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Solve the Cosmic Riddle - Read Cosmology from Consciousness: A Radical Perspective on Reality - What if consciousness, rather than being a byproduct of the physical universe, is the very source of creation? Cosmology from Consciousness challenges conventional cosmology, offering a groundbreaking perspective where awareness shapes reality itself. This book takes readers on an exciting journey through quantum physics, cosmology, and spirituality, weaving together cutting-edge science and ancient wisdom to explore the fundamental nature of existence.

Encyclopedia of the Unexplained

Explore outside the Box! Voices in the Dark, Mysterious Phenomena, UFO's, 2012, and Other Bizarre Events
In this section is a collection of articles on the paranormal, strange, uncanny, and bizarre events; alternative thinking, alternative healing, alternative medicine and alternative energy.

New World Order Part 2: Soul Mates or Cell Mates?

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"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government .... all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent." - Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

Our lives are being directed according to a business plan. The agenda has been laid out over decades and centuries, we are just led to believe it's happening in real time. There are some very significant dates coming up within the next few short years. Hard to imagine that we are smack dab in the middle of an end-game scenario, with plans coming to fruition that have been laid out and documented since at least the 1920's and 30's. Even more incredible, you can literally go back hundreds of years to find out it's the same basic cast of characters through elite bloodlines responsible for secret societies and shadow governments. Members of this group are said to include such prominent families as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Duponts, as well as presidents, prime ministers and European monarchs.

Messengers of Peace - Our Contact with Star Beings

Our Contact with Star Beings - An amazing array of all manner of contacts with other races throughout the galaxy are being claimed, especially now at this time of transition from one long age of darkness into what is hopefully a new age of enlightenment and the fulfillment of all humanity's spiritual longings. If we really expect to move into a new age of peace, connectedness and enlightenment, it is vital that all superficial ego bickering, old worn-out dogmatic beliefs, and wars be put aside to make room for the much more promising spiritual attititude of acceptance of the oneness of all life and infinite compassion for all beings. In this ebook, I would like to feature some of the most prominent and outstanding UFO contacts that I ever heard.

Using their influence through international organizations such as the World Bank, the IMF, the CFR, the United Nations and NATO, the objective of the internationalists is nothing less than the subjugation of everyone on the planet to a one world government. How long has all this been going on? Without stretching the limits of your indulgence regarding quotations (I'll do that later), consider these, which, if you disregard the names and dates, could easily have been uttered this morning:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." - Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli of England 1844

"From the days of Sparticus, Wieskhopf, Karl Marx, Trotsky, Rosa Luxemberg, and Emma Goldman, this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite recognizable role in the tragedy of the French revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."- Winston Churchill London Press l922

"If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there would be a revolution before morning." - President Andrew Jackson 1829-1837

"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self created screen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson" - President Franklin D. Roosevelt l933

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

The Council on Foreign Relations states the following on their website:

"Three former high-ranking government officials from Canada, Mexico, and the United States call for a North American economic and security community by 2010 to address shared security threats, challenges to competitiveness, and interest in broad-based development across the three countries."

"North America is vulnerable on several fronts: the region faces terrorist and criminal security threats, increased economic competition from abroad, and uneven economic development at home. In response to these challenges, a trinational, Independent Task Force on the Future of North America has developed a roadmap to promote North American security and advance the well-being of citizens of all three countries." - May 2005 task force report Building a North American Community published by the Council on Foreign Relations

I refute these assertions categorically. The biggest terrorist and criminal threat we face in North America is from the US government itself. There is a long history of false flag operations or self inflicted wounds like 9-11 committed by this country, so having us join them would surely not mitigate that threat, rather it would increase. As far as competition or uneven economic development, the market will have to take care of any imbalances within itself. Just because the economy is not doing so well right now is no excuse to do away with a sovereign country and abrogate our rights as free individuals, or steal our resources. There is no reason to believe that secretly plotting to merge these nations against the will of their citizens would advance the well-being of anyone, instead, it would destroy our heritage and turn us all into slaves of a corporate fascist state. No thanks. Same goes for the plans to adopt a new common currency for all 3 countries, as if we should have anything to do with the corruption tied to the Federal Reserve System. I would rather not have any part of a nation that can remove people from their home, torture and imprison them, and then deny them any right to a fair trial. What happened to sweet land of liberty, oh right, that's just a song.

