Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction! Ancient historic and fossil records indicate that almost every 3600 years or so, (there are also much longer and far more devastating cycles of around 26 and 62 million years) the earth gets pelted by a storm of meteors causing a massive effect often felt around the world, followed by huge climatic changes. This 3600 year cycle seems to be caused by the orbit of either a huge planet (Nibiru, Nemesis or Planet X?) or a distant brown dwarf companion "star" to the sun that orbits close enough to the solar system to be seen for only a brief time (perhapse 377 years ago) but can have a significant effect on the Oort Cloud which is a cloud of comets surrounding the solar system approximately a light-year away from the sun. The gravitational effect of such a passage can send thousands of comets into the inner solar system hundreds of years later and sometimes hitting the earth with an overwhelming deluge of meteors. The following article by by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henry See gives substantial scientific evidence to support the possibility that another shower of meteors is overdue to end our world as we know it. Whether or not this is the "2012" of the doomsayer prophecies, we may already be past our due date for a mass extinction. Related information can be found here regarding an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago from a comet that broke up into thousands of pieces resulting in the end of the civilization of Atlantis. Are we past our due date? Often, some of the most important news comes from local papers, stories that don't make it up the feeding chain and onto the news wires or major newspapers or nightly network news. It can be news that at first glance wouldn't appear to have a national or international impact. Second glance, and a good memory, can reveal that the impact may well be quite significant. The other day a reader sent us an article link that he found on another website: Bad news - we are way past our 'extinct by' date. Since we had run the same story back when it first came out, we thought "yeah! Flashback!" After all, with all the talk about Global Warming, it served to remind readers that human caused CO2 levels are not all there is to what is going on here on the BBM today. Please go here for the rest of this most fascinating and terrifying article by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Henry See. Article Source: Days of Darkness (AD 535 - AD 546) By William_Sutherland Each day, the morning sunrise is taken for granted. Based on the laws of science, it is expected that the sun will rise each day from east to west. Yet, the question must be asked, "what would happen if the sun didn't rise?" This was the case from AD 535 through AD 546, with the darkest days in AD 536. "A mighty roar of thunder" came out of the local mountain; there was a furious shaking of the earth, total darkness, thunder and lightning."1 A Chinese court journal also made mention of "a huge thunderous sound coming from the south west" in February 535.2 And as a Hopi elder had said, thousands of miles away, "When the changes begin, there will be a big noise heard all over the Earth,"3 a low rumble reverberated across the planet. "Then came forth a furious gale together with torrential rain and a deadly storm darkened the entire world," read the Pustaka Raja Purwa or The Book of Ancient Kings, a buried Indonesian chronicle.4 ![]() On the Brink of Catastrophe We Must Change Our Ways Now! One can debate global warming until everyone either succumbs to intense heat, dehydration, starvation or drowns under 150 feet of water. There is much humanity can still do to help slow down or reverse many insidious changes in our atmosphere, but time is running out fast before a certain "tipping point" or point of no return is reached sending the earth on a terrifying runaway green-house scenario resulting in some of the worse and most far-ranging environmental catastrophes imaginable. What will most likely happen in the next hundred years? What can be done to slow these highly disturbing trends toward an irreversible global melt-down where dozens of low-lying lands, coastlines and costal cities will become part of the expanding ocean? "The sun began to go dark, rain poured red, as if tinted by blood. Clouds of dust enveloped the earth... Yellow dust rained down like snow. It could be scooped up in handfuls,"5 wrote The Nan Shi Ancient Chronicle of Southern China, referring to the country's weather in November and December 535. Darkness followed making the day indistinguishable from the night. "There was a sign from the Sun, the likes of which had never been seen or reported before. The Sun became dark, and its darkness lasted for about 18 months. Each day, it shone for about four hours and still this light was only a feeble shadow. Everyone declared that the Sun would never recover its full light again. The fruits did not ripen and the wine tasted like sour grapes,"6 John of Ephesus, a Syrian bishop and contemporary writer, wrote in