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![]() A black equilateral triangle with a blue light behind it symbolizes the Essassani civilization. |
![]() Alien From An Ethereal Solar System 500 Light Years Away |
Bashar Channeled Through Darryl Anka
Is Bashar (Channeled through Darryl Anka) in fact an actual extraterrestrial in a "first contact" with our civilization? How is it possible that Bashar who can speak with such humor, wit, scientific clarity, knowledge, wisdom, precision and conviction be just an elaborate trick or just a hoax?
His phenomenal wit, humor and wisdom, strange vocal ability, instant and precise knowledge on any subject (some of the Atlantis history he gave has been verified from two other completely different sources--see the YouTube presentation and information near end of this article); his decades long strength of will, determination, planning and sense of purpose; intense sincerity and honesty; and other unique qualities, make it very hard to just dismiss this quite lively personality (or personalities) as just an incredibly elaborate daydream, split personality, fantasy or hoax.
Bashar comes through as a real and loving personality (along with other "alien" personalities as well) straight from the heart and who, like some sort of immense, all-knowing super-computer, instantly, sincerely, scientifically and methodically answers any question (no matter how difficult or simple) by anyone who asks. Darryl Anka seems to be channeling an intelligence so advanced it is quite often beyond our own comprehension! He sounds as sincere as anyone can ever be and has no desire to control, interfere or indoctrinate others. For an entire, fully organized collection of all the Bashar channeled messages, please go here.
Bashar Speaks with Unprecedented Precision on Consciousness and Reality
Darryl Anka, I would have to say, is one of the most outstanding examples of spiritualist mediumship since the time of the great British spiritualist medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994) even though Leslie Flint provided a completely different kind of channel as a rare direct voice medium using ectoplasm, but not as a trance or channeling medium like Darryl Anka.
The mental medium, Darryl Anka, while in a kind of "trance" or dream state of consciousness, picks up and transmits the thoughts of a celestial being or beings distinctly different in voice and personality from Darryl who claim to be extraterrestrial in origin and come from a civilization called "Essassani" which means, "place of light." Most of the time it is "Bashar" (meaning messenger of good news) who comes through talking in a very animated and convincing manner on all aspects of "The Secret" yet from a more expanded perspective from which many of Bashar's principles of reality, philosophy of living, etc. are covered with a rather startling scientific precision very unusual for any "New Age" channeling of this kind.
The mind of Bashar (and his companions) are like computers in how they organize their ideas, communicate their thoughts and answer questions from individuals in the audience with great humor, assurance and the confidence of total authority. Their timing is precise and these beings take full charge of the audience until the session is finished when Darryl's awareness finally comes back to his body with little or no memory of what had transpired. One way to describe Bashar's personality would be a combination of Ester Hicks' Abraham and Robin Williams' rather humorous, fictional character, the extraterrestrial "Mork" on 94 episodes of "Mork and Mindy" from 1978-1982.
Please go here for a "News for the Soul" (www.newsforthesoul.com) radio interview with Darryl Anka and Bashar lasting one hour (allow a few minutes for the program to begin) that reveals phenomenal mental and vocal powers impossible for an ordinary human being. Scientists cannot explain how this stretching of pitch and tonality is possible for the ordinary human voice. Also discovered by scientists is an unusually high amount of "connectivity" in Darryl's brain. Please visit the "www.Bashar.Org" website for more information about Bashar and information regarding times and locations of the latest demonstrations given by Darryl Anka.
An interesting website regarding political implications of the extraterrestrial presence: Exopolitics Back to Top
Is Bashar's Solar System One of Billions Created from Dark Matter?
Bashar (channeled) is from Essassani, the "Place of Living Light" 300 years in our future, 500 light years toward the Orion Constellation. He is genetically related to humans. In another video (which unfortunately and to my great chagrin was removed), Bashar described his amazing solar system in breathtaking scientific clarity and detail.
Bashar and the others who come through the channel Darryl Anka give a very definite curriculum, perfectly organized in its presentation and delivery. Bashar gives many seminars and retreats every year and his work is growing and becoming increasingly popular. The subject he talks about most is the nature of reality and how to best relate to it for maximum success. One of the main principles of reality he gives is regarding one's internal state of being and how the state of being is vastly more important than outside situations or circumstances. Bashar would state over and over in one of his talks, "It is your state of being that matters, not the situation." Meaning that we create our reality by how we feel and what we actually believe to be reality. The reality that we endure or enjoy directly reflects like a mirror one's state of consciousness. No matter how hard one may work to make life joyful or successful, one may never make it until one's state of consciousness is also serene, successful, and joyous.
