editorial Reviews - Review - As a result of extensive research into the role of water in the body, the author, a medical doctor, believes that he has found chronic dehydration to be the cause of many conditions including asthma, allergies, arthritis, angina, migraine headaches, hypertension, raised cholesterol, chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, depression, and diabetes in the elderly.

According to Dr. Batmanghelidj, the body possesses many different thirst signals. A dry mouth is not a reliable indicator of your body's water needs. He describes a variety of more reliable ones, and helps you learn to understand when your body is calling for water. In this way, he claims you can prevent, treat, and cure a variety of conditions of ill health, at no cost, with what he calls nature's miracle medicine: Water. The author explains how much water one needs to drink a day to stay healthy, and why tea, coffee, and sodas are not good substitutes for water.

From Scientific American - This book by a highly respected M.D. explodes a medical atom bomb--An entirely new paradigm for the cause and prevention of many degenerative diseases! You owe it to yourself to read this incredible book

Achieving Great Health -- How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined by Bob McCauley (Author) and Dr. Gabriel Cousens - Editorial Reviews - After years of testing, using his own body as the laboratory and observing the results, Robert discovered the hidden formula. -- Peter Ragnar

After years of testing, using his own body as the laboratory and observing the results, Robert discovered the hidden formula. --Peter Ragnar

Call it whatever you like, Bob offers you the missing "Owners Manual" for jump starting your life. --Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS

Call it whatever you like, Bob offers you the missing "Owners Manual" for jump starting your life. --Viktoras Kulvinskas, MS

Having been a clinical nutritionist and raw foodist for 35 years, I recommend this natural health book without any reservations. --Fred Bisci, MD

Having been a clinical nutritionist and raw foodist for 35 years, I recommend this natural health book without any reservations. --Fred Bisci, MD

Product Description - The body can cure itself of any disease. If you are sick it is because you allow yourself to remain sick. Hydration, alkalization and detoxification are the three keys to preventing and curing us of any disease. Nothing is more important to the body than water and there is no better water for the human body than Ionized Water. It is a powerful antioxidant, as well as extremely alkalizing, hydrating and detoxifying. Fasting with water is the healthiest thing we can do for the body. Spirulina and Chlorella are the two most powerful whole foods in the world. They are perfect proteins and have the broadest array of nutrients of any foods. We might be able to replace our traditional animal protein sources, meat, fish, eggs and dairy with these two nutraceuticals, which, like all raw foods, provide the body with the proper nutrition so the body can heal itself. Probiotics (acidophilus and bifidus) are friendly bacteria that help the body assimilate nutrients and keep the digestive tract clean and alkalized. They are crucial to human health and should be consumed with everything we eat. All cooked foods are acidic, poisonous and addictive. We eat them because we like their taste and because we have been conditioned all our lives to believe they are healthy for us. Raw foods are alkaline and rejuvenate the body by providing the body with nutrients that have not been either destroyed or chemically altered by cooking. Cooking is the greatest destroyer of our health. Raw foods contain enzymes which are responsible for every movement, action or thought of the human body and mind. Without enzymes, life would not be possible. Regular vigorous exercise is essential if we wish to achieve robust health. We should work each of our 650 muscles every day. Cultivating a positive mental attitude is also critical to our health. Self-doubt can destroy your efforts with the force of split atoms. Have faith in yourself and what you can achieve and a hero that others will want to follow will appear in your mirror one day. Great Health gives us confidence, vigor, purpose and even more importantly it gives us hope.

Confessions of a Body Builder, Rejuvenating the body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods & Ionized Water by Bob McCauley - Product Description - I am not a body builder in the sense one usually thinks of a body builder. I do not sit in a gym with other muscular men and women and pump iron. While I do exercise vigorously everyday, the body building I refer to in the title of this book, and on the following pages, has to do with rejuvenating our bodies at the cellular level through the use of Nutrients and Ionized Water. What is accomplished by this is nothing short of slowing, if not reversing, the aging process. Much to my amazement, it can be done!

From the Author - I researched this book for over a year. I was introduced to these incredible whole foods, Spirulina and Chlorella over 4 years ago. As a vegetarian, I have never found a better source of protein, enzymes and other vital nutrients. I learned of Ionized Water 3 years ago and being in the bottled water business immediately saw its potential. However, I never imagined the powerful health and rejuvenation properties of Ionized Water. I'm living testiment to its great qualities. I've never felt better.

The Drinking Water Book: How to Eliminate the Most Harmful Toxins from Your Water by Colin Ingram - Editorial Reviews - From Library Journal - Should we be concerned about the quality of our drinking water? Absolutely, according to Ingram. In these days of heightened environmental concern, more people will be investigating their water supply. In layperson's terms, Ingram discusses potential pollutants and their sources. He mentions water testing but questions its usefulness as results are often unreliable. He offers ideas for reducing pollutants in the home water supply without spending alot of money and discusses virtually all the possible alternatives, from purchasing bottled water to using a home treatment system. Ingram outlines various water purification systems with details of how each one works and the advantages and disadvantages of each. He quotes prices; these will be outdated quickly but could at least be used for comparative purposes. Less technical than John Stewart's Drinking Water Hazards (LJ 7/90), Ingram's book is addressed to general audiences. Not all readers will share this level of interest in drinking water, but for those who do, this volume is infor mative. - Deborah Emerson , Monroe Community Coll. Lib., Rochester, N.Y. - Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Review - Drinking eight glasses of water a day may take inches off your waistline, but it could also take years off your lifeline. According to Colin Ingram, a scientific researcher/writer of 30 years, chances are you have poor quality drinking water flowing from your faucet. Water treatment today is focused on short-term health risks, instead of long-term health effects; no one knows what is a safe level of water pollution for any individual-not government health officials, not scientists, not doctors. The Drinking Water Book is a complete guide to safe drinking water. Colin's goal is to illuminate the potential problems of water, and to provide working solutions. He identifies the different kinds of pollutants, how to find out what's in your water, how purifiers work or don't work, and compares all types of bottled water. -- From The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women; review by SH --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Reverse Aging by Sang Y. Whang - Product Description - Not science fiction, but a scientific fact! This book is the first common sense scientific explanation of the aging process and "how to" reverse it. The nutrients that we deliver to our cells burn with oxygen and become acidic wastes after giving energy to our body. The body tries its best to get rid of these acidic wastes through urine and perspiration. Unfortunately, our lifestyle, diet and environment prevent our body to get rid of all the wastes that it generates. Gradually, these leftover acidic wastes accumulate somewhere within our body. Since acid coagulates blood, the blood circulation near the waste areas becomes poor, causing all kinds of degenerative diseases to develop. The author defines the aging process as the accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within the body. According to this theory, the reduction of accumulated wastes is reverse aging. This book explains how some of the adult degenerative diseases are caused by too much acidic wastes, and describes the various scientific devices and methods to reduce these wastes without any harmful side effects. These devices and methods are being widely used in Japan. Alkaline water makers (water ionizers) have been in existence in Japan for more than 40 years. Many in the alternative health industry of water ionizers, magnet and far-infrared devices regard this book as the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference book of its kind in the English language. It is a "must read" for all who are health-conscious.

