Astral Projection
Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences, and Soul Travel Learning to leave your body is one of the most exciting experiences a human being can have. Who else is ready to experience an expedition to the fourth dimension where the laws of Earth can no longer limit your desires? Manifest your reality at the speed of light! Effectively master spiritual separation from the body. Go Here for more information Please also visit my new web page, "Astral Experiences" You have discovered on this page, a unique and fascinating resource to higher levels of consciousness, wholeness, and out-of-body exploration of subtler realms. Much research has been done and much further research is needed in the field of out-of-body exploration. The implications of being able to master astral projection are literally infinite. There is too much at stake here not to look into all the incredible possibilities, including contact with deceased loved ones, overcoming fear of death, and learning first hand about what happens to people after they die. Another important mystery is the question of reincarnation, eternity, and how to transcend limiting desires and karmas by merging into higher and higher planes until one finds God. You will learn much about how to lucid dream and have out-of-body experiences on this page and some of the conditions necessary for astral projection.
Astral projections are also known as out-of-body experiences and as "soul travel" by some groups, which can happen to anyone at any time in one's life. Astral projections are often confused with lucid or vivid dreaming and skeptics would say that what most people would experience as an out-of-body experience is just a dream. Even though it is quite common for astral projections to be immediately proceeded by a vivid dream or even be mixed up with or embedded within dreams, when one has a full-blown out-of-body astral experience, it is often so real, so vivid and clear that in no way, shape or form is it considered by the experiencer as just being a dream. Genuine astral projections are experienced as a fully awakened state outside the body, and the person is able to actually see, usually from a strange angle, his or her still or lifeless looking body lying down on the bed, sofa or couch. One is able to see minute details in the room and travel anywhere else conceivable and watch events and discover new places and/or previously lost or undiscovered items that can later be confirmed.
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Certain Tibetan masters and Indian yogi masters throughout history have developed the ability to experience fully conscious astral projections at will and as a result of this awesome faculty, many other special powers too. A contemporary example is Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath who because I have met personally and directly experienced his amazing aura of energy (darshan), I may have seen a few times in the astral as there were some instances of this great yogi's presence appearing during my sleep and in deep meditation. Other such great masters of astral projections in the past include Paramhansa Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, Rabindranath Tagore who came back speaking through the ectoplasm of direct voice medium, Leslie Flint (1960's?) regarding his experiences with astral travel and general information regarding power of thought, and the transmigrated Tibetan Lama, Tuesday Lobsang Rampa in the body of Cyril Henry Hoskin. Rampa provided the most outstanding descriptions and knowledge of astral projections, however he was also associated with some of the most controversial books I ever read.
I myself recently (August 2009) enjoyed a really amazing and vivid "astral" dream. I might as well share it with you as an example of what can be experienced on an "astral plane" beyond the everyday physical waking experience:
The right conditions for conscious astral projection are tricky to master. To start with it is very helpful to learn meditation and train the body to increase concentration on the inner self (third eye) and withdrawing away from the external senses, while calming down one's breathing and slowing down heart rate toward 40 beats per minute. Celibacy is quite essential, otherwise it can be very hard trying to maintain the constant enthusiasm and concentration required for the successful completion of this project which involves the process of slowing metabolic rate and fully replacing all physical activity, physical thought, awareness, and consciousness with internal spiritual awareness to the point that the physical becomes quite numb, cold, still and lifeless. Only then in such a deep state of trance does it become possible to consciously leave the body at will. Such an attainment of this nature is quite profound, vital and priceless, because such an ability leads to a complete mastery over the very powers of life, death and reincarnation. It is extremely unfortunate that during this present age, that the overall tendency of humankind is too much external, way too much sensuality, and too much into the physical world and physical senses. It is this overall tendency or tendencies that are causing so much pain, so much skepticism against spiritual truths, confusion and suffering in the world. This grave concern is the main reason why I am taking so much of my time to create this website.
The Scientificaly Proven Reality of Life After Death E-Book: The Scientifically Proven Reality of Life After Death, based on 40 years of lifetime research including personal spiritual, psychic and astral experiences is now available in PDF. Discover astonishing facts About the afterlife! There is a reality beyond death more beautiful than you ever imagined! What is the actual evidence for life after death? How can one be certain there is an afterlife? Why does mainstream academic science continue to reject the afterlife? Is there any real scientific proof or evidence that there is life after death? If so, what is the afterlife really like? It is extremely important to know all one can regarding the afterlife otherwise ignoring Spirit and remaining materialistically closed minded could have extremely negative consequences. Follow this link for more information. Astral Projection: From Traveling Clairvoyance to Complete Immersion in Astral There are various forms of astral projection. The simplest is remote viewing, which really is a form of traveling clairvoyance as a fragment of one's self senses events and scenes from a remote location while the remote viewer sits in a darkened room in a light state of trance. While meditating in my darkened apartment one morning, I could actually see within my mind's eye (or third eye?) a clear image of some contractors working on the roof of a small house. It had a chimney and it appeared like there were up to seven contractors working on the construction of a new roof. At first I assumed I must have been picking up a scene from the astral plane (happens to me sometimes) of astral workers creating an astral building (does happen on some of the astral worlds). It was not until after I stopped meditating, and while on the way to get my mail, I happened to notice a small house going up right next to my apartment complex with the same contractors working on the same roof with chimney, etc! It is experiences like these that prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt about their reality. Experiences of remote viewing, though rare and hard to repeat, are real as day.
Many of the products displayed here are here to help you discover ways to achieve astral projection and new ways to gain personal spiritual growth and spiritual development. All of these items should be of tremendous interest for those into alternative healing, yoga, meditation, mysticism, paths to breatharianism, and especially out-of-body exploration. Many of the subjects covered in my free online book, The Science of Wholeness and throughout other sections of my website such as In Search of the Light are represented here through these products. Many of these items are still controversial and I would appreciate some objective feedback on the effectiveness of these products from spiritually sensitive individuals.
Shed all tension, relax in seconds with this Homedics MM-100H Mat Massager 5-Motor. Tension in the body is one of the main obstacles to higher states of conciousness and out-of-body experiences. Shed all tension, relax in seconds with this vibrating body pad which is full-length (64 inches by 20 inches), uses five internal motors, and has attached pad control for selecting off/low/medium/high for three different massage speeds. Soft black foam construction with a zippered cover.
Allow William Buhlam's paperback edition, Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel guide you to experiencing a safe, self-initiated and controled spiritual adventure.
