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Encyclopedia of the Unexplained

Explore outside the Box! Voices in the Dark, Mysterious Phenomena, UFO's, 2012, and Other Bizarre Events
In this section is a collection of articles on the paranormal, strange, uncanny, and bizarre events; alternative thinking, alternative healing, alternative medicine and alternative energy.

The Man who Projected Voices Outside his Head!

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Direct Voice Medium Leslie Walter Flint

If one thinks that hearing voices inside one's head is bad enough, then what about the man who projected voices outside his head for everyone to hear? Typically thought of as just a symptom of being "crazy," an even more bizarre thing would have to be for actual voices to be heard (and recorded on hours of tape) outside one's head by countless and most credible witnesses! Would not reality itself then have to be considered "crazy"? It would have to seem that somehow all those listening to those voices around him slipped into the "Twilight Zone"!

Direct voice medium, Mr. Leslie Flint, born in 1911 and passed away in 1994, was known as the most scrutinized and tested meduim of the 20th century, not only projected voices outside his body into the atmosphere of a darkened room and heard by countless witnesses, these voices have been recorded hundreds of times on miles and miles of tape now freely available to the listener on the internet!

Even more fantastic, these voices claimed to be spirits of the dead, came across as endlessly fascinating, amazingly intelligent, and actually conversed quite clearly, naturally, and in a very genuine manner, in an often-times humorous and always relevant way for hours and hours with those sitting around Leslie Flint.

The Scientific Reality of Life After Death

What do the most reliable mystics, yogis and mediums say regarding the afterlife? You will learn far more about the perfectly natural and absolutely beautiful realms of life after death than most people ever do in a lifetime. This information is as scientifically verified and complete as I can possibly make it. How can one be certain there is an afterlife? Why does mainstream academic science continue to reject the afterlife? Is there any real scientific proof or evidence that there is life after death? If so, what is the afterlife really like? Knowing that we all must ultimately face death someday, it is extremely important to know all one can regarding the afterlife. Go here.

Skeptic scientists have tried for decades to disprove the reality of these voices as simply a hoax or parlor trick. It turned out that no one was able to discredit Leslie Flint as a hoax or parlor trick showman simply because there was nothing ever found on Leslie Flint that could possibly recreate or mimmic such voices that apparently came out of thin air from what spiritualists term "ectoplasm" which is an almost weightless and vital substance that comes from the body of the medium and is extremely sensitive to light.

As stated earlier, no one was ever able to disprove Mr. Leslie Flint who not only performed excellent mediumship, but was able to fully understand and present in various lectures a most remarkable comprehension of what good mediumship really should be, how to tell frauds from the real thing and why it is essential to be free of greed, materialism and selfish motives if one seriously wants to be a good medium.

His early life in Great Britan (UK) was fillied with hardship and poverty, and had to fulfill some of the most menial tasks such as grave digging, cleaning grates, working in a cinema, a pub, a men's clothing store and during the Second World War as a bomb disposal officer.

Early in his life, he attended various seances without any serious intent until he found out to his astonishment that he had fallen into a trance during one of the seances and was told by others of some incredibly relevant and amazing messages he was able to channel from the spirit world. He was also told that he had tremendous potential and that he should definitely consider himself seriously for a lifetime service to humanity as a very powerful and excellent medium.

Even more astonishing, he was eventually able to develop the ability to channel spirits directly through an ectoplasmic voice box or boxes that seemed to float around a darkened room rather than (at first) through his own vocal cords. Such voices were not always under his own control. One time, he was ousted from a cinema because some of the spirits started speaking to him around his seat, causing such a disturbance that others near him could no longer enjoy the movie!

Some of his most notable spirit contacts who came through quite often was the famous silent movie actor Rudolph Valentino, Ellen Terry, his spirit guide, Dr. Marshall, and his boyish Cockney spirit control, "Mickey" (John Whitehead). In addition, all manner of famous and ordinary people communicated their messages of life eternal throughout his approximately 60-year long career as a direct voice medium.

The direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint is a triple miracle. It is a miracle enough that any sort of manifestation from the afterlife came through at all. The second miracle is that the length and quality of communication is the greatest and highest I have ever heard in the history of mediumship. The third miracle is that other great souls such as Dr. Marshall, John Whitehead (Mickey), etc. managed to help bring through souls from rather high planes of consciousness who would not otherwise have been able to come through at all such as Rabindranath Tagore, St. Matthew, and Mahatma Gandhi. Great spiritual truths rarely heard of in seances were spoken of at great length and recorded on hours and hours of tape.

I am astonished that Leslie Flint is not more widely known for this absolutely irrefutable, most amazing, and most complete evidence ever in the history of humankind of afterlife existence and the immortality of the soul.

The evidence literally speaks for itself, and again, I am astonished that the deeply meaningful information that came through is not taken more reverently, seriously and more widely known and distributed throughout all educational institutions. However, hundreds of these direct voice recordings are available for listening right here. Most of these recordings originated from the Leslie Flint Educational Trust which are at this time featuring only a few of the recordings now available.

This effect is no isolated incidence ether, many other genuine mediums have also been witnessed as creating similar phenomenon, even complete materializations of both spirits who died long ago and some who more recently passed away.

Overcome the Fear of Death

Those few brave scientists, doctors and researchers willing to risk their careers and reputation to come up front with the most helpful and detailed explanations ever as to what to expect beyond the death the physical body, are often ridiculed by their contemporaries and put aside. Even worse too many physicians just emphasize that physical life is all there is, and no consciousness can possibly "escape" the confines of the physical brain, and when the physical brain dies, that's it, no more consciousness! In this great and terrible "valley of the shadow of death" I am simply appalled at the universal lack of understanding regarding spiritualism. So little is known about the reality of life after death, it is shocking.

David Thompson - One of the Greatest Mediums Living Today

The greatest living medium today is David Thompson who since the 1980's has developed the amazing capability to allow spirits to communicate and/or materialize fully while under trance and in a darkened room. He was often tied down in a chair to prove to skeptics that he could not have walked around the room to play the parts of various entities both tall and short, huge and small, some women, some children and many male visitors who themselves sometimes untied and tied David's restraints, while even waking him up from trance once in a while so that his spirit guide and "convener" William can talk with him directly.

After listening to many of these seances, one notices that the entitiy, known as William Caldwell (who says he passed away in 1897) speaks in a most remarkable old-English accent that no one alive today really can reproduce. William also runs the seance, starting with an introduction, question and answering session, then temporarily departs for a long period to allow other spirit visitors and spirit regulars to manifest their own unique personalities, followed by a conclusion with William coming back to end the seance. One can actually hear the sounds of the ectoplasm as it collapses (sounds like a ballon deflating) and the sound of it reforming into another spirit each time a new spirit takes shape in the room.

Light-hearted and inspiring music is often played in the room to uplift the sitters in the room to create more positive and loving vibrations so vital to keep the atmosphere most conducive for successful and pleasant manifestations to take place. The spirits themselves often joke around in a loving and positive but often-times mischievous way to help keep everyone in a positive and excited mood.

There are some rare exceptions, however, such as the one time when a very tyrannical-sounding entity materialized. Along with the heavy thumping of footsteps all around the room, he exclaimed in a very demeaning manner, "What sort of place is this? My horses' stalls are more posh than this shabby room!" When asked who he was, he claimed to be King Henry the VIII and acted the part in the most chilling way imaginable. His male chauvinism was to such an extreme he was horrified to find both women and men mixed together in the small group unlucky enough to encounter this very severe and intensely cold personality. Even the slightest remark without first calling him "Sire" created an immediate "I will have your flee-bitten head cut off!" response. Everyone was supposed to kneel down before him and answer all his demands only with "Yes I will Sire!" otherwise heads would roll! Finally the ectoplasm gave way and to everyone's relief the light-hearted high-pitched voice of Timothy (the "9 year-old" spirit who controls the ectoplasm - born 1892 and passed 1901) came through appologizing for King Henry the VIII's terrible behavior. "Wasn't he horrible?" Timothy said.