From the Publisher - Since it was first published in 1991, over 30,000 copies are in circulation, strictly by word of mouth. This edition is the latest printing (January 1998) with a new cover that reflects the importance of the balance of acidity and alkalinity. The contents have not been changed

The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: A Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels by Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri Jr. - Product Description - Over the last five years, there has been an explosion of bestselling acid/alkaline based diets. These have ranged from weight loss to diabetes management. While hundreds of thousands of people have gone on this diet that balances the pH level of your body, they have had to put up with the limited food guides contained in each book. Now, health experts Dr. Susan Brown and Larry Trivieri have created a complete resource for people wanting to widen their food choices. The Acid/Alkaline Food Guide offers dieters an easy-to-follow guide to the most common foods that influence your body's pH levels. The book begins by explaining what the acid/alkaline of your body has to do with the acid/alkaline influence of foods. It then explains how the pH of foods, once eaten, may change in your bodyÑas citric acid fruits, once digested, become alkaline. As complicated as this process is, the authors provide the guidelines for the analysis of the foods covered in the book. This section is then followed by a listing of thousands of foods and their acid/alkaline ranges. Included are insets and groups that can help the reader better direct their food searches. This is the first complete acid/alkaline food guide to include today's modern diet. It will quickly become the first resource to turn to when preparing meals or ordering food.

About the Author - Susan E. Brown, Ph.D., CCN is a medical anthropologist and New York State Certified Nutritionist. Dr. Brown is a clinician, researcher and author. She has over twenty years experience in clinical nutrition, bone health research and lay and health professional education. Susan E. Brown directs the Osteoporosis Education Project, non-profit Corporation, and the Nutrition Education and Consulting Service. Both organizations are located in East Syracuse, New York.

Larry Trivieri, Jr. is a leading writer and editor in the field of holistic and alternative medicine. He is the founder and publisher of 1HealthyWorld, as well as its online weekly publication, The Health Plus Letter. Trivieri served as editor and principal writer of the landmark volume, Alternative Medicine. In addition, he is also the author of Health on the Edge (Tarcher/Putnam, Jan, 2004), The American Holistic Medical Association Guide to Holistic Health (John Wiley & Sons, Spring, 2001), and co-author of The Complete Self-Care Guide to Holistic Medicine (Tarcher/Putnam, Fall, 1999).

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! by F. Batmanghelidj - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - The author, a physician trained in Iran (Your Body's Many Cries for Water), not only believes that drinking water is healthy, but makes extravagant claims for its curative powers. He recounts here how he first discovered the healing abilities of water, when he was a political prisoner more than 20 years ago. While incarcerated, he successfully treated with plain water the stress-induced peptic ulcers that afflicted some of his fellow prisoners. According to Batmanghelidj, most people rely on dry mouth to signal thirst and as a result are seriously dehydrated. He posits that symptoms like fatigue, anxiety or depression indicate dehydration, which may result in serious conditions such as asthma, hypertension, brain damage, cancer, constipation, allergies and obesity. In order to compensate for fluid lost through urination, respiration, and perspiration, Batmanghelidj suggests drinking a minimum of two quarts of plain water daily (not alcohol, caffeine beverages or juices). In order to maintain good health, he also advises ingesting half a teaspoon of salt to balance water intake. In addition, a diet consisting of 80% fruits and vegetables and 20% protein should be followed along with an exercise program. To back up his theories, the author presents a wealth of somewhat confusing medical data as well as patient anecdotes that testify to water as a cure for various diseases. Batmanghelidj does state, however, that those diagnosed with specific conditions should not stop taking their medications abruptly, nor should they embark on a water regime until they have consulted with their physician. This controversial program will have the greatest appeal for devotees of alternative medicine. Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Description - From the author of the self-published sensation Your Body's Many Cries for Water comes an all new book expanding on the healing powers of water. Asthma, allergies, arthritis, hypertension, depression, head-aches, diabetes, obesity, and MS. These are just some of the conditions and diseases that are caused by persistent dehydration. But there is a miracle solution that is readily available, all natural, and free: water. In WATER: FOR HEALTH, FOR HEALING, FOR LIFE, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj reveals how easy it is to obtain optimum health by drinking more water and supports his claims with over 20 years of clinical and scientific research. Thirsty readers will discover what they never knew, that water can actually: • Prevent and reverse aging • Cure asthma in a few days, naturally and forever • Eliminate pains, including heartburn, back pain, and migraine headaches • And much, much more.

What Every Athlete Needs to Know About Restructured Ionized Water by Wade T. Lightheart - Product Description - Once in a while a technology is introduced to the world that has dramatic effect on athletic performance. Athletes often challenge conventional methods by experimenting with breakthrough technologies in order to achieve excellence. Discoveries including high-altitude training, hyper-baric chamber sports therapy, arthroscopic surgery, and performance enhancing drug use were pioneered by the athletic community. At first these modalities provide a competitive advantage for athletes bold enough to break with tradition. Eventually the technology is accepted by other athletes, including the old school establishment. Finally even the hard core skeptics, scientists, and doctors come to view these technological advances as training necessities. Adequate hydration is an absolute necessity for optimal athletic performance. One technological breakthrough that is relatively new to athletes in North America is restructured, ionized water. I wrote this report to provide YOU the athlete with clarification about my experience on Kangen Water (the brand of restructured water that I use and recommend) as well as a brief synopsis of how the technology works, how it can affect performance, and why I believe it's worth trying in your own training regimen. I want to be clear that restructured ionized water is not a miracle product, nor am I making any outrageous medical claims. What I AM sharing with you is my experience using restructured ionized water and how it allowed me to train harder, longer, and recover in a fraction of the time it would take using conventional waters from taps, bottled water, or other filtration, ionization or purification machines. This technology turns ordinary tap water into a natural, high-powered performance enhancer that can enable everyone from weekend warriors to World Class athletes to more easily reach their genetic potential. Restructured ionized water improves recovery, helps avoid injury and can potentially extend athletic careers.