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The Ancient Art of the Creation And Development of the "Body of Energy" Reawaken your "body of energy" and achieve full consciousness of your immortal spirit, experience out-of-body adventures and astral travel almost every night. Follow this link for more details and a free download of the Delta Signal. (For maximum effect from the delta signal, extremely high fidelity stereo headphones or speakers is essential.) Go here for special headphones. What it Means History Zahor Program Delta Signal Download
Transcend the Tyranny of Respiration: Learn Astral Projection Through Blissful Breath Suspension Breath control though perfect mental concentration/emotional control while using the Hong Sau technique, may very well be the single most important and essential all-empowering combination of disciplines ever which can obvioulsy be of great benefit to one's daily life as well. This process of overcomming the need for oxygen is the key to everything spiritual such as real, permanent love, joy, freedom, and ecstasy; out-of-body travel, astral projection, communication with spirits, cosmic consciousness, and most beautiful, fulfilling and rewarding of all: direct, personal contact with God! All of it really is totally glorious and beautiful beyond words which I am as anxious to find as I would be to be with my wife on my wedding night. Once one has fully mastered breath control, the implications for personal freedom and spiritual growth are staggering. Obviously, not many yogis get this advanced and there is very little research done on the actual experiences and level of freedom enjoyed by such rare individuals. Follow this link for more vital information. You will be astonished how soon and how easy it will be to astral project.
7 Steps to Wholeness Enjoy amazing bliss, love, energy and rejuvenation. Enjoy significant improvements in all areas of your health. Enter into fantastic states of deep bliss, transmutation, astral projection, and spiritual realization... Nothing like this manual has ever been written before. Learn all about a unique spiritual diet and a way of alkaline water fasting for pranic nourishment and transmutation that can really boost your spiritual awareness into realms of awesome bliss and love! Learn how to save thousands of dollars per year in medical and dental bills! Learn how to stop and even reverse the aging process! This guide will be thousands of times more valuable than what you paid for it! Save yourself from massive amounts of anxiety, fear, depression and all other forms of suffering. The healing power of alkaline mineral water and antioxidants is awesome! You will learn how to create your own alkaline miracle water and learn about which foods contain the best and most quantities of antioxidants and why. This book will be the most incredible breathtaking breakthrough in the history of your life! Follow this link for a fast download. |
Advertisements In association with Reviews of Some of the Best Astral Projection, OOBE Texts & CD's Click on any title to purchase book. "Mouse over" link for pricing info and to "buy now." Yoga and The Art of Astral Projection by Jill Lowy - Product Description - The book explains the relationship between Yoga and Astral Projection. It discusses why it is helpful for Yoga practitioners to undertand spiritual experiences such as; astral projection, clairvoyance, etc., and that it is an important part of the Yogic Journey. The book gives detailed instruction on Yogic practices to experience astral projection towards expansion of one's consciousness to the inner planes of reality and ultimately to the yogic goal of cosmic consciousness or samadhi. About the Author - Jill Lowy was initiated into the Hermetic and esoteric arts in 1980. She has a Master's Degree in Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School and a Master's of Psychology from IIT. She has been practicing and teaching Kriya Yoga and Astral Projection for many years. She currently resides in Denver, Colorado. Astral Plane: Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phen... by C. W. Leadbeater - Product Description - Few words are needed in sending this little book out into the world. It is designed to meet the public demand for a simple exposition of Theosophical teachings. Some have complained that our literature is at once too abstruse, too technical, and too expensive for the ordinary reader, and it is our hope that the present series may succeed in supplying what is a very real want. Theosophy is not only for the learned; it is for all. Perhaps among those who in these little books catch their first glimpse of its teachings, there may be a few who will be led by them to penetrate more deeply into its philosophy, its science, and its religion, facing its abstruser problems with the student's zeal and the neophyte's ardour. But these Manuals are not written only for the eager student, whom no initial difficulties can daunt; they are written for the busy men and women of the work-a-day world, and seek to make plain some of the great truths that render life easier to bear and death easier to face. Written by servants of the Masters who are the Elder Brothers of our race, they can have no other object than to serve our fellow-men. From the Publisher - Kessinger Publishing reprints over 1,500 similar titles all available through --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Advanced Lucid Dreaming: The Power of Supplements by Thomas Yuschak - Product Description - Simply the Most Effective Approach to Inducing Lucid Dreams & Out of Body Experiences. This breakthrough book tells you everything you need to know on how to start experiencing extremely advanced lucid dreams and OBEs using the LDS (Lucid Dream Supplement) induction technique. This is the first comprehensive guide that explains how to use natural, non-prescription, and healthy supplements to induce some of the most profound experiences that humans can achieve. About the Author - Thomas Yuschak holds Masters Degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Modern Physics. He has been studying Lucid Dreaming for over a decade and has become a leading authority on the supplement approach of inducing lucid dreams. Mr. Yuschak is the founder of AdvancedLD, Ltd; an organization dedicated to the research, development, and teaching of the most advanced and effective induction techniques known. Mastering Astral Projection: 90-day Guide to Out-of-Body Experience by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer - Product Description - 2005 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 2nd Runner Up of Interactive Sideline category! Projecting out-of-body requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit. Mastering Astral Projection offers everyone the opportunity to explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about their spirituality. This practical guide to achieving conscious out-of-body experiences is based upon Robert Bruce's extensive knowledge of astral projection, Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from volunteers who have tested this program. Presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program introduces astral projection methods and provides daily exercises that progressively prepares and trains readers for this incredible, life-changing experience. About the Author - Robert Bruce (Australia) is a published metaphysicist.He is an information technology professional and part time novelist. Adventures Beyond the Body: How to Experience Out-of-Body Travel by William Buhlman - Editorial Reviews - Review - Explore new worlds without booking a flight! In Adventures Beyond the Body, William Buhlman recounts his fascinating experiences with astral travel, connects this phenomenon with current cosmological theories, and suggests that we all have the capability to travel to parallel universes. Don't worry about getting lost--Adventures is filled with well mapped methods for finding your way out of your body and into other worlds. Control is Buhlman's mantra, specifically control over our fear of the unknown. He precisely addresses the common events that can occur during an out-of-body experience, taking the fear out of the journey, and allowing you to focus on living the