On the Brink of Catastrophe We Must Change Our Ways Now!

One can debate global warming until everyone either succumbs to intense heat, dehydration, starvation or drowns under 150 feet of water. There is much humanity can still do to help slow down or reverse many insidious changes in our atmosphere, but time is running out fast before a certain "tipping point" or point of no return is reached sending the earth on a terrifying runaway green-house scenario resulting in some of the worse and most far-ranging environmental catastrophes imaginable. What will most likely happen in the next hundred years? What can be done to slow these highly disturbing trends toward an irreversible global melt-down where dozens of low-lying lands, coastlines and costal cities will become part of the expanding ocean?

Everyone should be aware that the corporate elites in this world fully endorse the Red Chinese model of social governance and economics as the standard for their emerging New World Order. That is the reason for the FEMA camps that have been set up currently under the guise of emergency centers for immigration, natural disaster, or "other". As per the Chinese model, dissidents will be dealt with severely and placed into work camps. A United Nations global police force will help keep everyone in line, once they implement their plans for the Universal Biometrics Identification Card.

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." David Rockefeller 1973 New York Times

The movers and shakers of this world will use any means necessary to force their plans of unification on the world. Any issue, whether real, imagined or created can and will be utilized to achieve their objectives; overpopulation, global warming, disease, natural disasters, civil unrest. Population control measures include biological warfare targeting food supply, as well as various methods of climate manipulation through Chemtrails spraying and implementation of the HAARP technology .

The net has begun to close. You are not going to like the changes coming up - we will be forced, bribed and cajoled into accepting new identification measures, new laws, new taxes for global warming, new taxes for more security. After all, there's going to be a lot of angry Iraqi Muslim terrorist types who are out to kill us, especially after we invaded, then decimated their country, destroyed their noble and learned culture, killed about a million of them, displaced a few million more. I guess you could say they might be a tad snarly towards America. They hate our freedoms huh? I guess after we brought our freedom and democracy to them so spectacularly in Iraq, they checked it out and said, "I hate it".

"The terrorist is the one with the small bomb" - Brendan Behan

You're going to hear more hoo-ha about things like the NAU, the Amero, RFID chips, you're going to see more jack-booted heavily armed militia types wearing Kevlar, detaining you and abrogating every god-given right you once had, rights that were once so beautifully encoded by those brilliant fathers of the Constitution, you remember the Constitution don't you? - that inspired set of principles that once made America the envy of the world, until the likes of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld ripped it up and wiped their arses with it, all the while laughing while they grew rich and flushed the country and it's noble ideals down the toilet.

"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." - Thomas Jefferson

"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded" - Charles-Louis De Secondat 1748

The coup has already happened folks, you're too busy worried about Democrats and Republicans, but the truth is - these crooks rigged at least a couple of elections which is common knowledge, so they assumed power illegitimately. In reality, the false left/right paradigm is but another low-level reality to keep the masses diverted and occupied. Republican or Democrat, they all answer to the same bosses - now would you like Coke or Coke Classic? - it's the same damned pop. And how nice when you control the military, the media, the judiciary, the senate - you can just pretend you have support, even if the vast majority of people in your own country are fully cognizant of the fact that you lie, cheat, murder and abuse. How else can you explain the polls which show 80 - 90% of the populace demanding an end to war, or a real investigation of the US government's unquestionable cover up and involvement in 9/11. A real opposition would call them on at least some of the lies, a real media would research some of the corruption, a real Supreme Court would hold everyone accountable to the law. These guys are good at it too, they make the Sopranos look like choir boys. There's going to be more fireworks so get ready. These psychopaths are being backed into a corner, and it's going to get rough.