Water Can Undermine Your Health by Dr. Norman W. Walker - Product Description - Our bodies need from two to four quarts of water each day to maintain good health. This book will show you how to protect yourself and your family from deadly bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and other pollutants that are present in a large percentage of public water supplies. Dr. Walker's treatment of water pollution is revealing, comprehensive, and scientific. His findings and his recommendations for corrective action offer new hope.

About the Author - Dr. Norman W. Walker was one of the pioneers of the raw foods movement and is recognized throughout the world as one of the most authoritative voices on life, health and nutrition. Dr. Walker has passed on his secret to a long, healthy, productive life through his internationally famous books on health and nutrition.

Honoring the Temple of God - A Christian Health Perspective - Ionized Water, Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods (Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, ... Gujarati, Bengali and Korean Edition) by Bob McCauley CNC - Product Description - Jesus speaks of the body as being the living temple of God and refers to his own body as a temple. His words are misunderstood, as was much of his message to those who lived in those times. The Bible states that health and wellness is found with God. If your body is full of disease it is because of the choices you have made. All disease comes from our diet. Our genes have nothing to do with whether we get sick or not. Disease does not run in our families due to genetics, but rather dietary habits that tend to lead to many of the same diseases. If we want to be healthy we must Hydrate, Alkalize and Detoxify (HAD) our body, which creates an environment of health within the body. Ionized Water is an antioxidant produced by electrolysis that Hydrates, Alkalizes and Detoxifies the body when consumed. Ionized Water is the healthiest substance we can put in the body because there is nothing better for us than water and there is no better water than ionized water. The most common cause of disease is that people don t drink enough water, which leads to chronic cellular dehydration where the body s cells are unable to function to their capacity and serve the body as they are meant to. Spirulina and Chlorella, two types of algae, are the healthiest, most powerful foods on Earth. They have the broadest array of nutrients and are the most nutrient dense of any whole foods. They are 60% protein and are what we should use for our protein instead of animal protein (meat, fish, eggs and dairy). The amino acids (protein) in Spirulina and Chlorella are vastly superior to those found in animal protein. They are also high in vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll and nucleic acids (RNA/DNA). Living foods (raw, uncooked, unprocessed fruits and vegetables) should be consumed because they also Hydrate, Alkalize and Detoxify the body. Living foods are filled with enzymes, which only God is capable of creating. Everything we do as humans, whether we think, walk, talk, blink, etc, is the result of enzymatic reactions. Yet we constantly put cooked and processed foods in our body that are void of enzymes. The reason we eat cooked foods is because we like their taste and we are under the mistaken impression that they are healthy for us when in fact they are not. Cooked foods should be considered an addiction because they are not healthy for us, yet most of us cannot stop consuming them. It is impractical to believe that we will change our diet overnight to one comprised exclusively of living foods. Instead, we must try to make them as much a part of our diet as possible. We must create new traditions with our friends and family that revolve around living foods that are created by God and have not had their invaluable nutrients destroyed by cooking and/or processing. Probiotics are the friendly bacteria that we require to break down and absorb the nutrients we consume each day. They create vitamins in the body and help keep the digestive tract clean. They also help control harmful bacteria such as E-coli and H-pylori, which is the cause of stomach ulcers. We also must maintain a positive mental attitude if we wish to be healthy. If we allow negative thoughts to reside within our minds and heart, all the water and nutrition in the world will not be able to help us. We should strive to have a meaningful relationship with God, which will be greatly enhanced when we honor the temple He has given us, that which we call our body. We do this by consuming Ionized Water, Spirulina and Chlorella, living foods, probiotics, minerals, by exercising and having a meaningful spiritual life and a close relationship with God. To accomplish this, we must learn to embrace the sacred principals of wisdom, knowledge, healing and faith if we expect to truly honor the temple God has given us.

About the Author - Bob McCauley, CNC, (Robert F., Jr.) was raised in Lansing, Michigan and attended Michigan State University (BA, 1980 in Journalism). He has traveled extensively, both domestically and abroad, visiting over 32 countries. He published Confessions of a Body Builder: Rejuvenating the Body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water in 2000 and Achieving Great Health in 2005. Bob also gives frequent lectures and offers seminars on his natural health protocol. He considers himself a Naturalist, meaning he pursues health in the most natural way possible. He studies and promotes nature as the only way to true health. He is a Certified Nutritional Consultant. Bob often lectures and offers seminars on his Seven Component Natural Health Protocol. From 2002-2004 he hosted the radio program Achieving Great Health, heard by thousands of people each day. With the help of his father, Dr. Robert F. McCauley, Sr. they started Spartan Water Company in 1992, which sold vended water machines in supermarkets. Dr. McCauley pioneered environmental issues regarding ground water and drinking water quality. Robert Jr. founded Spartan Enterprises, Inc. in 1993. He established greater Michigan s biggest selling bottled water: Michigan Mineral Premium Natural Water. He is a Certified Water Technician with the State of Michigan. He is also a Type II Public Water Supply Specialist and has both S-5 and D-5 Certifications with the State of Michigan. He has been involved in the bottled water industry since 1994. Bob is a 3rd Degree Black Belt and Certified Instructor of Songahm Taekwondo (American Taekwondo Association). He stays young by running (17:43 - 5 Kilometer race), lifting weights, practicing Chi Gong and following his rules for Great Health laid out in this book. He also enjoys wall and rock climbing, not to mention breaking a brick now and then. This is his fourth book on health. Bob is also the author of Twelve, a collection of short fiction.

