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![]() Blog 2014 - Let's Help Create a Better Future! Seek Wholeness First!
The main mistake of humankind is trying to find happiness outside one's self in external situations and material things instead of within the heart or spirit through correct eating, herbs, divine love, chastity and hours of daily concentration on Spirit in meditation. The result of the general human population ignoring its own true nature as infinite, eternal inner love, joy and fulfillment results in a long history of catastrophic problems such as wars, pollution, poverty, crime, murders, natural disasters, financial disasters, famine, and terrible diseases. Strong negative emotions such as greed, lust, envy, hate, grief, aversion and fear cause confusion, darkness and misery. It is of paramount importance to balance emotions and seek only the deepest levels of wholeness possible to create a far more beautiful future. October 2014 - How to Escape the Horrible Trap of the Physical Human Matrix - Back to Blog Index Page What is keeping us stuck in this often depressing and physically limited world of strife, violence, diseases, poverty, unhappiness and frustration? Why can't we all simply sit down and meditate and immediately go off into a higher dimension and ascend up the vortex into a beautiful, luminous and loving realm of light? Why do only a few lucky prophets or gurus seem able to escape from this hellish world of war, famine and pain, while the rest of us must remain quagmired in the dismal depths of physical delusion, despair and depression? How does one escape the miserable human condition of birth, suffering, old age and death? A matrix is a deeply ingrained cycle of life nearly impossible to break out of: The vast majority of humanity is unfortunately locked in a rather dismal, downward spiral toward illness, old age and death without ever having any real knowledge of the afterlife. We humans are caught up in a vicious cycle of survival which involves working, eating, illness, sleeping, hunger and then even more working, eating, illness, sleeping, and hunger, ad nauseam. And when we try to ignore or overcome our physical needs, we always tend to suffer and eventually die. It seems the limitations of our flesh and our ever distracting physical senses is our ultimate prison. Overcome the flesh: We are not much higher than the animals if we can't overcome the mortal limitations of the flesh, such as thirst, lust, the need to breathe, and addiction to food. Some of these needs are much more immediate than others, but they all seem to keep us chained to the ever annoying and overwhelming lessons of life on Earth, including all the frustrating limitations, inconveniences, diseases and emotional and physical pains one must endure. This effect may be because of the strong tendencies of the evolutionary mind (or ego) to create limitation, separation, hunger, addiction, fear, drama and conflict in our lives. Physical evolution would not be possible without this dynamic, otherwise we would still be just algae blissfully floating on the surface of an ocean somewhere. The evolutionary mind combined with an active digestive tract and a strong desire to procreate sexually is needed to create a reality of separation, hunger, lust and limitation so that life can evolve into the various competitive species that occupy this planet. Yogis, Mystics and Buddhists who overcame the flesh: A few yogis and mystics throughout history seem to have been able to overcome many of these rather depressing tendencies, cravings and limitations of the evolutionary mind (or ego) and flesh and that is why they have been so revered and respected throughout the ages! For example, there is an Indian yogi who goes by the name, Prahlad Jani, an octogenarian who never ate or drank anything since the age of 8. In other words, this incredible man claims to have fasted for more than 70 years! There are also some other great beings who seem to benefit from inedia and are still living today too, such as the sun gazer, Hira Ratan Manek, the highly venerated young Buddhist monk, Dharma Sangha, and the amazing, non-aging Buddhist nun, Master Jue Tong (Nun Shi Hongquig) who just sips water and has been food free since July, 1990. We can learn many valuable things from the idea of inedia: The number of other people claiming to be breatharian (existing off pranic nourishment from the quantum vacuum) is growing every year although many of them still drink or eat at least some food occasionally such as the Australian author and mystic, Jasmuheen, an Israeli by the name of Ray Maor, and Kirby de Lanerolle who has demonstrated on film some amazing psychic powers. It seems this inedia lifestyle has produced a whole string of interesting characters and mystics such as the "breatharian warrior" Jericho Sunfire, Akahi and Camila, Oleg Maslov, Zinalda Baranova, Victor Truviano, Henri Monfort, Oberom, and the "breatharian" scientist, Dr. Christopher Schneider all claiming to survive extremely well without eating any food while often being blessed with a powerful spiritual connection. Breatharians from past history as mentioned in Paramhansa Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi, include Mahavatar Babaji, Trailanga Swami, Theresa Neumann and Giri Bala. Yogananda described many great masters of yoga as "seldom eating" and spending all their days deeply absorbed in the awesome bliss of deep samadhi. Investigate the extraordinary benefits of inedia: It is very difficult to separate truth from fiction, especially while writing about subjects as these that are so often dependent on second-hand witness reports or whatever I happen to find on YouTube, paperback books, or other websites. However, I know there has to be something to at least some of these amazing stories and accounts of extraordinary human achievements such as breatharianism and the spiritual realization which often go hand-in-hand with inedia. However, so many of these accounts need to be much more fully investigated. Actually, breatharianism would not be nearly as valuable if it were not so closely associated with many other extraordinary human benefits such as astral travel, psychic abilities, amazing mental clarity, constant happiness, and the perfect health, rejuvenation, and energy levels they all seem to enjoy so much. And we have not even touched on the material benefits of inedia such as no grocery bills, no need to go out shopping for food, no need to prepare food, cook, wash dishes, or to clean up afterward. So much time and energy is spent on the growing, preparation, storage and consumption of food, it is incredible! There are also all the rather severe and tragic ecological consequences to the planet caused by a global greedy appetite for food. Methane release from domesticated animals is one of them, and deforestation to make room for more farmland is another. If humanity did not ever have to eat food to survive, then the world would most likely be a far, far more beautiful and peaceful place to live in indeed! Breatharians seem to be incredibly free from the physical human matrix: What one can learn regarding breatharianism seems to teach us much about ourselves and how one might improve one's health and hopefully one's spiritual connection by not eating as much food and fasting more often. The more food one eats, the more it seems to block spiritual energy and maybe even the two important centers of spiritual awareness in the brain, the pineal and pituitary glands. Therefore, the food we eat and our addiction to it, could be playing a huge role in keeping us trapped in this vicious physical matrix cycle. This fact does not mean that one should jump right into living entirely on pranic nourishment alone, without ever eating any food again. One of course risks starvation and even death. But the extraordinary health, freedom, spiritual awareness and contentment that these "breatharian" individuals overwhelmingly enjoy should at least provide a strong indication that the human being could probably enjoy far better health with far less food than most people are eating anyway. Addiction to food and overeating is a cause of much suffering: Of course obesity