adventure. --Brian Patterson Review - "An intriguing guidebook for those who want to venture beyond the horizon of ordinary reality." --Raymond Moody, author of Life After Life Product Description - Explore new worlds . . . If you ever wondered what might lie beyond the reality we experience every day, if you've ever thrilled to accounts of out-of-body travel and longer to go alone for the ride, this fascinating, practical guide is for you. America's leading expert on out-of-body travel tells the riveting story of his travels to other realms and offers easy-to-use techniques to guide you on your journey of a lifetime'and beyond. Travel into parallel realities . . . - William Buhlman has trained out-of-body travelers in his workshop for more than a decade, teaching people how to project their consciousness outside the limits of their physical bodies and to explore dimensions and worlds beyond everyday life. Now he vividly recounts how own adventures in the parallel universe described in the new-physics theories of Stephen Hawkins, Paul Davies, and Fred Alan Wolf and presents his step-by-step guide to astral travel'including exercises, tips, techniques, and answers to your every question about out-of-body experiences. And discover surprising truths about reality, past lives, the soul, and life after death. Astral travel, Buhlman reveals, not only can expand your conscious'it can help verify the existence of the soul, teach you about past lives, and enhance your daily life. Find out in this compelling handbook for everyone who wants to venture beyond the body and take the ultimate trip. About the Author - William Buhlman is a frequent guest on the nationally syndicated radio shows Coast to Coast A.M. and Dreamland, and has been featured on the national television show Sightings.Visit the author online. Astral Projection for Beginners (For Beginners (Llewellyn's)) by Edain McCoy - Product Description - Visit a realm in which time and space have no meaning‹a magical place where thought is action and simple desire can take you anywhere you want to go‹the astral realm. Written for beginners, this friendly guide presents step-by-step instructions for six easy and effective astral projection techniques. Using the six easy techniques in this book, you can: - Travel to different times and eras - View your Akashic records, the astral record of each soul's past and future events - Visit with departed loved ones - Heal yourself and send healing energy to others - View past lives - Explore different astral worlds, such as the faerie realm - Receive direction from your spirit guides From the Publisher Astral projection can be a wonderful thing. If you study and learn from Astral Projection for Beginners by Edain McCoy, you'll be on your way to projecting your consciousness out of your body. Several years ago, a person I'd just met asked to do some magick with me. I said, "Sure. To what end?" This stumped the person. He didn't know what to say. He had no goal. Lots of people are enamored of the idea of astral projection for no reason other than wanting to astrally project. To them, getting out of body is enough. This book will be an ideal resource for them. But if you're like me, you may want to have a reason or purpose for projecting. Having such a goal takes astral projection to an entirely new level. In this book you can learn such things as how to gain information about yourself and others, both in current and past lives, by viewing the akashic records. How do you do it? It's in the book. Perhaps you want to learn how to heal others. In the astral state you can easily move energy to correct imbalances and help overcome problems. How do you do it? It's in the book. Or perhaps you would like to use your ability with the goal of making changes here on the physical plane; what is commonly called "magick." How do you do it? You use the technique known as astral creative visualization. And that's fully described in the book, too. No matter what your level, this is an incredible addition to your knowledge. You shouldn't be without it. Successful Astral Projection to the Space and Universe by Sapphire - Product Description - (6"x9" perfect bound book) There are many definitions of Astral Projection. Some experts claimed that it is an "Out of body experience" as described "OBE". And there are many methods to perform the skill. But none of them are easy and efficient enough to use, and not to mention the fact, "They are confusing". And most of users can only get out of body experience (OBE) instead of a accurate "Astral Projection". (That allow you to travel further to the space and universe. With "OBE" you are still on earth.) Sapphire has designed a detailed step by step, simple and effective way for you to visist the space and Universe for the beginners and also advanced techniques for the Masters. Sapphire has over 15 years of successful Astral Projection experiences to the universe. It is a fantastic book to read with real skills and real experiences and it is believed that this book could be the easiest and the greatest Astral Projection book ever pulished. Sapphire's Astral Projection Adventures Throughout The Universe (Volume I) by Sapphire - Product Description - (6"x9" perfect bound book) Over 60 individual adventures, one encounter is greater than the other. A very good read. Real astral projection adventures and real experiences. Content inculds visting other gods/goddesses, angels and many levels of the Universe. And important information about how to find the Akashic records, what does it look like and how to read the Akashic records. Also, several adventures involved the Aliens and the UFO and one amazing adventure about how Sapphire hacked into the Aliens computer systems. Sapphire's astral projection abily is out of ordinary human reach, or perhaps the best projection ability in human history. (All "true" adventures)--(International shipping is available on this site.) From the Author - Astral Pojection is a skill to reach God, understand afterlife and the only skill that you are able to visit your deceased relatives, friends and love ones. "Love" does not end after human deceases, I see many people suffer painfully after their love ones passed away, this skill is able to make you visit them again in another dimension. Also, for those who do not believe in God, you will. Because with Astral Projection ability, you are able to see gods even God himself. Sapphire's Astral Projection Adventures Throughout The Universe (Volume II) by Sapphire - Product Description - Over 60 individual astral projection adventures, one encounter is greater than the other. A very good read. "Real" astral projection adventures and real experiences. Content includes visiting Jesus and his disciples, Saint John, angels, and many levels of the Universe. And important information about the origin of Alien specie, where they came from. And their struggles about wanting to look like human. And met some British Royalties in astral while traveling to England. Want to know "Jack the Ripper" mysteries? And why Marilyn Monroe came to me, and how the first sun was created? Where is the "Holy Grail"? Read this book! Sapphire's astral projection ability is out of ordinary human reach, or perhaps the best projection ability in human history. Astral Projection to Reveal the Secrets of Heaven by Sapphire - Product Description - (6"x9" perfect bound book)Most human cares the most and most curious about is Heaven. Because Heaven is the most desired world, next level to the Earth, and not too difficult to get there. Lots of people have fantasies about Heaven but none of human knows the truth about Heaven The reason for this book is to encourage human to improve themselves, to live happier and to live in love and most importantly, Care about other human being. As Sapphire has mastered the skills of Astral Projection, that helps Sapphire to visit Heaven and other part of universe frequently. And Sapphire wants to reveal these secrets, so most human has a more clear concept about: What is Heaven, what is over there, how Heaven people live and why it is called Heaven? One of the biggest secrets about Heaven is written in this book, you have to read page by page until you reach that page. And to inspire human to have a goal to reach Heaven