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The Leslie Flint Recordings C-F

Unveiling the Spirit's Wisdom: A Collection of Leslie Flint Recordings

There's a growing interest in understanding the connection between the spirit world and our material reality. Many believe the spirit realm holds vital knowledge that can illuminate the darkness of conflict and confusion in our world.

This collection offers a unique opportunity to explore these ideas through the work of Leslie Flint. Here, you'll find one of the largest online compilations of his recordings, spanning the early 1950s to the late 1980s.

Please note: Due to the age of the recordings (made over 30-70 years ago on equipment considered antique today), some may have background noise or be difficult to understand at times. We recommend using headphones for the best listening experience.

Please support the Leslie Flint Educational Trust which originally provided hundreds of similar recordings.

Leslie Flint Recordings C-F

Camille Flammarion - recorded 1972 .mp3

Charles Dickens - recorded 5-29-1970 .mp3

Dr. Charles Marshall - Go To Section

Charles Morgan - recorded 1965 .mp3
Show/HideAfter dropping onto the pavement from a stroke, Charles found himself still standing against a fence. He noticed people standing around a body but they ignored him. The body was later picked up by an ambulance. He wondered what to do next and eventually walked back home! When he started walking up the steps to enter his house, he automatically placed his hand in his pocket to find his key, but instead could find neither pocket nor key! He was shocked to find himself wearing only a white, gauzy, material. Then he found himself in his own bedroom without having remembered how he got in there. When he put his hand out to try to get a suit from his wardrobe, he could not feel anything! After noticing everything else in his room did not feel solid or real either, he came to the conclusion he must be dreaming, however, he was still able to sit down in his chair somehow. Then he lay back on his bed hoping to wake up from his "dream" only to find himself in the company of a young beautifully dressed-up version of his late mother imposing on his thoughts while reassuring him everything will be alright. She fully manifested herself to him in the room and they converesed for quite some time.

Eventually, she held his hand and, like Peter Pan, they floated through the ceiling and out into the air above the chimney tops, toward the harbor, and then out over the English Channel and above France. As they ascended higher, they entered the clouds and toward an intense golden glow on the horizon which condensed into a vast countryside with trees, hedges, bushes, fields, and houses with a golden glow. As they descended, all the colors became brighter and they landed in front of a beautiful country house (resembling their family home inside and out) in a garden setting with a profusion of all varieties of flowers. His father was there to greet him while sitting in his favorite (velvet) chair, followed by a long discussion (in front of an actual fire in a fireplace!) of life, death, spiritualism, and what just happened. When Charles stood in front of the old family mirror, he was amazed at how young and well-suited he looked. He is now a school teacher teaching youngsters what really matters.

Charles Richet - recording date unknown .mp3

Charles Stewart Parnell - recorded 1966 .mp3

Charlotte Bronte #1- recorded ?-?-197? .mp3

Charlotte Bronte #2 - recorded 4-5-1973 .mp3

Chinese man - (Possibly Confucius, LaoTse) ?-?-1959 .mp3

Chinese man - (Possibly Confucius, LaoTse) 7-30-1959 .mp3

Cook Sisters - Go To Section

Cosmo Gordon Lang - Archbishop of Canterbury - Go To Section

Dame Ellen Alice Terry (Actress) - recorded 1965 .mp3

David - recorded 1960 - Part 1 .mp3

David - recorded 1966 - Part 2 .mp3

David Browning - recorded 10-10-1973 .mp3

David Cattanach - recorded 1979 .mp3

Dean Inge - recorded 1960 .mp3

Dennis Scott - recorded 1958 .mp3

Rev. Dick Shephaerd - recorded 9-13-1965 .mp3

Rev. Drayton Thomas - recorded 1956 .mp3

Dr. Doherty - recorded 3-1-1965 .mp3

Dorcas - recorded 1964 .mp3

Douglas Conacher - Go To Section

E. H. Britain - recorded 10-18-1966 .mp3

Emma Cons - recorded 1966 .mp3

Emma Cons - recorded 1966 .mp3

Elizabeth Barret Robert Browning - recorded 1969 .mp3

Elizabeth Fry - recorded 1962 .mp3

Elizabeth Garret Anderson - recorded 1968 .mp3

Ena Churchill - recorded 1974 .mp3

Estelle Roberts - recorded 1972 .mp3

Dai Evans - recorded 1964 .mp3

Rev. Featherstone - recorded 1954 .mp3

Florence Ziegfeld - recorded 3-5-1954 .mp3

St. Francis of Assisi - recorded 2-15-1963 .mp3

St. Francis of Assisi - recorded 2-18-1963 .mp3

Dr. Franke - recorded 1964 .mp3

Frederic Chopin - Go To Section

Frederic Chopin and Rosie Creet - recorded 1959 .mp3

Frederick Olsen - recorded 1967 .mp3

Please support the Leslie Flint Educational Trust which originally provided hundreds of similar recordings.

Voices in the Dark - Autobiography of Leslie Flint Voices in the Dark: My Life as a Medium

Two Worlds Publishing Co. 2000 Edition (Now available directly from the Leslie Flint Educational Trust)

Voices in the Dark - Autobiography of Leslie Flint Psychic Press 1988 Edition (Available at Amazon.com)

Voices in the Dark - Autobiography of Leslie Flint Macmillan Co. 1971 1st Edition (Available at Amazon.com)

Learn more about Leslie Flint's extraordinary life as a rare direct-voice medium. His remarkable autobiography, Voices in the Dark: My Life as a Medium is available at Amazon.com and directly from the Leslie Flint Educational Trust.