and overeating of junk food is a huge problem in society right now. We worry about drug addiction, but addition to food can be just as awful, if not, worse in many insidious ways. It would be interesting to find out just how many of the physical and mental diseases are actually linked to food. To begin with, some of the most obvious food related illnesses are hypoglycemia, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, colitis, colon cancer, ulcers, tooth decay, gum disease, atherosclerosis, strokes, heart disease, liver problems, kidney problems, and senility. Chronic fatigue, depression and anxiety disorder may also be related to food and food sensitivities. All manner of infections, parasites and accumulation of toxins in the blood all seem generally related to or dependent on the food we eat. The aging process itself is mainly caused by free-radical toxins which also come from metabolism of the food we eat. Many experiments done with animals have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that reducing calories while increasing vitamins and antioxidants have greatly increased the longevity, health and vitality of these creatures. Studies with humans are also under way, and so far they have reported much better health. Regular fasting helps avoid suffering: Instead of jumping blindly off into the extreme deep end of complete inedia, the best thing for most of us to do would be avoiding snacking and simply fasting for short periods of time on drinking water only between whole, complete high-protein meals. The "high protein" part would be of utmost importance, because only after eating a meal high in complete protein, is one able to fast for a much longer period of time as compared to the time one could fast after only eating something like a donut or candy bar which is so high in sugar that it would definitely cause a massive surge or high followed by a crash in one's blood glucose levels resulting in more cravings within only a few short hours. However the benefit of a meal high in protein, full-spectrum nutrients and naturally occurring fats and nutritionally essential oils would tend to last much longer in one's body. One can then go on quite comfortably for whole day or even sometimes as long as two days after eating such a meal. Meditation helps avoid suffering: What else can one do to hopefully increase the chances of breaking out of this hapless human matrix of birth, suffering and death we all seem to be stuck in? While fasting one should attempt to master meditation, astral travel and samadhi, which all seem to be much more accessible when food is no longer being digested or affecting one's mood in a negative way. The breath is also a huge obstacle to the conscious release of the soul from the body into the glorious realms of the afterlife. One needs to learn how to control and regulate the breath in such a way as to help reduce the turbulence of the mind. Both the mind and breath tend to become quite restless after eating too much food too often, and that calm and subtle spiritual consciousness remains blocked or out of reach. During fasting, the mind often tends to calm down, the breath can often come to a standstill, and the wonderful peace and joy of samadhi and a blessed and most loving connection with one's oversoul becomes much more achievable. The conspiracy of nature: Another aspect keeping us trapped in the matrix is one everyone should recognize as extremely important, but very few contemporary teachers seem to even mention it. There is a "conspiracy of nature" that I sometimes find to be very serious and very troubling. World population is zooming past the seven billion mark and continuing to grow exponentially! I find this fact truly frightening because it seems to be a problem even worse than what it is causing: global warming. As more and more people contribute more and more babies, they in turn will soon grow up, creating even more children, etc. until we have literally consumed everything and destroyed the earth. Many of us will soon be forced to starve to death, or die from a great war or other such calamity such as rapidly rising oceans, massive flooding, great extinctions, and massive droughts. In other words, the more people born into this world, the more will be bound to great and terrible suffering. We are all crashing headlong into a massive population crisis, when in the end, only a very few most hardy and most resilient people will survive along with a mass extinction of over ninety percent of the worlds plant and animal species and nearly a 100,000 years of global temperatures ten degrees above what it is today. Obviously folks: not just a little family planning is essential! And I have not yet even begun to explain what overindulgence in conventional sex does to the spiritual awareness and one's desire to know Spirit. One needs to learn how to prevent the loss of one's utterly vital sexual fluid if one feels the need to really progress in developing spiritual awareness and enjoy deeper, much longer meditations. The whole world seems to be blinded by this incredible addiction to sex, because it is nature's conspiracy to keep everyone dumbed down into a mediocre existence, or in other words, trapped in a rather limited, stupefied state or matrix of life dictated not by one's own sovereignty, but by the dictatorship of nature to compete for mates and to create new bodies which in turn must battle for survival and compete for more mates! Don't let your biological compulsions fool you into thinking you will find lasting happiness in that person or some other relationship, and especially avoid the loss of sexual fluid, because that results in many more addictions, dependencies and attachments. One does not necessarily have to avoid loving and sexual relationships altogether, one does however need to avoid the loss of the vital sexual fluid and transmute that conserved vital energy through fasting, pranic energy, and deep meditation into a powerful, new expanded fulfillment in every cell of the body. A new kind of human being can come forth from this way of life: one who is much less bound by the constricting physical matrix of life. Vicious cycles created by negative emotions also keep us stuck in the matrix: Not ever letting go of our attachment to our beliefs about our circumstances in life is another huge problem. We all need to overcome the strong tendency to project into our experience very negative and limiting circumstances that re-emerge over and over again, creating much fear, frustration and anger at our limitations in life. Financial limitations and debt is a very big concern for nearly everyone trying to survive or get by on very little. This problem is made much worse through anger, fear and attachments. We need to let go of these fears, and the best way might be through a "release technique" as originally taught by Lester Levenson and based on the principles of many other mystics and teachers throughout history and the more recent channeled messages from beings such as "Bashar" and the group soul, "Abraham." We can begin to master our life and circumstances by realizing our state of being is most important, not the circumstances themselves, because our habitual state of being is what really causes them in the first place. Life's problems are actuarially a vicious cycle caused by a negative belief being projected into an otherwise neutral (or meaningless) reality by one's consciousness. "For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." (Matthew 7:2) This timeless statement is extremely deep and extremely profound because our world circumstances and all our relationships in society are created or measured according to the definition or values we place on them. We continue to experience (or create) reality only in a way we expect it to turn out, and if we don't release our concerns and fears, they will simply all come right back at us to be "Émeasured to you again" resulting in a vicious cycle or self-fulfilling prophecy. Life beyond the vicious prison of the physical human matrix: It would also help to greatly improve everyone's education about the subject of the astral planes or, in other words, the realms of the afterlife where countless