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How Does One Remain Sane in an Insane World? How do we restore natural beauty, & improve quality of life? how do we find true, permanent, total freedom & all-fulfilling love? Challenging are the problems of the human condition. Is anyone here really happy? who is 100% secure? Who is really fulfilled? This is a progressive research website trying to answer these and many other vital questions. PROBLEM: Even those who have everything this world can offer are still in danger of losing everything and be plagued by countless worries. ANSWER: Worry acomplishes nothing! It is far better to concentrate on the result one really wants rather than waste precious time on countless worries. It is imperative that we all seek to become at one with the Self or Soul of the universe. PROBLEM: The poor may know no end to their uncertainty and/or suffering. ANSWER: Why not concentrate on prosperity than poverty? Isn't it far more practical to think about prosperity and how to achieve it rather than get lost in a hopeless quandrum of lack and misery? PROBLEM: Life seems to be an infinite series of bewildering problems. ANSWER: It is far better to focus on ways problems can be solved and how life can be satisfying rather than putting one's energy into feeling overwhelmed and bewildered. Applying the life principles of this website should enable one to become a refuge of wholeness permanently free from any more problems. PROBLEM: Even those lucky enough to live long enough and retire wealthy still could end up in nursing homes, or in a wheel chair permanently scarred by the ravages of time. ANSWER: Let's concentrate all one's energy on how one really wants life to turn out rather than get lost in endless worry about the limitations of old age and mortality. One becomes what one thinks and eats. Think only the best and noble thoughts of love, health, abundance and good will; conserve sexual fluids, eat only the best foods possible that protect, rejuvenate and nourish the body, mind and spirit the most. PROBLEM: As if that were not bad enough, no matter how hard one tries not to, one ultimately becomes a pile of ash in a box or a collection of bones in a graveyard. ANSWER: Meditate on the immortality of the soul! Eat only the healthiest possible food so that at least one can live happier, healthier and long enough to improve one's chances of finding answers to life's most vital and challenging questions. Know thyself! Master soul travel and become one with the great, immortal Joy of God within. Learn how transmutation, raw foods and antioxidants can heal and regenerate body cells so that they can last indefinitely. PROBLEM: Knowledge of what happens after one dies is still quite sketchy, if not, distorted by all the world religions. ANSWER: Study life after death, other people's near-death experiences, etc. Learn how to manifest and experience out-of-body states so that there can no longer be any question about the immortality of the soul. Explore spirituality with scientific objectivity rather than with religious prejudice. PROBLEM: What a challenging state indeed is the human condition! ANSWER: Read this website and we will beat that challenge with flying colors. The greatest mistake one can make is to let life slip by without making a serious attempt to find and master the Keys to Wholeness, or victory over life and death. One needs to overcome ALL addictions and dive deeply as possible within one's self until the highest Reality of God is found. One must make many changes in one's lifestyle and much refinement of one's values and priorities. Life's worst problems can be soloved through perfect emotional and mental control using positive eating, positive thinking, pure lifestyle, conservation of sexual fluids, transmutation with prana, and deep meditation. While carefully following the information you have in front of you, is possible to permanently transcend misery and find within oneself a lasting paradise of peace, joy, beauty and love. PROBLEM: Is there at least one unbiased book I can trust to show me all that I need to know about the afterlife, religion and how to find God? ANSWER: After years of research, I finally found an extremely vital book, Our Ultimate Reality which covers extensive detail regarding the higher realities beyond death and how to connect to them. To save years, (maybe even lifetimes!) of confusion and searching and trying so many different religions, philosophies, paths, etc. one definitely needs to read this book! It goes straight to the facts, is unbiased and full of the most detailed yet only the most essential information that one needs to transcend the physical dimension and find one's Real Self. Read my own personal, extensive book review here. |
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*Disclaimer: This material is NOT intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Every web page does contain various affiliate offers that if purchased could financially benefit the author. All information presented on these pages is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional help, competent medical advice or treatment. -- Learn more about the author and his websites: Science of Wholeness and Whole Joy -- Copyright © Russell Symonds 2023 - Back to Top (Menu)