"A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny" - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Starting to get hot around here

"There is nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine . . . been here 4 1/2 billion years. We've been here, what, a 100,000 years, maybe 200,000. And we've only been engaged in heavy industry a little over 200 years. 200 years versus 4 1/2 billion. And we have the conceit to think that somehow we're a threat? The planet isn't going away. We are." - George Carlin

Global WarNing We Must Change Our Ways Now!

A Message to Humanity - Humanity's present momentum of continuous growth in urban sprawl and population cannot be sustained without seriously destroying some of the earth's most vital resources. For every square mile of heavily populated urban land, there needs to be at least fifty-five square miles of clean farmland and unspoiled wilderness area to support it. While the oceans are being filled with toxic pollutants and vast amounts of trash, many species of fish and whales are constantly being threatened. The more people living a high-resource consumption lifestyle, the more species of vital plants, trees and animals will become extinct. Read the book for incredible stories and some amazing solutions...

The global warming thing is already past due and beginning to stink. Any sane person would have to admit that this planet is in some kind of trouble if we don't properly manage our resources and stop polluting ourselves into ecological extinction. What I object to is the way the globalists are trying to use this fact, and sometimes distort it to further their own agenda. I can remember back in the 70s when we were told about the cooling down of the earth and the impending ice age. Soon they will find a way to blame and tax us for the temperature rising on other planets as well, in the meantime - let's see a few of you politicians get out of your limos and hop on a bus like a regular shmoe.

"'Protecting the Environment' is a ruse. The goal is the political and economic subjugation of most men by the few, under the guise of preserving nature." J. H. Robbins

Witness all the stark incongruity that exists in this strange world of ours - there are now special units that check garbage cans to make sure people are fined for not managing their refuse properly, we're made to feel like some kind of criminal if we screw up sorting our tin cans. I only hope that they make a carbon tax that is very high so we can feel guilty for driving the car to buy milk, or pay a fine for using a 60W bulb - meanwhile, the US government is dumping depleted uranium that will continue to poison the earth for, let's say (glances at watch) 5 BILLION YEARS. But never mind that - don't you dare put the plastic milk jug in the same box with the cardboard - you Bastard!

"To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." Thomas Jefferson

"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule." H. L. Mencken

Another Path

"If totalitarianism wins this conflict, the world will be ruled by tyrants, and individuals will be slaves. If democracy wins, the nations of the earth will be united in a commonwealth of free peoples, and individuals, wherever found, will be the sovereign units of the new world order." - Declaration of the Federation of the World

Two men stand at the top of a mountain - one man sees the panoramic beauty of all existence, the line of sky between earth and the heavens but a jumping off point for his consciousness - what other worlds? what other possibilities in my mind? What a blessing and a benediction is this life, I have my family, my friends, and all the beauty of nature at this moment to behold. The other man stands in the exact spot - he sees an opportunity to capitalize on the richness of the mountain, extract the ore, use the local tribe for cheap labour, and if I can just get rid of this guy standing beside me...

We spend most of our lives trying to acquire things like knowledge, experience, wealth, respect. Once past a certain point in our lives, usually closer to the end, many find themselves trying to cast off those trappings they have spent a lifetime gathering, seeing all such things as chains or diversions, layers between ourselves and our truth. Focused within the resolution provided through the lens of wisdom, and diminishing opportunity of time - those vestments, once thought as prizes to be won, can be seen as constraints that limit one's true potential. We learn to redefine our perspectives or else we end up very frustrated with the world, our greatest fear being stagnation and mental intransigence, which only inhibits growth and progression in our life. We learn that the only thing constant in this world is change.

Messengers of Peace - Our Contact with Star Beings

Our Contact with Star Beings - An amazing array of all manner of contacts with other races throughout the galaxy are being claimed, especially now at this time of transition from one long age of darkness into what is hopefully a new age of enlightenment and the fulfillment of all humanity's spiritual longings. If we really expect to move into a new age of peace, connectedness and enlightenment, it is vital that all superficial ego bickering, old worn-out dogmatic beliefs, and wars be put aside to make room for the much more promising spiritual attititude of acceptance of the oneness of all life and infinite compassion for all beings. In this ebook, I would like to feature some of the most prominent and outstanding UFO contacts that I ever heard.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead

Change is good, change is inevitable, but no matter how many things might change in our life there will always remain certain constants that must never change. You know, basic things, like the things we learn as children - simple rules that tell us it's wrong to lie, to kill, to steal. These things do not change because you are a bus driver, a politician, a multi-billionaire, or you work for the CIA.