describing the unending darkness. "The sun became dim... for nearly the whole year... so that the fruits were killed at an unseasonable time," John Lydus added, which was further confirmed by Procopius, a prominent Roman historian who served as Emperor Justinian's chief archivist and secretary, when he wrote of 536, "...during this year a most dread portent took place. For the sun gave forth its light without brightness, like the Moon, during this whole year... and it seemed exceedingly like the sun in eclipse, for the beams it shed were not clear."7 "The sun... seems to have lost its wonted light, and appears of a bluish color. We marvel to see no shadows of our bodies at noon, to feel the mighty vigor of the sun's heat wasted into feebleness,"8 Flavius Cassiodorus, another Roman historian wrote. Reports even indicated that midday consisted of "almost night-like darkness."9 A cold then gripped the world as temperatures declined. "We have had a winter without storms..."10 "a spring without mildness [and] a summer without heat... The months which should have been maturing the crops have been chilled by north winds,"11 wrote Cassiodorus. "When can we hope for mild weather, now that the months that once ripened the crops have become deadly sick under the northern blasts? ...Out of all the elements, we find these two against us: perpetual frost and unnatural drought,"12 he added,13 while in China, it was written, "the stars were lost from view for three months. The sun dimmed, the rain failed, and snow fell in the summertime. Famine spread, and the emperor abandoned his capital..."14 Other Chinese records referred to a "'dust veil' obscuring the sky" while Mediterranean historians wrote about a "'dry fog' blocking out much of the sun's heat for more than year."15 The sun was so ineffective that snow even fell during August in southern China and in every month of the year in northern Europe. "Then came drought [or floods], famine, plague, death..."16 "Food is the basis of the Empire. Yellow gold and ten thousand strings of cash cannot cure hunger. What avails a thousand boxes of pearls to him who is starving of cold," the Japanese Great King lamented in 540, while Cassiodorus added, "Rain is denied and the reaper fears new frosts."17 And "as hard winters and drought continued into the second and third years [in Mongolia and parts of China, the Avars] unable to find food, unable to barter food from others..." began a 3,000-mile trek to new lands to save themselves and their families from annihilation and starvation.18 During this sustained period of unseasonably cold temperatures from 535-546 when the sun was ineffective and blotted out, plant life experienced stunted growth - tree rings from this period show little or no growth - and many crops failed. According to climatological research presented in 2001 by Markus Lindholm of the University of Helsinki, Finland, Abrupt changes in northern Fennoscandian summer temperatures extracted from the 7500-year ring-width chronology of Scots pine, the "most dramatic shift in growing conditions, from favorable to unfavorable, between two years, took place between A.D. 535-536" in Europe and Africa.19 His findings were corroborated by Mike Baillie of the University of Belfast, who based on his tree ring chronologies, some from specimens preserved in bogs, that dated back thousands of years stated, "It was a catastrophic environmental downturn that shows up in trees all over the world.20 Temperatures dropped enough to hinder the growth of trees as widely dispersed as northern Europe, Siberia, western North America, and southern South America."21 Ominously, the cold brought rats, mice and fleas that normally lived outdoors, into peoples' homes in search of food and warmth because of the decimation that was occurring to the animal population in the suddenly hostile, chilly dark environment. Deadly bacterium, Yersinia pestis was then transmitted to people and their pets. In the ensuing unending darkness, chaos reigned as "whole cities were wiped out - civilizations crumbled."22 Wars raged across Europe and the Middle East, prosperous societies were stripped of sustenance and wealth, economies collapsed and huge swaths of populations succumbed to disease and plague. "With some people it began in the head, made the eyes bloody and the face swollen, descended to the throat and then removed them from Mankind. With others, there was a flowing of the bowels. Some came out in buboes [pus-filled swellings] which gave rise to great fevers, and they would die two or three days later with their minds in the same state as those who had suffered nothing and with their bodies still robust. Others lost their senses before dying. Malignant pustules erupted and did away with them. Sometimes people were afflicted once or twice and then recovered, only to fall victim a third time and then succumb,"23 Evagrius, a 6th century Church historian wrote. In their final stages, people "generally entered a semi-conscious, lethargic state, and would not... eat or drink. Following this stage, the victims would be seized