There are four very important laws that are always present in every dimension, every situation, and throughout all time: 1) We exist (can't do anything about that); 2) The one is all and the all is one (the universe is holographic); 3) What we put out is what we get back ("Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"--Galatians 6:7-10); and 4) Change is the only constant, except for the first three laws! What he says regarding time is that every second is simply just another aspect of the Eternal Moment or Eternal Now we are simply looking at it from a limited viewpoint. From a higher perspective, viewpoint or higher state of consciousness, all times throughout history become accessible and appear as one great moment.
Much of his knowledge reflects what one can find in movies such as "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know?" yet on a deeper and expanded level of conviction, explanation and demonstration. He instructs everyone to go beyond faith into absolute knowingness because knowledge is far more powerful than just faith alone. His concepts seem to always be consistent, vast and scientifically correct. He has an absolute command of the meanings of all the words of knowledge he gives out. Considering Bashar's lightning fast and flawless wit, he could win at any debate.
There are four very important laws that are always present in every dimension, every situation, and throughout all time: 1) We exist (can't do anything about that); 2) The one is all and the all is one (the universe is holographic); 3) What we put out is what we get back ("Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap"--Galatians 6:7-10); and 4) Change is the only constant, except for the first three laws! What he says regarding time is that every second is simply just another aspect of the Eternal Moment or Eternal Now we are simply looking at it from a limited viewpoint. From a higher perspective, viewpoint or higher state of consciousness, all times throughout history become accessible and appear as one great moment.
Much of his knowledge reflects what one can find in movies such as "The Secret" and "What the Bleep Do We Know?" yet on a deeper and expanded level of conviction, explanation and demonstration. He instructs everyone to go beyond faith into absolute knowingness because knowledge is far more powerful than just faith alone. His concepts seem to always be consistent, vast and scientifically correct. He has an absolute command of the meanings of all the words of knowledge he gives out. Considering Bashar's lightning fast and flawless wit, he could win at any debate.
Even an ordinary word such as experience in the Essassani language has a very deep meaning. The Essassani word for experience is illi-akar. Illi means mirror or anything that reflects back ideas, feelings, thoughts, and images. Akar means consciousness. What better concept or definition of experience is there than for it to be considered as a mirror of consciousness? One's state of being or condition of consciousness is reflected as the sort of reality or life that one creates is apparent in the meaning of this word, illi-akar, mirror of consciousness. What one experiences is dictated by the definitions (belief systems) in one's consciousness. Like a hologram, the entire universe reflects to the observer some aspect of one's consciousness. Good thoughts, loving vibrations affect the behavior of particles around oneself in a positive (mathematically harmonious) way, while negative emotions tend to disrupt the harmony of surrounding particles tending to attract more negative outcomes than positive.
Bashar also finds deep meaning in the words from our language. In the word, imagination he sees I, magi, and nation or nation of magicians! He wishes to help us understand how powerful we really are in our imagination. The potentials of imagination are huge and Bashar wants to teach us exactly how imagination can be used for creating wonderful changes. Another example is YOU-niverse; everything is you and there really is nothing outside of all that which is you which is everywhere and dwels in every living thing, especially in all the friends, family, strangers and acquaintances one comes in contact with. Whatever conflicts one has in life can only be with one's self, because absolutely no other reality, force, or aspect exists outside of you. There is only you and all that you experience is nothing but reflections of all that you have put out into the universe.
UFO Sightings, Crop Circles, and Extraterrestrials in the News
Alien Sightings / Crop Circle News / Exopolitics / Extraterrestrials / UFO News
Bashar says that any negativity or feelings of distress are caused by anything that we believe to be true that clashes with our own true nature. If we carry within ourselves any definitions (beliefs) that are not in harmony with the truth, we remain frustrated, fearful and/or unhappy. He says finding real happiness or wholeness requires redefining all definitions or beliefs of reality that we don't like into definitions much more in alignment with the truth of our true nature which is everlasting harmony, love, understanding, joy and bliss (wholeness).
