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Find Abundance in the Sacred Symbols of Ka Gold Jewelry.

Lester Levenson's Story of Suffering and Inner Awakening Continued (Page 3)

Lester Levenson Finds the Answer - Part III (Reprinted from the Abundance Course Website.)

The primary thing he talked about in those days was the inner perfection of Beingness of each one.

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"Forgive Us Our Debts..." The Deep Meaning Behind the Lord's Prayer

Eliminate Poverty Consciousness

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Discover Abundance (Shefa) in Mystical Jewelry

Lester Levenson, The Release Technique Larry Crane, the Sedona Method

Lester Levenson & Larry Crane Present Release Technique

Lester Shares His Discovery

He went first to those who seemed to be already looking in that direction, the metaphysical groups. Looking in the newspaper, he found weekly meetings listed for the various groups in New York City and began to attend them and make friends.

After the three-month period, I attended a metaphysical group just two short blocks away, Dr. Schaefer's group. He would call the students up to the front and ask them to give a talk, The first time he called on me, I told him I didn't want to go up, so he by-passed me.

And then, after he stopped asking me, I realized it was silly. The only reason I wasn't speaking was that the old tendencies remained, but the effectiveness of them was totally gone. The compulsiveness was done away with and even though the tendency remained, it was like a burnt rope. If you try to pickup a burnt rope, it just falls apart. It looks like a rope, seems to be a rope, but it has no strength.

Seeing that, I volunteered to go up and give a talk. First time in my life!  Here I am, up in front of a group of about sixty people. When I got up there, I was surprised that I wasn't nervous. I was looking at them, they were looking at me. And as I was talking, I had a second thing going on in the background, "Gee!" I kept thinking. "This is easy. I never knew it was this easy!"

And that was my first experience in my life of getting up in front of a group and talking.

Lester also began to read books on metaphysical subjects and was pleased to find that the things he had experienced had also been experienced by others. In fact, there was quite a body of available literature on the subject.

He often found himself the center of attention with his new friends, because they had not met anyone before with such a depth of personal experience of what they were seeking for themselves. They found him very easy to talk to and were eager to hear how he had achieved his state of personal peace. It was difficult for him to put the actual process into words but he found that in talking to people on a deeply personal level, he would find the right thing to say to help them achieve some relief from their pent-up emotional blocks.

(Ad) Quantum Physics & The Law of Abundance

There is a law of abundance (or attraction) that can be used to gradually bring wonderful changes into your existence! I have known deep in my heart these beautiful and inspiring truths all my life. If you hate your life, you need to refine, uplift, and purify your emotions, lifestyle, mental states and consciousness. Mastering the law of abundance can be achieved by becoming free of all addictions and attachments. Simply by eating only the healthiest and spiritually uplifting foods, you are also dramatically improving your state of being. Transforming not only your thoughts but your diet as well is an essential part of the whole process toward a greater inner fulfillment that may gradually transform circumstances.

Lester Makes a Million Dollars

The primary thing he talked about in those days was the inner perfection of Beingness of each one. As he talked, in his mind he would see the other person as all-perfect, all-knowing, all-powerful--a perception that gave the other one quite a lift.

However, from his long-time experience in business, when asked, Lester would occasionally offer guidance on a practical level. And, in 1953, it occurred to him that despite all his accomplishments, he still had not made a million dollars. He had also noticed that many of his new friends had the impression that only by being poor could they have the freedom they'd read about. Many of them had interpreted the tranquil state as one of lack. Admonitions such as "Let go of your attachment to things" and "Things cannot make you happy" had been misinterpreted as meaning that one had to give up ambition, money, prosperity, and abundance in order to achieve inner tranquility.

Lester knew that this was not so, that it was the attachment to money and things that created the non-freedom and that this attachment was itself only a feeling. He was also very sure, based on his own experience, that all feelings could be corrected, let go of released. So he set out to make his million, to prove both that one could have and accomplish things in the world without the deadly attachment and that spiritual freedom didn't mean deprivation. On the contrary, it meant the ability to have, to be, and to do anything and everything. But talking about it was one thing. Actually doing it was the only way to prove it. He decided to prove his point with real estate in New York City.

In 1953, he began buying apartment buildings with no cash down. He would either run them for profit or sell them for quick profit. Within six months, he had acquired well over a million dollars equity in property.

I started in the real estate business with no cash and bought apartment houses using mortgages and loans. With no effort, I acquired twenty-three apartment houses of twenty to forty units each. I found it was easy to do.

Every deal had to be a very harmonious one. Everyone in it had to gain. If there were a broker involved, I made sure he got his full commission. The seller benefited by getting what he wanted, his building sold. And if there were a lawyer involved, he got his share. Everyone benefited in every deal.