Fasting: Opening the door to a deeper, more intimate, more powerful relationship with God by Jentezen Franklin - Product Description - Fasting By Jentezen Franklin

In one of the best available books on the topic, Franklin explains the spiritual power of fasting and offers a deeper understanding of God's plan for fasting and the benefits available to those who participate. Those who seek God through fasting can expect tremendous rewards both for their personal lives and the church. They will see breakthroughs in many areas, such as healing, finances, bondages broken, and children set free.

Jesus Himself fasted because He knew some supernatural realities could not be released in any other way. For that reason alone, Christians should make fasting a common practice.

From the Back Cover - Access the Power of Biblical Fasting and Transform Your Life!

When you fast, your spirit becomes uncluttered by the things of this world and amazingly sensitive to the things of God. Once you've experienced even a glimpse of this and the countless rewards and blessings that follow, it changes your entire perspective.

Jentezen Franklin gives you the keys to experiencing this kind of transformation in Fasting, one of the best and most comprehensive books available on the topic. Discover everything you need to know to unlock the power of biblical fasting, including:

* The types of fasts described in the Bible and how to choose which is right for you * The connection between fasting and prayer * The essential components of a successful fast * What to expect physically, mentally, and spiritually

Experience for yourself the deeper, stronger relationship with God that only comes through prayer and fasting.

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough: A Guide to Nine Biblical Fasts by Elmer L. Towns - Product Description - Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough is a thought-provoking book on one of the least understood--but most powerful--disciplines of Christianity. Most believers know about fasting, but few of us really understand the wonderful benefits that come when we fast with purpose and direction. Written in Dr. Elmer Towns' dynamic; descriptive style, this book gives the "why" of fasting, rather than just the "how." Towns avoids a glut of techniques and schedules, and instead provides a probing look at Isaiah 58, often called the fasting passage. Learn how fasting can strengthen your faith and draw you closer to God, helping you to be a true overcomer in Christ.

About the Author - Elmer L. Towns is dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where he teaches the 2,000-member Pastor's Sunday School class at Thomas Road Baptist Church. He is a Gold Medallion Award-winning author whose books include What Every Sunday School Teacher Should Know and Praying the 23rd Psalm. Elmer Towns and his wife, Ruth, have three grown children.

Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease by Joel Fuhrman and Neal D. Barnard - Editorial Reviews - "Dr. Fuhrman's powerful and practical guidelines apply for conditions ranging from the common cold to serious heart problems. This program provides an alternative to the costly and all-to-common side effects of sugery and drugs."--Andrew Nicholson, M.D., Director of Preventive Medicine, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

"By individually tailoring nutrition plans based on a case-by-case basis, Fuhrman has treated hundreds of patients with rheumatoid arthritis successfully."--Vegetarian Times

"This is where the future of medicine should be heading."--Ronald Cridland, M.D.

"This is neither alternative medicine nor conservative medicine, but rather progressive medicine. Dr. Fuhrman's approach offers individuals suffering from [chronic] diseases the only real chance for a meaningful cure. I have been fortunate to observe many of these outcomes firsthand and can testify to the power of this approach for certain diseases."--James Craner, M.D., M.P.H.

"Dr. Fuhrman's book is revolutionary. It shows clearly and unmistakably the way to recover health, and could change the prevailing way of treating disease."--Theodore Coumentakis, M.D.

"If you are lucky, you will read Dr. Furhman's book before you have subjected yourself to medications and medical procedures. This book is for those who want to take charge over their health and well-being, and for those who want to embark on a journey toward a more satisfying life."--Don Jeret, M.D.

"I know that every health seeker in America will want to read this book. It provides a working knowledge of vital information that is currently known to relatively few people. Share it with those you love."--John Pilla, M.D.

Product Description - Precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibroids.

Using fasting to lose weight

How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits

How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days)

The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting by Mahesh Chavda - Editorial Reviews - Product Description - "It has been one of my great privileges to know an walk with Mahesh Chavda for more than 20 years. His ministry and teachings come from the trenches of experience. This book is more than just another good manual on the 'theology of prayer and fasting'; you have in your hands a stick of dynamite loaded with spiritual power and impartation that comes from one of the modern-day pioneers who has walked what he talks. Your hunger for God will grow and your appetite for this world will diminish when you devour this book. Fasting will become a delight and not just a sacrifice!" -- Jim W. Goll, Ministry to the Nations, Author, The Lost Art of Intercession

"Mahesh Chavda has experienced God's grace to fast in a way that has borne much fruit. He is a man of deep passion for Jesus, and this love has been his motivation to pursue the deep places in God's heart. Mahesh has profound personal experience in this area. His understanding will be an inspiration to many. I recommend this book." -- Mike Bickle, Senior Pastor, Metro Christian Fellowship --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Product Description - God has provided a way to turn certain defeat into awesome victory and demonic strongholds into highways of His love and power. When overwhelming defeat looks you in the face, whether the attack is physical or a family or financial crisis, The Hidden Power of Prayer and Fasting holds keys that will unlock the resident power of the Holy Spirit within you! Through this book you will receive an impartation from a man who has lived these truths and has seen the power of God released for total victory against impossible odds, resulting in revival and literal resurrection.

The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Rejuvenation by Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg - Product Description - This book is a must read for anyone who seeks to cleanse and detoxify their body to gain more energy and live a longer life.

The Beginner's Guide to Fasting (Beginner's Guides (Servant)) by Elmer L. Towns - Product Description - Since Old Testament times God's people have engaged in the practice of fasting: going without food for a predetermined length of time to accomplish a spiritual purpose. Fasting can be done for any number of reasons, including to know God better, to wait on God for an answer to prayer, to listen to God, to demonstrate sincerity to God, and to worship God. Serving as a complete introduction, The Beginner's Guide to Fasting shares with readers the myriad benefits of this valuable spiritual discipline. It also gives practical explanations of how to prepare for and carry on one's first fast, what kind of a fast to follow, and how to pray and study God's Word while fasting.

About the Author - Elmer Towns is the author of The Ten Greatest Revivals Ever and The Beginner's Guide to Fasting. He and his wife have three adult children and eight grandchildren. They make their home in Virginia.