"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations" - David Friedman

I spent my whole life thinking I could avoid politics and anything to do with the public realm. I believed that if I just looked after myself and my family, what happened outside of my little sphere would not matter too much. After all, I've never hurt anyone, always paid my taxes, was known to enjoy the odd hockey game with a beer. My discovery of the truth regarding 9/11, followed by my realization of the malevolent forces that control our world has turned my life around, and so once again I must change.

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you." - Pericles 430 B.C.

The raising of my family confers upon me the responsibility to try and make sure they can grow up in a world where mass-murderers are not allowed to rule the planet, despoiling the earth and killing whomever necessary to fit their plans for expansion and domination. As the saying goes, it's not about right and left, its about right and wrong! If somebody marched into your country, accused you of international high crimes, occupied your land and slaughtered your family and friends while stealing your resources, and was then found to be guilty of lying about those accusations - which were subsequently proved to be categorically false, but stayed on year after year, killing, stealing, lying....Would that seem all right to you? How can you not allow that same reasoning to prevail for the people of Iraq, or anywhere else?

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it, and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it" - William Penn

I am just one person, but we are many. In every sense they have lost the battle with me, and so I know it is possible for others. The truth movement is only gaining in strength with each passing day. The truth will out, every time - it's only got one way to go. I salute the great people in this movement who have inspired me with their integrity, their bravery, and most of all their brilliance as scholars in search of the truth. And on the other side, I feel only contempt for those who knowingly uphold such deceit and hypocrisy which brings us all to war.

"An individual's character is not defined by their circumstance, it is revealed through it" - Peter Zaza

I am able to live in a psychologically clean environment where nobody rules my thoughts, I pay little attention to the mainstream media, other than to discern the true subtext of every headline and article so blatantly part of the grand pysops campaign. Most importantly, I have a cause, and a true inner moral compass with which I can live my life and fight this battle, and let's be clear - this is going to be tantamount to war - a war for our thoughts, and as so many who are still dying every day prove to us all - a battle for our very lives.

"There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest." - Elie Wiesel

Yes, the truth can only get bigger, it is within its nature. Those who would adhere to the myths promulgated by liars must employ increasingly desperate measures - repressive laws, no fly lists, surveillance, termination of basic rights, more aggressive tactics to instill fear. Fascist dictators do not claw back measures like the egregiously titled Patriot Act, they don't make bogus laws giving themselves omnipotent powers because they intend to repeal them 6 months later, they just keep on exposing themselves further as parasites and psychopaths, with ever more obvious signs of their waning struggle for power. Do you want the Patriot Act? Or do you want to act like a patriot?

"They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security." Benjamin Franklin.

"Why, the Government is merely...a temporary servant...Its function is to obey orders, not originate them." - Mark Twain

Something else seems to happen in these situations as shown to us through history - there will be a large economic correction or depression which will help settle the matter of the current cabal in office. It will most likely be expensive for us all, but the cost of our hubris and callous indifference will exact a price on ordinary men, as well as the nations they support.

"Wars are not paid for in wartime, the bill comes later" - Benjamin Franklin

It's too bad really, they could have invested those trillions of dollars and all that human potential into energy research, education, health care, anything to do with the betterment of mankind rather than its destruction. Instead, they opted to make war and commit the worst crimes of humanity in some insane quest for dominance.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." - Jimi Hendrix

How can we retain hope or have any chance of true fulfillment in our lives with all this going on?