Timothy still appears as young boy at the level of the Earth vibration and therefore does not take up as much energy or ectoplasm as a fully grown human body would, making him ideal for helping out with the seances from his side.

William, who had to encounter King Henry the VIII in spirit in order to get him to materialize in the first place, knew his bluff, saying "That is preposterous!" to King Henry's "I will cut off your head for doing this!" knowing fully well that no individual dead or alive can possibly cut off the head of one already dead! Although decapitation may temporarily appear to happen in the lower sub-planes of the spirit world, the spirit would always and immediately find a more complete version of itself on even a slightly higher vibration level!

However, what I found to actually be most disturbing, is how Henry VIII, born 28 June, 1491 and died 28 January, 1547, even after over 463 years in the afterlife, showed no sign whatsoever of any intentions to retire any time soon! Henry seemed very much "trapped" in the same state of mind he had when he was still on Earth. People like William have tried to help him out of his "time lock" only to be strongly rebuked by his overwhelming tyrannical and overly "authoritative" personality, who may, for still a long time yet to come, desperately cling to his own self-created etherial "United Kingdom" located somewhere on a lower sphere or "hell" of his own creation.

The rather harrowing experience of King Henry the VIII suddenly materializing back on Earth reminds me so much of the episodes from Time Tunnel (aired in the late '60's and early '70's) where rather motley and cantankerous characters from history would pop into the time machine's laboratory in place of two marooned time travelers tumbling around randomly from one page in history to the next.

Another amazing incident occurred several years ago when the seance was hit with a surprise thunderstorm. William became expressly concerned that any flash of static electricity from a stray electric lightning charge could cause David's ectoplasm to rush back into his body with such force that it could either seriously damage the medium for life or even kill him. William, with almost no time to explain, immediately discontinued the seance and had one of the sitters in charge gently bring David out of trance and be taken outside until the storm finished.

Several minutes later, the storm finally blew over and after the seance was resumed, William re-materialized and explained that any source of electromagnetic energy (especially a flash) can be just as dangerous as any source of light would have on ectoplasm and therefore the health and safety of the medium. William, the spirit convener of all the seances, also considered himself very much responsible for the safety of the medium David Thompson and was willing to take no chances.

Back in 2007 until 2011 new seances used to be recorded and uploaded to the website on a monthly basis for anyone with an internet connection to hear in astonishing clearity. I was totally enthralled by every new seance recording that came through! However, my disappointment and frustration was immense when David Thompson decided without warning to pull all the recordings offline and stop making them available to the public.

On the website, one also used to see videos and images of the ectoplasm, apports, and of the medium channeling William directly during a trance. There might be a few YouTube trance videos still up somewhere, however most of his material is now gone. Very clear stereo recordings of his seances used to be available on their website at: Circle of the Silver Cord which unfortunately no longer exists.

Ever since 2011, David Thompson has endeavored to keep most of his seance room demonstration recordings private and to retire from public view. However what remains of the David Thompson seances can still be found on Victor Zammit's website here: Audio Files of Materialization Seances with David Thompson. A few more of his recordings can be found here: David Thompson Seance Audio Recordings 1, 2 & 3.

This article is written by Shaktivirya, researcher and creator of this website, Science of Wholeness at More information on spirit communication and the realms of the afterlife can be found here.

Evidence For Life After Death

Is there really life after death? It sure seems that way. Even before reading this book, I believed life continues in the spiritual world. After reading it, I feel less inhibited to talk about my own experiences. I've never been in a seance, much less have I seen trumpets flying around the sˇance room, but I have seen ghosts, angels, and other bodiless energy forms.

Do you ever feel as though you are being watched? What if you actually saw or heard the entity? Vandersande's book, Life After Death, gives many accounts of his sessions over an eight-year period where he personally witnessed such things as ectoplasm and direct voice through trance mediums and channelers. All his experiences are described in detail and with supporting strange-but-true photos. Materializations of deceased entities are probably the most impressive evidence for life after death. He talks about materialization during sessions he calls sittings or sˇances in which the medium is usually in trance.