That's the way all deals should be. There's no need for anyone to suffer. Everyone should get what he wants out of it. Everyone should benefit.

Every seller wants to sell. Every buyer wants to buy.  I found that harmony is the basic law of the universe and when we're in tune with it, things can be done with little effort.

"What's the next step?" he wondered. He had proven he could apply his new theory to business, he had over a million dollars; what was left to prove?

Then it occurred to him that the need to accumulate wealth was not security.  It could all be lost. Also, the need for accumulation indicated a lack of conviction in one's ability to produce what one needed at will. Therefore, he decided, "From here on, I have everything I need as I need it," and proceeded to test out still another theory.

Sky Detail from Painting, Beyond All Limitations

God radiates to all who are tuned in, powerful, ever changing rays of peace, love, joy and prosperity. Although not shown here, each of the colors in a rainbow can symbolize the various aspects of God's abundant blessings upon you:    Blue to Violet=PEACE    Pink to Red=LOVE    Gold to Yellow=JOY    Emerald to BlueGreen=PROSPERITY

Lester Tests His Abundance Theory

It was a few days before Christmas, cold, and I wanted a short vacation of two weeks in warm country. 

Los Angeles was farthest away from New York City so I said, "Well, I'm having a vacation in Los Angeles over the Christmas- New Year holidays."

With full confidence that "everything is A-okay and taken care of" I packed a bag and walked out of the house. Within a block, I bumped into a man I hadn't seen for many, many years who said, "Hey, Lester! I've been looking for you.  Remember that money I owed you? I've been wanting to pay you. I didn't know what happened to you." And he handed me enough cash to buy a round-trip ticket to Los Angeles, which I did, and immediately left.

When I got to Los Angeles, it occurred to me to call an old friend who said, "Oh, I'm so happy you called, Lester, we just got a new apartment, we have an extra room and you must stay with us. Where are you?" And they picked me up.

The next morning I was in the kitchen thinking, "Well, gee, here I am in Los Angeles without a car. It's impossible to get around without one."  And I said, "Well, that's taken care of," and I dropped it.

Next thought came, "Call Burl." He was an old friend I had driven with from New York to Los Angeles some years earlier.   I called Burl, and he said, "I've been thinking of you, Lester. Where are you? I want to see you and I'm coming right over."  And he was there in a matter of about fifteen minutes.

And we're having coffee over the kitchen table and without my asking, he puts his hand in his pocket, takes his car keys out, slides them across the table to me and says "You've got my car as long as you stay here. I have no need for it. I'm living near the studio and I walk to work."  I thanked him. Now I had everything I needed.

After about ten days, I got the feeling that I wanted to go back to New York.  It was about January 3rd. I called TWA and they said, "Oh, I'm sorry.  We have no reservations for thirty days, all taken up. And we can't even put you on the waiting list because the waiting lists each have thirty or more people."

I just said "Thank you", hung up and said to myself "Well, who needs a reservation? When I feel like going, I'll go!"

So, the next morning, I woke up and asked myself "Do I want to go?"

And I said, 'Yeah, I think I want to go."

Eliminate Poverty Consciousness

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I packed my bags and got down to the airport about ten o'clock, asked where the planes depart for New York, went to the gate, and a man was loading a plane for New York. I said, "Are there any no-shows?"

He said, "Yes, there is one. But wait until I load everyone. Just stand here."

While he was loading, a woman asked the same question.

He said, "I don't know, madam, but if you'll stand behind this man, we'll find out."  And he put her behind me.

He loaded the plane, walked right toward me, reached around me, took this woman by the arm and put her on the plane.

As far as I was concerned, everything was 100% okay!

He came back to me and his jaw dropped! His mouth fell open when he realized what he had done. So I had to calm him down, instead of him calming me down. And after I calmed him down, I said, "Well, when's your next plane?"

He said, "In about an hour. Oh, there it is coming in right now."

Well, he put me on that plane, which got me to New York two hours earlier than the other one. It was a non-stop flight, the first one I ever had cross-country.  At that time, they usually made at least one stop. Non-stop flights were new and few. This was in the days of the DC-6s and the Constellations; there were no jets at that time. It wasn't easy for them to make cross-country non-stop flights.

Then I remembered that when I'd hung up and said, "Who needs a reservation?"  I'd said, "Not only that, I'll have my first non-stop flight cross-country."  And that was the reason for his putting me off the first flight and putting me on the next one.

And so I got back to New York--started out with no money, and came back with no money. 

Later, a trip around the world again proved the same principle of abundance: "I have everything I need as I need it."