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of Truth and Love has always won There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it, always" - Mahatma Gandhi

Worlds Beyond Worlds

The Collision of Dreams and Reality - We shall explore the very fringes of human knowledge where dreams and reality merge into what can only be called a "twilight zone" where orbs of light and mysterious space craft pop in and out of our perception, and various types of humanoids and other creatures are discovered to our shock and amazement to momentarily appear and disappear. They often appear, like ghosts, semitransparent and can only stay in our vibration rate for a short time before dematerializing back into their own dimension. Some visitors may be able to stay longer than others, and the most physical ones may even be inhabiting our earth, sometimes intermixing with our own kind before too many people become aware of them.

I alone retain complete and utter sovereignty over my life - no one gave me my freedom, and no one is going to take it from me. I refuse to carry RFID tracking devices, biometric implants, or whatever else you want to use to restrict and monitor my life. I will not let you degrade and humiliate me at airports, roadside checks, random searches, or whatever else you concoct to try and subjugate us with in the name of your bullshit war on terror. I reject your new world order and the idiot box TV it rode in on.

I challenge everyone to turn off the television, do some research and think for yourself. Stop looking toward anybody outside of yourself for direction, leadership, understanding or help in this world - especially if that someone is a politician. Stop waiting for somebody else to get their hands dirty and fix all the problems.

Stop thinking about other people who live on this Earth as being other.

"The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite." - Thomas Jefferson

Come visit: Search for Truth

Source: Articles Politics Articles Life in the New World Order Soul Mates or Cell Mates 166176

Solve the Cosmic Riddle with over 50 Kindle eBooks and Audible books by the author, Yogi Shaktivirya (Russell A. Symonds) on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects! Click on each title for more details:.

SOLVE THE COSMIC RIDDLE OF EXISTENCE! DISCOVER more than 50 eBooks by R. A. Symonds (Shaktivirya) on Afterlife Communication, Anti-Aging, Ancient and Future Civilizations, Astral Travel, Breatharianism, Climate Catastrophe, Cosmology, Extraterrestrial Visitors, Fear of Death, Higher Consciousness, Law of Attraction, Life on the Astral Planes, Natural Highs, Nutritional Healing, Meditation, and Sexual Energy Transmutation!

"Seven Steps to Wholeness"

Enjoy Absolutely Amazing Bliss and Joy! Learn Sexual Transmutation! Enjoy Unlimited Energy! Rejuvenate Your Cells!

Nothing like this manual has ever been written before. Learn all about a unique spiritual diet and a way of mineral water fasting for pranic nourishment and transmutation that can really boost your spiritual awareness into realms of awesome bliss and love!


I discovered a perfected, life-changing, utterly unique, Palaeolithic diet regimen and lifestyle that goes way beyond conventional practice. If it is carefully understood and followed, this wholesome lifestyle can help you enjoy unprecedented levels of health, healing and well-being at every moment. I stumbled across a diet and way of life so pure and so effective at physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation, it gives me tremendous bliss and tremendous satisfaction in every aspect of my life. The words of this sacred book will guide you up toward ecstatic levels of health and well-being far beyond conventional diet wisdom that not even a single physician, dietitian, or spiritual guru even knows about, or at least not yet.

There is so much to learn however. I will describe all the phases, stages and difficulties to avoid while attempting to reach such high levels of perfected eating for the lasting enjoyment of wholeness that you would never, ever want to return to the conventional ways of eating again. One must first learn, understand and overcome many of the hazardous food and drug addictions plaguing our society and gradually replace all oneีs deleterious habits and toxic food substances with only wholesome complete proteins, organic fruits, fats, fibers, vegetables and super-foods mostly free of cell-damaging gluten, lectins and other miscreant substances. Organic, raw fruits, minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids, herbs, fungi, pollens, and vegetables are indeed the greatest healers of all time. Why not base a diet entirely on them?

It should be obvious that nature only intended humans to eat 100% whole, unprocessed food. But our usual western way of life has gone the opposite direction. Most commercially available food contain inflammatory, unhealthy and toxic substances such a far too much sugar, carbs, GMO's, deadly vegetable oils, casein, and gluten, resulting in the eventual development of all manner of chronic degenerative diseases such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, diabetes, arthritis, heart failure and cancer. Multiple diseases of all kinds and years of incredible suffering can be avoided by avoiding junk food, snacks, carbs and sugars while consuming fewer, but much more nutritionally complete, organic, high fat and high fiber meals.