by madness... Many people died painfully when their buboes gangrened. A number of victims broke out with black blisters covering their bodies, and these individuals died swiftly."24 Within seven years, due to the ivory trade, in which ships brought rats and sailors infected by the plague, Europe and the Middle East were being ravaged. In Constantinople alone, "they had to dispose of over 10,000 bodies a day, week after week, throwing them into the sea off special boats, sticking them in the towers of the city wall, filling up cisterns, digging up orchards. Soldiers were forced to dig mass graves... chaos and pandemonium [reigned]. Constantinople stank for months after months [from the decaying bodies that were stuffed in towers and stacked or dumped in streets]... [and] when the number of dead reached a quarter of a million, Constantinople officials simply stopped counting.25 An account by Procopius went as follows: "At first, relatives and domestics attended to the burial of the dead, but as the violence of the plague increased this duty was neglected, and corpses lay forlorn narrow in the streets, but even in the houses of notable men whose servants were sick or dead. Aware of this, Justinian placed considerable sums at the disposal of Theodore, one of his private secretaries, to take measures for the disposal of the dead. Huge pits [that could hold up to 70,000 corpses] were dug at Sycae, on the other side of the Golden Horn, in which the bodies were laid in rows and tramped down tightly; but the men who were engaged on this work, unable to keep up with the number of the dying, mounted the towers of the wall of the suburb, tore off their roofs, and threw the bodies in. Virtually all the towers were filled with corpses, and as a result 'an evil stench pervaded the city and distressed the inhabitants still more, and especially whenever the wind blew fresh from that quarter.'"26 Out of fear, many people refused to venture out of their homes -- "...houses became tombs, as whole families died from the plague without anyone from the outside world even knowing. Streets were deserted..."27 Furthermore because of this fear and/or the affects of suffering from high fever, scores of people hallucinated, seeing apparitions and visions. And with the vast pestilence and destruction all around them, many could not help but wonder if the apocalypse as described in Revelation 6:8 "And I looked, and behold, a pale horse; and his name that sat on him was Death"28 was upon them. It was so bad that some thirty years later, Pope Gregory The Great wrote of Rome, "Ruins on ruins... Where is the senate? Where [are] the people? All the pomp of secular dignities has been destroyed... And we, the few that we are who remain, every day we are menaced by scourges and innumerable trials."29 In its height, the plague "depopulated towns, turned the country into a desert and made the habitations of men to become the haunts of wild beasts"30 while in Africa, major ports ceased to exist and agricultural practices all but vanished. "[And] as [others] left the stricken city [wearing identification tags so that their bodies would be buried if found] they took the plague to towns, villages and farms throughout the empire. [To compound matters, with trade and commerce virtually nonexistent, food became scarce leading to the starvation of others].31 Untold millions perished,"32 with an estimated death toll of 100 million, the worst pandemic in human history. ![]() Global WarNing We Must Change Our Ways Now! A Message to Humanity - Humanity's present momentum of continuous growth in urban sprawl and population cannot be sustained without seriously destroying some of the earth's most vital resources. For every square mile of heavily populated urban land, there needs to be at least fifty-five square miles of clean farmland and unspoiled wilderness area to support it. While the oceans are being filled with toxic pollutants and vast amounts of trash, many species of fish and whales are constantly being threatened. The more people living a high-resource consumption lifestyle, the more species of vital plants, trees and animals will become extinct. Read the book for incredible stories and some amazing solutions... "Scandinavian elites" in feeble desperation, "sacrificed large amounts of gold... to appease the angry gods and get the sunlight back."33 In Mesoamerica and the Andes, cities "of perhaps one million people" emptied out "practically overnight" through starvation and disease. Peoples turned on their gods and goddesses, violently smashing their images and burning temples and towards the end, they viciously fought each other having become "savage and warlike."34 When the sun finally came out, overcoming the affects of a massive volcanic eruption, even though it hadn't really been gone, minimizing the adverse affects and saving living creatures from complete extinction, the world was forever transformed. Countries and civilizations had ceased to exist while others emerged as the days of darkness "weakened the Eastern Roman Empire; created horrendous living conditions in the western part of Great Britain; contributed through drought... to the fall of the Teotihuacan civilization in Mexico; and through flooding to the collapse of a major center of civilization in Yemen;"35 while major upheavals occurred in China and France. More than half the world's population when taking Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, into account, along with countless numbers of plants and animals, had perished illustrating the fragile relationship that exists between people and nature. 