Juice Fasting and Detoxification: Use the Healing Power of Fresh Juice to Feel Young and Look Great : The Fastest Way to Restore Your Health by Steve Meyerowitz, Beth Robbins, and Michael Parman - Editorial Reviews - "Dear Steve. I don't know if you remember me, I attended a workshop of yours about 12 years ago. I have long been a fan of your sprouting books including your hysterical kitchen garden cookbook. But that is not why I am writing you now. Today I am on the 22 day of fasting and I can't believe that I'm doing this. What is even more incredible is that I feel quite normal. Really, better than normal. And why I'm writing is mostly to say thank you. Your new fasting book is awesome. I've read Ehret and Airola and they're great. But yours is easily the best fasting book I've read. I always knew I needed to detoxify. But how?--that was scary for me. Your book helped me like a guide holding my hand." -- B.J. Williamson, New York, NY

"I just want to thank you again for your books. You infuse such enthusiasm into your writing. I can feel the pages smiling at me. Your fasting book inspired me to begin my health renewal program which I can truly say is the best thing I've ever done for myself. At 48, I am more active, more alert, more flexible than my 30 year old sister-in-law. Even my memory has improved and more unbelievable, my eyesight is slightly better, too. My sister-in-law wants to know what I'm taking. "Nothing!" That's the point! It's what I'm not taking! I never even considered fasting until I landed upon your book. I stopped after achieving 50 day--a true marathon. But now I'm religious about one day a week. Please put me on your mailing list for your workshops in my area and any new book announcements. Again, a heartfelt thank you for your dedication and all the support you've given (through your writing) me." -- Meloni T. Jennings, Scottsdale, AZ

Product Description - This book explains how to fast using raw fruit & vegetable juices while maintaining a nearly normal work and living schedule. Includes: Juice recipes, detoxification techniques, exercises, weight loss, water fasting; about the organs of elimination; how to handle a "healing event," and how to exit a fast safely.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting: 21 Days That Can Change Your Life by Marilyn Hickey - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - Fasting, argues Hickey, is an integral Christian discipline that has been neglected in our timeÑparticularly in the Protestant tradition. An evangelist with her own television show and magazine, Hickey hews close to the Bible and writes for a broad Christian audience. She communicates in a simple, direct style that respects the reader's intelligence, using a balanced blend of biblical narratives, personal insights and practical how-to advice (including a recipe for "cleansing soup" and suggestions on how best to break a fast). The 21-day program referred to in the subtitle actually only occupies one chapterÑit's a testimonial to the success that her church in Colorado had with this three-week time of focused renewal. The bulk of the text explores the meaning and purpose of fasting and prayer (fasting is a physical discipline, while praying is a spiritual discipline) and then turns to a series of 12 reasons to fast and pray (i.e., to overcome evil, attain wholeness or effect revival) complete with tips for preparing and conducting a successful fast in each of these areas. Hickey's suggestions are concrete, but she urges individuals to fast only as they are led by the Spirit. It is an accessible and timely devotional for a materialistic and food-obsessed culture. (Feb. 20) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Product Description - Television host, widely-traveled speaker, and gifted communicator Marilyn Hickey reveals the surprising power and rich benefits of fasting in her 21-day program. The discipline of fasting is little discussed today, but Christians worldwide advocate itboth for its spiritual and physical benefits. Now, Marilyn Hickey personalizes fasting for readers by looking in-depth at its purpose, as well as medical issues and side effects of concern. With a personalized, interactive journal, readers will enjoy positive confessions of faith, Scripture, short teachings, and space for personal notes and reflections. Understanding the importance of total healthspirit, soul, and bodyMarilyn discusses such topics as overeating, overcoming anxiety, depression, and fear. Suggested recipes for fasting meals are also included. Marilyns 21-day program connects the discipline of fasting to achieving stability and building character in everyday lifethings were all advocates for.

Fasting: Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our Appetites by Lynne M. Baab - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - Starred Review. This slender volume packs a surprising amount of content, with Baab (Sabbath Keeping) offering both spiritual guidance and factual information to those Christians who want to undertake, or deepen, a fast. One refreshing aspect of the book is its broad understanding of what constitutes a fast, which can range from a full abstinence from food and water to a more limited avoidance of one or more types of foods for a set period of time. Beyond that, however, Baab considers other kinds of fasts that Christians can undertake: refraining from shopping, elaborate clothing, jewelry, television or anything that they have made into an idol. Fasting, she says, calls Christians into closer communion with God by creating time for spiritual discernment, adding greater urgency to prayer and encouraging solidarity with the poor. Baab traces the practice of fasting through the Bible and the Christian church, with an ecumenical openness that embraces Orthodox and Catholic practices as well as her own Protestant traditions. One particularly welcome chapter explores the idea of fasting in community, introducing practices like the round-robin fast and fasting with one or two partners. This excellent resource will help novice Christians dip into the ancient practice of fasting and more seasoned practitioners become more creative and intentional in its observance. (Jan.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Product Description - Fasting is an ancient, often misunderstood practice of the church. Lynne Baab explores fasting as an experience of freedom by looking beyond our appetites what we eat, how we entertain ourselves, what we surround ourselves with to get a better view of ourselves and our God.

Market/Audience * People interested in spiritual formation
* Catholic readers

Endorsements - "Lynne Baab takes a very insightful and helpful look at the often neglected spiritual practice of fasting. Her suggestions about fasting other than from food are particularly relevant for our culture today. As a physician I also appreciated her practical and helpful tips on how to fast from food. This is an important book for anyone wanting to become more intimate with God." Christine Sine, M.D., executive director, Mustard Seed Associates

"As someone who has struggled with slavery to my appetites and desires, and who seeks a life free of them, Fasting was a life-giving breath of fresh air . . . Lynne Baab has created a book that can help us explore our appetites, discover the history behind the fast, and learn how to abstain and seek God." Renee Altson, author of Stumbling Toward Faith

Features and Benefits ¥ Provides insights from fasting experiences of diverse people.
¥ Surveys fasting in the Bible and church history.
¥ Offers cautions and alternatives for people with special dietary concerns.

