Enjoy this Free Online eBook: The Science of Wholeness - Part Two Whole Joy Home Page Main Menu (Site Map) Transmute The Science of Wholeness - Part One: Science of Wholeness - Part I Part One Contents Part Two Contents Introduction to Part Two Ln #9: Diet and Awakening Ln #10: Powerful Combinations Ln #11: Cayenne Pepper Ln #12: Ultraviolet Light Ln #13: Building Ojas Ln #14: Death and Enlightenment Ln #15: Bioelectricity Transmutation Ln #16: The Holy Grail of Wholeness Glossary Bible Reference List Your Donations DEEPLY Appreciated! |
The Science of Wholeness: Part Two
BIBLE REFERENCE LIST Significant passages from the Bible can be found using this list. The ones that I have found most interesting and relevent to yoga and wholeness have been listed on these pages. The listed page numbers followed by the abbreviations "ot" (Old Testament) and "nt" (New Testament) apply to the The Authorized or King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE published by the World Publishing Company. ot = Old Testament nt = New Testament According to your faith--11nt (Matthew 9:29) As a man thinketh--572ot (Proverbs 23:7) Ascension of Christ--88nt (Luke 24:51) Ascension of Elijah--348ot (2 Kings 2:9-11) Adultress--98nt (St. John 8:1-12) All things shall be revealed--72nt (Luke 12:2-3) Answers before they call--636ot (Isaiah 65:24-25) Ask and it shall be given--8nt (Matthew 7:7-8), in Ask for fish/bread--8nt (Matthew 7:9-12) Availabilty of God--555ot (Psalm 145:18) Be still, know I am God--514ot (Psalm 46:10) Be ye perfect--7nt (Matthew 5:48) Body--see natural and spiritual body--171nt (1 Corinthians 15:44) Born again not of the flesh, but of the spirit--91nt (John 3:3-8) Bread of everlasting life--96nt (John 6:47-51,58) Celibacy--163nt (1 Corinthians 7:1-40) Charity (love)--168nt (1 Corinthians 13:4-8,13) Children (little)--see Kingdom of God (must be entered as a little child)--79nt (Luke 15-17) Christ judges no man--98nt (John 8:15-19) Christ's name: 108nt (John16:23) Comforter--106,107nt (John 4:22-31,15:26-27) Commandments (of Christ)--22nt (Matthew 19:16-21), 26nt (Matthew 22:36-40), 46nt (Mark 10:17-31), 79nt (Luke 18:18-25) Desires fulfilled--509ot (Psalms 37:4), 555ot (Psalms 145:19), 47nt (Mark 11:24) Delight in the Lord--509ot (Psalm 37:3-6) Devotion, offering to God--535ot (Psalm 95:1-6) Diet, elimination of meat--746ot (Daniel 1:12-15) Division brought about by Christ--73nt (Luke 12:51-53) Dream revealed to Daniel--746ot (Daniel 2) Elijah [Gr. Elias] as John the Baptist--12nt (Matthew 11:13-14), 20nt (Matthew 17:12-13), birth of: 55nt (Luke 13-17), Jesus calls out for: 33nt (Matthew 27:46-47) Elijah sent before the coming of the Lord--800ot (Malachi 4:5) Elijah went up by a wirlwind--348ot (2 Kings 2:9-11) Elisha [Gr. Eliseus] asks Elijah for a double portion of spirit--348ot (2 Kings 2:9-10), revives a dead child: 351ot (2 Kings 4:32) Everlasting life--see bread of everlasting life--96nt (John 6:47-51,58) Eye of a needle--46nt (Mark 10:25), 79nt(Luke 18:25) False prophets--8nt (Matthew 7:15-20) Father in Jesus (nature of)--106nt (John 14:8-20), 108nt (John 16:17-28) Father, oneness with--109nt (John 17:21-23) Fasting--5nt (Matthew 4:1-4), 59nt (Luke 4:2-4), 163nt (1 Corinthians 7:5) Fear before the Lord--19nt (Matthew 17:5-6), 55nt (Luke 1:11-13;28-30) Fruit of the Spirit--183nt (Galatians 5:22-23) God is love--227nt (1 John 4:8) God, worship and serve only Him--59nt (Luke 4:7-8), one cannot serve two masters: 8nt (Matthew 6:24) Healing--537ot (Psalm 103) Hearing, they hear not--15nt (Matthew 13:13-17) Him that overcometh--233nt (Revelation 3:12,21-22), see also Revelation 2:11;20:6 (Second death), and see Revelation 2:7,17,26 & 3:5 Holy Spirit--9lnt (John 3:8), see also Comforter Humble are exalted--79nt (Luke 9-14) I can do all things through Christ...--l91nt (Colossians 4:13) I die daily--l70nt (Corinthians 15:31) Incense--77ot (Exodus 25:1-8), 55nt (Luke 1:9) Image of God--192nt (Colossians 1:15-17), 5ot (Genesis 1:26&27) Immortality--see bread of everlasting life--96nt (John 6:47-51,58) Jerusalem above--see Mother of us all Judge not...--8nt (Matthew 7:1-2), 63nt (Luke 6:37) Judge not appearance--97nt (John 7:24) Key of knowledge...in yourselves--72nt (Luke 11:52) Kindness of God--63nt (Luke 6:35-38) Kingdom of God (must be entered as a little child)--79nt (Luke 15-17) Kingdom of God is within--78nt (Luke 17:20-21) Kingdom of Heaven--15nt (Matthew 13:31-32,44-36) Knowledge: shall man not know?