So much information has been given regarding near-death experiences on other parts of this website. You can hear Bashar speak right here with absolute conviction as he states and explains the third law (see above) "what you put out is what you get back" and how obvious this law is because "there is nothing else, there is nowhere for it to go, there is no outside, there is only a here and now." To illustrate this law he uses the life-review during a near-death experience or after one dies as an example that we are all one consciousness and how essential it is to treat all our other "selves" in the strangers, friends, and family we meet along the path of life with all the utmost kindness, respect and love we can give. Even the Bible contains at least one statement in perfect harmony with the laws of quantum physics and universal consciousness: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12) Universal truths such as the Golden Rule have always been present throughout all the main religions. Bashar states, "If you create a vibration, who else is there to experience the result of that vibration?" There is only you, which exists in all others around you. The idea of space-time and separation from others drops away after one passes over into spirit and/or sees beyond the illusory confines of space-time or what yogis would call "maya" or "delusion." You hear no doubt whatsoever in his voice.
Bashar and his companions consider the inhabitants of our world to be the "masters of limitation!" Because we are living under very constrained conditions of both physical and mental limitations, we have developed extraordinary coping mechanisms to master or handle so many of the limitations we find ourselves in. Bashar states that the greatest cultural shock to our society will be when it finally realizes that all that seems to be "too good to be true" is in fact true. Having endured so much darkness, he says we have tremendous potential to "snap back" further into the light than any other culture.
Bashar's teachings on the "law of attraction" and related subjects are the most powerful, clear and extraordinary I have ever encountered. His knowledge comes to us from his multidimensional viewpoint, which to him is quite obvious and free of the confusion which so often plagues us "three-dimensional" beings. Bashar is here to help guide this world out of the darkness of limiting beliefs into a reality of spiritual light, love, abundance and universal peace and to prepare us for contact with other, much more advanced civilizations than our own.
In no way does this article encompass the entirety of his teachings. There is much more to them than what I describe here. Back to Top
Explanations for the UFO Phenomenon from Leslie Flint
Explanations for the UFO phenomenon have been given to us several decades ago from the unique perspective of spirit through the direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint via ectoplasmic voice box which creates actual human voices coming from the vicinity or energy field of the medium. If all this information sounds strange--well, that's because it is indeed very, very strange and unusual! Yet not one scientist could ever disprove this bizarre effect or phenomenon of Leslie Flint's direct voice through ectoplasm. Also the evidence of these voices is overwhelming: hundreds of recordings of genuine conversations (some up to an hour long) are now available to listen to over the internet proving the realities of the spiritual dimension.
For example, the late Stephen Ward (who in the realms of the afterlife was lead to Leslie Flint by Leslie Flint's spirit guide Dr. Charles Marshall) spoke with Rosie Creet (a British lady who often sat in many of Leslie Flint's seances) in 1967 on the subject of UFO's and life on other planets and spheres of a higher vibration not visible from our world. Rosie Creet interviewed the late osteopath Dr. Stephen Ward (1912-1963) through the independent direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint on the 26th of October, 1967. Go here to listen to that interview with the paranormal voice of the late Dr. Stephen Ward (from https://www.leslieflint.com/)--conversation does not start out right away and then his old style British voice can be barely heard at first. Other spirits besides Dr. Stephen Ward have also come through Leslie Flint's seances speaking on the subject of ufology, but I believe the spirit of Dr. Stephen Ward has, thanks to his genuine and personal interest on the subject, provided one of the best recorded discussions of this nature on the subject ever.
The spirit of Stephen Ward stated back in 1967 that these spacecraft come from higher spheres occupied by superior beings, and some are planets much larger than our own. They come in peace, anxious to help the people of Earth, but man's twisted mind prevents an all-out contact, or public landing (on the White House lawn for instance) right away. Bashar himself once humorously asked if you would land in the middle of an insane asylum where all the inmates are armed? Sadly, so many populated places on Earth are like that. A complete change in consciousness is needed before actual constructive physical contact can be publicly made between the governments of Earth and extraterrestrial civilizations such as Bashar's civilization. So why don't they contact us by radio? The same reason why spirits from the other side don't use that method, even though some may have claimed this effect to have occurred in the form of I. T. C. or instrumental transcommunication.
Because these extraterrestrials are coming from a different level of vibrational frequency than matter they find it vastly more convenient to use telepathy as their means of communication with each other and through mediums such as Darryl Anka rather than through radios which are generally not capable of picking up telepathic signals.
So why not land in a remote area away from civilization? Numerous sightings of such landings have occurred for generations and many contactees have written about them. Even the famous astronaut Gordon Cooper had witnessed one of these landings at Edwards Air Force Base in the late 1950's. Not all reports may be genuine and the rare few that had been actual contacts were never taken seriously enough by most people and were usually flatly denied by mainstream science and government authorities. Fortunately this disbelief and non-acceptance by mainstream, science, media, government, etc., is starting to dissolve.