Lester Abides in Truth, Shares His Discovery

After Lester's tremendous breakthrough into peace in 1952, that awareness of the truth never left him. Whether he was making a real estate deal, or visiting his family, or sharing his experience with others, he was always aware of and residing in his own inner Beingness of peace. People loved being with him because he saw them in the same way that he saw himself: all-beautiful, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-perfect, all-peaceful. This powerful perception projected itself to each receptive person and activated that inner core in which each was all those things. Many people had experiences of this truth of themselves while in his presence, and they were eager to have more and to hear of his experiences.

He was always happy to share with others and began giving talks about what he had done. At first there was no special effort or promotion in that direction, but through word of mouth people would hear of him and show up wherever he happened to be. Often, these impromptu gatherings would take place over coffee at a cafeteria on West 57th Street in New York.

(Ad) Eliminate Suffering

Find Your Highest Joy - Suffering seems to come in as many forms as there are people. It seems that everyone has found their own ingenious way to suffer, and suffering is definitely a most congruent and defining part of humanity. Suffering is what makes, creates or defines the individual, or what makes the person. If there was no suffering, life would be like the sculptor without the chisel, no face could be rendered clearly, nor one's individuality could ever be well-defined! Do not be alarmed that suffering is such a defining part of humanity and such a seemingly impossible thing to avoid. We suffer to learn from our mistakes and improve our self-worth. Suffering is part of a feed-back mechanism to keep us motivated . . .

Also there were occasions when he drove coast-to-coast and on stopovers along the way, he would start talking to someone, he or she would get excited and call friends who would call their friends. Before long there would be a hundred or more people interested in hearing him speak.  At those times, Lester would stay several days, the group would rent a large hotel meeting room and by the time of his talk, there were often a thousand or more people in attendance.

He never charged any fee for his work, nor would he accept any money when people offered it. He knew he had everything he needed as he needed it, he'd proven that more than once, and his real estate ventures continued to be profitable. He had no need for anything.

In 1958, it occurred to him to move to California. He gave up his New York apartment, bought himself a new Chrysler and a 31-foot mobile home, and headed west.  His original destination was San Diego but, while driving through Arizona, he saw a signpost for Sedona and his inner voice said, "Go there."

"Why?" he asked himself.

"Just go," his inner voice answered, "and you'll see."

When he drove into the quiet Old-West town set in the midst of towering red rocks, he understood why he had been drawn to Sedona. The beauty and the feeling of peace were so strong, he felt as though he were coming home.

He contacted a realtor and was shown an isolated 160-acre ranch. He bought the property for cash, no mortgage, and moved into an old stone house which the original rancher had built on the property.

It was very peaceful, totally isolated and surrounded on all sides by forestry land. The nearest neighbor was a mile away, except for a woman who owned and occupied a small cottage just inside the ranch entrance gate. They would occasionally meet when both were out walking, and one day she mentioned how lonely she got living alone so far from town. As they talked, it occurred to Lester that she might like to trade her cottage and property for a similar house and property in town. When he proposed it to her she was delighted and accepted his offer to find a suitable lot and build a house on it to her specifications.

(Ad) The Hidden Treasures Are Within

This book is a compilation of fifteen inspirational articles regarding wholeness, meditating, how to choose your spiritual path, and how vital the hidden treasures of wholeness are for living a more full and complete life. Although this book includes some passages from the Bible and meditation-oriented information from the "Path of Sant Mat," this book is purely a spiritual text not meant to promote any religion. Most of this book will be about why wholeness is so essential and how to achieve it. I believe it is of utmost importance to make one's search for wholeness one's highest priority in what would otherwise be a temporary and fickle existence. To realize Spirit in one's life is vital for adding meaning to what would otherwise be a meaningless and materialistic existence.

He did all the work himself. He dug and poured the foundation, erected the walls, put on the roof; he did everything. It was final proof to him that his health was totally restored and that he had regained the strength, energy, and stamina of a very young man. When the house was finished, they traded. He called his new acquisition the cottage.

Now his ranch was totally isolated, and he stayed there alone for the next few years. Once or twice a month he would make the trip into town for food and supplies, but the rest of the time he was alone on the ranch. It was a very different way of life than anything he had ever experienced before, and he loved it.

His work with people, however, never completely stopped. He would occasionally drive the 110 miles to Phoenix to stay for several days or a week at a time. He also invested in some apartment houses in Phoenix during the 1960's.

After a few years, he began to make periodic trips several times a year to California where he had a regular group he worked with. And every year or so he would go to New York.

People sought him out at the ranch, too, which he had named "Self Haven." In 1961, the first person, a man named Doug Dean, came to stay for a while at the cottage. Shortly after Doug left, three women came. As the years went by, others came and went, and until 1975 there were always some people living at the cottage. A few women stayed for several years, but most people came for a few months or so to get themselves quiet and re-energized. Then they would leave to resume their lives in the world.