--534ot (Psalm 94:9-10) Law cannot fail--77nt (Luke 16:17) Lazarus raised from the dead--102nt (John 11:11-46) Last shall be first--46nt (Mark 10:31) Least shall be great--68nt (Luke 9:46-48) Life everlasting--104nt (John 12:49-50) see also bread of everlasting life--96nt (John 6:47-51,58) Light ariseth unto the upright--543ot (Psalm 112:5-9) Light of the body--see single eye--7nt (Matthew 6:22-23) Light of this world--102nt (John 11:9-10) Light under a bushel--6nt (Matthew 5:14-16), under a vessel: 65nt (Luke 8:16-13) Longing, crying for God--530ot (Psalm 34:2) Lord bless thee and keep thee--135ot (Numbers 6:24-26) Lord's Prayer--7nt (Matthew 6:9-13) Love--see charity (love)--168nt (1 Corinthians 13:4-8,13) Love God with all thy heart--26nt (Matthew 22:36-40) Love one another--105nt (John 13:34-35) Love thy neighbor as thyself--26nt (Matthew 22:39) Loving kindnes of God--509ot (Psalm 36:5-10) Man shall not live by bread alone--5nt (Matthew 4:4), 59nt (Luke 4:4) Mansions in Fathers house--106nt (John 14:2) Meditation--538ot (Psalm 104:34) Meek shall inherit the earth--509ot (Psalm 37:11) Mother of us all--183nt (Galatians 4:26) Natural and spiritual body--171nt (1 Corinthians 15:44) Offerings to God--77ot (Exodus 25:1-8) Omnipresence of Spirit--553ot (Psalm 139:7-14) Overcoming--see him that overcometh--233nt (Revelation 3:12,21-22), see also Revelation 2:11;20:6 (Second death), and see Revelation 2:7,17,26 & 3:5 Parable of the lost sheep--76nt (Luke 15:11-32) Prosperity--564ot (Proverbs 11:24) Psalm 23--504ot Peace of God which passeth understanding-- l9lnt (Philipians 4:7) Perfect master--63nt (Luke 6:40) Pure hearted will see God--6nt (Matthew 5:8) Rejoice in the Lord always!--19lnt (Philippians 4:4) Resurrection of Christ--87nt (St. Luke 24) Resurrection of Lazarus--102nt (John 11:11-46) Rich man, parable of--46nt (Mark 10:17-21), 79nt (Luke 18:18-30) Righteous shall shine as the sun--16nt (Matthew 13-43) Sanctuary for God to dwell in--77ot (Exodus 25:8) Second death--232, 244nt (Revelation 2:11;20:6) Secret place...most high--533 (Psalm 91:1-2) Seed on good ground--15nt (Matthew 13:23) Seek and ye shall find--8nt (Matthew 7:7-8) Seek first the kingdom of God--8nt (Matthew 6:33) Seek with whole heart--545ot (Psalm 119:2) Servants (prophets) sent by God--48nt(Mark 12:1-11) Seven Churches--231, 233nt (Revelation 2:7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,22) Single eye--7nt (Matthew 6:22-23) Song of Solomon--585ot Sons of God (power to become)--89nt (John 1:12-13), 226nt (1 John 3:1) Soul: what is gained if lost?--19nt (Matthew 16:26) Stone that builders refused--545ot (Psalm 118:22-23), 48nt (Mark 12:10-11) Temple of God--see Ye are the temple of God Temple of my God (make a pillar in)--see Him that overcometh Thirst for God--554ot (Psalm 143:1-10) Tithes--799ot (Malachi 3:10) Treasures in heaven--7nt (Matthew 6:19-21) Trust in the Lord--509ot (Psalm 37:3) Truth and mercy together--530ot (Psalm 85:10-11) Truth shall make you free--98nt (John 8:32) Voice of many waters--738ot (Ezekiel 43:1-2) Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap--184nt (Galatians 6:7-10) Whither shall I go from thy spirit?--553ot (Psalm 139:7-14) Well of everlasting life--92nt (John 4:13-14) Wisdom--557,558,561,576ot (Proverbs 1:1-9,20-33;3:13-20;4:5-13;8:1-36;29:3) Woman (sun-clothed)--238nt (Revelation 12:1-2,5-6,14-17) Woman (virtuous)--578ot (Proverbs 31:10-31) Woman with the lost piece of silver (a parable)--76nt (Luke 15:8-9) Ye are Gods--529ot (Psalm 82:6), 101nt(John 10:34) Ye are the temple of God--161nt (1 Corinthians 3:16) CONFESSIONS OF A GOD SEEKER by FORD JOHNSON Amazon.com editorial reveiw: A Journey To Higher Consciousness by educator and public lecturer Ford Johnson ably attempts to put together answers for the most profound and universal questions such as: Why are we here? Is there a spiritual purpose to life? The author's personal and diverse journeys in search of God have taken him from the Christian church, to studies in Transcendental Meditation, Rosicrucianism, Yoga, and more. Johnson's catalyzed search for reality and pursuit of truth are quite candidly and articulately recounted, and taken together, provide the reader with a strong look into the profound mysteries of the spirit and their impact on human life in the present. Confessions Of A God Seeker is especially recommended for students of Religion, Spirituality, and Metaphysics -- Reviewer: Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA) Dec. 14, 2003. Go here for more information . . . Buy it Now from Amazon.com Science of Wholeness is brought to you by . . . ![]() |
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