This is not hard for me to believe, and probably a pretty acceptable idea to those who have lost a loved one and felt their presence near them thereafter. I have awakened during the night on more than one account to see a bluish-grey figure hovering over my bed. Things have been known to move from one place to another in my house. Thanks to Jan, I now know that these phenomena are due to spirit entities manifesting themselves. Such occurrences were so common in my life that I wrote and published a book about it in 2005. Vandersande's book is appropriately subtitled Some of the Best Evidence for life after death.

The thing that captivated me about this book is how the medium or channeler was able to give exact details about a person or situation that let the seeker know that their deceased loved one was indeed speaking or communicating (in the case of a channeler) through them. There was no other way such intimate things could be revealed. The author considers alternative explanations for these psychic phenomena such as telepathy and ESP but to me, it would be just as hard (if not harder) to believe in telepathy or ESP as it would be in life after death. I've had readings/prophecies that were as effectively true. He talks about a few frauds in this field, but there can be a fraud in any walk of life.

Fortunately, this did not keep Dr. Vandersande from investigating the topic in depth and forming his own opinions. His beliefs are supported by his experience, which I would expect from a scientist such as Vandersande. We all want proof that our experiences are real, but we don't to be rejected by those whose beliefs are different than ours. I think that is where many religions lead people astray; they tell people what to believe rather than teaching them to explore and accept their own truth.

I enjoyed this book and found the stories fascinating especially the ones where the medium was able to give personal details that he or she could not have known in the natural realm. I think that one of the most helpful spiritual gifts a person can have is to be able to provide comfort and emotional healing through prophecy or by providing readings that give specific and accurate information to let the inquirer know it truly was the spirit of their deceased loved one speaking. Is this book and psychic phenomena proof or spoof? You must decide for yourself. Read more or purchase Dr. Vandersande's book at Outskirts Best Evidence

Reviewer: Yvonne Perry

Freelance writer and editor, Yvonne Perry, enjoys helping people find their spiritual path. With her Bachelor's Degree in Metaphysics, she has written books and more than 100 articles on a variety of topics. Be sure to subscribe to the RSS podcast feed and her free monthly newsletter about writing, networking, publishing and marketing when you visit Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services' Web site at Writers in the Article Source: Ezine Expert=Yvonne_Perry

Vistas of Heaven - Justice in the Afterlife

There is an abundance of information concerning life after death. After over 39 years of personal research and experience in this most exciting subject, I have come to the firm conclusion that there is indeed life after death and that spiritualism and those who have "died" and returned from a near-death experience seem to provide the most reliable, spectacular and detailed information ever on this subject. Life after death experiences should never have been such a controversial subject, but one fully embraced and properly understood by all living human beings. The actual reality behind all paranormal phenomenon is now only beginning to be more fully accepted.

Famous Psychics - Helen Duncan

The Helen Duncan story is one that is both fantastic and sadly, very tragic. She was born in Scotland in 1898. Her greatest period of popularity was during the 1930's and 1940's when the was most in demand as a psychic. What she was most known for was holding sˇances in people's homes where she would supposedly contact family members who had long gone to their graves.

In 1933 Duncan was accused of fraud when a policewoman successfully grabbed a vest that was supposed to be Helen's spirit child helper. She was found guilty of fraud and fined ten pounds. In spite of this scandal, she continued to hold her sˇances until 1944 when one of them was raided by the police. A police officer tried to grab the ectoplasm that was coming from the medium, thinking it was just a white sheet, but he was unable to grab a hold of it. No sheet was actually found when other officers went through the room. Even though no evidence of fraud was discovered, Duncan and three others were ordered to appear at Portsmouth magistrates' court. They were all charged with conspiracy.