residents reside in all manner of different types of communities. Unfortunately there are many misconceptions regarding life after death all too prevalent throughout not only the religious communities, but also throughout the "New Age" movement. We really desperately need to dispel the darkness, fear, and ignorance regarding what actually goes on after the body quits its living force and allows the soul to escape its confines so that life can finally really begin without all the annoying limitations and obstacles of life on Earth. Know where you are going: How can one even begin to hope to escape the limitations of the flesh body if one knows nothing about where one is escaping towards? It is vital one knows all about where one is headed to long before even desiring to make such a journey, not to mention all those souls so terrified of death that they would try to cling on to their bodies even long after they have become completely useless and worn-out by old age. It is terrible just how long the really old people in nursing homes try to stay on very much trapped and mired in their physical bodies long after they have become utterly useless. If their souls only knew just how wonderful is the transition over into the realms of the light, they would not cling on to them for so long! Even after their body is taken away to the local morgue and incinerated, many still cling to their old "haunts" and remain earthbound. The spirits try to sleep back in their old bed, visit the local pubs (or bars in the US), watch plays at the local theatre, or try to take free rides up and down the street using the local bus service. They don't realize that the afterlife is a universe far vaster and far more versatile than our physical universe could ever be. Most however are eventually contacted by social workers from higher spheres and finally, when ready, escorted to their natural homes in the astral world. Our astral universe is filled with countless planets and solar systems and many realms that seem to enjoy their own illumination independent of a sun or star. Escape from the illusions of fear: So many seem to think there are burning hells, demons, imps, halls of judgement, and all manner of other terrors and evils lurking throughout the unkempt corners of the lower astral planes. Such nightmares are usually thought projections based on a strongly held belief system and fearful expectations usually buried deep in the subconscious mind. There are of course thought forms that can resemble demons of any faith, but these are only thought forms or hallucinations that can at worse, scare one to death, but if one is already dead, what does it matter? These illusions, myths and misconceptions regarding the afterlife need to be overcome and recognized for what they are. There are hellish, cold and dark astral realms (as witnessed by the near-death experiencer, Howard Storm) created by abusive and sometimes down right evil souls along the way, but these reside only at some of the lowest vibrations suitable only for those who wish to remain in a corrupt or highly selfish and materialistic state of being. Most beings are more than happy to be living in the realms of the afterlife, especially in the higher vibrational realms, existing in their own level or state of being most suited for their own class of development. Escape from reincarnation: Many young souls cling to Earth and reincarnation perhaps for eons because they don't seem to know or even want to know any better and prefer to shun away the spiritual. They are sadly unaware of the obvious truth that there are countless realms that are far higher and of far greater quality and fulfillment than the limited material incarnations their souls have been addicted to. However, no one is in an absolute sense less intelligent or more advanced than anyone else; there is a reason for everything, and some souls simply prefer to keep themselves constantly grounded in the flesh until they later realize they can find their fulfillment much more efficiently and directly on a higher plane of expression. The afterlife is our real home: The vast majority however (or most of us) are, at some level of awareness, well acquainted with the realms of the afterlife that are beautiful, clean, natural, utterly safe, and filled with loving communities of highly advanced and intelligent individuals. You may ask, "well acquainted?" Yes, because in your dreams you may very often visit these realms during some of your most euphoric, restful or deepest sleeps. You may come back with a very pleasant memory, but unfortunately often with only a little sliver of information recalled because the physical brain is naturally not at all present during these other worldly sojourns, only the astral counterpart of the physical brain or mind is present. Therefore, after you pass over, you will find to your immense amazement and relief, that the natural spiritual home and neighborhood you've been escorted to by your loved ones is not only incredibly pleasant, but also surprisingly familiar. Really, there is no need to fear dying, death is actually the most wonderful thing that can happen to anyone, ever! It is the ultimate escape from our vicious physical matrix prison. A fully fulfilling life awaits you that is free of the matrix: The afterlife is filled with love, opportunities, countless interests, all manner of plants, flowers, animals, lakes, rivers, mountains, resorts, forests, cities, towns, and many vast buildings where you can enjoy great music, great artwork, great movies, and awesome books. The afterlife realms are filled with some of the most astonishingly beautiful natural scenery you could ever desire along with many surprises too! There is a variety of flowers you would not believe ever existed, because many plants that have long gone extinct are still growing in the fields of the afterlife. This applies to many animals too, several extinct species continue to survive on in realms far beyond the disappointingly vicious physical world. Where does this knowledge come from, you probably wonder? The author of this article managed to enjoy at least two astral travel experiences and he studied the astral travels of Lobsang Rampa, Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, and Jurgen Ziewe. He also studied many near-death experiences such as those of Howard Storm, Dannion Brinkley, Betty Jean Eadie, Mellen Thomas Benedict, and countless others (including researchers such as Dr. Raymond Moody and Melvin Morse, MD) and listened to over 300 amazing paranormal conversation recordings (including the spirits of Betty Green, Frederic Olsen, and Mary Ivan) over and over again that are free to listen to at the Leslie Flint Educational Trust website. We are all multidimensional beings and through the regular practice of deep meditation, conservation of sexual energy, transmutation, constant water-fasting, correct eating, and pranic nourishment, one can begin to learn astral travel into these beautiful realms I've just been describing, and come into loving contact with the higher self or timeless oversoul that seems to know all of one's past and future lives and realms of existence. We can also neutralize many vicious cycles of frustration by letting go of or "releasing" our concerns and therefore no longer projecting our consciousness at them and supporting them with our energy. We can lovingly expand spiritually by becoming more and more acquainted by our higher self which is more than capable of guiding and nurturing one toward a much finer, greater and more meaningful quality of life, free from the miserable confines of the physical human matrix. Goodbye Dolores Cannon and Masaru Emoto: By the way, the author of this article is most saddened to hear of the great loss of the hypnotherapy researcher, Dolores Cannon and water crystal scientist, Masaru Emoto. However they are finally free of this very limited physical matrix existence, and now enjoy a multidimensional paradise that could most likely be the 5d Earth that Dolores and so many of the authors on this website talk about. August 2014 - Is All the Pain, Craziness and Suffering in the World Caused by One Common Thing? - Back to Blog Index Page I am simply