The Vibrational Obsacle to Actual Physical Contact
One more major obstacle to contact remains, and that is whenever the conditions are ripe for a physical contact to occur, a strange thing happens: because the rate of the spacecraft and crew's vibration is often of a higher vibration from that of life on Earth, anyone being approached by or trying to get close to one of these vehicles (especially if from a world like Essassani) often gets overwhelmed by intense spiritual energy. It is rather like trying to plug in a 12 volt light bulb into a 120 volt power source! The reaction is often extreme terror as all kinds of previously hidden emotions are awakened within one's self and the potential contactees, or individual(s) need to keep a very large distance until he or she or they can get ready to handle such an intense infusion of spiritual energy. For many or most people on Earth, it will take quite a while to get used to this energy, and in the same manner as a decompression chamber, one is to be gradually exposed more and more to this energy until one has fully adapted to it.
Other than having to follow these precautions, it really is a very pleasant energy, one of tremendous bliss and love. Some of the more spiritually inclined and pure minded "Earth" people are much more likely to adapt and to be much more peacefully accepting of such an encounter. However, it is important not to touch the external surface of a recently landed spacecraft because they are usually very, very hot having traveled at such high speeds.
Entities like Bashar are eager to contact Earth at first to give warnings to humanity regarding some of the dangerous things we are doing to the atmosphere, oceans, forests, etc. that could permanently affect everyone's health and well-being. They also feel they could be a great help and benefit to a suffering humanity and wish to help in any way they can. The spacecraft visiting us are very real, not just illusions or imagined. These vehicles are inhabited by non-physical or semi-physical people with extraordinary intelligence and spiritual knowledge and they go to a lot of trouble to remain temporarily "materialized" or visible on the Earth plane long enough so that contacts, sightings and photographs can be made. Go here to listen to a Brazilian man's encounter with "5 dimensional" alien beings at a higher vibrational rate from a local star cluster (Pleiades) who are trying to warn the world of an extreme climate change (drought) which will take place very soon. Also they said there will be an overall energetic change in the world as a whole and tried various light, vibrational and sound experiments with this man while trying to increase his own vibrational rate and visual ability to perceive a golden light. They sounded like human entities with a man's and women's voice who identified themselves as two couples from the Pleiadian star system.
Our World is a Planet Locked in the Darkness of Physicality
The Multidimensional Aspects of Bashar's World
Entities or souls from different spheres have been trying to get in touch with our world for centuries. There is life of a very high order, far more evolved than we are on countless worlds throughout the universe. The conditions of Earth are very limiting and it is these physical limitations that have helped to keep humankind in the darkness for eons and eons of time. Additionally, humans throughout history have been their own worst enemy constantly preventing one another from creating a global utopian society based on love and universal enlightenment. A whole universe of worlds exist and most are of a higher or finer vibration different from Earth's vibration and are in many ways more real, substantial, solid, expansive--much more progressed than our world. I would like to relate the UFO phenomenon to what often happens on any plane (vibration) of existence, planet or world of the afterlife: higher beings from a higher vibrational world would often come down to visit those of a lower vibration to assist, guide, entertain and support those in need.
Many of the souls who spoke in the seances of Leslie Flint often visited residents living in spheres lower than theirs or were often in turn visited by superior beings from higher worlds in order to teach, help and inspire them as well. In a similar way Bashar is doing the same for us, here on Earth through the medium, Darryl Anka and through actual physical contacts in the not too distant future (sometime after 2015).
The spirit of Stephen Ward stated back in 1967 that these visitations from other worlds are benevolent and are for a very definite purpose. It is not done in fear, not haphazard and only for the benefit of all. Leslie Flint's boyish sounding control "Mickey" who often can be heard coming through at the end of the recordings to conclude the seances, stated that this phenomenon is definitely happening and that Stephen Ward has developed a special interest (in the afterlife) on this subject. Spirits in the afterlife can study (literally read books on the subject in astral archives!) any subject they wish and ufology just happened to be one of Stephen Ward's favorite subjects in the spirit world at that time. He may have even viewed the akashic records, met some of these beings personally and gone with guides who may have actually traveled to other planets via astral travel. Back to Top
In order to have a better understanding of where Bashar really is coming from, it is necessary to become familiar with the concept of two vital aspects of nature that extend beyond the realms of one's conventional understanding of life: 1) The existence of dimensions higher than the fourth dimension of time, especially those dimensions of life that contain all the parallel universes of reality; and 2) The existence of higher vibrational realities of the afterlife or astral planes which includes all the "spheres" or worlds of dark matter and beyond.
