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Solve the Cosmic Riddle with over 50 Kindle eBooks and Audible books by the author, Yogi Shaktivirya (Russell A. Symonds) on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects! Click on each title for more details:.

SOLVE THE COSMIC RIDDLE OF EXISTENCE! DISCOVER more than 50 eBooks by R. A. Symonds (Shaktivirya) on Afterlife Communication, Anti-Aging, Ancient and Future Civilizations, Astral Travel, Breatharianism, Climate Catastrophe, Cosmology, Extraterrestrial Visitors, Fear of Death, Higher Consciousness, Law of Attraction, Life on the Astral Planes, Natural Highs, Nutritional Healing, Meditation, and Sexual Energy Transmutation!

The Dimensions of Living

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Related Pages:  /  Why Is There Anything at All?  /  The Dimensions of Life  /  How Faith Creates Your Universe

Dimensions of Reality, Quantum Physics, Reality Creation, Black Holes, Wave Particle, String Theory, Probability, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Free Energy, Metaphysics

Dimensions, Light, Quantum Physics, Faith, Reality Creation

According to The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra, all matter in the universe is an interconnected "event matrix" illumined by and affected by the mind and consciousness of the observer. In other words, the observer is not only an essential part of reality, but reality is also influenced by the methods used by the observer to measure it.

"...with what measure ye mete, It shall be measured unto you again." (St. Matthew 7:2)

Mantle Clock, Spinning Mantle Clock, Spinning Mantle Clock, Spinning Mantle Clock, Spinning

WHY DIMENSIONS? Everything requires dimensions for us to exist and to be aware. The first seven are: height, width, depth, duration, probabilities, principles, and consciousness. Learn how mind and consciousness can influence the direction of your future.

The Dimensions of Zero to Ten and Beyond

What we know so far is that we are multidimensional beings with several bodies of higher and higher order starting with the physical body (having 4 dimensions with specific location and form in the space-time continuum), then the astral body (emotions embedded in 5 dimensional potentials), the causal body (principle thought matrix or 6th dimensional blueprint of all manifestation), and the celestial body (mainly having 7 dimensions with the effect of self-actualization consciousness or self-awareness), and God (the ultimate source of all reality within us) which goes up from the 7th to all the higher dimensions.

What we encounter beyond the 4th dimension is the 5th dimension which is beyond time and space and is no longer energy as we know it but is rather the potential for energy or for every kind of energy or event imaginable. Because it is beyond space and time, it is not established in a specific point in time or space but rather as a holographic influence of potential events. Hence we are actually working with this many dimensions whenever we visualize a certain outcome or event.

Because we (the observers) are not actually rooted in the highly limited 4 dimensional physiology of the physical brain, nerves, senses and body, but in the true roots or source in the higher (7th, 8th, 9th, etc.) dimensions, the only way it is anchored to one's present physical situation is through the matrix of the soul which is the soul determination of all experiences from here to eternity.

This Matrix (not trying at all to refer to that movie "The Matrix" but seems to be some interesting parallels!) of the soul is actually some sort of an event continuum regulator or filter which works by maintaining (or specifying) one's location in 5 dimensions and the laws by which one's life operates (location in 6 dimensions). This is very, very significant, because simply by changing one's self-concept, one's location (every aspect of one's life situation!) in the 5th and 6th dimensions can change radically. I feel that one's specific location of consciousness can (and regularly does so naturally at random unless unfluenced by mental/emotional concentration) SHIFT over to neighboring parallel universes or alternate histories determined by the causal body's thought matrix.

Its all about location, location, lacation and location again. It is one's specific location in one's entire multidimensional universe that determines and defines everything that happens! Your location in physical space (3rd), your location in time (4th), your location in probability (5th), and again, your location or position in the realm of all the various laws or principles (6th) of physics that will be most influencial to the way all events behave.

These are actual geometric dimensions I am talking about which are not always entirely "metaphysical" or "mystical" dimensions. To give you a much more clear, down-to-earth example of how these dimensions are actually a very real and integrated part of everyday life I will use the following conversational examples with each one followed by a short description of each dimension:

0 dimension - "I am at the corner"
0) The "0" or "zero" dimension is an infinitely small point. It has absolutely no width, length, height, volume, or mass. It is used mainly as an indicator of location, usually on a map. It seems to me that one is always viewing the universe from a single infinitesimal point of consciousness which is the opposite or reciprocal side of infinity. Zero is the reciprocal of the strongest or highest level of infinity possible (infinite dimensions) as each extra dimension is a stronger infinity than the dimension beneath it.

1 dimension - "I am at the corner of 1st street"
1) The first dimension is length whose domain or geometric equivalent is an absolutely straight, endless, yet infinitely thin line. It is mostly involved with the measurement of the shortest possible distance between two objects.