One may think that after eliminating all manner of unhealthy milk products and high carbohydrate foods such as most of the desserts, dairy, whole grain and potato products out there, there would be none or far too few foods left to choose from. This assumption is far from true as there are countless varieties of super-foods, herbs, fruits and vegetables to choose from, some of which contain complete protein and are fully nourishing for the body, especially if you include organic, pasture-raised eggs, algae, and edible fungi along with the vast variety of organic fruits, herbs and vegetables now being grown throughout the world. Learn which vegetables can be used to directly replace all toxic high-gluten whole grains and enjoy the amazing health benefits of living on a fully satisfying, ketogenic, whole foods diet that includes wide variety of tantalizing and delicious superfoods such as spirulina, chlorella, raw cacao (chocolate), bee pollen, pine pollen, avocado, sardines, salmon, pasture-raised eggs, and whole raw ground oat bran, nuts and seed.

Just as vital as making sure only the correct food goes into your mouth, you also need to stop snacking on carbs and instead get into the extremely healthy habit of drinking loads of often mineralized and/or alkalized or distilled water throughout the whole day between full, whole, nutritionally complete meals that are so utterly complete and fulfilling, you desire to eat far less often, resulting in much greater health, healing, and connection with Spirit. It is possible to go on as long as one, full, complete meal every other day for months at a time, saving you massive amounts of time in the kitchen while reducing your grocery and food supplement bills by half! A very select few yogis and mystics can ever seem to go full breatharian, yet one can at least go part of the way using the intermittent fasting lifestyle I am carefully describing in this book step-by-step.

Once you have mastered your intermittent fasting diet, one also needs to understand why it's so vital to master ones sexual energy! Learn how to stop losing VITAL sexual fluids and transmute it using at least seven controversial tools of transmutation to help master your relationship with vital, subtle energy. Learn how to use that energy, correct eating, plenty of mineral water and herbs to blissfully transmute the sexual energy into wholeness, which would uplift you into an even higher state of fulfillment and well-being far more valuable than anything you ever experienced before.

You will learn how this diet and lifestyle of wholeness can lead you toward living more and more on the prana from nature rather than calories from solid foods. You will find that you will feel gradually less hungry and more blissfully energetic, opening up new avenues of inner experience through ecstatic dreams and deep meditation into the realms of samadhi, astral travel and the afterlife. Because the mind is also prone to worry and destructive thoughts, feelings, etc., this book will discus why it is so vital that only the most constructive and helpful thoughts of prosperity and goodness to enter your sacred heart, mind and spirit. You will find out that there is actually a wonderful life after death and that God (unconditional love and everlasting joy) can be realized and discovered as your true nature within your self through deep meditation and samadhi.

The vital "Seven Steps to Wholeness" include: Step 1 - Find the Right Foods and Eliminate All the Junk; Step 2 - Start Fasting on Alkalized Mineral Water Between Meals; Step 3 - Learn the Importance of Full-Spectrum Supplements; Step 4 - Become Aware of Vital Pranic Energy Nourishment; Step 5 - Conserve and Transmute Your Sexual Desires into Bliss; Step 6 - Align with Your True Nature and Know You Are Eternal; Step 7 - Meditation, Samadhi, Astral and Cosmic Consciousness

My 10th Edition of "Seven Steps to Wholeness" is Now Available on Kindle

GO HERE TO PURCHASE EBOOK: Seven Steps to Wholeness

Please go here for more fascinating information regarding this most amazing way to great joy, bliss, divine love and wholeness!

You can e-mail me HERE for any questions before and after purchasing!

Solve the Cosmic Riddle with over 46 Kindle eBooks and Audible books by the author, Yogi Shaktivirya (Russell A. Symonds) on Life After Death, Spiritual Nutrition, Spiritual Energy, Law of Attraction, Cosmology, Alternative Healing, Meditation, Breatharianism, Transmutation and many other subjects! Click on each title for more details:.

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