The first aspect implies there are various timelines (or different "histories") beyond this one; in other words, there could be an infinite number of parallel universes or unique histories or events synchronistically parallel to our own history or series of events. I have written at length regarding these parallel and other even higher dimensions (of living) here and how one's mental outlook can dramatically effect what sort of experiences or probable future or parallel universe one can be drawn toward. Bashar's mechanism of "soul physics" is best understood by the way the thoughts we entertain in our minds and hearts reflect what kind of probable future or parallel reality we eventually find ourselves in, because thought is by its very nature, a five-dimensional product or aspect of nature. What sort of space contains all the parallel universes? A five-dimensional space! Bashar in this manner has not only confirmed all that I have previously written throughout my website in past years on this subject, but greatly enhances it almost as if Bashar himself had been "channeling" through me long before I ever even heard of him! In a similar way, all the recordings of the souls who spoke through the energy and ectoplasmic voice box of the now late British medium Leslie Flint seem to also strongly confirm all that I have written about on this website long before ever knowing anything about Leslie Flint.
The other aspect of nature implies that matter exists on many levels and varieties of vibration, some grosser and others subtler. I have written at length regarding all these multiple higher realities, spheres, or worlds here. Just the idea that matter can exist on higher or different rates or patterns of vibration can help explain all sorts of phenomena ranging from dark matter, dark energy, UFO's, near-death experiences, reincarnation, and ghosts. I am implying here that the entire universe has multiple layers of experience-gradation-consciousness-vibration to it with the physical most likely at or near the lower part of this great spectrum of reality and of course all the heavenly universes, realms, worlds, spheres, planets, etc. at or near the top. It appears that access to the higher vibrations of consciousness also brings access to the higher dimensions of reality and these two very distinctly different aspects of nature unfortunately and quite often get confused with one another when laymen and even mystics, yogis, psychics, etc. try to describe them. The deeper the state of unconditional love, the higher the rate of vibration of consciousness, the greater the access to actual higher geometric dimensions so that one can travel back and forth through time and see amazing places and events never before seen by the physical eyes.
Bashar says we are coming out of immense darkness into the light. Birth of a child is same idea as birth of a whole god(dess), universe, etc. Bashar's civilization is moving from physicality to non-physicality. A soul need no longer go through the birthing process to be "born" on Essassani which has a core population of 250 million beings.
The being that claims to be Bashar comes from a world (a high oxygen planet called Essassani or place of living light) similar to our own only that his star (Shar) is 500 light years away from our sun and cannot be seen by physical human eyes because its vibration rate is higher or different in a subtler way than the physical world that is called "Earth." Dark matter comprises 90% of the matter in the universe and cannot be seen by astronomers, only detected indirectly by the way Galaxies spin (like pinwheels instead of whirlpools) indicating there must be vast amounts of hidden matter or worlds beyond worlds not detected by any kind of physical telescope. Essassani must be one of those countless dark matter worlds within our galaxy not detected by conventional means. When asked about his solar system, Bashar breath-takingly describes seven worlds orbiting his sun, Shar: 1) Seo, 2) Chenki, 3) Essassani, 4) Pesh, a large gap called Fomar, and 5) Chachu Panni the "Two Dancers."
When asked about his language, he gave examples such as "ha ah too" which means "I love you" and "illi akar demar shima shama" or "reflection of the creation in each other" and "Shivi!" which means, "I am completely in my compassion stand aside!" Counting to 13 in Sassani sounds like this: "char, choo, shimmy, peth, pan, cashinni, ktets, rolf, shimooch, see, sha, shu, saibo.." It is the amazing details such as these and the confirmation of how Atlantis came to an end from two other complete separate sources (see the last four paragraphs of this article) that persuaded me enough to seriously consider the validity of the existence of such beings as Bashar, which stands for "bringer of good news" by the way. His language which comes from the hybridization of various Earth languages, is no longer generally relied upon by the Sassani (the people who live on Essassani) to communicate. It has been or or is being replaced by their ability to communicate directly by thoughts, feelings and pictures.