The Juice Fasting Bible: Discover the Power of an All-Juice Diet to Restore Good Health, Lose Weight and Increase Vitality by Sandra Cabot - Product Description - Offering a series of quick and easy juice fasts Ñ including a one-day energy boost, a two-day weekend detox, a three-day rejuvenation and a seven-day deep cleanse Ñ this book provides a reader-friendly approach to an increasingly popular, alternative health practice. In Addition to listing recipes, the author details the scientific evidence of how juice fasting can improve quality of life and lengthen lifespan. She explains how to determine one's body toxin level and reveals why it is vital to detox in today's world. More importantly, she breaks down how fresh vegetables, fruits and culinary herbs work to cleanse the body's elimination systems. Guiding the reader step by step through the entire process, The Juice Fasting Bible explains it all: how to prepare for a fast, what physical changes to expect while fasting, how to overcome the challenges of not eating and finally, the best way to resume a normal diet when coming off a fast.

The Fasting Path: For Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Healing and Renewal by Stephen Harrod Buhne - Product Description - Unleash the power of fasting to help you discover your sacred self.

A centuries-old tradition, fasting has historically been recognized as a way to heighten human sensitivity to all things-animate and insensate-in the universe. Ancient cultures understood the link between the physical, the emotional, and the spiritual experience and acknowledged fasting as a means for making this connection.

The Fasting Path is a guide to help readers safely and effectively use fasting to tap into the sacred energy of the earth. Author Stephen Buhner explains how fasting allows us to experience fully the intricate relationship of the mind, body, and the spiritual world. Step by step, Buhner leads readers through the fasting process, preparing them to embrace the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing resulting from this transformational phenomenon.

About the Author - Stephen Harrod Buhner is a master herbalist, psychotherapist, and expert on indigenous and contemplative spiritual traditions.

Fasting-The Ultimate Diet by Allan Cott - Editorial Review - The only guaranteed way to lose weight is by fasting, and Dr. Cott wrote the definitive bestseller on the subject, along with a successful follow-up. His two newly-updated titles are incorporated under one cover with the appearance of this paperback, which surveys the history of fasting and the proper way to fast. A doctor's supervision is recommended, but this book goes on to tell how to properly fast. -- Midwest Book Review

Product Description - This books teaches you how to begin and includes a post-fast diet for continued good health.

A Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer by John Piper - Product Description - There is an appetite for God. And it can be awakened. I invite you to turn from the dulling effects of food and the dangers of idolatry, and to say with some simple fast:This much, O God, I want you.

Our appetites dictate the direction of our lives--whether it be the cravings of our stomachs, the passionate desire for possessions or power, or the longings of our spirits for God. But for the Christian, the hunger for anything besides God can be an arch-enemy. While our hunger for God--and Him alone--is the only thing that will bring victory.

Do you have that hunger for Him? As John Piper puts it:If we don't feel strong desires for the manifestation of the glory of God, it is not because you have drunk deeply and are satisfied. It is because we have nibbled so long at the table of the world. Our soul is stuffed with small things, and there is no room for the great.If we are full of what the world offers, then perhaps a fast might express, or even increase, our soul's appetite for God.

Between the dangers of self-denial and self-indulgence is this path of pleasant pain called fasting. It is the path John Piper invites you to travel in this book. For when God is the supreme hunger of your heart, He will be supreme in everything. And when you are most satisfied in Him, He will be most glorified in you.

About the Author - JOHN PIPER is pastor for preaching and vision at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His many books include The Justification of God, Counted Righteous in Christ, and What Jesus Demands from the World. He earned a ThD degree from the University of Munich.

Spiritual Nutrition: Six Foundations for Spiritual Life and the Awakening of Kundalini by Gabriel Cousens - Editorial Reviews - "[This book] will become a standard for ages to come, against which all other books will be measured and put into perspective of relative importance. The author leads us beyond the limited precepts of nutrition into the realms of Divinity." - From the Preface by Viktoras Kulvinskas

"...arguably the best book on diet from both a health and a spiritual point of view ever to see print." - Meditation Magazine

"Dr. Gabriel Cousens is a true Yogi. This book is a cosmic how-to book that focuses on methods to spiritualize the physical body, thus creating a vehicle for Enlightenment, here and now." - Sharon Gannon

"This is a stunning advance over similar books in the field. It opens up the real possibility that nutrition has finally entered a new age. Better yet, this effort draws from both the best and most recent science and the eternal roots of esoterica, a full meal for the most critical reader." - Lee Sannella

"...probably the most detailed description ever written of the role of diet and Kundalini in the transformation of body, mind, and spirit." - Barbara Marx Hubbard

Product Description - When we eat, can we feed the soul as well as the body? Can a diet have impact on spirituality? Spiritual Nutrition empowers readers to develop personal diets that are appropriate to their lifestyles and spiritual practices. Drawing on 14 years of clinical experience and research, Dr. Gabriel Cousens discusses nutritional issues that can help answer these questions, including raw vs. cooked food; high vs. low protein; the concepts of assimilation and fasting; alkaline - acid balance; attitudes about food; nutrients, energy, and structure building.

In addition, Cousens shares his new dietary system of "spiritual nutrition" that is based on the relationship that the color of the food has to corresponding colors of the human chakra system, hence, the "rainbow diet." For true nourishment, he strongly promotes the connection of diet to meditation, fellowship, wisdom, and love.

Cosmic Reawakening by Artimia Arian - Product Description - This book provides clear practical tools for any sincere aspirant who wishes to connect to the Higher Self and higher dimensions. It guides the reader through the Chakra Life Lessons, enabling him / her to recognize which chakras are functioning optimally and which are blocked or unbalanced. Comprehending the Chakra Life Lessons short cuts one's path and accelerates one's evolution as one knows precisely what area to fortify and how to work it. A detailed but concise Nutrition section is included, providing Cosmic Knowledge such as the energetic vibration (chakra) of the different food items and how to transition to higher food chakras, thus purifying and strengthening the physical body, enabling it to be a fit instrument for the Spirit. Simple, practical recipes and natural therapies which can be used as first aid tools are also provided. Cosmic Reawakening is a manual for the new Cosmic Era.