appalled at all the insanity, pain, and suffering in the material world. There seems to be no end to it! To start with there are all the painful ailments epidemic in our society such as headaches, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc. crippling people everywhere especially those in their later years. The suffering, pain, confusion and incredible expense that one typically goes through just to find at least a temporary relief from that pain is immense! Some people even end up in wheelchairs and never walk again! Of course the causes are many and varied such as mineral depletion of the soils, poor diet, unnatural lifestyle, and the depletion of hormone levels as one ages. One of the main causes of pain whether it be a neck pain, headache, joint pain or back pain, etc. is inflammation (often of the nerves within the spinal cord). It is amazing the billions of dollars spent every year on all manner of drugs, injections, therapies, miscellaneous treatments and medications just to temporarily alleviate this inflammation. Does anyone ever wonder why this pain ever happens in the first place? What are people blaming it on? What do doctors say really causes it? For one thing, this pain cannot be caused by a lack of drugs and/or surgery yet most conventional minded physicians act as if they think that lack of drugs and surgery is the main cause! Yet this conventional course of action is what seems to be the "obvious" remedy constantly provided by the conventional medical therapist. It seems as if no professional thinks independently; they all just copy each other and write out a prescription for a standard pain killer drug without looking into an alternative or much more natural, simple solution that can more permanently fix the problem. Obviously (to me anyway) a Paleolithic diet or one of the many preagricultural diets eaten long before history ever began, would be of tremendous help. Also plenty of vitamin D consumption, all 74 minerals and antioxidants, along with adaptogenic herbs such as turmeric, sarsaparilla, ashwaganda, fo ti, and maca can be used to replenish nutritional support, boost aging hormone levels, and help restore healthy levels of bone and tooth remineralization. Yet one of the most essential and most vital causes of most inflammatory pain may be the overconsumption of food. In other words: eating far too much too often while drinking far too little (if any) water between meals. The human body is designed extremely well, and over thousands of generations it had to have survived and endured incredible earth changes, long periods of drought, famine and great freezes. Obviously, food could not have always been available every moment throughout the history of humankind! Whenever there was a constant supply or surplus of food over a very long period of time (such as many years or several generations) it was an extremely rare event indeed. Even after agriculture was invented and widely used, humanity was still quite vulnerable to countless long periods of drought and famine, and even today throughout many countries this is still true. Am I implying that starvation is natural? Up to a point: the human body is actually amazingly well equipped to handle it, but some individuals more than others. Ailments related to inflammatory pain, diabetes and heart disease, for example, are all food related yet these are among the first health problems to disappear after some therapeutic water-fasting while getting plenty of rest as needed. Countless books, films and literature can be found on the enormous range of healing benefits of fasting. According to testimonials from many fasting individuals, their inflammatory pain stopped, the diabetes was cured, and their heart problems eventually disappeared. Even some forms of cancer and tumors have been seen to go away or diminish after a long period of fasting almost as if the body got so hungry, it ate the tumor! Obviously most of us may feel very uncomfortable about the idea of fasting long periods of time or don't have the inclination to do so, yet I am appalled at how little fasting is recommended today by modern day conventional doctors and by how poorly its great benefits are understood and appreciated. Even though having a great appetite and eating lots of food may be a sign of great vitality, healthily functioning organs and good health, it does NOT mean that during illness and recovery from illness, one is to be stuffed full of as much food as one can possibly eat; yet this madness is common practice in today's society. Most individual physicians don't seem to fully appreciate exactly to what extent eating food is really the main cause of nearly all illnesses and suffering in the first place! Yet the next best thing one can do is simply not eat as much or as often, and instead of snacking between whole meals, drink loads of fresh or bottled mineral water. I use a common bottled water that comes from a well in the mountains of northern California. If one can S-T-R-E-T-C-H one's time between any form of eating or snacking between meals, then one can possibly find drug-free relief from almost any pain, no matter how severe, whether it be back pain, neck pain, joint pain, hip pain, stomach pain, headache or whatever. I have found it possible that one can heal one's pain, almost no matter what that pain might be caused from, as long as one eats a natural whole food diet, eats sparingly, and far less often, while drinking FAR MORE of one's favorite natural (or bottled) mineral water. During this age of crazy consumption and commercialization of food, most people in this society are eating far too much, far too often for what our bodies originally intended to handle. In addition to what I just said, the body can also always greatly benefit from drinking loads of water because healthy metabolism, digestion, nutrient absorption, nutrient utilization, oxygen utilization, blood circulation, and waste removal can all be much more efficient during conditions of adequate hydration. Most people can live far healthier and productive lives on far less food and much more drinking water, yet the resources of the natural world are rapidly being destroyed and used up by this crazy overconsumption of meat, dairy products, junk food, bread, coffee and other beverages, when far less food is actually needed by the body. Almost as if there is to be some great nightmare future famine, many people eat like there is no tomorrow, putting on hundreds of pound of weight and becoming frightfully obese. Usually that famine never comes, and so the weight just keeps on building up and up until that person dies of type II diabetes or ends up in the hospital for some other reason. So many more people than ever before are getting hugely obese and even the standard or average size body image is growing ever larger decade after decade. Even larger and ever larger automobiles are being created to accommodate these larger and larger people! Addiction to food is an extremely common problem, and everyone is more or less addicted to the narcotic stimulation that food gives everyone to one extent or another. I strongly feel that people's obsession with food is obsessive to the point of making it the main sensual pleasure of their life. Instead of God or Spirit, people often make Food the center of their lives! Eating too often causes all manner of health problems resulting in a list far longer than I can remember here. Some of the most common signs of eating too often can be as follows: mouth sores, sore lips, sensitive teeth, sore throat, sensitive tongue, pain while swallowing, ulcers, and gum disease. There are countless digestive aliments and complaints too that can occur as a result of too much eating too often. Just as the body needs a good, long rest every single night, the mouth, teeth, and the entire digestive system, all the organs and circulatory system needs a complete rest from digesting and metabolizing food on a regular basis, otherwise it could easily get damaged and overworked! How much time between meals? As long as one comfortably can, which could be anywhere between 6 hours and an entire weekend. It depends on how much one can feel comfortable fasting on water and how much