1 Krakatau. E.R.A. Inc., 2000. 2 March, 2006. 2 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 3 Precursors Of The Pole Shift And Earth Changes of 2000-2001. E.R.A. Inc., 2000. 27 April, 2006. 4 Krakatau. E.R.A. Inc., 2000. 2 March, 2006. 5 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 6 Henry N. Pollack. Uncertain Science... Uncertain World. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005) 197. 7 The Dark Ages Caused By Volcanism? September 23, 2001. 27 April, 2006. and everything2: The disaster of 535. September 14, 2001. 27 April 2006. 8 PBS Program - "Secrets Of The Dead." May 15, 2005. 2 March 2006. 9 Climate changes of 535-536. Wikipedia. 2006. 27 April, 2006. 10 everything2: The disaster of 535. September 14, 2001. 27 April 2006. 11 SEMP Biot #214: Did a Krakatoa Eruption in 535 A.D. Help Precipitate the Decline of Antiquity and the Spread of Islam? 27 April, 2006. 12 everything2: The disaster of 535. September 14, 2001. 27 April 2006. 13 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 14 Mike Baillie. Did Asteroids And Comets Turn The Tides Of Civilization? Discovering Archeology July/August 1999. 28 April, 2006. 15 6th-century crop failures: comet collision? Cronaca. February 4, 2004. 28 April, 2006. 16 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 17 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 18 Catastrophe! New Internationalist. December 1999. 27 April, 2006. 19 Markus Lindholm. Abrupt changes in northern Fennoscandian summer temperatures extracted from the 7500-year ring-width chronology of Scots pine. August 27-31, 2001. 28 April, 2006. 20 Catastrophic event preceded Dark Ages - scientist. Reuters. September 8, 2000. 28 April, 2006. 21 Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Jupiter, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and the Return of the Mongols. March 9, 2004. 28 April, 2006. 22 Catastrophe! Part I. 27 April, 2006. 23 Catastrophe! New Internationalist. December 1999. 27 April, 2006. 24 Christine A. Smith. Plague in the Ancient World: A Study from Thucydides to Justinian. 1997. 28 April, 2006. 25 Catastrophe! Part II. 27 April, 2006. 26 J.B. Bury. History of the Later Roman Empire. (New York: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. 1923). 27 Christine A. Smith. Plague in the Ancient World: A Study from Thucydides to Justinian. 1997. 28 April, 2006. 28 Miguel A. Faria, Jr., MD. Medical History - Plagues & Epidemics. 2002. 28 April, 2006. 29 Abominations of Desolation. 28 April, 2006. 30 Roy Porter. The Black Death. 28 April, 2006. 31 Christine A. Smith. Plague in the Ancient World: A Study from Thucydides to Justinian. 1997. 28 April, 2006. 32 Catastrophe! Part II. 27 April, 2006. 33 Climate changes of 535-536. Wikipedia. 2006. 27 April, 2006. 34 Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman. Climate Change, Volcanoes, and Plagues - the New Tools of History. January 23, 2003. 27 April, 2006. 35 Brian Micklethwait. 535 AD. December 25, 2002. 28 April, 2006. William Sutherland is a published poet and writer. He is the author of three books, "Poetry, Prayers & Haiku" (1999), "Russian Spring" (2003) and "Aaliyah Remembered: Her Life & The Person behind the Mystique" (2005) and has been published in poetry anthologies around the world. He has been featured in "Who's Who in New Poets" (1996), "The International Who's Who in Poetry" (2004), and is a member of the "International Poetry Hall of Fame." Article Source: (Ad) Sacred Jewelry for any Occasion is an affiliate of Ka Gold Jewelry. All links and images below go directly to the secure Ka Gold website. If you have any questions, concerns, or need support, please contact webmaster. Why does David's authentic sacred jewelry sell so well during any season? People are looking for gifts that will truly show how much they love. Gifts that will stay forever and bring inspiration to the gift's receiver. There are not many gifts that really touch the heart the way David's jewelry does. The combination of beauty, ancient history, meaning and art is compelling. Go here to purchase. The Flower of Life can be found in all the major religions of the world. In Egypt, whose tradition many people believe is the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, you can find it in the ancient synagogues of the Galilee and in Mesada. Go here to learn more. The SriYantra Penadant: The structure of the SriYantra pendant is one that provides abundance, beauty, and balance between male and female and between spiritual and material. Yantra is a mystical hindu