2 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd"
2) The second is width, which is best understood as a plane stretching out in all directions, like a screen, but infinitely thin. One's example of its use is in the creation of maps on large flat surfaces such as sheets of paper.

3 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet"
3) The third dimension is volume or space, extending out in all directions and best understood as a pile of an infinite number of planes stacked together. One common use of the third dimension is the application of parallax or computation of distance through space using binocular vision.

4 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet at the time of 11:30 am, Saturday, July 4th."
4) The fourth dimension is time, or duration, which in turn, is actually an infinite number of "spaces" stacked together in succession creating the effect of varying positions of objects in motion. Being on time is critical in so many areas of life. Careful timing, especially when crossing a busy road is absolutely vital. Gravity and gravity waves (which move at the speed of light) are nothing more than a four-dimensional distortion of three-dimensional space so it axis gets shifted toward the direction of time so that the stronger the gravitational field the more time slows down.

5 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet at the time of 11:30 am, Saturday, July 4th and I will probably be at the marketplace by 12:30 pm this afternoon."
5) The fifth dimension is probabilty, (the field of all possibilities!) best envisioned by stacking together an infinite number of time lines, parallel universes, probable events or histories. Remember that 1990's science fiction TV series, "Sliders"? The conscious and subconscious mind has its foundation in the fifth dimension (field of all possibilities) and higher dimensions (principles, laws, God, etc.) Whenever you plan a trip, or contemplate the possible consequences of an action, or visualize the varous possible outcomes of your life, you are are in a way, thinking in the fifth dimension. The mind is constantly functioning on the knowledge of most likley effects, outcomes or scenarios resulting from certain possible initiated behaviors. Just using your judgement to survive, forces you to use as many as five dimensions in your reasoning.

Knowing the most likely consequences or outcome of one's actions or the most likely results of any hypothetical situation is critical to survival. "What would happen if you do this? Or what would happen if you ... ?" One is working with the 5th dimension when trying to choose which future event you would like to have happen. When one ponders the most likely consequences of every action, one is stacking up a collection of parallel events or possible future "histories" in one's mind. Light is waves of five-dimensional fluxation of space at 186,000 miles a second. Whenever closely measured or observed, these waves appear as massless particles or photons manifesting most often where the wave intensity is deepest. A five-dimensional wave of space is nothing more than a quantum field expanding at the speed of light.

The fifth and sixth dimensions contain the universal subconscious mind of all. Whatever happens in one's life, it first has to come from the subconscious "field of all possibilities" (fifth dimension) guided by whatever principles of nature or of universal mind (sixth dimension) that happen to be operating at the time with the illumination or actualizing power of the seventh and higher dimensions.


Above Image: "Still Life On Dione" (Composed on Computer) ©2000 by R. A. Symonds

Cosmology from the Perspective of Consciousness

I guarantee you will see the universe in a way you've never seen it before! The following alternative cosmology articles came from a period of over thirty-seven years of deep contemplation on the nature of reality starting in 1975. They contain my best insights on creation including a compendium of compatible alternative cosmological concepts regarding the formation of the universe and the creation of reality. Most scientific thinking today still revolves around the idea that reality is structured independent of our consciousness and that all thoughts, feelings and consciousness are strictly artifacts of the human brain. However, a vast assortment of life's deepest mysteries could never, ever be solved by assuming that consciousness has nothing to do with "external" reality.

6 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet at the time of 11:30 am, Saturday, July 4th and I will probably be at the marketplace by 12:30 this afternoon as long as the traffic behaves mildly."
6) The sixth dimension is the domain of all possible natural laws. Try to imagine an unlimited series of variations in the way things could behave or in the way in which nature could operate. Try to imagine an unlimited stack of an infinite number of "fields of all possibilities." Our survival often depends on at least a basic familiarity of the behavior of water, principles of physics, laws of nature, gravity, etc. The nuclear force tends to be highly sixth dimensional. If that same force becomes five dimensional it is immediately much weaker yet more extensive. That same force in just four dimensions is gravity (very weak!) which is when it involves only four dimensions of "space." There is acutally only one unified force or field which behaves quite differently with each corresponding dimension or level of "space" it crosses through and/or works with and it always originates from a higher dimension to a lower one.