one can fully appreciate the process of healing with water-fasting. The more spiritually oriented people among us can definitely understand and appreciate the benefits of water-fasting, especially in regards to improving the experience of meditation. Some human beings have actually fasted very long periods of time, some for eight days, some even for an entire month, and much smaller yet more resilient group of people, as much as a hundred days! There seem to be at least a handful of spiritually advanced individuals who have never stopped fasting because of the resulting tremendous improvement and advancement in their spiritual life. These amazing beings are called "breatharians," yet the idea of a human getting by without ever eating is naturally rejected as preposterous, or as a complete confrontation against all "common sense." Yet in the case of a yogi by the name of "Prahlad Jani" no scientist or doctor was ever able to disprove his claim, even after being closely monitored for 15 days in a hospital. One would say it is impossible to live without energy and life itself seems utterly dependent on the continuous respiration of oxygen and combustion of food energy, yet somehow, some people alive today (and throughout history) apparently are not living on any physical food or even water for that matter! But the energy has to come from somewhere, and the only explanation for such a marvel I could give would have to be some sort of built-in cellular connection with an intelligent form of nourishing quantum energy or spiritual energy or creation of healthy body tissue from that source. Yet on some level I am not at all surprised that breatharians may actually exist when one considers the countless times throughout human evolution when early human beings must have been confronted with very long periods of famine or starvation, when there was probably no food and often no water either to drink. Such a group of people would only survive for so long--unless there were some breatharians in that group! Because of all the immense problems food has caused me in my personal life, I would love to be a breatharian myself! It doesn't take much thinking to realize what great benefits and what immense burdens lifted off one's shoulders there would be for one to enjoy who does not have to eat! To begin with, one would never have to go out and buy groceries and bring them back home to the kitchen, one would never have to prepare and cook the food, and one would never have to spend all that time eating it, nor waste so much of one's vital energy digesting it, nor have to deal with the often embarrassing consequences of indigestion, bloating, gas, etc.; and one would never have to clear the table, wash the dishes, wipe down the countertop, and wash all the appliances and utensils often needed to process the food consumed; and then one would never have to bother with eliminating the food after it is digested, and then one would never have to clean the toilet as often while not having to deal with nearly as many plumbing issues! Many extremely unpleasant illnesses such as stomach flu, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, gum disease, heart disease, and dental caries are all strongly associated with eating. Simply put: nearly all illnesses would no longer exist, and the hundreds of billions of dollars spent per year on trying to cure them would no longer be necessary. Another wonderful benefit, one would no longer feel guilty about eating the meat of countless innocent creatures, nor contribute to the suffering of cows, goats, hens, etc. whenever drinking their milk or eating their eggs. One also would no longer contribute to the massive methane, pollution and global warming problem caused by the immense factory farms throughout the world. Therefore one who is a breatharian would also help reduce one's pressure on the environment immensely and therefore become free of a great deal of karma. Much energy is also used up refrigerating, cooking and processing food, while residue from cooking builds up and up on all the walls around the kitchen. There is also much cleaning, scrubbing, etc. that often needs doing everywhere all caused by food and dink spilt on the carpet, and splashed on floors, walls, etc. Then if that were not all bad enough, there are also all the flies, ants, roaches, rodents, etc., often attracted by the presence of food in one's home. Food left around too long also goes rotten while becoming a source for the spreading and growth of fungi, bacteria, etc., while causing a terrible odor. Millions of tons of food is thrown in the trash and wasted every year. Of course there is also the often expensive problem of having to pay for the food in the first place! About 80% of one's entire lifetime is spent earning money to pay for the food while having to spend time to create or gather and eat and eliminate that food! This is terrible, because far too much human potential is being wasted on this entire food creation/consumption madness and addiction/obsession with food when there are far more vital problems and issues that need to be contended with. There is a HUGE and obvious advantage for any society that contains individuals who don't ever need food because of being spiritually attuned to a higher form of energy or "quantum" nourishment. I have to some extent studied several people claiming to be breatharian and found that they all seem to have quite a few really interesting qualities in common: NO health problems, a deep sense of joy and happiness, contentedness, satisfaction with life, endless energy, rejuvenation, and a profound spiritual connection or inner wisdom. They seem to be some of the most beautiful people I've ever known and I would love to meet anyone of them personally! They all seem to be of normal weight while living a super normal life free of all personality problems and hang-ups commonly associated with the rest of "eating" humanity. Some of the most serious and challenging problems in the world today are overpopulation and the hundreds of millions of hungry and starving people who are suffering. We have much to learn from breatharians obviously! They seem to be the most spiritually advanced in the human population! Of course switching over to a "breatharian" diet would immediately present some obvious hazards, including some major physiological challenges and some serious social obstacles to overcome. Most conventional thinking people (not knowing anything about breatharian yogis) cannot handle or accept a person trying to "live on light" thinking that such a person would have to be a complete idiot and would simply starve to death! Obviously to avoid much ridicule, derision and opposition from "well meaning" family members, friends and relatives, it would be far better not to announce to the world that this is what you intend to do! At this time, most people aspiring to become a breatharian would need to go through a great deal of preparation and many stages first, often allowing up to 15 to 25 years (or even a lifetime) to safely make such a drastic transition. (So far, it has taken me most of my life, but I am not discouraged because of all that I now know and achieved so far.) First of all, in my opinion, it would also be extremely important to learn sexual abstinence/conservation, deep meditation, correct water fasting between meals, and transmutation using prana as described in my books and other parts of my websites. Then one would attempt to undergo longer and longer water fasts while carefully monitoring one's own health and weight, etc. I NEVER recommend fasting without drinking loads of fresh mountain spring mineral water, unless one is extremely advanced and feel strongly guided to also stop drinking water. When one attempts to progress toward living more and more on water and prana (blissful quantum energy) and less and less on physical food, any awareness of prana (or chi) needs to be greatly increased and fully established in the body cells so one can directly experience how physically nourishing blissful energy really can be to sustain and provide all one's needs. Without at least some degree of celibacy, it would be nearly impossible to sense and benefit from this blissful