Another aspect of Bashar that is most bizarre is the claim that Bashar comes to our world from a time line three centuries into the future and claims to be the future "self" of Darryl Anka. If one ever read any of Robert Monroe's books on astral projection such as Journeys out of the Body and Ultimate Journey there are many descriptions of Monroe's meetings with his future self or oversoul on his long search for his "missing Basic" which is union with his whole self or oversoul free from all the limitations of physical desires and living. His future self came back to help him find wholeness. However, since there are so many parallel dimensions, it has to be much more likely one of his many "parallel" or "probable" future selves that came back to visit him otherwise the Grandfather Paradox would, immediately prevent this event from occurring, because as soon as a time traveler goes back into or interferes in any way with his own past, he instantly creates a new series of events requiring a new or different time line outside the one he came from.
If Bashar really is coming from the future, he would have to be creating a new time line for himself in our world where he is now channeling through Darryl Anka and guiding others through this channel in our dimension. And we ourselves may have helped to create this event by being supportive and open to such a high level of awareness as the "Bashar" personality. So why is Bashar coming from the future and not from the present? It all seems incredible, especially when claiming among so many other things to have also come from the future. Bashar states that he has traveled back to our time in order to help create the first out-in-the-open public contact and convergence between our civilization and his occur as soon as is comfortably possible. If this is true, we could not be living in a more exciting time.
It seems in order for Bashar and his companions to travel through light-years of space at speeds many times faster than light he would also have to travel inter-dimensionally as well: one would have to travel outside of or beyond space and time into a timeless realm in higher dimensions of "quantum space" and therefore would then be able to travel back to any when or to any time in history within a blink of an eye. If astral travelers and master yogis can do the same thing, then why not also an astral or semi-physical spacecraft such as the triangular spacecraft that Bashar is said to dwell inside and travel in? Their "quasi-physical" black triangular space craft have often been seen in many places throughout the Earth today. Go here to see an article documenting an actual increase in the number of "Black Triangle" sightings. These UFO's often appear to have advanced cloaking technology, materializing literally out of nowhere. When they do show up, they sometimes appear semi-transparent, indicating a possible "vibrational" difference same way and reason a ghost would appear translucent.
If all this information seems a little far-fetched, don't doubt too much. If one looks carefully at the Travis Walton abduction case, it seemed to all intents and purposes that Travis actually had been taken into some sort of environment resembling what one would expect to see several centuries into the future! One may say that was an extraterrestrial encounter simply with beings from another solar system. Well, yes, Travis Walton encountered three aliens (which did not seem to be human hybrids but rather the grays themselves: there are many varieties), but he also encountered three futuristic humans (two males and one female all with very long hair) in closely fitted shiny blue jumper suits who looked extremely healthy and in perfect shape, along with space craft, vehicles and advanced navigational technology of amazing efficiency and perfection. It looked exactly as if the humans were in a cohort with the aliens rather like John Sheridan and Dylan on Babylon 5! Interestingly, Bashar's vision of a future 300 years from now of humans working closely with aliens as part of some kind of universal "Federation of Worlds" parallels Travis Walton's experience perfectly. For your interest, I have included here links to interviews with the paranormal witness Travis Walton on YouTube: The Abduction of Travis Walton. Part 1, The Abduction of Travis Walton. Part 2, (1/2) Travis Walton Rare Interview On His ET Encounter, 1975, (2/2) Travis Walton Rare Interview On His ET Encounter, 1975 and please visit his home page which I found absolutely fascinating: www.Travis-Walton.com. I wish to thank Travis Walton for the vital information he has added to the subject of ufology.
And how does Bashar explain most of the abductions (he called them "temporary detainments") that have occurred for much of the last century and this one, and reported by hundreds of helpless and terrified witnesses? Are human's reproductive systems really being used by alien grays to create a hybrid race? Bashar not only confirms they are real, even more shocking to some of us, he is one of their creations! He claims he and everyone in his civilization are the hybrid offspring of humans and the grays and explains that through countless generations and eons of time the "alien" grey species lost their ability to reproduce. Their world is located in a universe parallel to our own, and in their quest for a means to recreate a viable race who will continue reproducing their genes (which are actually not too dissimilar from human genes) they "tunneled" through neighboring or parallel "Earths" like our own planet until they reached ours which finally had individuals with the exact type of genes, evolutionary developments, etc. they needed from which to create a new race.
When asked as to what Bashar looks like, he states that most of their race (men and women) are nearly five feet tall, have white skin, look Tibetan or Oriental with large brown eyes, eyebrows and eye lids. They have sort of a "collective" or "hive" mentality, in other words they enjoy a beautiful oneness or harmony with others on such a level that all on their world are family, none are strangers or outcasts. When asked what he wears, his description is identical to the clothing described in the Travis Walton encounter (see above).