concept that describes a structure or diagram used to balance or focus the consciousness... Go here to learn more. The Golden Spiral pendant generates harmony and tranquility and is a symbol of natural beauty. The Golden spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the... Go here to learn more. The Seed of Life is a symbol for the days of creation. It is treated as a stage in the process of creation of the flower of life - a geometrical shape that symbolizes the whole universe. Go here to learn more. The Vesica Pisces is derived from the intersection of two circles, the Pythagorean "measure of the fish" that symbolizes the mystical intersection of the world of the divine with the world of matter, and correspondingly, the beginning of creation. Go here to learn more. The Tree of Life is one of the most familiar of the Sacred Geometry Symbols. The structure of the Tree of Life is connected to the sacred teachings of the Jewish Kabbalah but can be seen in other traditions as well, such as the ancient Egyptian tradition. Go here to learn more. The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and Fibonacci spiral. The Golden mean spiral is the secret proportion of beauty as it exists in nature. Go here to learn more. The Emerald Tablet bracelet contains the symbols of the ibis bird and the feather of Ma'at. The Ibis bird symbolizes Thoth, known as the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and the scriber of the words of the gods. The feather of Ma'at is the symbol of the goddess of justice, truth and harmony. Go here to learn more. The Nautilus pendant is based on the structure of the Nautilus shell. The Nautilus shell is one of the known shapes that represent the golden mean number. The golden mean number is also known as PHI - 1.6180339... The PHI is a number without an arithmetic solution... Go here to learn more. The Christ Consciousness pendant radiates a very high and subtle vibration and posseses excellent healing characteristics. It is called Christ consciousness because it looks like the human consciousness grid... Go here to learn more. The Mobius strip, also called the twisted cylinder, is a one-sided nonorientable surface obtained by cutting a closed band into a single strip, giving one of the two ends thus produced a half twist, and then reattaching the... Go here to learn more. The Shefa symbol was received in direct transmission from Archangel Metatron by Dvora Pearlman. It was received as a teacher and a tool to learn, to use and to connect with the... Go here to learn more. The Merkaba pendant symbolizes the flow of Prana energy (life force energy) in our body. By utilizing the ancient Prana breathing technique, we are able to restore the Prana flow through the pineal gland at the center of our brain. Go here to learn more. The Flower of Life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life. It consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in... Go here to learn more. The Christ Consciousness pendant is made from a combination of 2 platonic solid shapes - the dodecahedron (12 five sided facets) and the icosahedrons (20 triangles). The structure of the Christ Consciousness pendant creates the third level consciousness grid of the human race, which is an electro magnetic field that surrounds planet earth and... Go here to learn more. The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more. The Ka Bracelet contains elements from the emerald Tablets and the culture of ancient Egypt. A translation of the hieroglyphs engraved on the bracelet is: "Rise up and awaken, you are not dead, your Ka will remain within you for eternity." Go here to learn more. The Merkaba symbol is based on the Prana energy field and the aura field. It is one of the most powerful symbols in the world. The Merkaba also helps in our spiritual growth and the connection to the higher self. Go here to learn more. The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the mono-theistic religions, the "Flower of Life" can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. Go here to learn more. Personal Creation pendant contains the geometrical and mathematical patterns of creation itself as it can be found in nature. The Personal creation shape appeared in the year 1991 in Wessex, England, in a wheat field. Go here to learn more. The Golden Spiral structure represents two well known sacred geometry shapes: the golden mean (phi) spiral and the Fibonacci spiral. It is a based on a crop circle shape known as the "Hackpen Hill Formation" that formed in an English wheat field in 1999. Go here to learn more. The Gordian Knot pendant symbolizes the idea of unity which binds everything into one. The Gordian knot... Go here to learn more. The Abundance Ring Shefa is a word in Hebrew that literally means Abundance. This word, in its highest and most profound meaning, means a tool for creating abundance. It holds powerful kinetic energy, the kind of energy that when coupled with one's intent for the highest goodness and aligned with the Divine will, can move mountains or feed... Go here to learn more.