afterlife. (International shipping is available on this site.) From the Author - Astral Pojection is a skill to reach God, understand afterlife and the only skill that you are able to visit your deceased relatives, friends and love ones. "Love" does not end after human deceases, I see many people suffer painfully after their love ones passed away, this skill is able to make you visit them again in another dimension. Also, for those who do not believe in God, you will. Because with Astral Projection ability, you are able to see gods even God himself. About the Author - About Sapphire Sapphire is an expert in Paranormal, as young as the age of 4. Sapphire is able to see the ghost with naked eyes. And as far back as the age of 5 was able to Astral Projection and not really aware of. Sapphire's specialty includes Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Precognition, Time Travel, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Exorcism. And Sapphire is able to see Angels, Saints, Gods, Ghosts, and Demons. Sapphire has mastered this skill for 15 years. Sapphire is believed is the best in astral projection field. Sapphire has published three books. Sapphire is genuine, kind and compassion to others. This is the reason Sapphire wrote these books. Sapphire published books in 2005 "Successful Astral Projection to the Space and Universe", and in 2006 "Astral Projection to Reveal the Secrects of Heaven", "Sapphire's Astral Projection Adventures Throughout the Universe". And is still currently writing more books. The Secrets of Death: In the View of Astral Projection by Sapphire - Customer Review - Good, virtuoso read !, March 15, 2008 - "The Secrets of Death" rattles you to the bone. A week after I finished reading it, I still woke up at three in the morning wondering: What if...I am not prepared?" Reading this book "Time" seems do not exist, the pages practically turn themselves. What inspired the author: his father passed away, due to love of father-son relationship, author used his paranormal abilities (astral projection, remote viewing and time travel, etc) followed his father step by step from the moment of death... all the way to his father crossed over to another side. It is a best read since the uncharismatic "Book of the Dead" from Tibet. This book also reveals many secrets in the universe like the book stated (under the Amazon customer -photo share)... EYE OPENING. Author is able to tell exactly where those dimensions are in the space. Within this book, author told us where exactly- the Aliens live... they know where is the Earth, and now we know where to find them, they are no longer a myth. What amazes me: In order to find out more about the death, author took a trip to Egypt to study the "Book of the Dead" (Egyptian version), and found many shocking secrets. "Death" is a journey, all human have to face... especially our own journey, you want to be prepared and not to make mistakes. Wrong methods, you could destroy your own soul. Or worst... your soul could be trapped FOREVER. What a very good and virtuoso read! --By Chris Ellis (Chicago, IL) Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect by Robert Peterson and Charles Tart - Editorial Reviews - Product Description - Out of Body Experiences could be summed up in Robert Peterson's own words: it's "what the books didn't tell me." Many people have tried to have out of body experiences (OBEs) and are discouraged when things don't go exactly as the books suggest they should. Peterson assures readers that anyone can have an OBE, and relates the difficulties and discoveries in his personal quest for them. His anecdotal, reassuring approach makes the whole experience seem much more accessible than do other books on the subject, which tend to read like textbooks. Peterson also addresses odd and potentially startling aspects of the OBE that the more technical books neglect to mention. Out of Body Experiences is a casual, friendly approach to astral travel that should be the first book anyone attempting an OBE reads, and should be high on the reading list of anyone who has tried unsuccessfully to leave his body. Product Description - Imagine the wonder of leaving your body to travel to places and realms you have only dreamed of. Out of Body Experiences is the book to teach you how to leave your body and what to expect when you do it. A simple step-by-step manual and "flight guide" the author talks not only about his own experiences, but what you may encounter when you leave the body. For the first time, out-of-body experiences are accessible to anyone who cares to try. Astral Dynamics: A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experiences by Robert Bruce and Professor C. E. Lindgren - Product Description - Don't you love it when you pick up a book that immediately explains experiences you've had but had no explanation for when they occurred? This doesn't happen often, but it might with Astral Dynamics, Robert Bruce's straightforward how-to manual on astral projection. Perhaps you've had a spontaneous out-of-body experiences and didn't know it! This extensive tome teaches you everything you need to know to accomplish successful, planned out-of-body travel; how to exit the body, how to get around on the astral plane, and how to get back in with solid, provable memories of the event. Bruce writes very clearly and uses down-to-earth terminology so that you learn not only how to create a "real-time double" to astrally project but also about the physics of the nonphysical world. Out-of-body experiences can be so confusing that enjoying them or employing them usefully can be a serious challenge. Fortunately, Bruce now brings his 25 years of interdimensional experience to the aid of astral explorers the world over, and everywhere else too. --P. Randall Cohan Review - A practical manual for those who want to learn how to leave their body and undertake astral journey's... -- Journal of Consciousness Studies, Vol.7, No.7, p.92 This is a basic book on Astral traveling. Robert has refined his teaching of out-of-body experiences by helping people learn over the web for almost a decade. The book is original and the material is thought provoking. What I liked was that Robert stated how easy it is for anyone to soul travel and remember it. I have had personal experiences with out-of-body experiences but personally felt they were something that rarely happen for me. So I have been reading this book each night before I go to sleep and practicing the exercises. Last night I flew out of my bedroom, around my farm, and to the tops of my neighbors tall poplar trees. The colors were beyond the normal spectrum of intensity and it was night time. I then crashed into a tree and instantly jumped up in bed with the vivid memory. I believe this book is revolutionary. I think the techniques of seeing smoke rings raise up your body, relaxing it, and the image of pulling your inner body out with a spirit rope as you fall asleep are effective techniques. -- Michael Peter Langevin Magical Blend--#68 The Secret of the Soul: Using Out-of-Body Experiences to Understand Our True Nature by William L. Buhlman - Editorial Reviews - "Empowering and insightful. Contains important new information and techniques." -- --Robert S. Peterson, author of Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect "Out-of-body experiences are an intersection between the spiritual and physical, as The Secret of the Soul makes clear." --Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine and Healing Words "The arcane integrity of this book shines throughout, as does Buhlman's sincerity. Friendly, engaging and informative--priceless!" --Robert Bruce, author of Astral Dynamics Empowering and insightful. Contains important new information and techniques. --Robert S. Peterson, author of Out of Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect Out-of-body experiences are an intersection between the spiritual and physical, as The Secret of the Soul makes clear. --Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Reinventing Medicine and Healing Words The arcane integrity of this book shines throughout, as does Buhlman's sincerity. Friendly, engaging and informative--priceless! --Robert Bruce, author of Astral Dynamics This extraordinary book is well researched, full of thought provoking ideas and techniques...I highly recommend it. --Dr. Bruce Goldberg, author of Astral Voyages and Past Lives--Future Lives This is the book to read if you want to learn about--and experience--OBEs. --Whitley Streiber, author of Communion and The Coming Global Superstorm Product Description - In this remarkable book, William Buhlman, author of the bestselling Adventures Beyond the Body, offers the reader a comprehensive guidebook to understanding and exploring the fascinating phenomenon of out-of-body experiences (OBEs). Learn how you can: * Explore your true spiritual self and attain profound transformation in your awareness and knowledge of the universe. * Gain life-changing benefits as you break free from mental and physical limitations * Contact departed loved ones using OBEs to move beyond the current limited understanding of death. Filled with engrossing stories based on the testimonies of people from all over the world, and offering forty new, easy-to-understand techniques, The Secret of the Soul will prepare human beings everywhere for the next major leap in the evolution of consciousness. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen Laberge - Product Description - "[A] solid how-to book...For amateur dream researchers, this is a must." WHOLE EARTH REVIEW - This book goes far beyond the confines of pop dream psychology, establishing a scientifically researched framework for using lucid dreaming--that is, consciously influencing the outcome of your dreams. Based on Dr. Stephen LaBerge's extensive laboratory work at Stanford University mapping mind/body relationships during the dream state, as well as the teachings of Tibetan dream yogis and the work of other scientists, including German psycholgist Paul Tholey, this practical workbook will show you how to use your dreams to: Solve problems; Gain greater confidence; improve creativity, and more. From the Publisher - This book goes far beyond the confines of pop dream psychology, establishing a scientifically researched framework for using luciddreaming--that is, consciously influencing the outcome of your dreams. Based on Dr. Stephen LaBerge's extensive laboratory work at Stanford University mapping mind/body relationships during the dream state, as wellas the teachings of Tibetan dream yogis and the work of other scientists, including German psycholgist Paul Tholey, this practical workbook will show you how to use your dreams to: Solve problems; Gain greater confidence; improve creativity, and more. --Ballantine Editorial The Work of the Angel in Our Astral Body by Rudolf Steiner and A. Meuss - Product Description - "A great deal is happening all the time in world evolution; and it falls to human beings, particularly those of our own time, to acquire real understanding of the world events in which they are involved" (Rudolf Steiner). In this much loved lecture, Steiner reveals that the angels‹the spirits closest to human beings ‹are trying to create images in human astral bodies. Such images are given for the purpose of bringing about "definite conditions in the social life of the future," related to brotherhood, religious freedom, and conscious spirituality. Other spiritual beings, however, work in opposition to the angels. If, because of their disruption, humanity sleeps though the angels' spiritual revelation, the consequences will be dire, leading to the manifestation of sexual aberrations, the misuse of medicine, and the misapplication of mechanical and technological forces. About the Author - Rudolf Steiner (18611925) became a respected and well-published scientific, literary, and philosophical scholar. He developed his earlier philosophical principles into an approach to methodical research of psychological and spiritual phenomena that has led to innovative and holistic approaches in medicine, philosophy, religion, education, science, agriculture, and the arts. He founded the General Anthroposophical Society, which has branches throughout the world. Experiencing Astral Travel: An 8 Week Course by V. M. Beelzebub - Editorial Review - An easy to understand book. Experiencing Astral Travel tells of the basic, simple way to Astral travel and project. It -- Insight Magazine, August 2003 Product Description - A complete, no nonsense program for anyone wanting to experience Astral Travel or out-of-body-experiences as they are commonly known. A unique feature of this book is that it comes with Mysticweb's free online course in Astral Travel! This allows readers to follow the course in the book and online at the same time and get live answers to questions as they progress from week to week. This provides a valuable opportunity to explore the subject in depth simultaneously with thousands of other students. This course makes out-of-body-experiences easy to understand and simple to experience. Readers will be taken step-by-step through exercises that teach how to develop concentration and conscious awareness, leave the physical body naturally and safely, navigate freely through the astral plane, protect oneself from negative influences, interpret astral and dream symbols, overcome obstacles that hinder success, and search into the hidden side of life. About the Author - V. M. Beelzebub has drawn upon 13 years experience conducting lectures, study groups, and internet courses to create this easy-to-follow course, which offers proven techniques that have been tried and tested by over 20,000 students around the world. In a series of books that are to come: Searching Within: A 9-Week Course and Journey to Enlightenment: A 9-Week Course, V. M. Beelzebub explains how Astral Travel fits into a much larger picture and outlines how to use the astral to gain a deep understanding of human psychology and inner change. The Astral Body: And Other Astral Phenomena (Classics Series) by Arthur Powell - Product Description - A study of our subtle body based on the works of theosophical authors. From the Publisher - Kessinger Publishing reprints over 1,500 similar titles all available through --This text refers to the Paperback edition. Astral Doorways by J.H. Brennan - Customer Review - (...) Astral Projection is most certainly not evil, and is in fact a natural skill that we were all blessed with, since birth. It is said that we travel out of our bodies every night, when we fall into deep sleep, but either we just don't remember it, or we choose not to. This book looks into advanced techniques and shows how Time Travel IS possible for people today, in a non-physical sense. It presents various visualistation exercises to allow you to access beyond the realms of normal existence - it shows that what we are looking for, isn't in some far flung corner of the universe, it is actually inside US. I would recommend a different book to beginning Astral Travellers - perhaps Edain McCoy's aptly titled 'Astral Projection for Beginners', from the same publisher, or 'Astral Dynamics' by Robert Bruce. However this book is interesting all the same, and once you get to grips with the basics, you should delve into this one! --By devolution "advocate of independence" (UK/USA) Soul Flight: Astral Projection and the Magical Universe by Donald Tyson - Product Description - A Revolutionary New Perspective on Astral Travel Forget everything you thought you knew about astral projection and the astral realm. This revolutionary how-to guide by esoteric scholar Donald Tyson represents a theoretical breakthrough on the topic, exploring astral experiences from a quantum perspective. Tyson's compelling theory proposes that the astral plane-a fantastic realm just as real as the physical world-is actually a dimension within our minds. Soul Flight presents a captivating history of astral practice that goes back to prehistoric shamans, medieval witches, Golden Dawn magicians, Spiritualists, Theosophists, and Christian mystics and saints. It reconsiders mysteries both ancient and modern, offering fascinating and credible new insights into the following unexplained phenomena: * Fairy sightings * UFO abductions * Shamanic journeys * Lucid dreaming * Near-death experiences * Mystical powers of Christian saints and prophets * Doppelgängers * Secret government experiments such as remote viewing This groundbreaking book features a comprehensive how-to section that presents