The knowledge and messages of the spirit to this material world of darkness must come out! We cannot ignore the vital importance of these messages not only as a presentation of powerful evidence and proof of survival after death on higher spheres, but also vital knowledge that this materialistic world of darkness, conflict and confusion desperately needs. Therefore I have uploaded one of the largest online collections of Leslie Flint recordings ever compiled originating from the early 1950s up until late 1980s. Because these recordings were made over 60, 50, 40 and 30 years ago and often on what would now be considered antique tape recorders, the quality of some of these recordings may be very poor, have much background noise and/or difficult to understand. In some cases, it would be best to use headphones.
Dr. Stephen Thomas Ward (October 19, 1912 - August 3, 1963) was an English osteopath who took his own life after being caught up in the "Profumo Scandal"
A well-known English osteopath, Dr. Stephen Ward took his own life on August 3rd, 1963 after being caught up in the British scandal, the "Profumo affair" and then sentenced to prison. Because he could not handle the unpleasant prospect of being incarcerated, he took his own life, which, of course is utterly tragic. However he managed to communicate in at least 40 Leslie Flint seances providing amazingly detailed, firsthand accounts (almost in the style of a news reporter!) of his new adventures in the afterlife, starting with a long emotional adjustment to what just happened and all the recent events, people, etc. that led to his death.
His acclimatization to and on-going exploration of the realms of the afterlife began with snooping around various places back on Earth, learning more about his tragic circumstances and how his former "friends" had hurt and/or abandoned him. He later reports on how wonderfully interesting his new life in an "astral realm" really is, starting with his new reception hotel room, recreation center, the amazing people he met there, his continuing incredible afterlife travels, and his interest in the advanced extraterrestrial civilizations.
Douglas Conacher was a London Publisher who passed in 1958. He began speaking to his wife, Eira through the direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint. At least 19 paranormal voice recordings were used to help compile the following book, Chapters of Experience. Even though it appears to be out of print, a few copies are sometimes available on
By Rudolph Valentino through the pen of Gwen Vaughn. Information recieved by Gwen Vaughn at seances held by Leslie Flint from 1962 to 1972. Rudolph Valentino communicated personally to her, many stories, opinions, and details about his life and experiences. A Tapestry of Life in Two Worlds is available in Kindle format on
This book presents highly convincing evidence amounting to proof for the existence of the afterlife. It shows that after investigating the evidence some of the most brilliant men and women scientists and others came to the conclusion that we all survive death. Go here to find out more: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife
Based on twenty-two years of research, this compelling and revelationary book contains spectacular eye-witness accounts of seance phenomena and dramatic communi- cations from several famous people, notably Sir Winston Churchill, from the spirit world. Fascinating information written by Robin P. Foy. Go here to find out more: In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship
For decades, Leslie Flint astounded the world as one of the most extraordinary direct voice mediums in history. Unlike trance mediums who channel spirits through their own vocal cords, Flint's seances produced independent spirit voices - disembodied yet unmistakably real - speaking aloud in darkened rooms as though from thin air. These voices, captured in thousands of recordings, conveyed messages from the departed with such clarity and personality that they left even the most skeptical listeners questioning the very nature of existence. Go here to find out more: Whispers from Beyond
Is there life after death? How can one be certain there is an afterlife? Why does mainstream academic science continue to reject the afterlife? Is there any real scientific proof or evidence that there is life after death? If so, what is the afterlife really like? It is extremely important to know all one can regarding the afterlife otherwise ignoring Spirit and remaining materialistically closed minded could have extremely negative consequences. The following subjects will be covered:
Materialistic Science Rejects the Afterlife as Being a "Fairy Story"
Here Are Four Scientifically Proven Out-of-Body Experiences
My Search for Truth and Personal Experiences from the Afterlife
Leslie Flint: An Inconvenient Truth for Christian Theologians and Skeptical Scientists
Leslie Flint's Impossible Powers: Why Did He Not Make Millions as a Parlor Trick Showman?
-- Forum Administration/Members Hate my Information!
Leslie's "Etheric" Guests Never Coughed or Sputtered
Messages From the Afterlife - How the Paranormal Voices Came Through
The Exciting Reality of it All
An Absolutely Natural, Complete and Profoundly Fulfilling Existence
The Colors Are Far More Vivid, Extensive and Varied
Eating and Sleeping in the Afterlife
Afterlife Interests, Skills and Hobbies
Lifestyles in the Afterlife
Why Some Souls Start Out Earthbound
Is There a Hell? Are There Negative Experiences in the Afterlife?
What Happens When One Abuses Power?
The Problem with Suicide
The Problem With Reincarnation (Not My Favorite Subject)
Climates and Geography of the Astral Spheres
The Beauty of Astral Nature and Spiritual Utopia
Communication With Animals and Singing in an Etheric Atmosphere
Astral Relationships, Sex, Reproduction, Families, and Astral "Old Age"
Illumination (Sun?) of the Astral World
The True Nature of Dark Matter
Does Time Exist in the Afterlife?
Can Distance be Measured in The Astral World?
Astral Travel (Projections)
The Right Conditions for Astral Projection to Occur
Various Forms of Projection: From Clairvoyance to Complete Immersion
Two Astral World Experiences I Really Enjoyed
Communication With Earth
Epilog: Only the Beginning
All This Information for Only . . .
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