energy. Conserved sexual fluid creates a subtle substance called "ojas" (similar to ectoplasm) that in a sense acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual energies and therefore can magnetically attract and convert spiritual energy into a form of physical nourishment that all the cells of the body can benefit from. One of the most profoundly important things one can ever do to convert from a limited physical existence to a limitless spiritual life is to learn how to convert over to more and more energetic, higher and finer forms of nourishment, while teaching our bodies to require less and less physical food. You know you are on the right track when you feel much more joy, more excitement, more energy, greater strength, greater endurance, perfect health, happiness and common sense. Always follow your bliss and your highest, wisdom-guided excitement! The most direct way I know of for human beings to overcome eons of incredible pain, suffering and delusion is to learn how to depend more and more on higher forms of blissful nourishment and overcome one's addiction to sensuality and physical food. We are what we eat! May 2014 - UCSB Shooting Rampage Reflects the Insane Education, Medical and Legal System - Back to Blog Index Page On Friday, May 23, 2014, 22 year-old Elliot Rodger gunned down seven innocent victims and injured seven others in what would have been an otherwise peaceful Isla Vista, Santa Barbra, California college community. This everyone's-worst-nightmare scenario has happened more times than I can count, and now seems to have become a horrific American past-time. This nightmare scenario is usually created by a young male with access to guns and ammunition while having serious difficulty growing up in and adjusting to society. They are often quite hapless, lonely and antisocial individuals who therefore are not able to enjoy any close or meaningful relationships. There are obviously many things still extremely wrong today in society. The world today is largely conditioned and shaped by people who have been educated and trained in one or more professions, skills, fields of research or other endeavors. That which is taught and not taught in the educational system has a massive impact on society, and I believe what young people experience (especially in the area of social adjustment) in the schools of learning has a huge part to play in these college related and school related mass shootings. Elliot Rodger created for YouTube a nightmare video. In it he ranted over and over how he was not attracting women and was feeling utterly neglected, devastated, lonely and even worse how he was going to take a horrible revenge against the women he felt rejected him and threatened to shoot their boyfriends as well. Also he ranted on how jealous he was of all other guys being able to easily attract women, how he wanted to become a "god" and in other parts of his statement, the "Alpha" male, rather than the lonely inferior "nothing" he felt he had become. He felt discarded by society and longed for revenge, yet he felt great power because of the guns he owned and the horrible things he was going to do with them. Obviously he was suffering, obviously he needed help, but I learned there already were five mental health professionals on his case who by all practical purposes were not helping him at all, or at best, very ineffectively. Even worse, his physicians most likely may have been prescribing him drugs (can encourage violent behavior) instead of botanicals (can be very effective without side effects) and probably completely ignoring his special nutritional needs which nearly all people with mental health issues have. Most drugs have side-effects. Mental health drug treatment without first involving correct eating can result in extreme neurochemical imbalances resulting in deadly consequences. Nearly all mass shooters have been "treated" with anti-depressants or some other mental health drug of some kind without first carefully monitoring the nutritional intake. The standard American diet or SAD is a disaster for mental health. Even worse, somehow this most mentally and emotionally unstable person was allowed to own guns! How the hell did this guy pass the background check? Richard Martinez, the angry, greaving father of one of Elliot Rodger's innocent victims quickly blamed his incomparable loss on "irresponsible politicians" and the NRA. These groups may very well be part of the problem because far too many individuals who should not be owning guns and ammunition are owning guns and ammunition. This is a horrible mistake, making or allowing many individuals to become an accident waiting to happen. Elliot was intent on doing something extremely rash, horrific, and irresponsible without ever giving thought to the terrible consequences. Obviously his teachers did not teach him well enough exactly what these consequences would be. I strongly suspect his rotten choice to kill and hurt others has to at least partly be caused by the extreme lack of spirituality in the social and educational system and its sadly maligned emphasis on materialism, self-importance, sensuality, wealth, and the unfortunate misconception that those having mates are somehow superior to those who don't have mates. This idea of one's own value or worth being wholly dependent on various external traits, possessions and relationships is as far from spiritual as one can get, yet this is clearly what the educational systems and their fraternities are either teaching or encouraging in some way! Spirituality does not have to involve religion nor a belief in something scientifically impossible. One need only describe to the pupil exactly all the details of what near-death experiencers have encountered during their out-of-body journeys and what they learned during the life-review process which is that we all share the same consciousness and that our real essence is a living light of pure, unconditional love. The wisdom of the ages has always stated: "Whatsoever you do to others you do to your self!" We need to present these facts to students as an undeniable law of physics and consciousness that whatever you put out, you get back! Also teach in every school the very vital and important fact that there is life after death; people have been there and were able to come back and talk about it! The idea that everyone is completely annihilated by death is unfortunately taught by many science professors and others in universities and colleges. Even the mass murderer Eliot Roger was talking in his YouTube video as if death was indeed a complete and permanent annihilation, and therefore wanting everyone to pay for his suffering with complete annihilation. Knowing that there is an afterlife and realizing that the consequences for all one's actions continue on long after the physical body ceases to exist, could definitely improve one's attitude toward others and toward life itself. Yet to be taught the opposite idea that the physical world is all there is and that one's physical body is the only existence one will ever have can import really serious damage into one's psychological makeup. Such academic concepts of separation, existentialism, alienation from Spirit, etc. affected me in a very negative way, and caused me much suffering, fear, hopelessness, and grief. I felt quite helpless, quite lonely and worse of all, scared out of my mind to risk or experience anything in life. I felt much more inclined to self-delusion rather than face the reality of life. I am quite sure that the standard materialistic curriculum and very strong encouragement of competition taught all my fellow classmates to be even more egotistic, selfish and snobbish than they were already. These are childish human tendencies anyway, therefore how stupid is it to push these tendencies even further along into adulthood? Obviously advanced spirituality and the immense benefits of unconditional love and serving others need to be taught in all schools! And I don't mean any form of religion, but the principles of wrong and right, the illusion of the ego, and the latest scientific research on the phenomena of the near-death experience, out-of-body travel, and spiritualism. Some