When Bashar is asked what he eats, he said he had learned to live on a universal form of energy or prana even though many still do eat food in his world but it is more of a choice than a requirement. Again this ability to eat yet not starving when one doesn't is typical of etheric beings like Bashar (etherians) living in semi-physical semi-astral worlds. It sounds like Bashar has very few things to worry about if food is no longer essential! Many of the souls (communicators) who spoke at the Leslie Flint seances seemed to be able to eat if they felt hungry and soon learned that it was not necessary to eat. Only those souls living on the lowest planes of existence still seemed quite fond of cultivating, preparing food and eating it long after they had passed over and felt hungry if they did not. The etherial worlds are just as real, solid and natural, if not more so, than the physical. Back to Top
Startling Evidence of how a Meteor Impact Ended the Existence of Atlantis
Could a major catastrophic cosmic event that took place 12,900 years ago be the real origin of Halloween? There is startling evidence that it was a meteor Impact that ended the existence of Atlantis.
Strangely enough, the channeled entity "Bashar" (through Darryl Anka) in some of his recored sessions claimed that Atlantis was plagued by warring factions and finally destroyed nearly 13,000 years ago by an asteroid. Amazingly, this information was confirmed by two other totally unrelated references:
A completely different source ("Lucillius" -- one of Dr. Marshall's past lives) came through the direct voice medium Leslie Flint in a 8-27-1962 seance also explains how Atlantis was plagued by warring factions and finally destroyed by an asteroid nearly 13,000 years ago.
A scientific article by Steven M. Stanley, (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, July 26, 2007) now confirms the impact. Steven M. Stanley communicated a very interesting scientific article: Evidence for an Extraterrestrial Impact 12,900 Years Ago that Contributed to the Megafaunal Extinctions... on a major catastrophic cosmic event that took place 12,900 years ago. I would have to say it was an extremely significant and globally catastrophic event causing the extinction of a vast number of animal species including many mammals, hominoids and humans.
What was considered the history of that ancient age was lost and forgotten. History had to "start" all over again. However, according to Bashar and possibly other sources, the night of "Halloween" or "All Saints Day" was originally intended as a memorial of that final day of Atlantis' destruction. This catastrophic natural disaster may have been the cause of the flooding and sinking of the continent of Atlantis and the reason recorded history seems to only go back as far as 10,000 B.C.
To illustrate this point I would like to mention that a "past life" of the spirit of Dr. Marshall (Lucillus) came through during an August 27, 1962 seance held by the great British spiritualist medium Leslie Flint (1911-1994) to provide a remarkable description of the ancient civilization of Atlantis, the laws of karmic justice, and Atlanits' destruction by (among other things as well) a ball of fire in the sky over 12,000 years ago. Listen to Lucillius (Dr. Marshall) give a fascinating and long discussion of ancient Atlantis here: https://www.scienceofwholeness.com/wholejoy/I/Lucillus.html. Being the remaining part of a much older, vaster civilization known as "Lemuria," Lucillus often called the Atlantians "Lemurians." In 1962 I am quite sure that no scientist knew anything about any such meteor impact around that time in prehistory. Lucullus also stated that the few Atlanteans who survived later became the Incas.
Toward the end of one of his videos, Bashar not only confirms the age, location and nature of this impact, he also states that before Atlantis was destroyed by this impact it was plagued by warring factions just as Lucillus had stated in the seance many years ago. This catastrophic natural disaster may have been the cause of the flooding and sinking of the continent of Atlantis (Lemuria) and the reason recorded history seems to go back as far as 10,000 B.C.
We now have on this page three completely separate sources of information each giving the same period in time and location of the destruction of Atlantis. In other words Bashar and Leslie Flint confirm each other while the July 26, 2007 Science Sessions article also states the same time and place of the meteor impact supporting what both Bashar and Lucillus (Dr. Marshall) said had happened at that time. This fact not only lends great credibility to both Lucillus and Bashar but also to the existence of that great and ancient civilization called Atlantis.
Even more evidence of an ancient civilization in the form of various pyramids and circular structures has been found in 2001 off the coast of Cuba. This discovery was reported by Paulne Zalitzki, a marine engineer and her husband Paul Weinzweig. They were shocked to find the ruins so far below the ocean's surface at an astonishing 2000 ft. below sea level. This would make sense if indeed these temples were created during the time of the ice age when much of the water from the oceans had been trapped in thousands of miles of ice covering most of the northern and southern hemispheres.