a variety of techniques and practices for achieving your own astral experiences, such as creating personalized rituals and using astral doorways. Soul Flight also reveals everything you need to know about this extraordinary dimension, including the role of astral guides, the importance of psychic self-defense, and etiquette in the astral world. About the Author - Donald Tyson is a Canadian from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Early in life he was drawn to science by an intense fascination with astronomy, building a telescope by hand when he was eight. He began university seeking a science degree, but became disillusioned with the aridity and futility of a mechanistic view of the universe and shifted his major to English. After graduating with honors he has pursued a writing career. Now he devotes his life to the attainment of a complete gnosis of the art of magic in theory and practice. His purpose is to formulate an accessible system of personal training composed of East and West, past and present, that will help the individual discover the reason for one's existence and a way to fulfill it. The Truth About Astral Projection by Keith Randolph and Carl Llewellyn Weschck - Customer Review - A brief, but inspiring guide to out-of-body experiences., April 16, 2000 - This astral "tour guide" would be an inspiring introduction for those who have very little time to read and yet need a good overview right away of what astral projection is mainly about. The editors of Llewellyn Poblications tried to cover every wonderous aspect of astral projection (except how to do it) in 64 pages, including near-death experiences, astral romance, astral healing, apparitions, the different levels of existence within and beyond the astral worlds, astral music, beings of light, etc. They also involved out-of-body (or related) experiences from Ed Morrell, Ingo Swann, Harald Sherman, Sylvan Muldoon, Reinee Fender, and several others as examples. For actual instructions on how to astral project, they recommend, The Llewellyn Guide To Astral Projection. -- By A Customer Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection and the Astral World by D.J. Conway - About the Author - A native of the Pacific Northwest, author D.J. Conway has studied the occult fields for over 35 years. Her quest for knowledge has covered every aspect of Paganism and Wicca to New Age and Eastern philosophies; plus history, the magical arts, philosophy, customs, mythologies and folklore. In 1998, she was voted Best Wiccan and New Age author by Silver Chalice, a Pagan magazine. Conway is the author of more than 20 nonfiction books including: Celtic Magic (Llewellyn), Dancing with Dragons (Llewellyn), Mystical Dragon Magic (Llewellyn), The Ancient Art of Faery Magick (10 Speed Press), and The Little Book of Candle Magic (10 Speed Press). She lives a rather quiet life, with most of her time spent researching and writing. Etheric Anatomy: The Three Selves and Astral Travel by Victor H. Anderson (Author), Cora Anderson - Product Description - Etheric Anatomy explains the Three Selves teaching for Witches, Wiccans, and Pagans. This book collects rare writings by Victor and Cora Anderson on etheric sight, astral sex, and Feri prayers for aligning the three souls and contacting the God Self. The author Victor H. Anderson is the founder of the Feri Tradition and one of the last Kahuna. About the Author - Victor H. Anderson (19172001) is well known as the Grand Master of the Feri Tradition. He is the author of Thorns of the Blood Rose, the classic book of Craft and love poetry. An extraordinary shaman and priest, Victor was one of the last Kahuna as well as a Houngan. He and his wife, Cora, have initiated some of the most influential speakers in Paganism today. Victor was a featured contributor to Witch Eye, Green Egg and Nemeton magazines. In 1975 he won the Clover International Poetry Competition Award. An accident during childhood left Victor almost totally without sight. As a result, he attended a school for the blind. Largely self-educated, he had a deep love of science, literature and world spiritual traditions. He was an avid reader, storyteller and a brilliant linguist who spoke numerous languages, including Spanish, Hawaiian, Creole, Greek and Gaelic. Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe - Editorial Reviews - From Publishers Weekly - Using geographical terms, Monroe ( Journeys out of the Body ) continues his task as guide to "innumerable people" who are fearful of out-of-body experiences (OBEs), a phenomenon which, for 30 years, he has been claiming to chart. At the Monroe Institute in Virginia, the author conducts classes on his frequent and voluntary OBEs which have, he maintains, provided him with news of his wife after her recent death from cancer. Monroe argues that, by processes often unintelligible to the uninitiated, he can go on science fiction-like trips to "anywhere, in any time, past, present or future," including earlier incarnations. Monroe foresees a unification of all those who practice OBE and a collective passage through the "Aperture" scheduled for the 35th century. His claims are not likely to convince unbelievers. Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From Booklist - Monroe is the preeminent explorer and chronicler of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) as well as founder of the Monroe Institute, a nonprofit research organization devoted to studying expanded forms of consciousness. In both his earlier books, Journeys Out of the Body (1973) and Far Journeys (1987), Monroe traversed many bizarre highways of the OBE universe, but here he hops onto the "OBE Interstate," taking us along for a wild ride. In Monroe's unending quest for knowledge beyond the usual human experience, he travels both to distant, nearly inconceivable realms and deep within his "core self" to develop what he calls a different overview. Monroe gains much knowledge, but continues to search for the missing "basic," or elemental truth. Often confused by the paradox of it all, he receives clues and information from several guides who also indulge in sarcasm and humor. As Monroe shatters preconceived notions of life, death, God, and the universe, his descriptions can be taken literally or metaphorically, but, either way, there is much here that is thought provoking and insightful. David Siegfried --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Journeys Out of the Body by Robert A. Monroe - Editorial Review - Mr. Monroe has set down and explained - and explained - some of his out of the body experiences here which are various called OOBEs, Second Body or Second State, or his "wild talent." He's been making these paranormal excursions here and there and up to Locales I and II for twelve years; no one has been able to give him much help so he has developed a whole scientific construct around them which involves a lot of extrapolation; he's about to start a Mind Research Institute. Among the more striking astral projections are those dealing with people who are dying or have just died (a doctor he knew, a young boy he didn't know); then there's the plane crash vision which preceded his medically unexpected heart attack. He follows up on each and every episode, tries to affirm how his Second Body looks and one witness, a R.W. he incorporeally dropped in on, confirmed that he was a "filmy piece of grey chiffon." He attests to ongoing sexuality in the Second State which may be heartening: "In an immediate moment, there is a mind (soul?) shaking interflow of electrons one to the other, unbalanced charges become equalized, peaceful contended balance is restored, and each is revitalized." And at the end he makes up (oops - that was our second head) some suggestions on how to parallel these experiences. Mr. Monroe is a radio writer-director but there's a lot of scientific garblese coming over these frequencies. (Kirkus Reviews) Product Description - With more than 300,000 copies sold to date, this is the definitive work on the extraordinary phenomenon of out-of-body experiences, by the founder of the internationally known Monroe Institute. --This text refers to the Paperback edition Journeys Out of the Body Support - Hemi-Sync by Monroe Products (Audio CD) - Product Description - The out of