They were refused bail, and Duncan spent four days in a British prison. The case was sent to the central criminal court at the Old Bailey. There, many charges were brought against her which included vagrancy and conspiracy, and believe it or not, the Witchcraft Act of 1735. This absolutely caused an uproar with Spiritualists. The trial lasted seven days. During that time many people testified on Duncan's behalf. They each recalled many feats she performed. Duncan told one of her visitors that a family member had just died, and later it was confirmed that this person had died just two hours before the meeting. Many other claims were made to verify that Duncan was indeed legitimate.

Even though many attempts were made to prove Duncan's ability, she was eventually sentenced to nine months in jail. After she finished serving her sentence, she returned to do her spiritual work. There were many accounts of her work as a medium. Many of the reports told of the actual appearances of those who had passed away.

In 1951, the Witchcraft Act of 1735 was finally done away with and in its place was put the Fraudulent Mediums Act. In 1956, the police raided one of Helen's sˇances in Nottingham. They claimed to be searching for props and interrupted a sˇance right in the middle. Supposedly this interruption caused a great shock to Duncan by having the ectoplasm return to her body too quickly. A doctor was called to examine her. She became so ill that she had to return to Scotland to be with her family. In just five weeks after the raid she died. Many believe the raid to be the cause.

There are no definite conclusions to this very sad and tragic story. If she was the talented medium that many claimed she was then she did herself no good by adding fraudulent activities to her gifts. The truth is, we will never really know if she was a gifted psychic or just another con artist.

Michael Russell - Your Independent guide to Psychics

Article Source: Ezine Expert=Michael_Russell

Psychic Medium - A Look Into the Intriguing Ways of Physical Mediumship

People resort to the psychic realm to seek answers that neither science or logic can provide. A medium is sought for many reasons. But among the many popular purposes, is the assistance via their gift of mediumship, to seek communication with the other side!

The term seance, refers to the meeting in where together with a group of people, a psychic connects with the spirit world. Mediumship can be done in many ways, but among the most intriguing method, is the physical mediumship.

When people talk about physical mediumship, it is best and proper to first understand what a medium really is. Serving as a refresher definition, a medium is popularly known as the "spirit communicator" since, from the term itself, mediums have the ability to communicate with spirits of those who have passed through the ordeals of mortality.

You might be wondering how a medium seeks to communicate with a loved one who has passed on, or any spiritual being such as spirit guides or guardian angels just to name a few. They are able to do this because of their strong spiritual energies which they also use to gather more of the surrounding energies and use it as a channeled force to connect with these unseen entities. The spiritual entities may then be able to relay messages because of this connection.

Sometimes however, a "medium" is needed by some spirits to be able to relay a message. Hence the term "psychic medium," they use their own body as means for the spirits to relay their messages. This is also known as physical mediumship.

Physical mediumship is often needed because spirits from the other side most of the time need a means to exist physically or give us evidence. These often happen in the form of floating objects, or a pen writing the message on its own. There are also some cases where a spirit needs a physical body in order to materialize itself and communicate with the living. This is where a medium comes in.

So when a spirit materialize a body of a person, that spirit will now be able to communicate with the living. Now when the spirit takes the physical to communicate, it could either move objects, or as what is also mentioned, guide you through a page of a book. Other evidences of psychical mediumship can be rapping, knocking, and the like. It may even be as great as transfiguration or levitation!

So there you see that a medium is one gifted individual. A medium can do everything that a psychic does but most of all, he can communicate with those at the other side, an ability which an ordinary psychic does not have. It is only unique to psychic mediums.

Tana Hoy is America's foremost psychic medium. He has spent all of his life helping out people through the psychic reading that he gives. He can provide you with valuable insights about your future. Visit his website, Tana to know more about Tana Hoy.

Article Source: Ezine Expert=Tana_Hoy

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Emerald Tablets gold

Why does David's authentic sacred jewelry sell so well during any season? People are looking for gifts that will truly show how much they love. Gifts that will stay forever and bring inspiration to the gift's receiver. There are not many gifts that really touch the heart the way David's jewelry does. The combination of beauty, ancient history, meaning and art is compelling. Go here to purchase.