Chapters of Experience - Douglas Conacher Chapters of Experience by Douglas Conacher

Douglas Conacher was a London Publisher who passed in 1958. He began speaking to his wife, Eira through the direct voice mediumship of Leslie Flint. At least 19 paranormal voice recordings were used to help compile the following book, Chapters of Experience. Even though it appears to be out of print, a few copies are sometimes available on Amazon.com.

A Tapestry of Life in Two Worlds - by Gwen Vaughan A Tapestry of Life in Two Worlds - Gwen Vaughan

By Rudolph Valentino through the pen of Gwen Vaughn. Information recieved by Gwen Vaughn at seances held by Leslie Flint from 1962 to 1972. Rudolph Valentino communicated personally to her, many stories, opinions, and details about his life and experiences. A Tapestry of Life in Two Worlds is available in Kindle format on Amazon.com.

A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife - Victor Zammit A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife

This book presents highly convincing evidence amounting to proof for the existence of the afterlife. It shows that after investigating the evidence some of the most brilliant men and women scientists and others came to the conclusion that we all survive death. Go here to find out more: A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife

In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship written by Robin P. Foy In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship

Based on twenty-two years of research, this compelling and revelationary book contains spectacular eye-witness accounts of seance phenomena and dramatic communi- cations from several famous people, notably Sir Winston Churchill, from the spirit world. Fascinating information written by Robin P. Foy. Go here to find out more: In Pursuit of Physical Mediumship

The Scientifically Proven Reality of Life After Death The Scientifically Proven Reality of Life After Death

The Mystery of the Afterlife

What happens after we die? Is there an afterlife? These are enduring questions for humanity. Many find comfort in the idea of an afterlife, but mainstream science focuses on the physical world, leaving questions about the afterlife beyond traditional scientific inquiry. Despite the lack of scientific consensus, the afterlife remains deeply significant for many. This exploration will discuss:

Arguments for and against the existence of an afterlife

Religious and academic beliefs about life after death

Personal accounts, such as near-death experiences

Exploration of the realms of the afterlife

By delving into these perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of the mysteries surrounding the afterlife. While a definitive answer may remain elusive for those not familiar with spiritualism, the search itself can be a valuable part of a meaningful life. Additionally, the independent voice of British medium Leslie Flint has provided proof and details regarding an afterlife through his recordings, which could offer more insight than other mediums. We will explore the following subjects:

Materialistic Science Rejects the Afterlife as Being a "Fairy Story" -- Here Are Four Scientifically Proven Out-of-Body Experiences -- My Search for Truth and Personal Experiences from the Afterlife -- Leslie Flint: An Inconvenient Truth for Christian Theologians and Skeptical Scientists -- Leslie Flint's Impossible Powers: Why Did He Not Make Millions as a Parlor Trick Showman? -- BadPsychics.com Forum Administration/Members Hate my Information! -- Leslie's "Etheric" Guests Never Coughed or Sputtered -- Messages From the Afterlife - How the Paranormal Voices Came Through -- The Exciting Reality of it All -- An Absolutely Natural, Complete and Profoundly Fulfilling Existence -- The Colors Are Far More Vivid, Extensive and Varied -- Eating and Sleeping in the Afterlife -- Afterlife Interests, Skills and Hobbies -- Lifestyles in the Afterlife -- Why Some Souls Start Out Earthbound -- Is There a Hell? Are There Negative Experiences in the Afterlife? -- What Happens When One Abuses Power? -- The Problem with Suicide -- The Problem With Reincarnation (Not My Favorite Subject) -- Climates and Geography of the Astral Spheres -- The Beauty of Astral Nature and Spiritual Utopia -- Communication With Animals and Singing in an Etheric Atmosphere -- Astral Relationships, Sex, Reproduction, Families, and Astral "Old Age" -- Illumination (Sun?) of the Astral World -- The True Nature of Dark Matter -- Does Time Exist in the Afterlife? -- Can Distance be Measured in The Astral World? -- Astral Travel (Projections) -- The Right Conditions for Astral Projection to Occur -- Various Forms of Projection: From Clairvoyance to Complete Immersion -- Two Astral World Experiences I Really Enjoyed -- Communication With Earth -- Epilog: Only the Beginning

GO HERE to discover more about the afterlife and to purchase eBook.

If you have any questions, concerns, or need support, please contact webmaster or leave a note at my FB group, Realms of the Afterlife.

  Please SUPPORT the Leslie Flint Educational Trust at LeslieFlint.com which is the offcial, orginal source of all of Leslie Flint's recordings, books, articles, photos, etc.

Who is Leslie Flint?Recordings ArchiveArticlesFlint SpeaksBooksPhotosYouTube

*Disclaimer: This material is NOT intended for individuals under 18 years of age. Every web page does contain various affiliate offers that if purchased could financially benefit the author. All information presented on these pages is NOT meant to be a substitute for professional help, competent medical advice or treatment. -- Learn more about the author and his websites: Science of Wholeness and Whole Joy -- Copyright © Russell Symonds 2023 - Back to Top (Menu)