body experience (OBE) is a state in which one's consciousness appears to depart the physical body by means other than those of the physical senses. Hemi-Sync Support for Journeys Out of the Body is an in-home training series designed to provide audio-guidance to those who desire to understand this state. With practice, one can be brought up to the borderland sleep state, and through it, to experience the out-of-body state with full conscious awareness. Far Journeys by Robert Monroe - Product Description - The sequel to Monroe's Journeys Out Of The Body is an amazing parapsychological odyssey that reflects a decade of research into the psychic realm beyond the known dimensions of physical reality. The Journey of Robert Monroe: From Out-of-Body Explorer to Consciousness Pioneer by Ronald Russell - Product Description - In 1971 Doubleday published a book called Journeys Out of the Body, a Virginia businessman's memoir of his weird and wonderful adventures on other planes of reality. That book, which has sold more than a million copies, and that man, Robert Monroe, helped cement the concept of astral travel into the American psyche and made the "out-of-body experience" a household word. Monroe not only helped others understand this state of being, but through his research on binaural beats and his development of the technology known as Hemi-Sync, he made the OBE accessible through programs at The Monroe Institute, which is attended by thousands of people each year. However, Monroe made consciousness research more than an esoteric thrill ride. He put his technology to practical use by creating frequencies that has helped people with everything from meditation and learning, to insomnia, quitting smoking, and pain control. Ronald Russell has published in the United States and the U.K., including Focusing the Whole Brain (Hampton Roads, 1-57174-378-2, 2004), and he served as editor for Robert Monroe's final book The Ultimate Journey. Russell and his wife participated in several courses at the Monroe Institute and are current members of the Institute's Professional Division and Board of Advisors Cosmic Journeys: My Out-Of-Body Explorations With Robert A. Monroe by Rosalind A. McKnight, Laurie A. Monroe, and Laurie A. Monroe - Product Description - Explorers are known for the journeys they take, Rosie McKnight explored the vast nonphysical dimensions of consciousness. With famed out-of-body researcher Robert Monroe, she helped to further the understanding of human consciousness, and to demonstrate beyond doubt that we are more than our physical bodies. Many of these pioneering sessions are presented here almost word for word, as they were taped, along with her warm and inspiring observations of Bob Monroe and the early days of The Monroe Institute (TMI). Here are explorations of non-human energy systems, interactions with highly evolved beings, concepts about the makeup of the many levels of the universe, views of the afterlife and the animal dimensions, the nature of healing and guidance, a look at the future, and much more. Here is the pursuit of the true meaning of science fearlessly mapping wherever the inquisitive mind takes us. Through the courage of Rosie McKnight and other explorers at TMI, we are given, as Laurie Monroe writes in her introduction, "a clarity of perception and a sense of the greatness that is beyond our everyday life." Voyages into the Unknown (Exploring the Afterli... by Bruce Moen - Product Description - The author says, "I'm just an ordinary human being whose curiousity about human existence beyond death led me to extraordinary experience. . . . If there is any difference between you and me it is only that my curiousity has already led me to exlore and know what lies beyond death in the Afterlife." This fascinating volume recounts the story of some of his voyages past the edge of life, using techniques learned at The Monroe Institute. Moen describes for the reader how to access this knowledge for themselves and to learn what the Afterlife really is. Out-of-Body Exploring: A Beginner's Approach by Preston Dennett - Editorial Review - Dennett is intent on enabling the reader to experience his or her own out-of-body experience through instructional guidelines. -- Mysteries Magazine, October 2005 Product Description - If you have wanted to have an out-of-body experience, but were intimidated by books on the subject, Out-of-Body Exploring is for you! This is an entry-level-to-expert book‹everything from what OBEs are, to how you can have your own anytime you want. Preston Dennett began his explorations beyond the physical body nearly twenty years ago in an attempt to contact his deceased mother. Thousands of OBEs later (OBEs lasting anywhere from a few seconds to several hours) he turns his attention from mastering the art to helping others. Out-of-Body Exploring includes Dennett's initial forays into expanded consciousness, sharing the techniques he experimented with, and discussing the people and sights‹both strange and familiar‹that he encountered along the way. Plus, he offers tips on how to go reliably out-of-body, and how to control and maintain this enhanced level of awareness for extended periods. This is a guidebook to a whole new world. Why wait any longer to explore it? Out-Of-Body Adventures by Rick Stack - Product Description - Teaches step-by-step how to expand consciousness, let go of fears, and experience the exhilarating pinnacle of travel on the astral plane. About the Author - McGraw-Hill authors represent the leading experts in their fields and are dedicated to improving the lives, careers, and interests of readers worldwid Beyond the Body: An Investigation of Out-Of-The-Body Experiences by Susan J. Blackmore - Product Description - About one person in ten claims to have left his or her body at some time. Some were close to death; others had under-gone an accident or shock. Dr Blackmore's explanation for out-of-body experiences is based on historical and anecdotal material, surveys, and laboratory experiments. Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing by Jim PathFinder Ewing - Editorial Reviews - "[This] knowledgeable man manages to impart his wisdom in a manner that is beautifully clear and concise. I eagerly look forward to his next book." --Sandi Sedgbeer, Editor of PlanetLightworker Magazine "Jim is a voice for the Earth, giving us much needed inspiration and information about living in harmony. And he is, as I consider myself to be, a practical teacher in the realm of Spirit. . . . A marvelous guide." --Brooke Medicine Eagle, author, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing "Jim Ewing writes with deep compassion and love." --Sandra Ingerman, author, How to Heal Toxic Thoughts "Recommended to anyone seeking to develop their inner abilities of healing and understanding." ‹Michael Drake, author, The Shamanic Drum: A Guide to Sacred Drumming "Accessible and comprehensive . . . an inspiring book for practitioners and a delightful introduction to those beginning a healing quest." --Dana Robinson, certified shamanic counselor and faculty member, Foundation for Shamanic Studies "Reiki Shamanism effectively demonstrates the unique adaptability of Reiki when partnered with other healing techniques." --Phylameana lila Désy, managing editor, About Holistic Healing; and author, The Everything Reiki Book "Sensei Jim PathFinder has provided a powerful and important vision of a new way of healing, blending old and new." --Teiji Nagashima, Reiki master and teacher, Asaka, Japan "From his heart he shares what our ancestors have lived since the beginning of time: to be one with our Mother Earth and to heal each other." --Melynda Ruckels, RN, PhD, faculty member, the Ritberger Institute; and board member, Healing Hands Healing Hearts Product Description - Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of either Reiki or shamanism will learn how to heal people, places, and things, whether at hand or from a distance, in this useful guide. Presented by an expert in both traditions, the techniques of Reiki and the principles of shamanism are explained in simple, concise terms, then brought together using real-life examples to show how Reiki can be practiced within the shamanic journey. Supported by mastery exercises, references to other books, and