More information on the underwater ruins can be found at the following links:
Atlantis Found
This finding may indeed be one of the greatest discoveries in the recent history of humanity.
Crop Circles: Are Some Really Messages Created from Another Reality?
When asked about crop circles Bashar has a very interesting explanation: whatever is spirit or energies of a higher vibration or frequency of matter can be used by astral beings to create or change living organic substances such as the straightness of corn stalks. Corn, (also rye, wheat, barley, etc.) stalks are most susceptible to manipulation by cosmic or subtle spiritual energies. Massive geometrical patterns created by the collective imaginations of countless spirits both human and aliens (either astral projecting or deceased) are being formed in this way. Of course, not all crop circles are genuine, just clever hoaxes by earth-bound artists, however, Bashar states that the Wabi Farm formation is a real crop circle representing not only the orbits of the multiple star system Sirius A and B, but also is significant on other levels of meaning as well such as spiritual and subconscious. Go here for more info on the Wabi crop formation. Back to Top
(Ka Gold Affiliate Ad) The "Truth" Behind Crop Circles
Ever since the first one was sighted in the 1960s, crop circles have held the fascination and curiosity of the public. Almost always, the appearance of new crop circles gets attention from the media, the scientific community and New Age believers. Crop circles even became the subject of many fictional works, most notably the M. Night Shyamalan movie Signs, which starred Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix.
Man-made or Something Paranormal in Nature?
Nearly everyone is aware that a crop circle is a pattern of circles and other geometric figures created by flattening a field of crop such as rapeseed, rye, wheat, corn or barley. The first crop circles were comprised of simple circles, but the designs have grown more complex ever since, with some patterns following a highly complicated triple Julia set and even the semblance of being three-dimensional. Many crop circles have taken the form of patterns studied in sacred geometry.
But no matter how simple or complex a crop circle pattern is, the underlying question is this: Are crop circles man-made, the result of freakish weather, or something paranormal in nature?
The Roots of the Crop Circle Phenomenon
There exist records of the crop circle phenomenon occurring in England as early as the 1880s. These early records have attributed crop circles to strange storms that left circular patches in fields of grain.
Not a lot has been said about crop circles until nearly a hundred years later. And then, in the 1960s, sightings were reported once more, and this time, crop circles gained more prominence, at least in the media. There were numerous occurrences of this phenomenon all across the globe, not just in England, but also in Canada, Australia, Japan, China and Russia. These crop circles were formed notably near what are considered to be ancient holy ground. Most of these crop circle patterns were found in Southern England, particularly in Wiltshire County.
Upon the prevalent appearances of these crop circles, various theories on how they came to be surfaced. Many held up that crop circles are products of freak weather conditions, such as mini-tornadoes. Some believed that crop circles were created by aliens on disc-shaped UFOs.
The mysticism behind crop circles was ultimately shattered when two men from Southampton, England by the name of Doug Bower and Dave Chorley came forward and claimed that the crop circles that appeared on the fields of Wiltshire County were mostly their doing. They worked in the dead of the night using rope, planking and other readily available materials to create crop circles.
The Debate on Crop Circles Continues
After Bower and Chorley admitted that many recorded instances of crop circles appearing on the fields of Wiltshire were their creation, it was discovered later that 80% of recorded crop circles were man-made. This, however, does not explain the 20% of documented crop circles who did not have any traces of being created by human hands.
This portion of unexplainable crop circles has led many scientists and paranormal scholars to believe that there is another reason behind crop circles. The challenge of finding out the truth behind crop circles eventually resulted in the creation of cereology as a separate area of study focusing on crop circles.
This portion of unexplainable crop circles has led many scientists and paranormal scholars to believe that there is another reason behind crop circles. The challenge of finding out the truth behind crop circles eventually resulted in the creation of cereology as a separate area of study focusing on crop circles.
Famous Crop Circles
Below is a rundown of some of the famous crop circles created since the 1960s.
* The solar system formation, found in Longwood Warren, Hampshire, UK. This formation is interesting because it held a semblance to the planets of the inner solar system, with the obvious absence of the planet Earth.
* The dumbbell formation, first found in Chilcomb Farm in UK. Formed in 1990, this was said to be the earliest of the dumbbell formations, where two circles were connected by a line and flanked with two rectangles at each side.
* The Barbury Castle tetrahedron. Barbury Castle is a Neolithic fort in the United Kingdom. The tetrahedron that appeared in the fields near it in 1991 was considered significant because it depicted one of the sacred hermetic symbols, the symbol of the Trinity.
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