Flower of life

The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world. In Egypt, whose tradition many people believe is the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Mesada. Go here to learn more.

Sri Yantra jewelry pendant gold

The SriYantra Penadant: The structure of the SriYantra pendant is one that provides abundance, beauty, and balance between male and female and between spiritual and material. Yantra is a mystical hindu concept that describes a structure or diagram used to balance or focus the consciousness... Go here to learn more.


The Golden Spiral pendant generates harmony and tranquility and is a symbol of natural beauty. The Golden spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the... Go here to learn more.

Seed of life pendant

The Seed of Life is a symbol for the days of creation. It is treated as a stage in the process of creation of the flower of life - a geometrical shape that symbolizes the whole universe. Go here to learn more.

Vesica Pisces

The Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" that symbolizes the mystical intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter, and correspondingly, the beginning of creation. Go here to learn more.

Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen in other traditions as well, such as the ancient Egyptian tradition. Go here to learn more.


The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and Fibonacci spiral. The Golden mean spiral is the secret proportion of beauty as it exists in nature. Go here to learn more.

Emerald Tablets gold

The Emerald Tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony. Go here to learn more.

Nautilus jewelry pendant gold

The Nautilus pendant is based on the structure of the Nautilus shell. The Nautilus shell is one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean number. The golden mean number is also known as PHI - 1.6180339... The PHI is a number without an arithmetic solution... Go here to learn more.

Christ consciousness

The Christ Consciousness pendant radiates a very high and subtle vibration and posseses excellent healing characteristics. It is called Christ consciousness because it looks like the human consciousness grid... Go here to learn more.

Mobius ring

The Mobius strip, also called the twisted cylinder, is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the... Go here to learn more.

Shefa Pendant

The Shefa symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool to learn, to use and to connect with the... Go here to learn more.

Merkaba prana sphere

The Merkaba pendant symbolizes the flow of Prana energy (life force energy) in our body. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain. Go here to learn more.

Flower of life

The Flower of Life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in... Go here to learn more.

Christ Consciousness pendant

The Christ Consciousness pendant is made from a combination of 2 platonic solid shapes - the dodecahedron (12 five sided facets) and the icosahedrons (20 triangles). The structure of the Christ Consciousness pendant creates the third level consciousness grid of the human race, which is an electro magnetic field that surrounds planet earth and... Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Ka Bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity." Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Merkaba symbol is based on the Prana energy field and the aura field. It is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. The Merkaba also helps in our spiritual growth and the connection to the higher self. Go here to learn more.

The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the mono-theistic religions, the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. Go here to learn more.

Personal Creation pendant contains the geometrical and mathematical patterns of creation itself as it can be found in nature. The Personal creation shape appeared in the year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field. Go here to learn more.

The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" that formed in an English wheat field in 1999. Go here to learn more.

Gordian Knot

The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more.

Abundance Ring gold

The Abundance Ring Shefa is a word in Hebrew that literally means Abundance. This word, in its highest and most profound meaning, means a tool for creating abundance. It holds powerful kinetic energy, the kind of energy that when coupled with one's intent for the highest goodness and aligned with the Divine will, can move mountains or feed... Go here to learn more.

Discover Astonishing Facts About the Afterlife! There Is a Reality Beyond Death More Beautiful Than You Ever Imagined!

"The Scientific Reality of Life After Death"

The truth is far stranger and more immense than fiction...

You are about to embark on a remarkable journey into the afterlife! What do the most reliable mystics, yogis and mediums say regarding the afterlife? You will learn far more about the perfectly natural and absolutely beautiful realms of life after death than most people ever do in a lifetime. This information is as scientifically verified and complete as I can possibly make it.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: Materialistic Science Rejects the Afterlife as Being a "Fairy Story"

Part 1 - Scientific Proof and Personal Experiences
1.1 - Here Are Four Scientifically Proven Out-of-Body Experiences
1.2 - My Search for Truth and Personal Experiences from the Afterlife