internet resources, both novices and experienced practitioners will expand their knowledge and ability to help subjects clear old energies and accelerate their "soul purpose." O.B.E. Out-of-Body Experience by Marquis White (a Novel) - Editorial Review - Inspired by actual events or based on a true story no matter how you say it, Marquis White's consciousness-journey novel, O.B.E. Out-of-Body Experience, fits the bill. I could not put this book down! So familiar were the explored nonphysical territories that I was sure I would find myself in the story, maybe on the next page or perhaps in the next chapter. Once Alan, the main character in the storyline, found himself apart from the often narrow confines of his physical body, my vicarious identification with his journey through pure consciousness was complete. With each change in venue, each shift in consciousness I was determined to help him understand his surroundings. I was there, in the story with him! --Skip Atwater, President of The Monroe Institute Marquis White makes his point very well. The entire novel shows so well how stuck and lost we get in our thoughts and emotions creating every minute of our reality with that energy. I take from it that we all have the choice which kind of reality we want to create with our thoughts, words, emotions and actions. All we have to do is to remember that we are more than our physical body, more than our identity in this current reality, but that we are all love and life energy connected to each other. A great read and lots of food for thoughts. A very inspiring novel --C. Angelika Baum Product Description - Fed up with the world around him Alan searches desperately for a way out of his present circumstances. He's broke, he's lonely and he's tired of the ignorance that plagues society. His blind desperation propels him into a journey beyond any frontier ever reached by man, he travels out of his body! In this new form Alan can do just about anything he wants. He can fly, he can travel at the speed of light, and he can even leave this universe. As he travels into a new universe he mysteriously meets a lost girl who, like him, is searching for the right way, but what they find is far more than what they expected! Join these two travelers as they move through a world that is literally affected by the very thoughts they produce. Hidden around every turn and in every shadow are the manifestations of their own subconscious thoughts and emotions. Even worse, they mistake these manifestations for reality and unless they see the truth of their present reality they will be stuck in a false identity forever! Jill Messenger: Out of Body by Russ Mason (a Novel) - Product Description - After an accident, a housewife finds that she has the surprising ability to leave her body and travel from place to place unseen. In an effort to save a missing child, she joins with a former governement asset with remote viewing abilities, and they investigate mysteries unfolding in the little town of Marietta, Ohio. After witnessing a murder, the two are catapulted into the covert world of drug smuggling and the Black Ops of the CIA. This edge-of-your-seat psychic thriller is the first in a trilogy of exciting novels that explore astral projection, remote viewing and other paranormal abilites. Remote Perceptions: Out-of-Body Experiences, Remote Viewing, and Other Normal Abilities by Angela Thompson Smith - Product Description - Like a moth drawn towards flame, Smith journeys towards understanding her out-of-body experiences, establishing remote viewing as a legitimate field. -- The Intuitive-Connections Network, 2005 Product Description - As a child, the author believed that everyone shared her psychic abilities. As an adult, she realized that her abilities were special, and became first a participant in and later a researcher of psychic functioning. In Remote Perceptions, she explores past, remote viewing, out-of-body experiences (OBEs), the psychic spying of international intelligence agencies, and the possible future of psychic research. Detailing her own experiences and development as a psychic, the author shares the ups and downs of her growth and ponders the future of humankind as we learn to use our abilities to the fullest. A comprehensive introduction to the current state of psychic functioning. Out-of-Body Travel and Near Death Experiences: Compiled Works through 2006 by Marilynn Hughes - Product Description - OUT-OF-BODY TRAVEL: Containing Come to Wisdom's Door: How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience!,' 'The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism,' 'Galactica: A Treatise on Death, Dying and the Afterlife' and 'The Palace of Ancient Knowledge: A Treatise on Ancient Mysteries.' (For more info - The Conscious Mind and the Material World: On Psi, the Soul and the Self by Douglas M. Stokes - Product Description - What makes us who we are? From a scientific viewpoint, any individual's existence is improbable at best. Consciousness as an actuality is inarguable; its nature, however, remains elusive. This work argues the view of self as a field of pure consciousness, debating the existence of a continuing self and drawing conclusions about this entity and its relation to the physical body and the physical world. Beginning with an exploration of the relationship between mind and matter, it discusses ostensible psi phenomena such as extra-sensory perception and psychokinesis and their implications for our understanding of the mind and the cosmos. Additional topics include the perennial mind-body problem; the role of consciousness in quantum mechanics (and conversely the role of quantum mechanics in the study of consciousness); the anthropic principle; and evidence for Intelligent Design. Quasi-religious questions such as the survival of consciousness after death are also addressed. About the Author - Mathematical psychologist Douglas M. Stokes is a former associate editor of the Journal of Parapsychology and has contributed to various journals and publications on the subject. He lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Astral Body: And Other Astral Phenomena (Classics Series) by Arthur Powell - Product Description - A study of our subtle body based on the works of theosophical authors. Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism by Mark Stavish and John Michael Greer - Product Description - An A to Z guide to evolved states of consciousness. Between the Gates is a manual of self-initiation and liberation that takes the student through the basic methods of experiencing dream states and conscious astral projection, to the ultimate culmination of consciousness-- creation of the Body of Light. Between the Gates is for anyone who has ever desired to experience the "afterlife" while still alive, or who has desired to rid themselves of the fear of death. While drawing upon traditional Qabalistic and alchemical sources, the methods presented are applicable to a variety of traditions and schools of thought. This book contains all you need to have the direct experience of lucid dreaming, astral projection, and the Body of Light, and rather quickly as well. Focused and dedicated practice will unlock the doors of perception to a series of individual nonmaterial realities within a few months. From these experiences, confidence will be built and sustained, which with concentrated effort, can lead to deep and profound revelation through direct experience of the very nature of life. --from the book Between the Gates functions as an "A to Z" guide to psychic initiation toward higher consciousness, and ultimately, to preparation for the great transition beyond this life and this physical body. * Stavish is featured in Guy Ritchie's hotly anticipated documentary on the Qabala. * Features black and white illustrations to further guide the reader to a higher state of awareness. About the Author - Mark Stavish has over 25 years of experience in traditional spirituality and is an internationally respected authority on the study and practical application of alchemy, Qabala, and astrology. Stavish is the author of The Path of Alchemy. In 1998 he established the Institute for Hermetic Studies. Stavish resides in Wyoming, Pennsylvania. |
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