About the Author - Artimia Arian was born is South Africa where she received her B.A. degree in Social Anthropology and Zulu, and post graduate degree in Education. She immigrated to the USA in 1984 and became a certified Sivananda Yoga teacher. She is the founder and director of the Tashirat Learning Center, Ashram, and Orphanage. She resides in the Tashirat Ashram in Tepoztl‡n, Mexico, with her family, Tashirat staff members and children. She is a Cosmic Medicine doctor, has a doctorate in Naturopathy and is studying Homeopathy

THE FOOD OF GODS by Jasmuheen - Product Description - The Food of Gods is Jasmuheen's 18th book on metaphysical matters and her third book in the Divine Nutrition series. It is not necessary to have read the previous books on this subject which cover her personal journey and the solution for world health and world hunger issues as "The Foods of Gods" takes the pranic nourishment discussion to another level and offers simple yet powerful tools to satiate all of our hungers. Jasmuheen writes: The most important difference with our focus with Divine Nutrition is that It has the ability to feed us on all levels and that we can still benefit from increasing Its flow through our bio-system even if we continue to choose to enjoy eating. Allowing this Divinely Nutritional stream to be increased in our system means that we can be fed emotionally, mentally and spiritually and as such the techniques and guidelines shared in this book, will benefit us all by freeing us from our current personal and global emotional, mental and spiritual states of anorexia.

PRANIC NOURISHMENT - Nutrition for the New Millennium - Living on Light Series (Divine Nutrition) by Jasmuheen - Product Description - "Pranic Nourishment, also called Living on Light, is Jasmuheen's fourth book of metaphysical interest. It is a fascinating story of her personal journey into being physically sustained purely by Light. It also touches on physical immortality, spirituality and sexuality, new millennium relationships and mind mastery utilizing the powerful programming of Dimensional Biofield Science. Pioneering new yet ancient pathways, many are now exploring the option of neither being a meat eater, a vegetarian, a vegan, a fruitarian but rather a 'liquidarian' or an individual sustained and nourished purely by the Light of their own Divine nature. Formerly a 'state of being' reserved for, or attributed to, the Holy men, Saints or Sages of the East; the process described in this text offers a practical and spiritual alternative for those wishing to practically begin to embrace physical immortality, cease the aging process or simply 'live on Light'.

In Resonance by Jasmuheen - Product Description - Utilizing the wisdom of the ages, "In Resonance" was written as a timeless manual for both personal self empowerment and self mastery. "In Resonance", is filled with inspirational information of both experiential research and channelled guidance from Jasmuheen and the Ascended Ones. The predominant focus of this book is on bridging the worlds of science and religion, the realms of the physical and etheric, plus the cultures of the east and west. "In Resonance" offers practical tools utilizing simple and also more complex meditations, specific programming techniques for tuning, mind mastery for reality creation and creating a purposeful and passionate existence. It addresses issues from meditation to telepathy and Universal Laws plus the existence of the Brotherhoods of Light.

From the Author - In Resonance by Jasmuheen This book is a manual for personal self empowerment and self mastery. It is filled with inspirational information of experiental reseach and channelled guidance from Jasmuheen and the Ascended Ones. The predominant focus of Jasmuheen's work is on bridging the worlds of science and religion, the realms of the physical and etheric, plus the cultures of the East and the West. "In Resonance" offers practical tools utilizing specific programming techniques for tuning, mind mastery for reality creation and creating a pursposeful and passionate existence. It addresses issues from mediation to telepathy and Universal Laws plus the existence of the Brotherhoods of Light. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Life from Light: Is It Possible to Live Without Food? a Scientist Reports on His Experiences by Michael Werner - Editorial Review - '[What] can only be ignored with difficulty is the phenomenon itself, for it is crying out to be noticed. One wonders why mainstream science has paid so little attention to it...' - Harald Walach, Research Professor of Psychology, University of Northampton, and Director of the European Office of the Samueli Institute 'What Michael Werner wants is to demonstrate that the generally held view of the world being solely physical and solid cannot be the whole story' - Neue Luzerner Zeitung

Product Description - In 1898, Therese Neumann, a nun in Southern Germany, stopped eating and drinking. Apart from the wafer given at Mass, she did not eat again until her death thirty-five years later. Similar cases have been reported over the years--often holy men from the East--and have assumed mythical status. Nonetheless, such accounts remain obscure enough to be safely ignored by modern scientists.

Michael Werner presents a new challenge to skeptics. A fit family man in his fifties and with a doctorate in Chemistry, he is the managing director of a research institute in Switzerland. Unlike those who have achieved such a feat in the past, he is an ordinary man who lives a full and active life.

Werner has become an open challenge to all scientists: Test me, using all the scientific monitoring and data you wish. Here, he describes one such test, in which he was kept without food in a strictly monitored environment for ten days. Werner describes in detail how and why he gave up food in the first place and what his life is like without it. Life from Light also features reports from others who have attempted to follow this way of life, as well as supplementary material on possible scientific explanations of how one could "live on light."

Customer Review - As a spiritual scientist (yogi) for many years, I am delighted to see that this book has been made available on the U.S. market. Dr. Werner's hard science-minded approach to "living on light" is a beautiful contrast to the current small (and growing) group of more "spiritually-minded" light feeders - Jasmuheen, HRM, etc.

Dr. Werner takes a very objective look at the process and ability of the human body to receive nourishment from the "light" - i.e., prana, chi, ki, orgone, etc. With a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Dr. Werner has himself subsisted solely on prana (and water, tea, etc) since the year 2000. By sharing his experience with the world, Dr. Werner is trying to open the "materialistically-addicted" minds of fellow scientists so that they too can see that we humans are spiritual beings as well.

This book includes great information for the Western educated person as well as: transcript of a Dr. Werner lecture; Q&A w/ Dr. Werner; a 10-day hospital-run experiment in which Dr. Werner was kept in strict isolation and studied around the clock; personal experience from a dozen or so people that have also underwent the 21-day transition process; and a look into the future of science and spirituality.

For anyone interesting in the future of human evolution (that is here now), this is a great book to have. Dr. Werner's book is a perfect addition to the Jasumheen, HRM, Mantak Chia (parts of his work), and yogic books/videos that also teach these wonderous methods of living on light. --Lincoln Gergar "infinity_plus_one"

"Seven Steps to Wholeness"

Enjoy Absolutely Amazing Bliss and Joy! Learn Sexual Transmutation! Enjoy Unlimited Energy! Rejuvenate Your Cells!