famous near-death experiences such as Dannion Brinkley's "Saved by the Light" and Howard Storm's "My Descent into Death" should be required reading in every school, college, and university. If everyone in school were given all the knowledge that individuals like Dannion Brinkley and Howard Storm acquired during their near-death experiences, and all that was learned by researchers such as Raymond Moody and Kevin Williams, then I believe there would be far fewer students in school inclined to hate, shoot, hurt or kill one another and far more who are inclined to help, encourage, love and support one another. There would be much less selfishness, bullying and snobbery and far more support, humility and understanding. All those inclined to bully should definitely be taught just how terrible the consequences of their actions would be in the afterlife! During one's life review, for example, the bully will be forced to experience all the pain and suffering and torments given to others. He will be forced to realize that all consciousness is one consciousness, and that the oneness of all life is the reason why he will have to experience all the pain and harm he has caused others. There are many other perhaps even more frightening possibilities for those inclined to hurt others such as being nearly forever lost in very cold, dark, damp and lonely hells, or feeling so cold that the soul will shiver for possibly hundreds of years, or finding one's self ambushed by many other similarly horrible or vicious criminals bent on tearing the bully to pieces which was most gruesomely described in the Howard Storm near-death experience. In the afterlife, Elliot will be forced to experience all the consequences of his actions. He will have to experience all the grief and all the other terrible emotions and pain he inflicted on all his victims. He will have to endure all of the terror and misery he caused all those around him including the utter grief, horror and extreme sense of loss experienced by all the parents and siblings of his victims. One way or another, he will eventually have to wake up from his dark state of being and possibly have to reincarnate again and again to repay all the damage he had caused until he finally learns unconditional love. Elliot will forever remain stuck at a certain level of pain and suffering until he finally learns how to love unconditionally all those women whom he felt had rejected him. Every student in society needs to be exposed to a much deeper understanding of life and what it all really means in order to help prevent so many people from doing so many stupid, destructive or nonsensical things. This world is unfortunately full of misguided people doing all kinds of harm and mayhem simply because they do not at all realize the sacredness of being and the oneness of all life! May 2014 - What Is Wrong With this World??? - Back to Blog Index Page The global suffering, confusion, and mayhem is simply incredible. Whenever I think about it, it must be because of the education system or lack of it on some corners of the world. And even when there is good education, too many children are not being taught correctly in terms of what life is about, and what really is important in life and what really matters the most. Every day I am constantly appalled at the news! No matter what news I read, I always come across something really terrible going on that absolutely disgusts me. In nearly all cases I can ultimately attribute this daily plunge into insanity and Dark Age behavior to a lack of of the RIGHT KIND of education, and even a lack of education, period. Until everyone gets the right knowledge or education properly installed in their brains, most of us will simply be like chickens aimlessly running around in circles with their heads cut off, or lemmings running off into the sea. The various ways I've seen people pursue their "happiness" such as through junk food, drugs, sexual relationships, reckless aggression, wanton greed, violence, and acquisition, etc. is simply awful. This terrible behavior is not just harming the environment and the earth's resources, it is also obviously harming everyone's own personal mental/physical health and spirituality for life. I will list some of the main issues at stake with the following subjects involved which I believe should be widely taught in every school and college in the world: 1) The dangerous and terrible consequences of overpopulation! Obviously there are far too many people in this world today who are living extremely miserable lives! The more people or consumers created in any given region of the world, the more one's quality of life and standard of living is likely to plummet. Even though the world's resources are obviously quite limited, It seems however that more and more people are mindlessly ignoring this dire fact yet nevertheless continuing to create and introduce more and more children into utterly dreadful circumstances! Family creation needs to be a conscious and thoughtful process, and NEVER a result of blind instinct! India's Mahatma Gandhi used to tell others to practice celibacy, but sadly, far too many did just the opposite, and therefore billions of children continue to be born into the worst circumstances imaginable! Because of overpopulation which is in turn caused by the insatiable, uncontrolled sexual appetite, billions of children will go hungry and millions will die of starvation every year while the whole world's ecological system erodes away if not collapses altogether. This very delicately balanced green emerald Earth is far too fragile a planet to support the expected 9 billion people who will soon be fighting over rapidly dwindling resources just to survive! 2) The consequences of all actions and motives and how they affect others! All too often I see people treating others in unbelievable ways such as stuffing as many animals as possible into tiny cages so they trample on each other and have no room to move! How can anyone in their right state of consciousness slaughter innocent seals or skin alive hapless minks or coyotes? Or how about treating other human beings like pawns or slaves? Any business of hurting others for one's own self-gain will result in consequences that one cannot even imagine. People who think they can get away with murder, greed, or any other crime against nature or humanity will have to pay their dreadful dues eventually. Nature has very insidious (both subtle and not so subtle) ways of turning against any individual who tries to pull off any harmful activity. This fact is as simple as cause and effect. As you sow, so shall you reap the consequences! 3) The hazards of materialism and the things that can go horribly wrong whenever vast amounts of money are spent illogically or improperly by rich people with no intelligence or wisdom! One of the main things wrong with this world is the rather careless and incredibly stupid use of vast quantities of money by those who should know better resulting in a very dangerous imbalance of power. The longings, values and needs of the majority are washed out by the few rich people who can buy seats in congress and votes in office. Not to mention the vast corporations who have the power to wipe out whole communities of indigenous people in order to extract oil, frack and poison ground water, log old growth forests or commit some other utterly unwholesome, Godless ecologically destructive activity. Even on smaller scales, I've seen terrible things done by big, powerful corporations who seem to think they can do whatever they like to disrupt, destroy or even eliminate the average person's way of life. Even the quality of my life has been nearly ruined by a thoughtless, greedy property ownership corporation with their "cookie cutter" policies. They spent their money in ways that were horrifically wasteful, while completely ignoring the needs of their tenants and employees. 4) The severe ecological and personal health consequences of incorrect eating, factory and mono-crop farming, consuming too much sugar, etc! Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent every year simply to try to undo the incredible damage that improper nutrition education has caused. Even worse, there are still masses of people alive today who have not even the slightest clue as to what extent all their physical, emotional and mental suffering is actually caused by their ignorant choice of food. People just don't get it! Cancer is NEVER caused by a lack of "chemo" poisons and radiation! Heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and high blood pressure is NEVER caused by a lack of drugs! And tumors are not caused by a lack of surgery! Obesity for example is usually caused by too much sugar and processed carbohydrates and a lack of complete protein in one's diet, and NEVER from a lack of weight loss drugs or surgery! The real cause of most suffering is this utterly insane, widespread mono-culture of the world's diet and the depletion of the world's soil mineral and soil bacterial content. Overpopulation and widespread use of domesticated animals has caused a massive overgrazing of wild lands, and over cultivation of the world's soils to the point of irreversible depletion. Everyone needs to support soil-replenishing organic farming and biological diversity instead that NEVER require bee killing pesticides and Frankenstein GMOs that need herbicides to keep them alive. What is really crazy is that the weeds killed off by the billions of dollars of herbicides sprayed on chemically raised crops every year are often the very herbs we should be eating in the first place to cure all our diseases! Dandelion leaves and their roots for example have far more nutritional quality than most other domesticated vegetables! There are other far better ways to replenish the soils such as using rock dust, manure, and compost rather than these God-awful chemical fertilizers with only a couple of minerals in them! Too many use only inadequate chemical fertilizers and then they wonder why they have to use so many pesticides and herbicides to prevent their rather fragile or disease-prone main crop from being eaten or run over by their so-called weeds! This is a perfect example of the extreme ignorance that is keeping humanity in a rut. There is also far too much mental and physical illness in this world because of the overabundance of sugar and high carbohydrate (flour-based) food in the average diet and far too little of the vast variety of antioxidant, adaptogenic super foods and all the rest of the fruits, vegetables, roots, fungi, pollen, barks, nuts, seed and thousands of herbs that typically make up the "hunt and gather" Paleolithic diet that one should really be eating instead and in the first place. If you happened to be one of the millions raised on a box of commercial cereal, milk and cookies for breakfast every morning you are bound to suffer all manner of illnesses coming up soon. One tends to load one's plate with what tastes good or looks good, rather than what is actually good! One needs to eat to satisfy the soul, and NEVER for just one's ignorant sensory pleasures! 5) Unbiased, non-religious spiritual knowledge such as why meditation is so essential, what happens after one dies, the near-death experience, the out-of-body experience, after-death communication and mediumship! There is more than ample evidence from near-death experiencers and spiritualist mediums to prove we are all one Consciousness or one single Great Spirit or Soul inhabiting many bodies. This single one critical fact may be the most essential ever to broadcast in every school, college and university in the world! If everyone knew this, there would be no more crimes, wars, religious conflicts, or any major injustices committed against humans or animals ever again! We are all one! We are one single Great Soul or Consciousness inhabiting many bodies, many minds, many egos. If everyone had this realization and the fact that they ultimately will have to experience whatever pain one causes another, then no one would ever in one's right mind desire to treat anyone else harshly or with contempt. After fully understanding what happens to one after one dies, no one would ever want to kill or hurt another sentient being in any way whatsoever ever again! Perhaps even more important is the realization that one's individual consciousness and personality NEVER end at death! There is no reason to fear death! After passing over, life and love goes on without much interruption into ever new realms of great naturalness and great beauty. Families, lovers, friends, etc. will be reunited, past lives will be remembered, and sooner or later one will rejoin their true Self or Oversoul, experience the deepest love imaginable, and have immense opportunities to learn, develop old and new skills, meet all kinds of people, grow and explore many realms throughout many parts of the universe. This fear of and nearly total ignorance of what happens after death is causing immense problems and immense emotional hardship in society and never-ending crazy arguments between religionists, scientists and atheists. The soul lives on, and in a sense the body also lives on too, but as a perfectly beautiful, ever-young etherial body on a subtler plane of existence filled with all the beauties of nature, ever new opportunities to grow, while always having at hand the simple joys of living. This is not wishful thinking, this is a reality confirmed by countless spiritualist mediums and near-death experiencers. Even more obvious to me is that for anyone to find any real, true and lasting happiness, it can't or should never be expected to be found in external conditions. External pleasures, treasures, relationships, etc. are all subject to decay, change and loss. Even one's own body will change, decay and ultimately die! Yet what gets me is how many countless people are all caught up with seeking pleasures, excitement, etc. in the fickle and ever-dissapointing attractions of the world rather than within themselves! The greatest love, deepest happiness, greatest joys, thrills and fulfillments I ever experienced in my life has always been deep within my soul or spirit through conservation of sexual energy, transmutation and deep samadhi meditation or ecstatic astral traveling in higher dimensions. These wonderful gifts of inner illumination and total fulfillment come from living on a Paleolithic diet consisting mainly of various kinds of adaptogenic herbs, roots, nuts, seed, fungi, pollens, fresh fruit, berries, legumes, brown rice, vegetable juices, probiotics, minerals, and antioxidants while avoiding all commercial products such as junk food, breads, cereals, baked goods, red meat, cheese, dried fruit, desserts, canned soda drinks, common beverages, sweets and candy. I believe all the information posted on this site is so important, there are no words to express exactly how vital it really is! However, you, the reader, are the most important person. Your support is desperately needed at this time, otherwise I may not be able to continue in my vital life-long quest for spiritual truth and the means to find wholeness for every human being on this planet. Because of the selfish and often utterly thoughtless behavior of others, it has been a real fight trying to survive and keep this website going. For example: many important websites, affiliate programs, and YouTube videos, etc., that I've linked to throughout the more than 335 pages of my two websites keep disappearing and it can take hours for me to find and create new links to similar information. To my utter disappointment and astonishment, Google removed my site completely from its keyword, "wholeness" therefore I now get far less recognition and support for my work. Companies I depend on keep raising their fees or creating new ones, or dumping me out through the shoot (so to speak), and making it harder and harder for me to exist. I must endure many handicaps including the life-long depression, anxiety and fatigue which requires special nutritional support and if my personal dietary needs are not met, this can have utterly tragic consequences! I recently got laid off from work (January 31st, 2014 because of corporate mismanagement and greed) from my life-long career of 25 years and it would be impossible to find another job like that one. Please support my absolutely critical spiritual and nutritional research right here. |