Part 2 - Leslie Flint's Direct Voice Mediumship
2.1 - Leslie Flint: An Inconvenient Truth for Christian Theologians and Skeptical Scientists
2.2 - Leslie Flint's Impossible Powers: Why Did He Not Make Millions as a Parlor Trick Showman?
2.3 - Forum Administration/Members Hate my Information!
2.4 - Leslie's "Etheric" Guests Never Coughed or Sputtered
2.5 - Messages From the Afterlife - How the Paranormal Voices Came Through

Part 3 - Life in the Astral Worldsv 3.1 - The Exciting Reality of it All
3.2 - An Absolutely Natural, Complete and Profoundly Fulfilling Existence
3.3 - The Colors Are Far More Vivid, Extensive and Varied
3.4 - Eating and Sleeping in the Afterlife
3.5 - Afterlife Interests, Skills and Hobbies
3.6 - Lifestyles in the Afterlife

Part 4 - Spiritual Difficulties and Challenges
4.1 - Why Some Souls Start Out Earthbound
4.2 - Is There a Hell? Are There Negative Experiences in the Afterlife?
4.3 - What Happens When One Abuses Power?
4.4 - The Problem with Suicide
4.5 - The Problem With Reincarnation (Not My Favorite Subject)

Part 5 - The Nature of the Astral Worlds
5.1 - Climates and Geography of the Astral Spheres
5.2 - The Beauty of Astral Nature and Spiritual Utopia
5.3 - Communication With Animals and Singing in an Etheric Atmosphere
5.4 - Astral Relationships, Sex, Reproduction, Families, and Astral "Old Age"
5.5 - Illumination (Sun?) of the Astral World
5.6 - The True Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
5.7 - Does Time Exist in the Afterlife?
5.8 - Can Distance be Measured in The Astral World?

Part 6 - Astral Projections from the Physical Body
6.1 - Astral Travel (Projection)
6.2 - The Right Conditions for Astral Projection to Occur
6.3 - Various Forms of Projection: From Clairvoyance to Complete Immersion
6.4 - Two Astral World Experiences I Really Enjoyed

Part 7 - Concluding Thoughts
7.1 - Communication With Earth
7.2 - Epilog: Only the Beginning
7.3 - Relevant Websites
7.4 - References

Is there life after death? How can one be certain there is an afterlife? Why does mainstream academic science continue to reject the afterlife? Is there any real scientific proof or evidence that there is life after death? If so, what is the afterlife really like? It is extremely important to know all one can regarding the afterlife, otherwise ignoring Spirit and remaining materialistically closed-minded could have extremely negative consequences.

One who acts in ignorance of the oneness, unity and eternal nature of spiritual existence is prone to make terrible mistakes while still alive on Earth and will be held accountable in the afterlife. This eBook should change one's perspective dramatically to realizing just how and why it is essential not to be so self-centered and ignorant of the vital importance of loving service to others.

This eBook contains 75 pages of phenomenal and vivid astral world experience, knowledge and insights based on the information given by the Leslie Flint paranormal voice recordings, Paramhansa Yogananda, my own experiences, and many other highly reliable and respected afterlife information sources.

Even though some of this information can also be found throughout various parts of my website, the eBook contains the entirety of all my afterlife research, descriptions and related information in a very neat, convenient, easy to read format, all in one place.

The incredibly amazing and enchanting information found in this eBook could sell for $49.95, however it is not even $39.95 or even $19.95 or even $9.92, but sells for a very tiny $3.91! If enough people purchase this unique and incredible material it will help my research into the all-important fields of afterlife, wholeness, and spiritual enlightenment. You will find out for sure there is no need to fear death and that life goes on forever in a constant state of deep interest, compassion, adventure, high creativity, profound happiness, and meaningful fulfillment.

This amazing eBook is exclusively available on Kindle at and you don't necessarily have to purchase an external Kindle reader/viewer because you can download your own Kindle viewing software (free) for your particular type of computer operating system from and read it from your computer.

Get "The Scientifically Proven Reality of Life After Death" 


You can e-mail me HERE for any questions before and after purchasing!

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