Nothing like this manual has ever been written before. Learn all about a unique spiritual diet and a way of mineral water fasting for pranic nourishment and transmutation that can really boost your spiritual awareness into realms of awesome bliss and love!


I discovered a perfected, life-changing, utterly unique, Palaeolithic diet regimen and lifestyle that goes way beyond conventional practice. If it is carefully understood and followed, this wholesome lifestyle can help you enjoy unprecedented levels of health, healing and well-being at every moment. I stumbled across a diet and way of life so pure and so effective at physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, it gives me tremendous bliss and tremendous satisfaction in every aspect of my life. The words of this sacred book will guide you up toward ecstatic levels of health and well-being far beyond conventional diet wisdom that not even a single physician, dietitian, or spiritual guru even knows about, or at least not yet.

There is so much to learn however. I will describe all the phases, stages and difficulties to avoid while attempting to reach such high levels of perfected eating for the lasting enjoyment of wholeness that you would never, ever want to return to the conventional ways of eating again. One must first learn, understand and overcome many of the hazardous food and drug addictions plaguing our society and gradually replace all one's deleterious habits and toxic food substances with only wholesome complete proteins, organic fruits, fats, fibers, vegetables and super-foods mostly free of cell-damaging gluten, lectins and other miscreant substances. Organic, raw fruits, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, herbs, fungi, pollens, and vegetables are indeed the greatest healers of all time. Why not base a diet entirely on them?

It should be obvious that nature only intended humans to eat 100% whole, unprocessed food. But our usual western way of life has gone the opposite direction. Most commercially available food contain inflammatory, unhealthy and toxic substances such a far too much sugar, carbs, GMO's, deadly vegetable oils, casein, and gluten, resulting in the eventual development of all manner of chronic degenerative diseases such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure and cancer. Multiple diseases of all kinds and years of incredible suffering can be avoided by avoiding junk food, snacks, carbs and sugars while consuming fewer, but much more nutritionally complete, organic, high fat and high fiber meals.

One may think that after eliminating all manner of unhealthy milk products and high carbohydrate foods such as most of the desserts, dairy, whole grain and potato products out there, there would be none or far too few foods left to choose from. This assumption is far from true as there are countless varieties of super-foods, herbs, fruits and vegetables to choose from, some of which contain complete protein and are fully nourishing for the body, especially if you include organic, pasture-raised eggs, algae, and edible fungi along with the vast variety of organic fruits, herbs and vegetables now being grown throughout the world. Learn which vegetables can be used to directly replace all toxic high-gluten whole grains and enjoy the amazing health benefits of living on a fully satisfying, ketogenic, whole foods diet that includes wide variety of tantalizing and delicious superfoods such as spirulina, chlorella, raw cacao (chocolate), bee pollen, pine pollen, avocado, sardines, salmon, pasture-raised eggs, and whole raw ground oat bran, nuts and seed.

Just as vital as making sure only the correct food goes into your mouth, you also need to stop snacking on carbs and instead get into the extremely healthy habit of drinking loads of often mineralized and/or alkalized or distilled water throughout the whole day between full, whole, nutritionally complete meals that are so utterly complete and fulfilling, you desire to eat far less often, resulting in much greater health, healing, and connection with Spirit. It is possible to go on as long as one, full, complete meal every other day for months at a time, saving you massive amounts of time in the kitchen while reducing your grocery and food supplement bills by half! A very select few yogis and mystics can ever seem to go full breatharian, yet one can at least go part of the way using the intermittent fasting lifestyle I am carefully describing in this book step-by-step.

Once you have mastered your intermittent fasting diet, one also needs to understand why it's so vital to master ones sexual energy! Learn how to stop losing VITAL sexual fluids and transmute it using at least seven controversial tools of transmutation to help master your relationship with vital, subtle energy. Learn how to use that energy, correct eating, plenty of mineral water and herbs to blissfully transmute the sexual energy into wholeness, which would uplift you into an even higher state of fulfillment and well-being far more valuable than anything you ever experienced before.

You will learn how this diet and lifestyle of wholeness can lead you toward living more and more on the prana from nature rather than calories from solid foods. You will find that you will feel gradually less hungry and more blissfully energetic, opening up new avenues of inner experience through ecstatic dreams and deep meditation into the realms of samadhi, astral travel and the afterlife. Because the mind is also prone to worry and destructive thoughts, feelings, etc., this book will discus why it is so vital that only the most constructive and helpful thoughts of prosperity and goodness to enter your sacred heart, mind and spirit. You will find out that there is actually a wonderful life after death and that God (unconditional love and everlasting joy) can be realized and discovered as your true nature within your self through deep meditation and samadhi.

The vital "Seven Steps to Wholeness" include: Step 1 - Find the Right Foods and Eliminate All the Junk; Step 2 - Start Fasting on Alkalized Mineral Water Between Meals; Step 3 - Learn the Importance of Full-Spectrum Supplements; Step 4 - Become Aware of Vital Pranic Energy Nourishment; Step 5 - Conserve and Transmute Your Sexual Desires into Bliss; Step 6 - Align with Your True Nature and Know You Are Eternal; Step 7 - Meditation, Samadhi, Astral and Cosmic Consciousness

My 10th Edition of "Seven Steps to Wholeness" is Now Available on Kindle

GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Seven Steps to Wholeness

Please go here for more fascinating information regarding this most amazing way to great joy, bliss, divine love and wholeness!

You can e-mail me HERE for any questions before and after purchasing!

Click on this text to discover some of the Earliest but Greatest Breatharian Websites
Theresa Neumann, the Non-Eating Catholic Stigmatist

The Woman Yogi Who Never Eats

Breatharian Stuns Physicians

Living on Thin Air

How to Live on Solar Energy

Amazing Longevity 250+ Years Old

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Solve the Cosmic Riddle with over 46 Kindle eBooks and Audible books by the author, Yogi Shaktivirya (Russell A. Symonds) on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects! Click on each title for more details:.

*Disclaimer: This material is NOT intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Every web page does contain various affiliate offers that if purchased could financially benefit the author. All information presented on these pages is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional help, competent medical advice or treatment. -- Learn more about the author and his websites: Science of Wholeness and Whole Joy -- Copyright © Russell Symonds 2025 - Back to Top (Menu)