7 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet at the time of 11:30 am, Saturday, July 4th and I will probably be at the marketplace by 12:30 this afternoon as long as the traffic behaves mildly and that I remain fully alert throughout the journey."
7) The seventh (and higher) dimension is consciousness, especially cosmic consciousness, the Illuminator of all thoughts, experiences, objects, etc. and the ultimate Author of and governing body of all laws, principles, etc. Consciousness (the seventh and higher dimensions) is the field of all reality upon which existence has its basis. It as the "daylight" of one's consciousness or "wholeness" behind and within every aspect of life and living. We use the seventh dimension every day to experience life. It is the ultimate Source of all phenomena. It is the unbounded free field of dynamic interconnectivity, without which nothing could exist. It is the universal Oneness behind and within all creation. It occupies no single location or time; it is timeless and all-pervading. Does this sound like God?

8 dimensions - "I am at the corner of 1st and 33rd at an altitude of 500 feet at the time of 11:30 am, Saturday, July 4th and I will probably be at the marketplace by 12:30 this afternoon as long as the traffic behaves mildly, and that I remain fully alert throughout the journey in spite of the fact that I have, just now, fully ascended into my Atman."

Regarding the eighth, ninth, etc. (for every number up, there is a whole new level of infinity) they are like a series of hierarchically arranged governments each infinitely broader than the one beneath. Always remember that every dimension number or level is made up of itself multiplyed by everything contained inside the dimensions beneath it. For example, the sixth dimension is one "infinity" higher than, yet made up of the 5th x 4th x 3rd x 2nd x 1st dimensions. In physical reality, the dimensions, starting at the fifth, become very tightly curved and increasingly compact through gravitational collapse. Also the duality and meaning of existence verses non-existence seem to be transcended in dimensions higher than the fourth. In other words even though it creates everything in existence, it seems to have no existence of its own. After all, what exactly is consciousness anyway? Logical sequences (the arrow of time) start to break down as soon as one crosses through the "event horizon" or "gateway" beyond the 4th and into the fifth dimension, 6th, 7th, 8th, and beyond.

Some physicists say the tenth is the highest, after which gravitational collapse prevents any further depths or extensions. A 10 dimensional object the size of an electron might weigh trillions of tons and be the most concentrated form of mass/energy possible. I do not believe in the "Big Bang" theory of creation, however it it were true, the universe would had to have been, according to this theory, at the so-called beginning of time, a 10 dimensional object the size of an electron weighing in at roughly one trillion, trillion, trillion tons. For such an extreme event from such an extreme concentration as this is far too unlikely for my reasoning and common sense.

Worlds Beyond Worlds

The Collision of Dreams and Reality - We shall explore the very fringes of human knowledge where dreams and reality merge into what can only be called a "twilight zone" where orbs of light and mysterious space craft pop in and out of our perception, and various types of humanoids and other creatures are discovered to our shock and amazement to momentarily appear and disappear. They often appear, like ghosts, semitransparent and can only stay in our vibration rate for a short time before dematerializing back into their own dimension. Some visitors may be able to stay longer than others, and the most physical ones may even be inhabiting our earth, sometimes intermixing with our own kind before too many people become aware of them.

The Highest Dimension of All

What is actually the highest dimension of all? Theoretically, there is and will alaways be yet an aditional dimension above and beyond the previous dimension perceived. This effect is because of the nature of consciousness: whenever there is one aspect or level of experience, there will always be one beyond it. To help understand the implications of what I am saying, is to refer to a common question among philosophers, "Can God create a rock heavier than He can move?" Or a similar question, "Can God create a problem greater than He can solve?" The answer to both questions is, "No!" because there will always exist a higher dimension infinitely more powerful, harmonious, wiser and integrated than the one beneath it. God-tuned faith moves mountains and solves impossible problems because the dimension it (Soul or Universal Spirit) comes from is always from a much deeper, higher and more concentrated source of energy than is available from the one beneath it, such as the zero point field for example, which can be an unlimited source of energy.

Whatever we think, feel and imagine, through universal law, has to take shape as a series of very similar and related events. Imagination, which is stronger than will power, is therefore the forerunner of life's coming attractions. Whatever principles you presently go by or believe in, may drastically affect your future existence. You are far more powerful than you ever imagined. You are God dreaming yourself as the person reading this text. This is because the root of your very being is God and your individual awareness is profoundly connected to the "Atman" which in turn is deeply and permanently inbedded in the eternal foundation of existence.

The planes of mystic realization seem to correspond quite well with the ascending sequence of geometric dimensions, especially in all their descriptions and aspects. First of all, mystics explain that the higher realms are always incomprehensible to those living in the lower realms and the only way to prove and "understand" them would be to go there and experience them yourself. Even the fifth dimension to start with is incomprehenisble to ordinary people presently living in the physical body because it is a timeless "space" of all possibilities transcendent to most linear cause and effect (logic) sequences. Thus any past or future "events" and possibilities stored in the fifth dimension would not be available for viewing by our limited three-dimensional physical brains, and would have to go entirely beyond the physical senses to experience them in some higher chakra (third eye?) transport or other subtler faculty of awareness.