It was a very peaceful way of life and Lester was content. The comings and goings of himself and others were incidental and were never able to touch or disturb the vast quiet of the inner state he had discovered in himself in 1952.  He could have gone on that way for the rest of his life were it not for his wish that everyone discover that state for themselves. He felt his oneness with all and, as he described it:

"I wanted the rest of me to discover what I had discovered. So, after a while, I began thinking on how to get this knowledge out to more people."

And this concludes Lester's amazing story.

Learn how you can achieve the health, wealth, happiness and freedom that Lester discovered...

Learn The World-Famous Method for Liberating the Subconscious Mind.

Lester's Release Technique is taught in its entirety in the Abundance Course.

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Go here to discover jewelry that symbolizes the idea of unity or wholeness that underlies all nature.

(Ad) Sacred Jewelry for any Occasion

WholeJoy.com is an affiliate of Ka Gold Jewelry. All links and images below go directly to the secure Ka Gold website. If you have any questions, concerns, or need support, please contact webmaster.

Emerald Tablets gold

Why does David's authentic sacred jewelry sell so well during any season? People are looking for gifts that will truly show how much they love. Gifts that will stay forever and bring inspiration to the gift's receiver. There are not many gifts that really touch the heart the way David's jewelry does. The combination of beauty, ancient history, meaning and art is compelling. Go here to purchase.

Flower of life

The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world. In Egypt, whose tradition many people believe is the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Mesada. Go here to learn more.

Sri Yantra jewelry pendant gold

The SriYantra Penadant: The structure of the SriYantra pendant is one that provides abundance, beauty, and balance between male and female and between spiritual and material. Yantra is a mystical hindu concept that describes a structure or diagram used to balance or focus the consciousness... Go here to learn more.


The Golden Spiral pendant generates harmony and tranquility and is a symbol of natural beauty. The Golden spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the... Go here to learn more.

Seed of life pendant

The Seed of Life is a symbol for the days of creation. It is treated as a stage in the process of creation of the flower of life - a geometrical shape that symbolizes the whole universe. Go here to learn more.

Vesica Pisces

The Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" that symbolizes the mystical intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter, and correspondingly, the beginning of creation. Go here to learn more.

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen in other traditions as well, such as the ancient Egyptian tradition. Go here to learn more.


The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and Fibonacci spiral. The Golden mean spiral is the secret proportion of beauty as it exists in nature. Go here to learn more.

Emerald Tablets gold

The Emerald Tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony. Go here to learn more.

Nautilus jewelry pendant gold

The Nautilus pendant is based on the structure of the Nautilus shell. The Nautilus shell is one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean number. The golden mean number is also known as PHI - 1.6180339... The PHI is a number without an arithmetic solution... Go here to learn more.

Christ consciousness

The Christ Consciousness pendant radiates a very high and subtle vibration and posseses excellent healing characteristics. It is called Christ consciousness because it looks like the human consciousness grid... Go here to learn more.

Mobius ring

The Mobius strip, also called the twisted cylinder, is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the... Go here to learn more.

Shefa Pendant

The Shefa symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool to learn, to use and to connect with the... Go here to learn more.

Merkaba prana sphere

The Merkaba pendant symbolizes the flow of Prana energy (life force energy) in our body. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain. Go here to learn more.

Flower of life

The Flower of Life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in... Go here to learn more.

Christ Consciousness pendant

The Christ Consciousness pendant is made from a combination of 2 platonic solid shapes - the dodecahedron (12 five sided facets) and the icosahedrons (20 triangles). The structure of the Christ Consciousness pendant creates the third level consciousness grid of the human race, which is an electro magnetic field that surrounds planet earth and... Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Ka Bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity." Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Merkaba symbol is based on the Prana energy field and the aura field. It is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. The Merkaba also helps in our spiritual growth and the connection to the higher self. Go here to learn more.

The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the mono-theistic religions, the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. Go here to learn more.

Personal Creation pendant contains the geometrical and mathematical patterns of creation itself as it can be found in nature. The Personal creation shape appeared in the year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field. Go here to learn more.

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" that formed in an English wheat field in 1999. Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

Abundance Ring gold

The Abundance Ring Shefa is a word in Hebrew that literally means Abundance. This word, in its highest and most profound meaning, means a tool for creating abundance. It holds powerful kinetic energy, the kind of energy that when coupled with one's intent for the highest goodness and aligned with the Divine will, can move mountains or feed... Go here to learn more.

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*Disclaimer: This material is NOT intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Every web page does contain various affiliate offers that if purchased could financially benefit the author. All information presented on these pages is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional help, competent medical advice or treatment. -- Learn more about the author and his websites: Science of Wholeness and Whole Joy -- Copyright © Russell Symonds 2023 - Back to Top (Menu)