Anyway, the third and fourth dimensions (and very little of the fifth) seem to correspond very much to the routine and common experience of the world through the physical senses of the physical plane where all things are restricted to the linear space-time continuum of logical sequences. Everything in the physical realm is susceptible to the arrow of time and therefore must ultimately be brought to "justice", rust, decay, death and/or dissolution. The fifth would most likely correspond with the astral plane(s) where there is much less restriction to the logical continuum of space-time and therefore entities would tend to last much, much longer and be far less restricted to the effects of decay, time or even from having to stay so much in one time or place. In other words, travel throughout whole universes throughout all time is entirely possible, or at least being able to visit the akashic records (events stored in 5 dimensional space) and see visions of past times and possible future events. Thus adepts in astral travel and advanced inhabitants of the astral planes do claim to be able to travel back and forward in time which in my opinion would be impossible without first having access to some sort of fifth dimension allowing enough room for the spirit's subjective squential time-line to bend back and forth or change direction through a "field of all probabilities" before lining up with a previous or yet-to-happen sequence of events.

To get a physical material structure's timeline sequence to switch around (which would require at least some five dimensional "room" outside the space-time continuum), it would need massive amounts of energy to keep it from gravitationally collapsing long before it can safely "reverse" directions into the past. Time travel of physical objects from the physical world would therefore require so much concentrated energy it would be impossible with today's technology to do such a thing. However, because astral and especially spiritual awareness is subtle enough to go outside of all the restrictions of body, mind, space, time and energy, it can easily do this without the need for any profoundly sophisticted or expensive "extraterrestrial" equipment. Even the creation of a wormhole would require massive amounts of energy or of a yet unknown extraordinary technology such as somehow gaining access and complete control of a spinning black hole, yet in the afterlife, such things seem to happen spontaneously.

As we go on into the higher astral, mental and causal planes, more and more access to and/or travel through the higher dimensions seem to be possible. In the numerous mystical accounts of experiencing greater intensity of light, bliss, knowledge, subtleness, and more permanent joy, love, etc. I feel these realities could only be possible and contained within greater and higher dimensional constructs. Surat Shabd Yoga's highest plane of attainment, Anami, Akah, or "nameless" may correspond with the eleventh dimension. The arrow of time (linear decay) at that most super sublime level is so completey and utterly dissolved into so many levels (11-4 or seven out of eleven directions) of boundlessness that life at such an awesome and lofty height would have to be everlasting and completely free of any type of decay. Nothing other than an absolutely perfect oneness, wholeness or supreme utter delight in a limitless multidimensional ocean of crystalizing light. I am willing to put forth the likelihood of yet even higher planes, dimensions and possibilities that the extraordinary human spirit has yet to discover or remember, and become or merge into.

Now the question remains, "What really is the highest dimension?" or even better put, "What will always be that dimension higher than the one beneath it?" The answer may startle and surprise you. The answer is you. You are and always will be the dimension higher than the highest one ever conceived or experienced! This fact exists because once you experience something, you (at the level of Spirit or Soul) automatically become the dimension higher than what is being experienced, otherwise, it could not at all be experienced or comprehended in the first place and will remain undefined and unmanifested until it is sensed or perceived. In the same way, a computer cannot be simpler than the data it contains. Also, you always have the root of your being in God(dess). Because You (your Cosmic Self) are the Perceiver or Observer, You are always the unmanifested, undefinable Mystery Source of (cosmic) consciousness above an beyond whatever is created, conceived or goes on. Your power is limitless and there is no greater power than You, who is and always will be the greatest and highest Principle of creation in all the universes. We obviously must align ourselves with this great truth and its awesome benefits which can take life-times of meditation, research, and Self-exploration to fully realize.

Please go on to next page to discover how faith creates your universe.

Quantum Physics & The Law of Abundance

There is a law of abundance (or attraction) that can be used to gradually bring wonderful changes into your existence! I have known deep in my heart these beautiful and inspiring truths all my life. If you hate your life, you need to refine, uplift, and purify your emotions, lifestyle, mental states and consciousness. Mastering the law of abundance can be achieved by becoming free of all addictions and attachments. Simply by eating only the healthiest and spiritually uplifting foods, you are also dramatically improving your state of being. Transforming not only your thoughts but your diet as well is an essential part of the whole process toward a greater inner fulfillment that may gradually transform circumstances.

Solve the Cosmic Riddle with over 46 Kindle eBooks and Audible books by the author, Yogi Shaktivirya (Russell A. Symonds) on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects! Click on each title for more details:.
Go here to discover more than 50 eBooks on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects!

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